Attract Abundance NOW

Published by lisabeachy on

abundance, law of attraction, manifestation, prosperity, wealth, money, finances, spiritual growth, personal development, meditation, mindfulness, spiritual practices, visualization, affirmations, mindset, scarcity, limiting beliefs, self-love, self-worth, gratitude, giving, receiving, career, passion

Hello, my abundant friends! It’s me, Lisa, your friendly spiritual guide and manifesting mentor. I’m so glad you’re here! Abundance is our natural birthright – we just need to remove the blocks and align with our highest selves to claim it.

I know the journey isn’t always easy though. I’ve had my own struggles with money and feelings of scarcity in the past before waking up to my true unlimited potential. But with consistent spiritual practices, mindset shifts, and inspired action, I’ve attracted more wealth, happiness and freedom than I ever imagined possible.

And I want to support you in doing the same! My goal is to empower you to manifest your most abundant life yet. You deserve it! Money is just energy, and when we release our limitations around it, we allow that energy to flow freely to us.

Together, we’ll tap into the infinite wellspring of prosperity within you. I’ll share everything I’ve learned and apply my intuitive gifts to guide you. Leaning into your spiritual wisdom is the key. You already have everything you need inside.

Get ready to breakthrough to a whole new level of abundance! There are no limits except the ones we impose on ourselves. Dream big beautiful friend. You are so loved, supported and worthy.

So let’s jump into commonly asked questions.  Make SURE to read to the end and save my meditation in YouTube to Attract Abundance NOW – Connect with Your Higher Self to do often.

How can I get into the right mindset to attract abundance?

Shifting into an abundant mindset is the critical first step. Release any self-limiting beliefs about money or a scarcity mentality. Know that you are worthy and deserving of abundance. Set clear intentions and affirmations around manifesting wealth and prosperity. Visualize your future abundant self. Feel gratitude for all that you already have. Your mindset creates your reality, so make sure it is geared for abundance.

What spiritual practices best help attract abundance?

Meditation and mindfulness allow us to tap into higher states of consciousness where manifestation can occur more powerfully. Daily meditation brings us presence and peace. Visualization during meditation plants the seeds we wish to grow. Chanting mantras and affirmations reinforces our abundant desires. Keeping a gratitude journal shifts energy away from lack and towards prosperity. Spending time in nature connects us to our spiritual essence and intuitive wisdom. Set up a sacred altar to focus intentions.

How does the law of attraction work?

The law of attraction states that we attract into our lives whatever we focus our energy and attention on. Like attracts like. If we fixate on lack, we manifest more lack. If we focus on prosperity, we draw that to us. Our dominant thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. To leverage the law of attraction, consciously focus only on abundance, take aligned action, and release any resistance or doubt. Maintain positive expectancy that your desires are on their way to you.

What keeps me stuck in a scarcity or lack mindset?

Fear and doubt are the biggest blocks to abundance. We may subconsciously feel undeserving, fear the unknown, or worry about losing money. Negative self-talk keeps our energy low and prevents us from taking inspired action. Comparing ourselves to others leads to feelings of scarcity. Old programming around money and limited beliefs also hamper us. Judgement and envy towards rich people creates inner resistance. Examining and shifting our mindset is key.

How can I expand my capacity to give and receive abundance?

Abundance is all about flow and circulation. The more we give, the more we receive in return. Look for opportunities to give to others – your time, donations, guidance, compassion. Allow yourself to generously receive from the universe as well. Release stuck energy around money through cleansing rituals like smudging. Spend time reflecting on prosperity consciousness. Avoid attachment or greed. Stay open and receptive to infinite blessings. Say yes more!

What daily habits can I implement to attract wealth?

Affirmations, visualization, and meditation are powerful daily routines. Create vision boards and place them where you will see them often. Avoid negative media or conversations about money. Help others to foster an energy exchange. Express gratitude and praise money for what it can provide. Use prosperity gemstones like citrine and pyrite to anchor in wealth energy. Move your body with joy and confidence. Monitor your thoughts routinely and shift them to abundance.

How do I maintain faith during setbacks on my path to abundance?

Challenges and setbacks will happen but do not lose hope. View them as opportunities for spiritual growth and learning. Remind yourself that this too shall pass. Rely on spiritual practices like prayer, meditation and mantras to stay grounded in faith that you are supported. Avoid negative self-talk and instead patiently affirm your abundant future is coming. Do something kind for someone else. Listen to your intuition over fear-based doubt. Stay the course knowing your dreams will manifest.

What is the connection between self-love and financial abundance?

When our cup is full with self-love, self-approval, and self-worth, abundance naturally flows to us. Focus on believing you deserve wealth and happiness. Commit to filling your own needs first before giving energy away. Release shame, guilt or unworthiness around money and success. Heal your inner child and past programming through therapy or other modalities. Shine your unique gifts and talents without apology. Know your value and claim your worth. Self-love attracts abundant self-care.

