Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Oct 28 2023: Meet Archangel Haniel

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archangel haniel, full moon, lunar eclipse, october 28 2023

Are you ready for a celestial encounter like no other? On October 28, 2023, the skies will be graced with the presence of a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. But this is not just any ordinary astronomical event. It’s an opportunity to connect with the serene aura of Archangel Haniel, also known as Archangel Anael.

Haniel, one of the seven main Archangels, rules the Planet Venus and is associated with Magick, Psychic Gifts, and Divine Feminine energy. Working with Haniel can bring joy, help remove creative blocks, enhance self-expression, attract romance, assist with natural remedies, boost charisma, and invoke abundance.

So mark your calendars! On October 28, 2023, harness the transformative power of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse to connect with the divine energy of Archangel Haniel and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and manifestation.

Read more here to see the date and time in your area

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023

As we approach the end of October, a celestial event of immense significance awaits us. On October 28, 2023, the skies will be graced by both a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse, creating a confluence of energies that promises to be transformative. This Full Moon, often referred to as the Hunter’s Moon or Blood Moon, carries with it an aura of mystery and profound power. Its timing, aligning with Samhain, the ancient Gaelic festival that has over time transformed into the Halloween we know today, further amplifies its spiritual resonance. This is a period where the veil between our world and the spiritual realm is believed to be at its thinnest, allowing for enhanced communication and connection.

For those of you familiar with my angel readings, you’ll recognize the importance of such celestial events in our spiritual journey. This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse present a golden opportunity to connect with the gentle yet potent energy of Archangel Haniel. As the guardian of Venus and the Angel of Romance, Haniel’s influence extends to matters of the heart. Whether you’re seeking the warmth of true love, looking to strengthen the bonds of an existing relationship, or simply wishing to immerse yourself in the vibrations of universal love, Haniel is your guiding light.

I encourage each of you to harness this unique cosmic backdrop to invoke the blessings of Archangel Haniel. Set your intentions, open your heart, and allow the moon’s luminous energy to guide you towards love, connection, and spiritual enlightenment. Remember, in these celestial moments, the universe conspires to help us find our path, and with Haniel by our side, the journey promises to be one of profound beauty and discovery.

Who is Archangel Haniel?

Archangel Haniel, also known as Archangel Anael, is one of the seven main Archangels. She is associated with the Planet Venus and Divine Feminine energy. Haniel is often seen as the overseer of the realm of the Fae, including the DragonFae and all Nature Spirits. While she has been worshipped by many as a deity, she does not seek worship. Haniel is known for bringing joy, grace, and love, and is a powerful ally for those seeking guidance and support in their spiritual journey.

Working with Archangel Haniel for Joy and Creativity

When it comes to finding joy and unlocking your creative potential, Archangel Haniel can be an invaluable ally. With her serene and uplifting energy, she can help you overcome creative blocks and infuse your life with a sense of joy and inspiration.

One way to work with Archangel Haniel for joy is to simply call upon her when you are feeling down or lacking motivation. Ask her to fill your heart with joy and guide you towards activities that bring you pleasure. Haniel can help you shift your focus away from fear of failure and instead embrace the joy of the creative process.

Additionally, if you find yourself struggling with self-expression or feeling envious of others’ abilities, Haniel can offer her guidance and support. By invoking her presence, you can tap into her energy and find the courage to express yourself authentically and celebrate the successes of others without feeling threatened.

Invoking Archangel Haniel for Romance and Love

As the ruler of the Planet Venus, Archangel Haniel is known as the Angel of Romance. You can call on Haniel to guide you on the path of manifesting a reciprocal love relationship. This is particularly powerful to do on a Friday, during a Waxing or Full Moon. Light a pink candle and ask Haniel to bless your journey to find true love. You can also ask for a clear sign when you meet the right person.

Connecting with Archangel Haniel during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023, adds an extra layer of cosmic energy to your intention. The Full Moon’s energy amplifies your desires and helps bring them into manifestation. By invoking Haniel’s guidance and support, you open yourself up to the possibilities of deep and fulfilling love.

During your invocation, you can create a sacred space by setting up an altar dedicated to love and romance. Place items that symbolize love, such as rose quartz crystals, red or pink flowers, and images that represent your ideal relationship. Light some incense or use essential oils like rose or jasmine to enhance the ambiance and set the mood. Take a few moments to center yourself, focus on your intention, and visualize yourself in a loving and joyful relationship.

