Who is Archangel Haniel?

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Who is Archangel Haniel - Lisa Beachy

Have you ever felt the comforting embrace of an angel? The tender love and harmony that flows from divine realms to heal your heart? If you need a boost of celestial grace in your life, then call upon the radiant Archangel Haniel. With the glow of moonbeams and scent of roses, Archangel Haniel enters softly into our lives to bless us with beauty, creativity, and compassion. Known as the “Grace of God”, Archangel Haniel oversees inspirations of art, music, and poetry, gently guiding our expressions from a place of pure joy.

Their compassionate wisdom brings out the unique inner light within each of us. Haniel’s presence inspires us to see loveliness all around and nurtures our own clear, bright essence. So if you need more laughter, charm, and harmony – look for Archangel Haniel’s signs of rainbows, butterflies, and synchronicities. Open up and radiate as Archangel Haniel’s graceful healing uplifts you with grace, optimism and faith in angels!

Who is Archangel Haniel ?

Archangel Haniel is one of the seven archangels of ancient Judaism. Their name means “Grace of God” in Hebrew. Haniel is associated with the planet Venus and the moon. They are known as the angel of joy, pleasure, harmony, wisdom and sensitivity. Haniel helps us find inner peace, experience joy and cultivate pleasure in life. They also assist with fertility, conception and childbirth. Overall, Archangel Haniel brings the qualities of beauty, compassion and grace into our lives.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Name Meaning:

The name Haniel comes from the Hebrew name “Hana’el” which translates to “Grace of God” or “Joy of God”. The name combines two important Hebrew elements:

  • “Hanah” meaning grace, mercy or compassion
  • “El” referring to God or divinity

Together, these elements denote Haniel’s divine role as an angel who carries and imparts the graceful, merciful energy of the divine into the material realm. The meaning behind their name reflects Haniel’s role in helping humans experience grace, pleasure and joy.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Specialty:

Archangel Haniel’s specialties include:

  • Helping us find pleasure, joy and bliss
  • Cultivating self-love, inner harmony and peace
  • Beautifying life through art, creativity and aesthetics
  • Inspiring wisdom, intellect and a thirst for knowledge
  • Guiding fertility, conception and childbirth
  • Promoting friendship, partnership and diplomacy
  • Instilling compassion, grace and mercy

Haniel is the archangel to call on when you need help experiencing the beauty of life, connecting to your inner wisdom, or bringing more grace and compassion into a situation or relationship. Their energy uplifts the soul and reminds us to appreciate the gift of life.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Color:

The main color associated with Archangel Haniel is pink. Pink represents love, harmony and femininity – all qualities that Haniel represents.

Other colors connected to this archangel include:

  • Green – for healing, nurturance and nature
  • Turquoise – for communication, clarity and intuition
  • White – for spirituality, purity and new beginnings
  • Silver – for mysticism, the moon and intuition

Pink crystals like rose quartz and rhodochrosite can help connect you to Haniel’s energy. Surrounding yourself with pastel pink can lift your mood and evoke Haniel’s peaceful presence.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Stone or Crystal?

The most commonly associated crystal for Archangel Haniel is rose quartz. The soft pink hue of rose quartz aligns with Haniel’s energy of love, beauty and grace. It stimulates healing for the heart, increases self-love, promotes forgiveness, and brings harmony to all relationships.

Other crystals that can help you connect to Haniel include:

  • Rhodochrosite – for inner harmony and emotional healing
  • Moonstone – for intuition and fertility
  • Aquamarine – for calmness, peace and sensitivity
  • Chrysoprase – for joy, compassion and unconditional love
  • Emerald – for wisdom, communication and partnership
  • Celestite – for angelic communication and spiritual awareness

Wearing or carrying these crystals can open you up to Haniel’s presence and frequency.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Scent or Smell (Essential Oils):

Archangel Haniel is associated with sweet, floral and herbal scents that evoke femininity, love and pleasure. Essential oils that are commonly linked to Haniel include:

  • Rose – for love, beauty and grace
  • Jasmine – for joy, creativity and spirituality
  • Lavender – for harmony, peace and intuition
  • Clary sage – for uplifted mood and self-love
  • Fennel – for courage, strength and fertility
  • Lemongrass – for purification, harmony and fertility
  • Sandalwood – for healing, wisdom and sensuality

Diffusing these essential oils, especially rose, is a wonderful way to call on Haniel’s energy. The floral aromas open your heart chakra and lift your spirits.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Plant or Flower?

