How do you sense the presence of an angel?

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Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all today on the topic of sensing angels. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we all have the innate ability to connect with the angelic realm, if we learn how to tune in. Angels are always ready to guide, protect and uplift us – we just have to open our awareness to feel their presence.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common ways people sense angels, so you can start strengthening your own angelic connections. Let’s dive in!

What are the main signs that angels are near?

There are many diverse signs that angels use to let us know they are close by. Here are some of the most common:

  • Seeing feathers – Feathers showing up in unexpected places, especially white feathers, are a classic sign that angels are communicating with you. Keep an eye out after praying or asking for angelic guidance.
  • Number sequences – Noticing repeating number patterns like 111, 444, 666 etc. can signify angels sending you messages or validation. These are called ‘angel numbers’.
  • Tingling sensations – Feeling tingling on your skin, head or hands is a common sign that healing energy is being channeled through you. This often happens when connecting with angels.
  • Smelling fragrance – Flowers, perfume, candles – angels often communicate using pleasant aromas. Pay attention to scents that seem to appear from nowhere.
  • Hearing messages – Hearing your name called, a song lyric, inspiration or guidance is one way angels reach out. This may sound distant or come as a thought.
  • Flickering lights – Seeing lamps, bulbs or electronics flickering is said to be a sign of angels making their presence known in the physical realm.
  • Synchronistic events – When seemingly meaningful coincidences pile up, it’s a sign you’re aligned with your angels. They orchestrate serendipity.

How do you know if an angel is with you?

There are a few key ways you can confidently sense that an angelic being is by your side:

  • A strong feeling of being loved, protected and at peace. Angels radiate pure unconditional love. In their presence, most people feel safe, comforted and like everything will be ok.
  • Goosebumps, chills or tingling on your skin and the back of your neck. This tends to happen as angels draw near to send you healing energy.
  • Uplifted emotions even if circumstances are difficult. If you suddenly feel hope, optimism or joy despite challenges, an angel may be influencing you.
  • Guiding thoughts or ideas that come through strongly and seem to answer your prayers or provide a solution. Angels send direct guidance.
  • Flashes of inspiration about your life path, soul purpose and highest good. Angels help reveal your true potential.
  • A sense of not being alone, even when physically by yourself. Feeling accompanied by an invisible, benevolent presence points to angels.

What’s the best way to invite angels into your life?

If you want to start cultivating stronger connections with angels, here are some tips:

  • Ask for angelic help – Simply praying and requesting their divine intervention is all it takes. They can’t interfere without being asked.
  • Clear your space – Angels energy vibrates high, so cleansing your home and ritual areas makes it easier for them to enter.
  • Open up – Being receptive and believing in angelic assistance allows more divine guidance to come through you.
  • Express gratitude – Thanking the angels out loud after receiving signs or messages encourages more to come your way.
  • Meditate – Quieting your mind through meditation makes you more sensitive to angels’ subtle presence and guidance.
  • Make space – Designate a special spot for connecting with your angels, with items like flowers, candles and angelic images.

The angels are waiting patiently for all of us to notice and invite them in. As you start paying attention, you’ll be amazed how much angelic guidance surrounds you daily. Open your heart and mind, and let the messages flow!

How do you know if an angel is warning you about something?

Angels often send warnings and guidance to help keep us safe and headed in the right direction. Some ways to know if an angel is cautioning you include:

  • You experience an urgent gut feeling or intuition about a situation or person. This inner ‘knowing’ can be the voice of your angels.
  • Repeating number sequences (like 333 or 555) show up frequently, signaling it’s time to stop, look around, pray and listen to inner guidance.
  • You have a vivid, warning dream or nightmare regarding a particular choice or path. Dreams are a channel angels use.
  • You notice more obstacles arising, making a direction forward difficult. Angels can gently block or stall certain paths.
  • A clear red flag or warning sign emerges that gives you pause. Angel often highlight or emphasize these.
  • You encounter sudden disruption or diversions stopping you from proceeding. Angels course-correct this way.
  • A trusted friend or mentor directly warns you about a decision. Angels speak through people.
  • You experience doubt, unease and hesitation regarding a path forward. Angels can instill these to get our attention.

The key is learning to listen to – and act upon – the subtle intuitive hits and hunches you receive each day. That inner guidance is your angels steering you wisely. Stay alert for the ways they work to keep you safe and on track!

How can you be sure an angel is really communicating with you?

