Reiki Energy Healing with the Angels

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Reiki Energy Healing with the Angels- Lisa Beachy

Hello, lovely friends! I am Lisa Beachy, spiritual intuitive and Reiki master. I’m so glad you’re here! In this article, we’ll dive into some of the top questions people ask about Reiki energy healing and how the angels support this profound work. Reiki provides deep relaxation, accelerates healing, releases blocks, and raises your vibration through the power of universal energy. When performed by a trained practitioner, Reiki can help you reclaim your health and wholeness on all levels. The angels offer their healing wisdom and loving support during Reiki sessions to amplify the benefits. Read on to learn more about this beautiful way to care for your whole being – body, mind and spirit.

What is Reiki energy healing and how does it work?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It involves the transfer of universal energy from the Reiki practitioner to the recipient to promote healing and wellness. The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words: “rei” meaning universal and “ki” meaning life force energy.

In a Reiki session, the practitioner channels Reiki energy by placing their hands lightly on or just above the recipient’s body. The energy flows through the practitioner and is guided to where it is needed most in the recipient’s energy field. The practitioner acts as a conduit for the energy, allowing it to flow through them and into the recipient.

Reiki energy is believed to come from a universal source and is not based on the Reiki practitioner’s own energy. Practitioners undergo training to learn how to access and channel this universal healing energy. It is thought that by breaking up energy blockages and restoring balance to the energy body, Reiki supports the body’s natural healing abilities.

Reiki is holistic in its approach, working on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. A Reiki session can induce deep relaxation, release stress and tension, speed healing, and promote a greater sense of wellbeing.

How do the angels work with Reiki energy healing?

The angels are believed to work closely with Reiki energy healing. In fact, Reiki originated from a spiritual experience that Dr. Mikao Usui had involving angelic beings.

According to Reiki teachings, the angels help guide Reiki energy during a session. They may assist the practitioner in diagnosing energy blockages and directing the flow of healing energy where it needs to go in the recipient’s energy field.

The angels are said to add their energy to amplify the Reiki energy during a session. Their high-frequency, loving energy infuses the Reiki energy with healing wisdom and divine guidance. This makes the Reiki healing even more powerful and effective.

Reiki practitioners will often invoke specific angels at the beginning of a session to help with the healing. Angels like Archangel Raphael and Michael are associated with healing energy and can be called upon to help.

Angels can also provide guidance and messages to the Reiki practitioner for the recipient regarding the cause of energy blockages or imbalances and how to restore harmony on all levels.

What are the benefits of Reiki energy healing?

There are many potential benefits of Reiki energy healing, including:

  • Deep relaxation and reduced stress
  • Relief from anxiety and depression
  • Reduced pain and improved sleep
  • Accelerated healing from injuries or surgery
  • Improved digestion and reduced side effects of medications/therapies
  • Increased energy levels and reduced fatigue
  • Emotional balance and inner peace
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Greater spiritual awareness and insight
  • Release of negative emotions and thought patterns
  • Increased intuition and creativity
  • Improved blood pressure and circulation
  • Hormonal balance
  • Overall sense of wellbeing and vitality

Reiki works holistically, helping to restore balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Regular sessions can help promote better health and quality of life.

How do you prepare for a Reiki energy healing session?

Here are some tips for preparing for a Reiki energy healing session:

  • Hydrate well – Being well-hydrated allows energy to flow more easily in the body. Drink plenty of water before and after your session.
  • Avoid alcohol/drugs – These substances can interfere with your ability to fully receive the Reiki energy healing. Refrain from alcohol or recreational drugs for at least 24 hours prior.
  • Wear comfortable clothing – Loose, soft clothing allows for positions during Reiki. Avoid restrictive belts, tight pants, or scarves around the neck.
  • Have an intention or focus – Setting an intention or focus like “relief from back pain” or “emotional balance” can help direct the Reiki energy.
  • Open yourself energetically – Reiki flows freely when your energy is open. Take some deep breaths to relax, release stress, and be willing to fully receive.
  • Clear your schedule after – Give yourself at least an hour after your Reiki session with no appointments, calls or tasks. This allows you to integrate the energy and benefits.
  • Bring a journal – Writing down any insights, physical sensations or emotions after your session can help process the experience.
  • Trust your practitioner – The Reiki will flow to wherever it needs to heal or balance energy. Trust your practitioner to guide the energy for your highest good.

Proper preparation allows you to be fully present and get the most out of your Reiki energy healing session.