Archangel Haniel and Natural Remedies

When it comes to natural remedies, Archangel Haniel can provide her divine support and blessings. As the custodian of Nature, she has a deep understanding of the healing powers found in the natural world. By calling upon her, you can enhance the effectiveness of your natural remedies and tap into Haniel’s healing energy.

In addition to general healing properties, Archangel Haniel is particularly connected to fertility and the female reproductive system. If you are seeking assistance with fertility or any health conditions related to the female reproductive system, Haniel can offer her guidance and support. Spending time in nature is also a powerful way to connect with her healing energy and tap into the wisdom of the natural world.

Whether you’re looking for support with a specific health concern or simply want to promote overall well-being, incorporating Archangel Haniel into your natural healing journey can bring about profound results. With her divine energy, you can find comfort, healing, and restoration.

Embodying Charisma with Archangel Haniel

When it comes to embodying charisma and tapping into the magnetic energy of the Divine Feminine, Archangel Haniel is an incredible ally. Working with Haniel allows me to cultivate joy, grace, and sensuality, and attract abundant opportunities into my life.

To enhance my charisma, I have discovered some powerful practices that align with Haniel’s energy. For special occasions like a date, I choose to wear pink, a color associated with love and romance. This not only helps me radiate confidence but also sets the stage for a romantic connection. Similarly, when it comes to important business meetings or networking events, I opt for emerald green, a color that symbolizes abundance and success. With Haniel’s guidance, I am able to attract positive attention and create openings for triumph.

Embracing the Divine Feminine

Connecting with Haniel has allowed me to embrace the qualities of the Divine Feminine. This includes tapping into my inner joy, creativity, and sensuality. By doing so, I have noticed an incredible transformation in my life. I am able to approach situations with more ease and grace, allowing my natural charisma to shine through. Haniel’s energy has helped me remove barriers to self-expression and overcome feelings of envy or competition that may have held me back in the past.

Invoking Abundance

One of the most profound aspects of working with Archangel Haniel is her ability to assist with invoking abundance. By calling upon Haniel’s energy and guidance, I have been able to attract wealth and prosperity into my life. On my abundance altar, I place The Empress card from the Tarot or a piece of malachite, both symbols associated with abundance. Additionally, I draw Haniel’s symbols or sigils on paper using a green pen, further amplifying the energy of abundance in my life. Haniel’s blessings have truly opened up pathways of abundance for me.

Invoking Archangel Haniel for Abundance

As the ruler of Venus, Archangel Haniel is a powerful angel to invoke for increased abundance in your life. Whether you’re seeking financial prosperity, career success, or overall abundance in all areas, Haniel can assist you in manifesting your desires. To connect with Haniel’s energy and invite abundance into your life, there are a few simple practices you can incorporate into your spiritual routine.

Crystals to Connect You to Archangel Haniel

There are many crystals that can help you connect deeply to Archangel Haniel’s energy:

  • Rose Quartz – This lovely pink stone resonates strongly with Haniel’s feminine, loving presence. It helps open the heart chakra, stimulate self-love and promote emotional healing.
  • Moonstone – Its lunar energies and pearly sheen align with Haniel’s wise, intuitive guidance. Moonstone enhances fertility, intuition and inner wisdom.
  • Rhodochrosite – Known as the “stone of love and balance,” rhodochrosite promotes inner harmony and compassion. Its rosy hue also connects to Haniel’s heart energies.
  • Aquamarine – This serene light blue gemstone invoke’s Haniel’s peaceful presence. It provides mental clarity while soothing the nerves.
  • Emerald – As the “stone of successful love,” emerald enhances partnership, sensitivity and compassion under Haniel’s guidance.
  • Chrysoprase – The joyful green shades of this crystal facilitate Haniel’s unconditional love. It lightens the heart and lifts the spirit.

See my full article on her crystals here.

Check out my Amazon Affiliate store to purchase Archangel Haniel’s Crystals for your personal collection 

Essential Oils to Invoke Archangel Haniel

Certain essential oils carry gentle, loving vibrations that call in Archangel Haniel’s presence. Some to try:

  • Rose Oil – With its romantic floral scent, rose oil opens the heart chakra and inspires self-love.
  • Jasmine Oil – This sweet, exotic oil invokes feelings of compassion, understanding and emotional healing.
  • Lavender Oil – The relaxing aroma of lavender promotes inner wisdom and calmness of mind.
  • Clary Sage Oil – With its earthy, herbaceous notes, clary sage enhances meditation and introspection.
  • Neroli Oil – Distilled from orange blossoms, this citrusy oil boosts creativity, spirituality and positive insights.
  • Ylang Ylang Oil – This tropical, floral scent lifts the mood and provides comfort.