Since angels communicate indirectly and subtly, you may sometimes question if an angelic experience is real or just your imagination. Here’s how to tell:

  • The message has a loving, positive, uplifting tone, free from fear or negativity. This aligns with angels’ high vibration.
  • You receive clear, specific guidance or answers, beyond just vague impressions. Angels deliver meaning and purpose.
  • physical sign or occurrence coincides, confirming the message (a light flickering, feather appearing, etc.)
  • The message provides perfect timing and answers a long-held prayer or question. Divine timing is precise.
  • You feel a strong sense of truth and rightness in your gut. Angels resonate pure truth.
  • The message includes accurate details or information you have no logical way of knowing. Angels know all.
  • You feel peaceful, safe, comforted and loved after receiving the message. Angels emit pure, high vibration.
  • The message or guidance leads to a positive outcome by following it. Angels always assist.
  • You receive the same messages repeatedly through different channels. Angel consistency builds trust.

Stay open and learn the unique ways the angels speak to you. Declaring thanks out loud will assure they continue sharing their loving guidance!

How do you ask angels for help or guidance?

Asking your angels for assistance and guidance is simple. Here are a few tips:

  • Address them directly – “Dear angels, thank you for being with me and please help me with…”
  • Ask respectfully – Approach with humility, gratitude and as a request, not a demand.
  • Be specific – Share the details of your situation and the help you need. Angels respond better to specifics.
  • Listen – After asking, listen and pay attention to your intuition, thoughts, sensations and signs. This is how angels will reply.
  • Say thank you – Expressing gratitude afterwards ensures your angels know their message got through.
  • Watch for synchronicity – Odd coincidences, chance encounters and opportunities are angels’ doing.
  • Stay open to all possibilities – Angels’ help may come in unexpected forms. Look for their hand in everything.
  • Don’t give up – Persist with faith if answers don’t seem to come instantly. Angels operate on divine timing.
  • Meditation – You can always take time out of your day to connect with the angel energy.  My meditation channel can help

You have unlimited access to angelic assistance – they’re just waiting to be asked! Keep the connection going through daily prayer and conversation.

What are angel numbers and what do they mean?

Angel numbers are repeating number sequences like 111, 444, 555, etc. that carry meaning and guidance from your angels. Here are common angel numbers and meanings:

  • 111 – Manifestation, new beginnings, alignment
  • 222 – Balance, harmony, unity, keeping the faith
  • 333 – Ascended masters, trinity, encouragement
  • 444 – Angels are near, prayers answered, protection
  • 555 – Positive change and major life shifts ahead
  • 666 – Balance material and spiritual, transition
  • 777 – Luck, miracles and blessings are coming your way!
  • 888 – Infinity, abundance, new financial opportunities
  • 999 – Completion of a life chapter, preparing for new
  • 000 – Divine support and guidance is with you

Angel numbers generally serve as a sign your angels are with you and listening to your prayers. When you notice a sequence frequently, it’s a nudge to tune in and decipher the meaning angels are communicating for your situation.

Read all about Angel Numbers

How do you know if angels are sending you warning signs?

Angels lovingly send us warning signs to steer us back on our right path or away from danger. Some telltale signs angels are cautioning you include:

  • You suddenly feel an urgent gut feeling or knot in your stomach about a choice
  • trusted friend or elder directly warns you about your path
  • You have a vivid dream warning you away from something specific
  • You notice more roadblocks, obstacles or delays cropping up
  • Meaningful reminders from your past urge you to pivot or pause
  • You see a notable increase in angel numbers like 333, 555, 666 – signs to stop and listen
  • You experience doubt, confusion or hesitation about moving forward
  • You have an epiphany that reveals a different, better direction
  • wake up call event occurs cautioning you to rethink your way
  • Repetitive negative thoughts won’t leave you regarding your path

Your angels will persistence if you’re not heeding the initial warning signs. Stay alert for their divine guidance, even if it temporarily challenges you – the angels are steering you towards peace and purpose.

Why is it important to pay attention to signs from angels?

Being aware of signs from your angels is important for several reasons:

  • It confirms you’re on the right path and they’re with you when needed. Seeing angel signs boosts faith and self-confidence.
  • Noticing the signs develops your intuition. You become more sensitive to each communication attempt.
  • Heeding the guidance helps you avoid pitfalls and costly mistakes. Angels warn of potential dangers ahead.
  • You’re able to make wiser decisions by interpreting the meaning behind each sign.
  • Feeling the angelic presence gives you peace, hope and courage to keep going during hard times.
  • It deepens your spiritual connection with the Divine and reminds you are never alone.
  • Strengthens your trust in the angel’s unconditional love and assistance.
  • Keeps you aligned with your soul purpose as angels steer you towards your highest good.