What can I expect during a Reiki energy healing treatment?

Here is a general overview of what you can expect during a Reiki energy healing session:

  • Intake – The Reiki practitioner will discuss your goals, health history and any focus areas for the treatment.
  • Positioning – You will lie down (or sit/stand) in comfortable positions so the practitioner can easily access your energy field.
  • Hand placements – The practitioner will place their hands lightly on or just above different parts of your body to direct Reiki energy.
  • Sensations – You may feel heat, coolness, tingling, pulsing or other subtle sensations where the practitioner’s hands are. This is the Reiki energy flowing.
  • Relaxation – Most people feel very relaxed and may even fall asleep during the treatment as healing occurs.
  • Music/aromatherapy – Soft music and aromatherapy are sometimes used to enhance relaxation.
  • Session length – Sessions can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on your needs.
  • Discussion – Your practitioner may discuss the session and any guidance they received for your healing process.
  • Hydration – Be sure to drink water to help flush out released toxins and integrate the energy.

The Reiki session allows the energy to flow wherever it needs to create balance and healing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

How often should you get Reiki energy healing treatments?

The frequency of Reiki energy healing treatments depends on your specific needs and goals. Here are some general guidelines on how often to get Reiki:

  • For general wellness – Many people receive Reiki monthly as “maintenance” to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and maintain energy balance.
  • For a specific health condition – Weekly or biweekly sessions are common when addressing issues like chronic pain, depression, recovery from illness/surgery or side effects of medication.
  • During an acute illness, trauma or crisis – More frequent treatments like 2-3 times per week can accelerate the healing process during challenging times. Daily treatments may help some people stabilize.
  • When starting Reiki – It’s common to receive 2-4 initial treatments spaced 7-10 days apart to introduce Reiki energy and begin a healing shift. Then, monthly sessions work for ongoing wellness.
  • Before/after medical procedures – Sessions the day before and after medical tests, surgery or therapies can help minimize anxiety, reduce side effects and quicken recovery time.
  • For personal or spiritual growth – Regular weekly or monthly sessions allow deeper purification and development on mental, emotional and spiritual levels over time.

Consider your intention for Reiki and discuss an appropriate treatment plan with your Reiki practitioner based on your individual needs and goals. The more often you receive Reiki, the deeper and more lasting the benefits.

What should you do after a Reiki session to get the most benefit?

Here are some recommendations for getting the most benefits from your Reiki energy healing session:

  • Rest – Take it easy and allow your body to integrate the energy. Nap or sleep if you feel inclined.
  • Hydrate – Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins released by the treatment.
  • Move gently – Take a brief walk, do some stretches or light yoga to encourage energy flow. Avoid strenuous activity.
  • Journal – Writing down your experience, insights and any guidance received can help process the session.
  • Eat lightly – Have a light, nutritious meal. Avoid heavy meats, greasy foods and alcohol which can disrupt the Reiki benefits.
  • Reflect – Notice any insights, openness to change or shifts you experience in your thinking and behavior in the days following.
  • Express gratitude – Thank your Reiki practitioner, the healing angels and Reiki energy for supporting your wellbeing.
  • Ground – Spend time in nature, meditate or do grounding visualizations to stay centered.
  • Avoid negative media – Limit stimulating input from TV, news, social media and draining people to preserve the Reiki calm.

Integrating your Reiki session fully allows you to anchor the benefits for positive change on all levels.

How do Reiki energy healers connect with angels during sessions?

Reiki energy healers connect with angels in various ways during healing sessions, including:

  • Invoking the angels – At the start of the session, the practitioner calls upon specific angels like Archangel Raphael and Michael to provide healing energy and guidance.
  • Visualization – The practitioner visualizes angels surrounding them and the recipient to amplify the Reiki energy’s power.
  • Angel Reiki symbols – Some forms of Reiki utilize sacred angel symbols that are drawn or visualized to invoke angelic beings.
  • Clairvoyance – Reiki practitioners with clairvoyant abilities may see angels present in the energy field directing the Reiki energy.
  • Angel oracle cards – Selecting relevant angel cards can help confirm the angels’ presence and reveal messages for the recipient.
  • Sensing energy – Experienced healers feel shifts in energy when angelic beings make contact and contribute their energy.
  • Channeling – Messages, visions or insights received during the session may come directly from the angels.
  • Gratitude – Thanking the angels after the treatment acknowledges their collaboration and solidifies the partnership.

