Understanding the Super Blue Moon and Archangel Haniel

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What is a Super Blue Moon and what is its spiritual meaning?

Hello, lovely friends! A Super Blue Moon is a rare celestial event that holds powerful spiritual meaning. It occurs when there are two full moons in one calendar month and the second full moon coincides with a lunar perigee, meaning the moon is at its closest point to Earth.

This alignment magnifies the moon’s effects, creating a Supermoon that appears up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter. The moon also takes on a bluish hue when there is a second full moon in a month, hence the name Blue Moon.

Spiritually, Super Blue Moons represent a time of heightened intuition, inner reflection, and releasing of negative emotions or energy. The amplified lunar energies help us go deeper into our subconscious, bringing hidden truths to light. This is an optimal period for healing work, manifestation, and connecting with our higher self.

The archangel strongly associated with the moon is Archangel Haniel, whose name means “Grace of God.” She oversees the moon’s cycles and aids us in harnessing its power for spiritual growth. During Super Blue Moons, Haniel’s guidance can be especially potent. She brings a sense of inner peace, emotional healing, and helps us release attachments or patterns holding us back. By working with Haniel, we can fully align with the Super Blue Moon’s potential for awakening.

“Moonwatchers get an extra treat this month with a Blue Moon.

Blue Moon is typically defined as the third full moon in a season that has four full moons, although the term is sometimes also used to refer to a second full moon in a single month.

The Blue Moon will rise on the night of Aug. 30, at 9:35 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory, and will both a “Blue Moon” and a “supermoon” – not only is it the second full moon in a month, but the moon is as close to Earth as it gets and thus appears slightly larger and brighter than normal. On the same day the moon will make a close approach the planet Saturn. ”

Source – Space.com

How can I harness the energy of the Super Blue Moon spiritually?

The Super Blue Moon offers a valuable chance to align our energy and intentions. Here are some ways to make the most of this lunation spiritually:

  • Meditate by moonlight to open your third eye and enhance intuition. Imagine Haniel’s silver-blue light filling you.
  • Charge crystals like moonstone, selenite or clear quartz overnight under the Supermoon. These become potent aids for channeling its energy.
  • Create a moon altar with meaningful items like candles, shells, silver objects, and flowers. Use this sacred space to ground, reflect, and set goals.
  • Practice moon rituals like releasing negative emotions through burning sage or writing down and burying something you want to let go of. Ritual helps us physically manifest inner change.
  • Start a Super Blue Moon journal or vision board to clarify dreams, synchronicities, and spiritual insights during this time.
  • Spend time in nature under the Supermoon. Go for a mindful, meditative walk and observe how the moonlight makes you feel. Nature aligns us with the lunar energies.
  • Give your living space an energetic cleanse by clearing clutter, smudging with palo santo, and opening windows to invite in fresh energy. The Super Blue Moon supports renewal.

Harnessing this amplified lunar energy helps us align mind, body, and spirit. By being intentional, we can achieve greater insights and direct the Super Blue Moon’s power toward our highest path.

Here’s meditation to try for you:

What is the meaning and significance of Archangel Haniel?

Archangel Haniel is known as the “Joy and Grace of God” and she oversees the moon, creativity, emotions, and femininity. She is often depicted in silver and pale blue, holding a chalice and the full moon.

Haniel’s name comes from the Hebrew Hana’el, meaning “grace of God.” She is associated with the moon’s cycles, helping us nurture and harness our intuition, dreams, and inner wisdom.

As an archangel of the moon, Haniel rules over:

  • Emotions, emotional healing, and emotional intelligence
  • Femininity, divine feminine energy, and the sacred divine marriage between the masculine and feminine
  • Dreams, clairvoyance, and developing psychic abilities
  • Creativity, inspiration, and imagination
  • Inner peace, comfort, and fostering self-care
  • Releasing stress, negative attachments, or patterns
  • Going with the flow and embracing change

During full moons or moon rituals, invoking Haniel can help amplify and direct the moon’s already heightened energy for spiritual purposes. Her peaceful presence also guides us in finding harmony between the moon’s pull on our emotions.