Diffusing a synergy blend with a mix of the above oils is a beautiful way to invoke Archangel Haniel’s healing energy. You can also anoint yourself with the oils, mix them into skincare products, or simply inhale directly from the bottle.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is the optimal time to request Archangel Haniel’s guidance. Whether you need help nurturing your relationships, embracing life’s joys or cultivating inner peace – Haniel’s gentle touch will open your heart and lift your spirit higher. Connecting with them surrounds you in grace, beauty and compassion.

See my full article on her essential oils here.

Check out my Amazon Affiliate store to purchase Archangel Haniel’s oils for your personal collection 

Creating an Abundance Altar

One way to invoke Archangel Haniel for abundance is by creating an abundance altar in your home or sacred space. Choose a dedicated area where you can place symbolic items that represent abundance to you. For example, you can include The Empress card from the Tarot, which signifies fertility, creativity, and abundance. Alternatively, you can place a piece of malachite, a crystal known for its energetic properties of attracting wealth and prosperity. Light a green candle on your abundance altar and ask Haniel to bless your intentions for abundance and guide you towards opportunities for financial and material prosperity.

Learn how to create an altar to the angels here

Drawing Haniel’s Symbols or Sigils

Another way to invoke Archangel Haniel for abundance is by drawing her symbols or sigils on a piece of paper. Use a green pen or marker to create these symbols, as green is associated with prosperity and abundance. You can find Haniel’s symbols or sigils in books about angelic magic or search for them online. As you draw the symbols, visualize yourself surrounded by an aura of abundance and imagine your financial goals manifesting effortlessly. Keep the drawn symbols in a safe place, such as your wallet or a manifestation journal, as a reminder of your intentions for abundance.

By incorporating these practices into your spiritual routine, you can deepen your connection with Archangel Haniel and tap into her energy of abundance. Remember to approach these practices with an open heart and a sincere intention for the highest good. With Haniel’s guidance and support, you can invite greater abundance into your life and align with the flow of prosperity that the universe has to offer.

Connecting with Ancestors and Communing with the Spiritual Realm

In addition to its association with Archangel Haniel, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023, hold cultural and spiritual significance in various traditions. This time is considered sacred for connecting with ancestors and communing with the spiritual realm. Whether through meditation, ritual, or simply spending time in nature, this celestial event offers a powerful opportunity for spiritual practices and reflection.

It’s important to note that the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will be visible in different major cities around the world at various times. Be sure to check the exact timing and visibility in your location to make the most of this cosmic event.

The Significance of Super moons and Full Moons

Supermoons are a fascinating celestial event that captures the attention and wonder of sky observers worldwide. These occurrences happen when the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit, known as perigee. As a result, the moon appears larger and brighter than usual, creating a breathtaking display in the night sky.

The Full Moon on October 28, 2023, will be a supermoon, marking the culmination of a series of supermoons throughout the year. This cosmic phenomenon offers a unique experience for stargazers and spiritual enthusiasts alike to witness the moon’s radiant glow in all its glory.

Full moons, whether supermoons or not, hold a special place in human culture and spirituality. People have long celebrated these lunar phases, attributing them with various symbolic and mystical meanings. From the Harvest Moon in autumn to the Hunter’s Moon in late October, full moons have been associated with abundance, harvest, transformation, and connecting with the spiritual realm.

The Lunar Cycle and Its Influence

The lunar cycle, consisting of the waxing and waning phases, has a profound impact on the Earth and its inhabitants. The moon’s gravitational pull affects the tides, animal behavior, and even human emotions. Full moons, in particular, have been linked to heightened energy, emotions, and intuitive abilities. They are regarded as a time for reflection, releasing what no longer serves us, and setting intentions for new beginnings.

Whether you are an avid sky watcher, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the natural world, the significance of supermoons and full moons is undeniable. Take a moment to gaze at the majestic moon during its peak, and let its ethereal presence remind you of the interconnectedness between the cosmos and our earthly existence.


Working with Archangel Haniel during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023, is a powerful way to embrace her serene aura and tap into cosmic energy. Haniel, the Archangel of joy, creativity, romance, and abundance, can guide us on our spiritual journey and help remove creative blocks, enhance self-expression, and attract love.

