Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all today. There’s an exciting healing energy I want to share with you that comes directly from Archangel Raphael. It’s a powerful green light that can bring deep healing to your body, mind, and spirit. Raphael is known as the archangel of healing, and working…
Understanding the Super Blue Moon and Archangel Haniel
What is a Super Blue Moon and what is its spiritual meaning? Hello, lovely friends! A Super Blue Moon is a rare celestial event that holds powerful spiritual meaning. It occurs when there are two full moons in one calendar month and the second full moon coincides with a lunar perigee, meaning the moon is…
Best Essential Oils for Archangel Raguel?
Lovely friends, this is Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master. I’m so glad you’re here and interested in learning all about Archangel Raguel! He is such a powerful and important angel to call on for transforming conflicts, restoring balance and bringing justice to relationships or challenging situations. His divine light specialized in harmony and…
Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Raguel?
Hello, lovely friends! I’m so excited to connect with you all today and share some insight on working with the powerful Archangel Raguel. He’s the angel who helps restore harmony and balance in relationships and situations. When we invoke Raguel’s presence, he brings his divine light to heal conflicts and guide us toward peaceful resolutions….
Is Archangel Raphael in the Bible?
Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all today on the topic of Archangel Raphael and his presence in the Bible. As spiritual intuitives and lightworkers, it’s so important that we ground our understanding in ancient wisdom and scripture. My goal is to provide clarity on Raphael’s role, while empowering you on…
Archangel Michael – Protection, Cord Cutting, and Letting Go of the Past
Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all today around the profoundly powerful Archangel Michael. He is truly one of the most revered and celebrated angels, known for his incredible strength, courage, and ability to help us cut cords, find protection, and let go of what no longer serves us. In this…
Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Nathaniel
Hello, lovely friends! I’m so delighted to be sharing with you today about the solar crystals and gemstones that connect us to the radiant energies of Archangel Nathaniel. Working with crystals is such a beautiful way to strengthen our bond with the archangels and anchor their gifts more tangibly into our lives. In this article,…
Best Essential Oils for Archangel Nathaniel
Hello, lovely friends! I hope this message finds you wrapped in warmth and positivity. As we journey together through the pages of this blog, I’m thrilled to share insights, stories, and little nuggets of wisdom that I hope will sprinkle some joy and understanding into your day. Let’s dive in and explore the wonders that…
Who is Archangel Nathaniel?
Lovely friends, I’m so happy to share this guide to the magnificent Archangel Nathaniel with you today. As a Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master, I work closely with the angelic realm, and Nathaniel is one of the most nurturing, wise beings of light I’ve encountered. His emerald green energy fills me with hope and creative…