Reiki healers welcome angelic aid during sessions to amplify healing, provide divine guidance, and fulfill the highest good for the recipient.

What role do Archangels play in Reiki healing?

Archangels are highly regarded in Reiki healing for their powerful ability to channel healing energy from the Divine Source. Here are the key roles Archangels play:

  • Protection – Archangel Michael offers protective energy around the space, practitioner and recipient for safety.
  • Cleansing – Archangel Metatron clears away negative or stagnant energies to allow full receptivity to healing.
  • Healing – Archangels Raphael and Gabriel transmit potent healing energy to areas of pain, disease or imbalance.
  • Guidance – Archangels help the practitioner identify root causes of energetic disturbances and where healing is most needed.
  • Empowerment – Archangels strengthen the recipient’s ability to maintain new frequencies of balance and wellbeing.
  • Harmony – Archangel Chamuel brings peaceful energy to promote harmony of the mind, body and emotions.
  • Life purpose – Archangels reveal insights about the recipient’s spiritual gifts and life path.
  • Release of fears – Archangel Michael dissolves fears in the recipient’s energy field to allow manifestation of goals.
  • Angelic light – Archangels infuse the recipient’s energy field with divine vibrations of love, joy and inner tranquility.

Archangels amplify all aspects of Reiki healing with their limitless compassion, wisdom and power. Their presence ensures a profound transformation guided by spiritual forces.


Reiki energy healing provides powerful holistic benefits when performed by a trained practitioner. The angels add their healing wisdom and divine light to accelerate the benefits. By opening yourself fully to receive the energies, you can experience deep relaxation, release of negativity, renewed vitality, and spiritual growth. Regular sessions allow you to maintain balance and continue your healing journey on all levels. Reiki connects you to your inner wholeness so your highest potential can shine through.


Topic Key Points
What is Reiki? – Energy healing practice originating in Japan
– Involves a practitioner channeling universal life force energy to recipient
– Holistic approach working on physical, mental, emotional, spiritual levels
Benefits of Reiki – Stress relief
– Pain relief
– Emotional balance
– Accelerated healing
– Deep relaxation
– Increased energy and vitality
Angels and Reiki – Angels guide Reiki energy during sessions
– Amplify power of Reiki with their high-vibration energy
– Provide messages and guidance to practitioner
Preparing for Reiki – Hydrate
– Wear comfortable clothes
– Set intention or focus
– Open yourself energetically
– Clear schedule afterwards
During a Session – Practitioner places hands on or near body
– Subtle sensations of heat, tingling
– Deeply relaxing
– 30-90 minutes
After a Session – Rest and hydrate
– Move gently
– Journal
– Eat lightly
– Avoid negative media
Frequency of Reiki – Monthly for wellness
– Weekly/biweekly for health conditions
– 2-4 initial sessions spaced 7-10 days apart


What is Reiki energy healing?

Reiki is an energy healing practice that originated in Japan. It involves a Reiki practitioner channelling universal life force energy and transferring it to the recipient through light touch. This is believed to activate the body’s natural healing abilities and restore proper energy flow.

What happens during a Reiki session?

In a session, the client lies down fully clothed while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above different parts of the body. The client may feel subtle sensations of heat, tingling, pulsing where the practitioner’s hands are. The practitioner directs the flow of energy based on the client’s needs. Most people feel very relaxed and peaceful during a session.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki can induce deep relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, release negative emotions, increase energy levels and vitality, support spiritual growth, and more. It works holistically to balance the body and mind.

How do angels work with Reiki energy healing?

Angels are believed to guide Reiki energy during sessions, infusing it with their high-vibration, loving energy. This amplifies the power of the Reiki healing. Angels may assist the practitioner in diagnosing energy blockages and provide guidance.

How often should you get Reiki treatments?

For general wellness, monthly Reiki treatments are common. For addressing health conditions, weekly or biweekly sessions work well. When first starting with Reiki, 2-4 initial sessions spaced 7-10 days apart are recommended before continuing monthly.

How do you prepare for a Reiki session?

Preparation includes hydrating well, wearing loose, comfortable clothing, setting an intention or focus, clearing your schedule afterwards, and opening yourself to fully receive the beneficial energies.

What should you do after a Reiki session?

After a session, rest, hydrate, journal any insights, eat lightly, avoid strenuous activity, and take time to integrate the experience. This helps anchor the benefits. Expressing gratitude is also recommended.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Book a Psychic Angel Reading