This celestial event, which coincides with the super moon phenomenon, adds an extra layer of intensity and magnifies the energy available for manifestation and transformation. By connecting with Haniel and embracing the lunar influence, we can tap into the potent energy of this time and amplify our spiritual practices.

Whether you seek joy, healing, love, or abundance, working with Archangel Haniel during this auspicious time can bring profound transformations. Embrace the power of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, and allow Haniel to guide you towards a more joyful, creative, and abundant life.

Archangel Haniel
Other Names Angel of Joy, Grace of God
Associated With Moon, Fertility, Planet Venus
Key Attributes Joy, Pleasure, Harmony, Wisdom, Sensitivity, Grace, Beauty, Compassion
Key Roles Helps with fertility, conception, childbirth, parenting, relationships, inner peace
Associated Crystals Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Rhodochrosite, Aquamarine, Emerald, Chrysoprase
Associated Oils Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, Clary Sage, Neroli, Ylang Ylang

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Haniel

What is Archangel Haniel known for?

Archangel Haniel is known for bringing the energies of joy, pleasure, grace, wisdom and compassion into our lives. They are a gentle, loving presence who helps nurture relationships, guide fertility and childbirth, and cultivate self-love and inner peace.

What should I ask Archangel Haniel for help with?

You can call on Archangel Haniel when you need help with fertility, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Haniel also aids with wisdom, boosting pleasure and joy, improving relationships, facilitating life transitions, and cultivating inner peace.

What is the significance of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023?

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023, create a powerful cosmic energy. They provide a unique opportunity to connect with the serene aura of Archangel Haniel and enhance your spiritual journey.

What are super moons and full moons?

Super moons are full moons that occur when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, making it appear brighter and larger. Full moons, including the Harvest Moon, have been celebrated throughout history and hold cultural and spiritual significance.

What can I expect from working with Archangel Haniel during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse?

By working with Archangel Haniel during the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, you can tap into joy, creativity, romance, abundance, and more. The celestial events add an extra layer of cosmic energy, making this a powerful time for spiritual practices, manifestation, and transformation.

How do I call on Archangel Haniel?

You can call on Haniel’s presence by saying a prayer, singing, meditating, or repeating their name. Using Haniel’s associated crystals and essential oils boosts your connection. Be open and listen for signs like repetitive number sequences. Haniel may send inspiration or soothe emotions.

When is the best time to connect with Haniel?

Connections come easier during the Full Moon, Friday mornings, or by creating an altar with their crystals. But you can call Haniel anytime as they lovingly help those who ask.

What is Haniel’s stone or crystal?

Rose quartz is the primary stone representing Haniel’s loving heart energies. Moonstone, Rhodochrosite, Aquamarine, Emerald, Chrysoprase also align well with their presence.

Check out my Amazon Affiliate store to purchase Archangel Haniel’s Crystals for your personal collection 

What essential oil should I use to invoke Haniel?

Rose, jasmine, lavender, clary sage, neroli and ylang ylang oils carry Haniel’s peaceful, compassionate vibration. Blend these oils together or use individually.

Check out my Amazon Affiliate store to purchase Archangel Haniel’s oils for your personal collection 

How can I work with Haniel long term?

Develop a regular spiritual practice such as daily prayer or meditation focused on Haniel. Use their crystals and oils frequently. Observe moon cycles and call Haniel during the Full Moon. Stay open to signs and intuition. Express gratitude for their guidance.

How can working with Archangel Haniel bring joy and creativity?

Archangel Haniel can bring joy and help remove creative blocks. She can inspire you to pursue creative endeavors that bring you pleasure and assist with boosting self-expression.

How can I invoke Archangel Haniel for romance and love?

You can call on Archangel Haniel to guide you on the path of manifesting a reciprocal love relationship. This is particularly powerful to do on a Friday, during a Waxing or Full Moon.

How can Archangel Haniel help with natural remedies?

Archangel Haniel is the custodian of Nature and can bless your natural remedies to make them more effective. You can also call on her for assistance with fertility and any health conditions relating to the female reproductive system.

How can I embody charisma with Archangel Haniel?

By working with Archangel Haniel, you can tap into joy, grace, and sensuality, and attract opportunities for abundance. She can help you radiate confidence, attract positive attention, and create opportunities for success.

How can I invoke Archangel Haniel for abundance?

Archangel Haniel is one of the angels to invoke for increased abundance. You can bless and place The Empress card from the Tarot or a piece of malachite on your abundance altar to attract wealth and prosperity.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Lisa Beachy - Angel Psychic Readings