Overall, Archangel Haniel aids spiritual growth by showing us how to embrace change, develop our intuition, manage emotions skillfully, and unlock the deep wisdom within. Call on her gentle, loving grace when you need support navigating inner landscapes influenced by the Moon.

What are the best crystals to work with during the Super Blue Moon?

Certain crystals have an energetic resonance that aligns powerfully with the Super Blue Moon’s amplified energies. Working with these stones during this lunar event can help center, ground, and harness the moon’s potent spiritual effects. Here are some of the best crystals for the Super Blue Moon:

  • Moonstone – Aligns directly with the Divine Feminine energy and psychic abilities. It stimulates intuition and emotional balance.
  • Selenite – Named for Selene, Greek goddess of the moon. It instills deep peace and spiritual awareness. Charging selenite under the moon magnifies its energy.
  • Clear Quartz – Amplifies energies of other stones. It fosters clarity, harmony, and focus under the Supermoon’s magnified influences.
  • Labradorite – Stimulates imagination, visioning, and manifestation abilities amplified by the Supermoon. It also protects against negativity.
  • Carnelian – Provides groundedness and stability amidst amplified emotions and intuitions of the Super Blue Moon. It gives courage.
  • Moldavite – Facilitates transformation, spiritual growth, and heightened awareness. It integrates cosmic revelations and synchronicities.
  • Obsidian – Grounds chaotic energy and helps shadow integration. It brings anything hidden to light under the potently revealing Supermoon.

Check out all of Haniel’s crystals in my Amazon Storefront page

Working with these and other crystals during this time provides an enlightening focal point for integrating the intense spiritual downloads coming in. They help anchor the Super Blue Moon’s effects into our beings and lives.

What moon phase is best for releasing negative energy and emotions?

The moon’s phases create different energetic contexts that make some periods more supportive than others for releasing and clearing negative energy. Generally, the waning moon phase (the 2 week period after the Full Moon) is optimal for release work:

  • During the Disseminating Moon Phase (in the week after the Full Moon), the moon’s light begins to recede. This phase supports releasing things, emotions, or habits that no longer serve our highest good.
  • The Last Quarter/Waning Half Moon Phase is also excellent for release work and letting go. We detach and begin wrapping up old projects or internal processes during this decline of the lunar cycle.
  • The Balsamic Moon Phase (the 3 days before the New Moon) is the very best time for release work. It represents the darkest point of the moon’s cycle. Now is the time to clear and prepare for the next lunar cycle beginning at the New Moon.

Releasing under the waning moon phase flows in harmony with the moon’s natural decline in light. We clear space for desired new beginnings seeded during the coming New Moon.

Some release practices to try during these phases:

  • Burning sage, palo santo or bay leaves to energetically cleanse
  • Journaling, automatic writing, or voice recordings to express emotions
  • Ceremonies releasing grief, anger, or limiting beliefs
  • Vision boards or rituals burying or destroying representations of unwanted energies
  • Affirmations declaring energetic freedom from the past

Conscious release work allows us to truly embody the dark moon’s energy of closing, purifying, and making room for growth.

What are some things I can put together to create a moon altar?

A moon altar is a beautiful way to connect with lunar energies. Here are some meaningful items you can arrange to create a sacred altar space:

  • Statues or Imagery of a Moon Goddess – Represent the Divine Feminine such as an image of Luna, Selene, Artemis, or other goddess depictions
  • Moonstone or Selenite – Moon-aligned crystals to amplify intuition and spirituality
  • Silver Candle and Holder – Represents the moon’s light amidst the darkness
  • Mirror – Reflects the moon’s cyclical phases and inner reflections
  • Flower Petals – Capture the essence of cyclical growth and rebirth
  • Shells – Connect to moon’s influences on water and flows/cycles of life
  • Tarot Cards or Rune Stones – Aid with intuitive readings and self-reflection
  • Moon Water – Water charged overnight under moonlight for energetic cleansing
  • Journal or Pen – For recording spiritual insights, synchronicities, dreams
  • Incense or Palo Santo – For cleansing and ritual work at the altar

Take time curating your moon altar, letting it call to you intuitively. Create an environment that speaks to your soul and feels like a sacred container for practicing moon rituals, meditations, and spiritual development under Luna’s light.

