Abundance, Angels, and the Law of Attraction

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Abundance, Angels, and the Law of Attraction - Lisa Beachy

Learn about manifesting abundance through the law of attraction and with help from abundance angels. Discover what it means to live an abundant mindset, attract prosperity, recognize angel signs, and make a deeper spiritual connection. This article covers the law of attraction principles, angel roles and signs, tips to manifest more abundance, and how to turn failures into future successes.

What is the law of attraction and how does it work?

The law of attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. The basic idea is that our thoughts determine our reality. By focusing on positive thoughts, people can attract positive experiences, and vice versa.

According to the law of attraction, thoughts have energy and vibrations that attract matching energy back from the universe. Much like a magnet, whatever energy a person gives out is what they attract back. This happens through a three step process:

  1. Ask – Make a clear intention of what you want to manifest
  2. Believe – Develop a belief it is possible and that you deserve it
  3. Receive – Remain open to receiving it when it comes to you

The law of attraction manifests through the power of the mind. By intentionally directing your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards what you want, you enable the universe to bring it into existence.

What does it mean to live in abundance?

Living in abundance means having a mindset and lifestyle of recognizing that there is plenty for everyone. It is the belief that there are unlimited resources and possibilities available to us.

Some key aspects of living in abundance include:

  • Gratitude – Being thankful for what you already have. This energy attracts more good things.
  • Generosity – Giving freely and sharing with others. This circulates abundance.
  • Openness – Remaining open to receiving from multiple sources in surprising ways.
  • Positive focus – Focusing thoughts on prosperity, not lack or limitation. This manifests more abundance.
  • Self-worth – Knowing you are worthy and deserving of an abundant life. This energy attracts more good.
  • Contentment – Feeling content with what you have rather than constant needs and wants. This reduces attachment which enables abundance to flow.

Living in abundance is as much about appreciating the abundance you already have as it is attracting more of it. It’s a mindset shift from lack and scarcity to faith in unlimited supply and generosity.

What are angels and what is their role in spirituality?

Angels are non-physical celestial beings believed to have been created by God to serve as messengers and assist human beings on Earth. They are mentioned throughout the Abrahamic religions as spiritual beings carrying out tasks or missions for God.

Some of the key roles angels play in spirituality include:

  • Guidance – Providing wisdom, insights, intuition, and messages to help guide people’s lives in accordance with God’s will.
  • Protection – Safeguarding people from harm, evil, or disaster. Guardian angels offer constant protection.
  • Healing – Bringing healing energy and blessings to cure illnesses or provide comfort through difficult times.
  • Inspiration – Sparking creative ideas, motivation, and divine inspiration to pursue new ventures or spiritual truth.
  • Miracles – Facilitating miracles or improbable occurrences when least expected.
  • Prayer delivery – Carrying prayers from people up to heaven.
  • Messengers – Delivering important messages on God’s behalf and serving as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth.
  • Spiritual warfare – Fighting demonic forces of evil and ensuring victory of divine forces.

Angels are seen as the helpers and protectors from God who minister to people spiritually and promote goodness and virtue in the world.

How can someone use the law of attraction to attract more abundance?

Here are some tips to use the law of attraction to attract more abundance:

  • Focus your thoughts and energy on abundance – Spend time visualizing, affirming, and feeling what it would be like to have abundance in your life. Envision this as already existing in the present.
  • Cultivate an abundance mindset – Avoid scarcity thinking. Be grateful for what you have now. See resources as unlimited.
  • Set clear intentions – Define your desired manifestations in positive, specific detail. This gives the universe a clearer idea of what to send your way.
  • Let go of attachment to how/when – Don’t obsess over specific channels or timelines. Trust that your intention will manifest in the best way.
  • Take inspired action – Follow intuitive nudges that move you toward your intentions. Actively prepare for incoming abundance.
  • Affirm positive beliefs – Reinforce empowering beliefs about deserving abundance through affirmations and mantras.
  • Express gratitude – Give thanks for all signs of abundance already present. This attracts more good things.
  • Circulate generosity – Give freely of your time, love, talents, and resources. This maintains the flow of abundance.
  • Stay in positive vibration – Consistently think positive thoughts, avoid negative people, and engage in uplifting activities.
  • Have patience and trust – Allow time for manifestations to unfold. Have faith the universe is working behind the scenes.

How can someone use angels to help attract more abundance?