Roses are the flower most commonly associated with Archangel Haniel. Roses represent love, beauty, sensuality and grace – energies that Haniel oversees.

Other plants/flowers linked to this archangel include:

  • Jasmine – for joy, spirituality and creativity
  • Lavender – for healing, serenity and purification
  • Lotus – for spiritual enlightenment and rebirth
  • Apple blossoms – for love, fertility and abundance
  • Crocus – for joy, new beginnings and pastel colors
  • Orchids – for elegance, creativity and harmony
  • Moonflowers – for intuition and tapping into feminine energy

Surrounding yourself with fresh roses and other pastel flowers can create a soothing environment for connecting with Haniel’s energy.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Energy:

Archangel Haniel gives off gentle, loving, graceful and wise energy. Specifically, Haniel’s energy resonates with the following qualities:

  • Soft, comforting, enveloping, like being wrapped in angel wings
  • Peaceful, calm, quiet – invites you to slow down
  • Gentle warmth that makes your heart swell with comfort and contentment
  • Sweet and floral, like the scent of roses or jasmines
  • Smooth, soothing waves that make you sigh in relief
  • Pastel pink and green light filling you with harmony
  • Whispers of guidance that come as intuitive nudges or ideas rather than loud commands
  • Subtle upliftment of your consciousness and perspective

Connecting with Haniel brings a tangible sensation of beauty, grace and love permeating your inner and outer world. Their energy heals, nourishes and renews your soul.

What is Archangel Haniel’s Origin Story:

Like most archangels, Haniel’s exact origins are a mystery. They emerged from the primordial source of the divine creation and took form to fulfill the role of imparting grace, beauty, wisdom and pleasure.

In some mystical Jewish texts, Haniel is linked to the biblical Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve fall from Eden, Haniel stays behind to guard the Tree of Life. Subsequently, Haniel then becomes known as the angel of eternal youth and the caretaker of nature’s secrets and mysteries. Furthermore, remaining in the Garden of Eden imbued Haniel with access to ancient wisdom. Additionally, as the guardian of the Tree of Life, Haniel was tasked with protecting profound knowledge. Over time, Haniel’s role evolved into being the keeper of occult mysteries. Ultimately, these origin stories establish Haniel as a source of esoteric insights from humanity’s genesis.

Moreover, other stories describe how Haniel guarded the throne of God in heaven before coming to Earth. This role gave Haniel great wisdom which they now share through teaching and guiding humans. In other words, Haniel’s heavenly duties prepared them to impart divine knowledge to humanity. Likewise, safeguarding God’s throne aligned Haniel with sanctity and truth. Overall, across different myths, Haniel emerges as an angelic guide who attained sacred insights in the heavenly realm before bringing guidance to Earth.

Across legends, Haniel is seen as originating directly from the divine Creator and taking shape as the “embodiment of grace” – a merciful, loving angel who connects humanity to the bliss, creativity and beauty of the divine. Their timeless essence carries the wisdom of ancients mysteries and the joy that comes from unity with the Creator.

Ways to Connect with Archangel Haniel directly:

There are many ways you can bring Archangel Haniel’s presence into your life:

  • Meditate while visualizing Haniel surrounded by pink light and roses
  • Chant Haniel’s name out loud or internally to invite their guidance
  • Place fresh roses or pink flowers on your altar to honor Haniel
  • Wear rose quartz jewelry or place crystals around your home
  • Diffuse essential oils associated with Haniel like rose and jasmine
  • Take a warm, relaxing bath while calling on Haniel to lift your spirits
  • Spend time in nature connecting to Haniel’s loving energy in the beauty around you
  • Make art, dance, sing or engage in any creative activity to channel Haniel’s energy
  • Show kindness, practice diplomacy, and bring more pleasure into your life and relationships
  • Write a letter to Haniel expressing your needs and gratitude, then listen for subtle guidance
  • Before sleep, ask Haniel to bring you insightful dreams

With an open heart and receptive spirit, you can readily feel Haniel’s gentle presence and begin absorbing their beautiful grace into your inner and outer world.


Archangel Haniel is a powerful ally to call on for restoring joy and harmony to one’s life. Their gentle wisdom and compassionate nature can help you experience the divine through beauty, pleasure, creativity and grace. By honing your intuition and focusing your intention, you can readily connect with Haniel’s guidance and begin integrating their essence of grace into your daily existence. The blessings of this angel are well worth invoking.