How can I turn my passion into an abundant career or calling?

Your passions contain clues about your soul’s purpose and how you can be of service in the world. Reflect on what skills, talents and dreams most excite you. Research ways you could monetize doing what you love, then test ideas out. Start small with intention to learn and improve. Invest in your gifts with coaching or courses. Connect with others already thriving in your area of interest. Trust that following your joy will allow abundance to unfold naturally.

Make SURE to read to the end and save my meditation in YouTube to Attract Abundance NOW – Connect with Your Higher Self to do often.

In Summary

Manifesting true abundant prosperity requires self-reflection, spiritual alignment, and dedicated mindset shifts. Maintaining unwavering faith in your deservedness, valuing your unique offerings, and embracing your worthiness are foundational. Daily spiritual practices keep you energetically tuned to abundance while releasing blocks rooted in fear or comparison. Stay centred in gratitude, give generously from your overflow, and take aligned action. You have unlimited potential to create financial freedom and thrive. Believe in yourself and the infinite blessings heading your way now!

Topic Summary
Mindset Release scarcity mentality and believe you are worthy of abundance. Use affirmations, visualization, gratitude.
Spiritual Practices Meditation, visualization, chanting, altar, time in nature help manifest desires.
Law of Attraction Focus only on prosperity and take aligned action. Like attracts like.
Overcoming Lack Examine and release fears, doubts, negative self-talk holding you back.
Giving and Receiving Generously give to others and allow yourself to receive blessings.
Daily Habits Affirmations, meditation, vision boards, help, monitor thoughts.
Faith Challenges help you grow. Stay grounded in faith through spiritual practices.
Self-Love Fill your cup first. Know your worth and value. This attracts abundance.
Passion Follow your joy and turn your passions into an abundant offering.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of prosperity affirmations I can use?

Some effective affirmations for prosperity include:

  • I am open and receptive to abundant blessings.
  • Wealth and riches flow to me effortlessly.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • My income increases every day.
  • I am financially free to live my purpose.

Repeat these statements with intention to shift your mindset into alignment with abundance.

How much time should I devote to spiritual practices each day?

Aim for 15-20 minutes of meditation in the morning to set your intentions, plus brief positive visualizations and affirmations throughout your day. Keep a gratitude journal in the evenings. But do not put pressure on yourself or get attached to a rigid schedule. Even 5-10 minutes of intentional practice helps over time.

What is the fastest way to shift into an abundance mindset?

The quickest way is to start monitoring your thoughts routinely. Notice when any scarcity, fear or doubt arise, and immediately counter those thoughts with positive affirmations of your worthiness to receive. Also make genuine gratitude a daily habit, thanking the universe in advance for your blessings.

How can I turn my hobby into an abundant career?

Start by getting very clear on your unique talents and skills related to your hobby. Research to see if others are monetizing something similar successfully. Set small goals like creating social media content, building a following, and testing ideas. Seek knowledgeable mentors and don’t be afraid to invest in your gifts. Most importantly, infuse it with passion and heart-centred energy.

What should I do when I start doubting my ability to manifest abundance?

Doubt and fear are normal. Remind yourself calmly that your desires have already been set into motion in the quantum field. Return to spiritual practices like meditation, prayer or chanting mantras to release the fear and realign with truth. Also lean on spiritual teachers or communities for inspiration when you waiver. Stay motivated by your vision of your abundant future.

How can I maintain abundance when I achieve it?

The key is to avoid attachment and continue flowing energy. Build a solid spiritual practice routine to stay aligned, as well as a mindfulness habit of monitoring your thoughts routinely. Continue giving generously from a place of overflowing gratitude. Make wise investments and savings decisions. See money as energy meant to be circulated for good, not hoarded or wasted. Live below your means.

What tangible actions can I take to attract abundance right now?

  • Create a vision board with images and affirmations of your abundant future
  • Establish a consistent prosperity focused meditation practice, even if short
  • Surround yourself with abundance cues like crystals, vision boards and affirmations
  • Give sincere gratitude daily for all blessings received
  • Take small steps to monetize your passions and talents
  • Let go of limiting beliefs through journaling, therapy or other inner work

Manifesting true abundant prosperity requires self-reflection, spiritual alignment, and dedicated mindset shifts. Maintaining unwavering faith in your deservedness, valuing your unique offerings, and embracing your worthiness are foundational. Daily spiritual practices keep you energetically tuned to abundance while releasing blocks rooted in fear or comparison. Stay centred in gratitude, give generously from your overflow, and take aligned action. You have unlimited potential to create financial freedom and thrive. Believe in yourself and the infinite blessings heading your way now!

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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