Here are some ways to call upon angels to help attract more abundance:

  • Ask for signs – Pray to your angels and request specific signs indicating their presence and guidance toward abundance. This builds belief and connection.
  • Request prosperity guidance – Ask the angels to reveal ideas, resources, or connections that will open new abundant opportunities.
  • Affirm angelic support – Affirm statements like “My angels are guiding me to abundant prosperity.” This invokes their assistance.
  • Meditate with angels – During meditation, visualize meeting your angels and have them infuse you with abundant energies.
  • Study angel numbers – Notice recurring number patterns that may signal abundance is coming, like 555 or 777. Angels communicate through signs like these.
  • Express gratitude – Thank your angels out loud for their prosperity blessings and guidance toward your abundant life.
  • Release fears to angels – Confess fears around lack or scarcity to your angels and ask them to lift these energies from you.
  • Ask for inner wisdom – Request angels reveal any limiting beliefs blocking your abundance so you can release them.
  • Chant abundance invocations – Chant angelic invocations asking for miracles of unexpected income sources.
  • Make abundance altars – Create altars with candles, crystals, and angel statues to amplify intentions.
  • Trust in divine timing – Have faith in the angels’ divine timing. The perfect abundance may still be unfolding behind the scenes.

What are some signs that angels are with you and hearing your prayers?

Here are some common signs angels may send to indicate they are with you and hearing your prayers:

  • Feather signs – Finding white feathers in unexpected places or seeing feathers float by you.
  • Number sequences – Noticing repetitive number patterns like 111, 444, 555 repeatedly during the day.
  • Rainbow sightings – Frequent rainbows appearing at serendipitous moments. Rainbows are natural angel signs.
  • Coincidences – Having strangely coincidental and synchronistic experiences that seem divinely guided.
  • Tingling sensations – Feeling tingles, chills, or goosebumps as physical confirmation of an angelic presence.
  • Fragrant scents – Smelling flowers or incense out of nowhere. These angelic aromas signify angels are near.
  • Whispers or nudges – Hearing an inner voice guiding you or feeling inner nudges encouraging specific actions.
  • Flickering lights – Lights blinking, flickering, or surging electricity unexpectedly. It’s a sign from angels manipulating energy.
  • Angelic music – Hearing instrumental or choir music when no source is visible. Angelic reminders they hear you.
  • Feeling emotions – Having intense unexplained emotions such as joy, comfort, inner peace. Angels transmit these.
  • Divine intervention – Having miraculous coincidences thwart danger or provide aid in desperate times. Clear angelic intervention.

What are the steps someone can take to be more open to signs from angels?

Here are some steps to become more open to receiving signs from angels:

  1. Ask for signs – Make a sincere request for your angels to send you clear signs, guidance, and validation of their presence. This focuses intention.
  2. Pay attention – Increase awareness of subtle signs and sensations around you. Angels communicate in soft whispers, not loud declarations.
  3. Watch for patterns – Notice if signs start repeating in noticeable sequences, like specific numbers or flickering lights. Patterns indicate intentional validation from angels.
  4. Express gratitude – Each time you notice a potential sign say “Thank you angels!” This positive energy invites more communication from them.
  5. Consider timing – Reflect on whether signs relate to something you just prayed about or seem perfectly timed to offer comfort, wisdom, or inspiration. Divine timing indicates angelic source.
  6. Maintain faith – Even if some signs are just coincidence, remain open minded that angels could be communicating. Skepticism blocks receptivity.
  7. Request guidance – Ask angels to reveal the meaning behind signs so you can interpret the messages correctly rather than guessing.
  8. Keep a journal – Record unusual signs, impressions, and how you felt. Over time patterns will emerge that confirm angelic presences.
  9. Talk to your angels – Chat to the angels as you go about your day. This builds a closer, more personal relationship.
  10. Stay grateful – Express regular appreciation for any divine guidance you notice from angels. Seeing more signs depends on being grateful for the ones already received.

How can someone live a more spiritual life and connect with angels?

Here are some ways to live a more spiritual life and connect with angels:

  • Spend time in nature – The beauty and energy of nature facilitates spiritual connection. Angels speak through the sounds and scenery.
  • Adopt rituals – Light candles, recite mantras, keep crystals or appreciate sacred symbols to access a ritual mindset. This invites the spiritual realms.
  • Pray and meditate – Talking and listening to the divine realms strengthens your connection. Prayer is speaking, meditation is listening.
  • Express gratitude – Thank angels and the universe for what you have. Gratitude amplifies blessings on all levels.
  • Perform acts of kindness – Service, compassion and generosity create ripples through the universe that circulate back to uplift you.
  • Read spiritual books – Writings by mystics, sages and spiritual leaders dispense great wisdom to lift your vibration.
  • Chant and sing – Sound vibrations from chanting and singing purify energy and summon divine beings including angels.
  • Ask for guidance – Pray to the angels and your highest self for inner wisdom and direction to make positive choices.
  • Trust your intuition – Listen to inner nudges which are often messages from your soul and guides, including angels guiding you.
  • Study symbols – Learn the meaning of sacred geometry, colors, animals, herbs to know how the divine communicates through symbols.