Here is a summary table of the key information about Archangel Haniel from the article:

Topic Information
Name Meaning Grace of God, Joy of God (Hebrew)
Specialties Pleasure, joy, harmony, wisdom, self-love, creativity, fertility, conception, childbirth, friendship, partnership, diplomacy, compassion, grace
Associated Colors Pink, green, turquoise, white, silver
Associated Crystals Rose quartz, rhodochrosite, moonstone, aquamarine, chrysoprase, emerald, celestite
Associated Scents Rose, jasmine, lavender, clary sage, fennel, lemongrass, sandalwood
Associated Flowers Roses, jasmine, lavender, lotus, apple blossoms, crocus, orchids, moonflowers
Energy Gentle, comforting, peaceful, warm, floral, smooth, whispering guidance, subtle upliftment
Origin Emerged from primordial source; guarded Tree of Life in Garden of Eden; guarded God’s throne in heaven
Ways to Connect Meditation, chanting the name, flowers, crystals, essential oils, baths, creativity, rituals, asking for dreams

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Haniel

What are archangels?

Archangels are powerful angels believed to be responsible for large areas of life on Earth. Furthermore, different faiths recognize various archangels, but the best-known include Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. In other words, archangels like Michael and Gabriel are renowned across many spiritual traditions. Additionally, each archangel oversees specific domains according to religious texts. For instance, Gabriel is associated with communication, while Raphael is linked to healing. Ultimately, archangels are iconic angelic figures that have prominent roles and responsibilities entrusted to them from the divine source. Their powers and duties make them exceptional compared to other angels.

What does Haniel’s name mean?

Haniel’s name is derived from the Hebrew Hanah’el meaning “grace of God” or “joy of God.” It represents this angel’s role in imparting grace, mercy, and joy.

What is Haniel known for?

Haniel is known for helping us experience more pleasure, wisdom, beauty and love in life. They assist with harmony in relationships, fertility, conception, childbirth, creativity, grace, and finding inner peace.

What are Haniel’s special symbols?

Symbols representing Haniel include the planet Venus, the moon, roses, doves, the Tree of Life, and feminine imagery like a mother cradling a child. Pastel pink and green colors are associated with this angel.

How do I call on Haniel?

Here is the paragraph with additional transition words:

To call on Haniel, you can light pink candles, wear or display rose quartz, smell roses or lavender, and repeat Haniel’s name in meditation or prayer while visualizing their energy. Additionally, setting an intention for their help makes contacting Haniel easier. Furthermore, you can focus on connecting with Haniel’s peaceful essence during meditation. Moreover, chanting Haniel’s name can facilitate aligning with their frequency. Likewise, surrounding yourself with Haniel’s associated colors, symbols and aromas helps invoke their presence. Another technique is to write a heartfelt letter to Haniel expressing your needs and desires. Overall, combining practices like candles, crystals, chanting, visualization, and intention setting creates a powerful multifaceted process for invoking Archangel Haniel into your life and establishing an profound connection with them.

What signs might Haniel send me?

Signs of Haniel’s presence may include seeing repeated number sequences, especially 333, doves, pastel colors, roses. Plus, flowers,  moon and star symbols. Also, she gives us feelings of peace, comfort, or unconditional love. In addition, you may notice more synchronicities related to fertility, creativity, relationships, and spirituality when Haniel is near. Likewise, vivid dreams featuring roses, the moon, goddesses, babies, or nature scenes could signify Haniel’s presence. Moreover, sensations of angelic energy – like tingling crown chakras or light surrounding you – may occur when connecting with Haniel. Overall, look for intuitions, sights, physical feelings, animals, numbers, and signs related to Haniel’s domains when seeking their guidance and presence.

What essential oils are linked to Haniel?

Floral essential oils like rose, jasmine, lavender, and clary sage are associated with Haniel. Diffusing these uplifting scents can evoke Haniel’s energy.

How can Haniel help fertility issues?

Haniel can provide support with getting pregnant, conception, preventing miscarriage, and overcoming infertility problems. Their nurturing energy brings healing and strength to the womb.

How does Haniel help find inner joy?

This angel guides you to find pleasure in life’s simple moments and embraces. Haniel’s peaceful energy fills your heart with comfort, harmony, and contentment – a true joy that comes from within.

Is Haniel associated with the moon?

Yes, Haniel is connected to moon energy and lunar cycles. Their bright, reflective light at night is reminiscent of Haniel’s ability to illuminate your inner realm with wisdom and intuition.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy


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