7 Signs That You are Channeling Messages From the Universe

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7 Signs That You Are Channeling Messages from the Universe - Lisa Beachy

Hello friends! I wanted to talk to you all about something important. Channeling. Are you noticing signs, symbols, and synchronicities happening in your life lately? Do you ever feel like the universe is trying to send you messages? If so, you’re not alone, and it’s definitely not just your imagination. The truth is, we live in an intricate web of divine guidance, and learning how to tap into it can be life changing. The universe is always communicating in subtle ways, and becoming aware of the messages allows us to align more fully with our highest path. So pay attention to the signals all around you, trust your intuition, follow the breadcrumbs, and know that you are always supported, guided, and loved on your journey. In this article, I want to share the main signs to look for so you can discover just how connected you really are to the mystical forces of the cosmos. Get ready to start channeling universal wisdom!

7 Signs That You are Channeling Messages From the Universe

The universe is constantly trying to guide us by sending subtle signs and synchronicities. Being aware of these messages allows us to tune into divine guidance. Here are 7 signs you may be channeling universal wisdom:

1. Seeing Repeating Numbers and Patterns

When you suddenly start noticing the same numbers or patterns repeating in your life, it’s likely more than just coincidence. Numerically, sequences like 111, 222, 333, etc. are thought to be Angel Numbers, indicating you’re on track. Recurring numbers on the clock, addresses, bill payments can also be meaningful. Pay attention to patterns and trust it’s guidance.

What does it mean when you keep seeing the same numbers over and over again?

Seeing repeating numbers or number sequences is a common sign that you are receiving messages from the universe and your spirit guides. Numbers carry energy and meaning, so when you notice the same numbers popping up, it’s likely not just a coincidence. Here are some potential meanings of recurring number patterns:

  • 111 or 1111 – New beginnings, fresh starts, alignment, lightworking, wake up calls
  • 222 or 2222 – Balance, harmony, unity, keeping the faith
  • 333 or 3333 – Ascended masters and angels are with you, encouragement, creativity
  • 444 or 4444 – Angels are surrounding you, invitation to pay attention
  • 555 or 5555 – Positive change and big happenings are imminent
  • 666 – Warning sign to reevaluate your life path and attachments
  • 777 or 7777 – Spiritual awakening, mystical experiences, destined path
  • 888 or 8888 – Abundance, prosperity, aligned with infinite source
  • 999 or 9999 – Completion of a life phase, transition, end of cycle

Pay attention to what you are thinking about when you notice the numbers. It may reveal the area in your life where these meanings apply. The numbers are a reminder from the universe to have faith in your path.

2. Heightened Intuition and Psychic Abilities

If your intuition seems hyper-activated with useful premonitions, or your psychic abilities are enhanced, this signals you’re tuning into universal energies more. Record intuitive hits and synchronicities. Change plans if your gut says so. Your inner compass contains messages.

3. Feeling Drawn to Certain People or Places

When you feel an unexplainable attraction or repulsion to someone, or a strong desire to visit somewhere unusual, don’t ignore it. These magnetic pulls often come from the universe gently nudging you toward important destinations or meetings. Follow where you’re drawn.

What does it mean when you think of someone randomly who you haven’t seen in a long time?

When you suddenly think of someone you haven’t seen in awhile, it could mean a few things spiritually:

  • You and this person are energetically connected, and they are trying to send you a message or telepathic communication. The universe brought them to your awareness because you need to receive their message.
  • They need your help in some way, or could benefit from your prayers and positive energy. Your intuition brought their essence to your mind because you are being guided to reach out.
  • You share some karma that needs to be balanced or a lesson that needs to be learned together. Reconnecting would help resolve something from your past.
  • They are going through a significant life transition, and your inner being is picking up on this shift in their energy. Your intuition tells you to contact them at this time.
  • You are meant to come together again to fulfill some part of your soul’s purpose. Rekindling the relationship would be of benefit to you both.
  • The nature of your connection needs to be re-evaluated at this point in your lives. This person has been on your mind because the dynamic requires closure or renewal.
  • You are about to encounter synchronistic reminders of this person like their name, song, location, etc. Your energy fields are primed for reconnection in the physical realm.

So in summary, sudden thoughts of someone are a sign your energies are intertwined on some level, and revisiting the connection would have spiritual benefit for you both. Pay attention to any intuitive nudges guiding you to reach out.