Make conversing with your angels through signs an ongoing spiritual practice. Their divine guidance will steer you well!


In summary, angels have diverse ways of making their presence known – we just have to learn how to tune in to their subtle language. Signs like seeing feathers, noticing number sequences, feeling tingling sensations, hearing encouraging messages inwardly, finding coins and having vivid dreams are all commonly reported ways angels reach out.

As you open yourself up to communication from the angelic realm, your intuition will strengthen and you’ll gain clarity on your life path. Connecting with angels takes an open mind and heart, along with gratitude. The more you invite their presence into your daily life, the more you’ll perceive their miraculous guidance all around you. Stay alert and aware – the angels are waiting to assist you!

Key Takeaways

  • Angel signs to look for include feathers, numbers, tingling, fragrances, flickering lights, music and inner guidance.
  • Feelings of peace, tingling, uplifted emotions and soothing thoughts indicate an angelic presence.
  • Asking for help, cleansing your space, being receptive and expressing gratitude invites angels in.
  • Warning signs include gut feelings, vivid dreams, obstacles, disruptions and red flags.
  • Angel numbers like 111, 333 and 555 are messages from angels.
  • Stay alert to angel warnings and guidance – they are steering you towards peace and purpose.

How to Sense the Presence of Angels – Summary

Signs of Angels Ways to Invite Angels In Angel Numbers
Feathers Ask for help 111 – New beginnings
Number sequences Clear your space 222 – Harmony
Tingling sensations Be open 333 – Ascended masters
Fragrances Express gratitude 444 – Angels are near
Flickering lights Meditate 555 – Positive change
Messages Designate an angel space 666 – Spiritual transition
Synchronistic events 777 – Luck and miracles
Feelings of peace 888 – Abundance
Uplifted emotions 999 – Completion
Guiding thoughts 000 – Divine guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out who my guardian angel is?

You can find out your guardian angel’s name through prayer, meditation and asking for signs and direct guidance. Be open and patient for messages revealing their name. It may take time and come subtly through numbers, visions, senses or inner knowing.

What language do angels speak?

Angels are believed to communicate through a universal language of energy, signs, symbols, emotions, visions and thoughts rather than a spoken language. They can impress ideas directly upon your consciousness.

How to contact your guardian angel?

You can contact your guardian angel through prayer, meditation, asking questions and being receptive to signs and inner guidance. Setting a designated space and time to quiet your mind and connect with your angel is recommended.

How many guardian angels do we have?

Many spiritual traditions believe each person is assigned at least one guardian angel at birth who remains with them for life. Some believe we each have a main overarching guardian plus additional angels who help guide different areas of our life.

Do angels give you signs?

Yes, angels are believed to frequently give signs to convey guidance, reassurance and warnings. Common angel signs include seeing repetitive number sequences, finding feathers, hearing meaningful songs/lyrics, seeing flickering lights, and having premonition dreams.

How many angels does a person have?

In addition to at least one guardian angel, most spiritual traditions believe that multiple angels work together to support, protect and guide each person. The exact number is not definitive, though certain angels are said to specialize in different life areas.

What is the angel with all the eyes?

The angel with eyes covering their body is typically thought to be the angel Metatron. Metatron is associated with overseeing our spiritual ascension path and acts as a celestial scribe recording events. The many eyes symbolize Metatron’s omniscience and ability to see/track all.

How many types of angels are there?

There are said to be seven main archangels, plus four additional archangels in some faiths. Beyond this, there are believed to be many different types or “choirs” of angels who serve different purposes, such as guardian angels, messenger angels, warrior angels, cherubim angels, seraphim and more.

What is the meaning of angel in real life?

In everyday modern usage, the word angel refers to someone who provides selfless help, brings positive change, spreads light during darkness, or serves as a heavenly messenger or protector. Angels symbolize benevolence, divinity, and spiritual guidance.

How do you sense the presence of an angel?

You may sense the presence of angels through seeing repetitive number sequences or finding feathers, hearing encouraging inner thoughts or intuition, noticing signs and synchronicities, feeling sudden peace, joy or tingling sensations, and having vivid dreams and inner urges to take positive action.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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