What moon rituals can I practice during the Super Blue Moon?

The Super Blue Moon’s amplified energy is perfect for harnessing in intentional moon rituals. Here are some ideas for spiritual practices:

  • Create a moon ritual bath by adding Epsom salts, essential oils, dried flowers, and moon-charged water. Soak under the Supermoon to amplify cleansing and relaxation.
  • Perform an earth grounding ritual like tree hugging, walking barefoot on the earth, or sitting against a tree. This anchors the intense energies into your body and psyche.
  • Charge your crystals and stones by placing them outside under the Supermoon overnight. Selenite, quartz, and moonstone are especially powerful.
  • Light white, silver, or blue candles during the Supermoon and focus on manifestation, intuition, emotional healing, inner wisdom.
  • Drink moon milk, a tonic made by blending milk, honey, spices, rose water, and moon-charged water. This nourishes body, mind and spirit.
  • Meditate on the Divine Feminine, your intuition, dreams, inner peace, or future goals by sitting under the moonlight.
  • Create a reflective moon gazing journal and record dreams, synchronicities, emotions, insights, and visions that arise over the next moon cycle.

Harness your own sacred feminine power by indulging your creativity and intuition when planning rituals to align with the Super Blue Moon’s magnified magic.

What are some tips for photographing or viewing the Super Blue Moon?

Here are some tips for viewing and photographing the spectacular Super Blue Moon:

  • Aim for open skylines without trees or buildings obstructing the view. Horizon landscapes work beautifully.
  • Moonrise and moonset are ideal times to capture the moon’s immense presence in photos. You may catch it juxtaposed beside notable landmarks.
  • Use a tripod for stabilizing and reducing blur from longer exposure times needed for moon photography.
  • Manual mode is best to adjust ISO, aperture, and exposure settings required for crisp moon images.
  • telephoto lens like 200mm maximizes details of the enlarged moon. Play with zooming in and out.
  • To properly expose the moon (not just a white blur), set ISO at 100 and decrease aperture while increasing shutter speed (e.g. f/8, 1/125s).
  • Include interesting foreground elements like trees, lakes, or structures to create scale and perspective.
  • HDR (high dynamic range) photography captures details of both the moon and dark surroundings.
  • Post-processing can increase vibrancy and reduce highlights or shadows blocking lunar features.
  • Observe how the moon appears closer to the horizon and larger due to an optical illusion. Notice bluish tones low on horizon.
  • Have fun and allow your unique creative perspective to shine! The Super Blue Moon is a rare, wondrous event to appreciate.

Key Takeaways

  • The Super Blue Moon is a powerful alignment, magnifying intuition and releasing what no longer serves us.
  • Archangel Haniel aids emotional healing and harnessing the moon’s spiritual energy.
  • Crystals like moonstone and selenite help integrate the Supermoon’s effects.
  • The waning moon phases are optimal times for ceremonial releases.
  • Create a moon altar with goddess imagery, candles, crystals, shells, and journal.
  • Perform moon rituals like moon baths, charging crystals, candle magic, and moon gazing.
  • Photograph the Supermoon rising or setting for a giant moon with landscape. Use a tripod and telephoto lens.


The rare Super Blue Moon offers a gift from the universe – a chance to align with heightened intuition, emotional wisdom, and our inner truth. By creating ceremonies, performing rituals, working with crystals and honoring lunar cycles, we can harness this cosmic energy for profound growth. Use Archangel Haniel’s gentle guidance to achieve greater peace and walk more closely with spirit by the light of the Moon. This magnificent lunar event provides a stepping stone on our enlightened path.