4. Receiving Messages During Meditation

Meditation helps align us with divine truth. If you receive clear words, visions, repeating symbols, or feel sensations while meditating, it likely contains guidance. Pay attention to messages received, even if the meaning isn’t yet understood. The universe speaks through meditation.

How do you know if you have any claircognizant abilities?

Claircognizance means “clear knowing” and it refers to the psychic ability to simply know things intuitively without any logical explanation. Here are some signs you may be claircognizant:

  • You often just “know” things about people without being told – like their name, their life story, their true personality. The information comes to you intuitively.
  • You regularly receive clear messages, words, or factual downloads from your spirit guides. They pop unprompted into your awareness.
  • Facts, numbers, trivia, or vocabulary randomly comes to you throughout the day. The obscure information just drops into your mind spontaneously.
  • You have a really accurate read on situations or people’s intentions without observable evidence. You can just tell if someone is lying for instance.
  • You experience premonitions about the future that end up happening just as you intuited. You simply knew what was going to occur.
  • You get intuitive hits that turn out to be spot on when you follow up on research or evidence. The knowing led you to confirmation.
  • You have really lucid, specific dreams full of names, dates, details that reveal new information to you. Your subconscious directly downloads data.
  • Your mental imagery is extremely vivid. You can recreate complex scenes, designs, faces, and textures in your mind.
  • Synchronicities happen frequently – like thinking of someone right before they call or knowing who’s calling before you answer.

What does it mean when you feel a sudden shift in energy in your body?

Feeling a sudden, noticeable shift in your energy is usually a sign you are picking up on a change in the energetic environment around you. Here are some common meanings:

  • Someone entered your auric field or personal space. You may naturally feel more drained or uneasy.
  • You are in a location with dense or stagnant energy. It may feel hard to breathe or think clearly.
  • You passed through a beneficial energy vortex. This can feel uplifting, tingly, or deeply peaceful.
  • You received an influx of divine energy and healing from spirit guides or angels. You may sense warmth, lightness, or intense positivity.
  • A challenging astrological transit just occurred or is starting. The planetary energies affect your mood and energy.
  • You experienced an energetic release as your body-mind healed or let go of old traumas. Relief, clarity, and realignment may follow.
  • You unlocked a new level of your soul gifts or psychic abilities. This shift often feels electrifying or paradigm-shifting.
  • You shed limiting beliefs, contracts, or cords tying you to challenging relationships. Feelings of expansion, liberation and lightness may occur.
  • You passed a test or leveled up on your spiritual journey. These milestones are accompanied by surges of high-vibe energy.

Sudden energy shifts are a sign you are very tuned in and sensitive to the subtle energies around you. Pay close attention to any guidance or intuition that arises as you adjust to the new frequencies.

5. Inspired to Take Action on Goals

Sometimes the universe sends motivating energy so we’ll take inspired action. If you feel a surge of passion, a lack of fear, and a burning desire to pursue a goal, that drive is from the universe saying: “It’s time to move forward.” Honor the call through action.

6. Problems Solved via Epiphanies

When solutions seem to come to you as suddenly downloaded packages of information, like lightbulb moments and epiphanies, this is really the universe channeling through you. Make sure to act on these genius ideas and a-ha realizations.

7. Seeing Meaningful Symbols and Signs

The universe tailors messages through symbols just for you. Seeing hawks after asking for a sign, triple digits on the clock when thinking of someone, or rainbows in an unexpected place are all hellos from the universe using your personal language. Follow the symbols.

What causes déjà vu and what does it mean spiritually?

Déjà vu is the unsettling feeling you’ve experienced something before when you absolutely haven’t in this lifetime. While mainstream science explains it away as just a brain glitch, spiritually it tends to signal:

  • You’re on the right path and fulfilling soul purposes from a past life. Familiarity during déjà vu means your soul takes comfort in this work.
  • A glimpse at the blueprint for this lifetime. During pre-birth planning, our souls preview key events and lessons to come. Déjà vu serves as confirmation you are adhering to soul agreements.
  • An energy shift or opening of a portal. Increased déjà vu may signify you’ve entered a more energetically aligned space and time where synchronicities flourish.
  • A sign from your spirit guides and helpers. Déjà vu immediately gets your attention, and guides use it to confirm their presence and steer you toward certain people/places/events.
  • Your higher self is merging more with your current identity. As your sense of self expands, memories and talents from past incarnations spontaneously arise.
  • You are receiving healing from traumatic events that occurred in other lifetimes but still emotionally imprint you. Déjà vu signals release of residual stagnant energies around past suffering.
  • Some foreshadowing of what’s to come. Especially when déjà vu centers around specific people or locations you’ve never been, it may be a glimpse into the near future.