How can someone turn angel manifestations failures into future successes using the law of attraction?

If manifestations using angels don’t transpire as desired, here are some ways to turn those into future successes using the law of attraction:

  • Find the lesson – Reflect on what you were meant to learn from this outcome. There is always a lesson contained within any perceived failure. Learning it empowers better creations ahead.
  • Adjust energy and beliefs – Examine your vibration and beliefs around the intention. Any negative or conflicting energies within would have blocked the manifestation. Release them.
  • Clarify the intention – Reassess the specificity, details, timing and sincerity of your intention. Unclear requests yield unfocused results. State future intentions clearly.
  • Trust divine timing – Remember the divine has impeccable timing. The perfect conditions were not yet in place. The right manifestation is still enroute.
  • Express gratitude – Thank the angels and universe for their unseen efforts on your behalf. Gratitude for what you do have attracts more of what you desire.
  • Visualize anew – Return to visualizing and feeling what it is like to have your desire manifested. Adding positive energy restarts momentum.
  • Increase commitment – Evaluate how much you need and want your intention. Lukewarm interest nets lukewarm results. Raise your commitment level.
  • Take inspired action – Ask angels and intuition for inner guidance to new constructive actions that will help pave the way for manifestations to now succeed.
  • Release attachment – Let go of controlling precisely how and when the manifestation unfolds. Trying to force outcomes blocks energy flow. Trust there are better ways.
  • Maintain faith – Keep faith that the angels heard your request and are now better positioned to grant your manifestation according to divine will in perfect timing.


The law of attraction, along with help from angels, can profoundly impact your life by enabling you to manifest more of what you desire. By focusing your thoughts on abundance, expressing gratitude, asking for angelic guidance, and paying attention to the signs you receive, you allow divine energy to send more prosperity and joy your way. Adjust your beliefs and energy to be receptive to this support from the universe and your angels. With an open and faithful mindset, you permit beautiful synchronicities to unfold.

Here is a summary table of the key information in the article followed by an FAQ with schema markup:

Topic Key Points
Law of Attraction – Focus thoughts to attract matching energy
– 3 steps: Ask, Believe, Receive
– Manifest through mind power
Abundance Mindset – Gratitude, generosity, openness
– Positive focus, self-worth, contentment
Angels – Guide, protect, heal, inspire
– Deliver prayers, fight evil
Manifesting Abundance – Visualize, set intentions, take action
– Release attachment, circulate generosity
Angel Signs – Feathers, numbers, rainbows
– Chills, scents, flickering lights
Spiritual Connection – Nature, rituals, meditation, service
Turning Failures Into Successes – Find the lesson, adjust energy
– Re-clarify, trust timing, visualize anew

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest first step to connecting with angels?

The easiest first step is to simply start talking to your angels. Say hello when you wake up and chat with them throughout the day. Share your concerns, ask for small signs of reassurance, and say thank you for any small blessings or coincidences you notice during daily life. This begins building a rapport.

How long does it take for manifestations to show up using the law of attraction?

There is no definitive timeframe as it depends on many factors. Keep taking positive action while maintaining faith and detachment from precisely how and when the manifestation unfolds. Avoid looking for proof or evidence. Staying centered in gratitude speeds the process.

Can the law of attraction manifest specific people and events?

While you can use the law of attraction to invite relationships and events, avoid violating someone else’s free will. It’s better to manifest the feelings you expect to have so the right situation that honors everyone manifests. Allow the universe to orchestrate the ideal timing and form.

How can someone stay positive when facing scarcity and challenges?

Focus on areas of your life where abundance still exists – blessings of health, family, nature’s beauty, or acts of kindness. Express gratitude for what you have rather than what you lack. Affirm “Brighter days are coming.” Imagine how good it will feel when the challenge is overcome.

Why doesn’t the law of attraction work for many people?

If using the law of attraction hasn’t manifested desired results, common issues are resisting signs of progress, not taking inspired action, giving up too soon, harboring hidden negative beliefs and vibes about deserving abundance, or holding expectations about precisely how it should come. Release limitations and align completely with your vision.

Can angels perform miracles and bend reality?

While angels have extraordinary spiritual powers and technology beyond human comprehension, they serve in alignment with divine will. They will not suspend natural laws, impose upon human free will or dramatically manipulate reality without extremely good reason. Angels work in subtle yet powerful ways within spiritual principles and soul contracts.

How can someone discern between real intuition versus mind chatter?

Intuition comes as a gentle inner sensation of just knowing, accompanied by feelings of peace, alignment and possibility. Mind chatter is a noisy revolving of mental thoughts, disempowering judgments and notions of fear or limitation. With practice you can discern true inner guidance from ordinary thoughts and act accordingly with faith..

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy


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