Understanding the Super Blue Moon and Archangel Haniel


Topic Key Points
What is a Super Blue Moon? – Rare alignment of 2 full moons in 1 month + lunar perigee (moon closest to Earth)
– Appears up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter
– Brings heightened intuition, reflection, releasing negativity
Archangel Haniel Angel of the moon, creativity, emotions, femininity
– Aids harnessing the moon’s spiritual energy for growth
– Brings emotional healing, inner peace
Best Crystals Moonstone, selenite, clear quartz, labradorite, carnelian, moldavite, obsidian
Releasing Negativity – Waning moon phases optimal after full moon
– New moon and balsamic moon especially powerful
Moon Altars – Statues, crystals, silver candle, mirror, flowers, shells, tarot cards, journal
Moon Rituals – Moon baths, charging crystals, candles, meditating, moon journaling
Photographing – Horizon landscapes, moonrise/set, telephoto lens, foreground elements, adjust exposure settings

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Blue Moon in astrology?

In astrology, a Blue Moon is the second full moon occurring in a single calendar month. It carries amplified emotional and intuitive energies compared to a normal full moon. Astrologically, blue moons are ideal times for inner reflection, enhancing intuition, releasing negativity, and bringing unconscious patterns or truths to light. The moon’s effects on emotions and dreams are heightened.

Will a blue moon turn blue in August 2023?

No, a blue moon does not actually look blue. The term refers to it being the second full moon in a given month, not the moon’s color. It will keep its normal lunar white or yellowish hue. The name comes from the phrase “once in a blue moon” meaning rare. However, when photographed low on the horizon, blue moons can take on a blueish tinge due to the way light filters through the atmosphere.

What does a supermoon look like in 2023?

In 2023, the supermoons will appear around 7% larger and 15% brighter than an average full moon. The difference is subtle to the naked eye but can be captured well with cameras and telescopes. The best way to observe the amplified size and brightness is to catch the supermoon rising close to the horizon for comparison with landscape objects. The low angle near the horizon makes the moon look even larger than when high overhead due to an optical illusion.

What time does the Blue Moon Rise?

The exact moonrise time depends on your location, but the blue moon will rise in the east around sunset. To determine the moonrise time in your area, check a moonrise/moonset calculator and enter your city. For the August 2023 blue moon, moonrise will be between 6:30-8:30pm for most U.S. time zones, giving a beautiful view around dusk. For the best sight, find an unobstructed eastern horizon.

How often does a Blue Moon occur?

A Blue Moon happens only about once every 2 to 3 years on average. For it to occur, there must be 4 full moons within a single season containing 3 calendar months, with two of those full moons falling in the same month. This aligns the moon’s phases with our calendar in just the right way to produce a Blue Moon. That’s why they are considered special astronomical events. The next one after August 2023 will be August 2026.

What is the spiritual meaning of a Blue Moon?

Spiritually, a Blue Moon represents a time of amplified intuition, deep inner reflection, emotional cleansing, and heightened connection to divine feminine energy. It’s viewed as an optimal time for releasing negativity, healing, manifestation, and gaining clarity on one’s path by aligning with the magnified lunar energies. Some also feel more creativity and inspiration under the Blue Moon.

How does a Blue Moon affect astrology?

In astrology, blue moons enlarge the normally felt effects of full moons. Emotions intensify, intuition strengthens, dreams become more potent. Greater focus is called for, as unconscious patterns or shadows may also surface to be addressed. The moon’s connection to water signs like Pisces and Cancer is emphasized. Releasing stagnant emotions is advised. It’s a reset point empowering flow.

What should I do spiritually during a Blue Moon?

Perform reflective rituals tapping into its energy like moon altars, moon baths, charging crystals, meditating and manifestation work. Journal to capture insights. Release and cleanse away negative emotions, outdated beliefs or attachments. Spend time in nature absorbing its energy. Chant, pray, or sing to harness power. Set intentions for growth.

How can I observe a Blue Moon?

For best viewing, find an unobstructed eastern horizon and look for moonrise in the early evening, when it will appear largest due to an optical illusion. Moonset after sunrise also makes a dramatic spectacle in the west. Use binoculars or photograph it close to the horizon, with landscape objects to showcase its scale. Adjust camera settings manually and use a tripod for crisp results.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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