Overall déjà vu implies you are expanding into new levels of spiritual perception. Pay close attention to any guidance that unfolds in those déjà vu moments.

How can you tell the difference between your intuition and wishful thinking?

Distinguishing intuition from wishful thinking requires self-awareness, honesty, and practice. Here are some tips:

  • Examine your motives – Wishful thinking may stem from attachment to a specific outcome. Intuition comes from a neutral place of inner wisdom.
  • Pay attention to physical cues – Intuition often comes with physical sensations like chills, goosebumps, warmth in the chest. Wishful thinking tends to originate only in the mind.
  • Notice the clarity – Intuitive insights tend to feel clear, specific and grounded. Wishful thinking can be vague or unrealistic.
  • Look at the timing – Intuitions arise spontaneously. Wishful thinking may surface only when you are thinking about a certain issue.
  • Watch for consistency – Genuine intuition will give you repeat messages over time pointing in the same direction. Wishful thinking can be sporadic or contradictory.
  • Check alignment with values – Intuition will not contradict your core values and principles. Wishful thinking may lack alignment with your spiritual beliefs.
  • Observe the outcome – Intuitive guidance leads to positive outcomes when acted upon. Wishful thinking often does not come to fruition.

The more you pay attention to the distinct felt sense of intuition vs. wishful mind chatter, the easier it becomes to discern the difference.


The more we tune into the guidance around us from numbers, intuition, sight, sound, and feelings, the more we realize how supported and guided we really are. Keep noticing signs, acting on inspiration, and trusting in synchronicity to become a clearer universal conduit. The messages are always there; we just have to listen.

Summary of Signs You Are Channeling Universal Messages

Sign Description
Repeating Numbers and Patterns Seeing angel numbers, number sequences, synchronistic patterns
Heightened Intuition Trusting your intuition, following gut feelings
Feeling Drawn to People or Places Following where you feel magnetically drawn
Messages During Meditation Listening to words, symbols, sensations during meditation
Inspired to Take Action Pursuing goals and dreams you feel inspired to achieve
Epiphanies Acting on sudden insights and downloaded ideas
Meaningful Symbols and Signs Noticing personalized signs and synchronicities

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of angel numbers or number sequences?

Some examples of commonly seen angel numbers that may signal universal messages include: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999, and repeated number patterns like 12:12, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 etc.

How do I know if my intuition is really guidance from the universe?

Pay attention to any gut feelings, inner knowings, or urgent senses that feel like more than just your imagination. Intuition often comes as a calm but strong pull or push. If your intuition feels unusually clear and persistent, trust it.

What should I do if I feel drawn to a certain person for unknown reasons?

Don’t ignore strong attraction or intrigue toward someone new. This magnetism likely means they have something important to teach or contribute to your life. Be open and follow where the connection leads through conversation and spending time together.

What are some examples of messages I might receive during meditation?

Symbols, words, scenes, sensations, repeated phrases, colors, and feelings are all ways the universe may communicate during meditation. Pay attention to anything that stands out as unusual or meaningful. Keep meditating to strengthen this channel.

How do I know when it’s really time to take action on a goal?

If you are suddenly motivated by a deep desire, vision, or passion that aligns with your core values but doesn’t stem from ego, it’s likely the universe inspiring you. Especially if fear no longer holds you back, it’s a sign to move.

Why does the universe send messages through symbols and signs?

Symbols are a personalized language from the universe tailored just for you. Specific animals, numbers, songs, sights, and scenarios are used because they hold meaning in your life. Notice any unusual symbols and interpret them intuitively.

How can I tune in better to universal guidance?

Meditating, journaling, spending time in nature, releasing ego, following inspiration, and paying attention to everything happening in the present moment will all help you become a stronger receiver of guidance. Stay open and aware.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy