How to Create an Altar for the Angels

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Angel Blessings Divine Gifts of Love and Light - Lisa Beachy

Angel Altar for Connection and Meditation

An altar is a sacred space used for spiritual connection and ritual. When thoughtfully created and used with intention, an altar can become a powerful portal for communicating with angels.

Angels are divine beings of light who act as messengers and guides from the spiritual realms. They offer us unconditional love, healing, comfort, wisdom and inspiration. However, in order to receive their gifts, we must make the effort to open our minds, hearts and energy to connect with them.

Creating an altar devoted to your angelic connection is one of the best ways to do this. Having a consistent physical space to focus your prayers and meditations allows you to more easily tap into the subtle angelic guidance available at all times.

With some forethought, preparation and care, you can create an altar that uplifts your energy, anchors you in the present moment and acts as a bridge to the angelic dimension. Here is a step-by-step guide to making an altar for optimal angelic connection and meditation:

Choose a Space

The first step is choosing an appropriate physical space for your altar. Set aside a small tabletop, corner of a room, or outdoor space where you can easily focus your energy.

Ideal locations include:

  • Near a window where natural light comes in. The sunlight energies will charge your altar.
  • In nature such as your garden, under a tree or by a body of water. These natural settings already have heightened spiritual energies.
  • A private corner of your bedroom or meditation room where you can shut out distractions.
  • On an entry table, bookshelf or fireplace mantel located in a high traffic area of your home. Seeing it often will keep you attuned.

Take some time feeling out potential spaces and use your intuition to decide which feels best to you.

Once you select the space, do an energetic cleansing by burning sage, incense or palo santo to remove stagnant energies and create a fresh slate. You can also lightly dust and tidy the area if needed.

Say aloud a prayer or intention to dedicate the space as your sacred altar. Call on your angels to bless and sanctify the area so it is aligned with Divine light and love.

Collect Meaningful Items

Now it’s time to gather the special items you’ll arrange on your altar. These objects will amplify spiritual energies and allow you to more fully focus your intentions.

Meaningful items to include are:

Imagery: Statues, figurines, paintings or photos representing angels, spiritual figures like Jesus/Mary/saints, or celestial objects like stars. Having visual focal points gives your angels a place to manifest their energy.

Crystals: Clear quartz, selenite, amethyst and angelite specifically carry high vibrations that facilitate contact with angels. You can also include crystals representing the 7 chakras.

Candles: Lighting candles representing the elements of fire/air/water/earth engages all the senses and sets a serene mood. Designate candles specifically for your meditation ritual.

Flowers: Fresh blooms, especially roses, lilies and lavender, emit fragrances that uplift the energy. Dried flowers in vases also work.

Incense or Smudge Sticks: Burning these purification tools clears stagnant energies and calls in higher vibrations.

Angel Tarot or Oracle Cards: Drawing a daily card gives you insight into your angel’s current guidance.

Journal and pen: Write down messages and synchronicities from the angels.

Essential oils: Anointing candles and yourself with scents like lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, and myrrh activates intuition.

Altar cloth: Choose fabric in colors and patterns that are personally uplifting. Natural fabrics like silk, cotton or linen work best.

The most important factor is that every item you select raises your personal vibration, focus and faith. Let your intuition guide you to objects that feel energetically aligned.

Arrange Your Items

Once you’ve gathered your sacred items, mindfully arrange them on the altar. While there are no hard rules, generally you’ll want to create balance and symmetry which amplifies the energy flow.

Here are some tips for optimal arrangement:

  • Place the tallest items like candles, statues and vases towards the back so they don’t obstruct the view
  • Lay the altar cloth down first as a base to tie everything together
  • Group items representing each element – earth, air, fire, water and spirit – together in different zones
  • Create geometric patterns using an odd number of items (like 3 or 5)
  • Alternate larger and smaller items in the foreground and background
  • Ensure nothing is blocking the primary focal point
  • Leave some negative space around items to avoid clutter

Trust your intuition on what layout and spacing feels right energetically. You may need to experiment with a few arrangements until you find the best flow.

Periodically change up the arrangement to refresh the energy and highlight different seasonal themes or synchronicities in your life.

Bless and Activate the Altar

Once your altar is physically arranged, you’ll want to bless, dedicate and activate it before use. Here’s how:

  • Perform an opening prayer or ritual to consecrate the space for your higher purpose of connecting to your angels. Speak from the heart.
  • Light any candles and incense to signal your altar is “open”
  • Ring a singing bowl or bell to raise the vibration
  • Place your dominant hand over the altar and envision divine light filling the objects. Say aloud, “With loving intention I now activate this altar as a portal to communicate with my highest guidance and angels. May it serve my spiritual journey with grace. So be it.”
  • End with a gesture of gratitude by placing your hands in prayer pose and bowing your head

Whenever you prepare to sit at your altar, always start by lighting a candle or sticking incense to set the right energetic tone. Open and close your altar respectfully each session.

Approach with Reverence

Now that your altar is ready to use, approach it with reverence by:

  • Sitting comfortably on a cushion or chair at eye level
  • Taking a few deep breaths to enter a calm, present state
  • Softly gazing over the arrangement of items, appreciating each one
  • Feeling the sacredness of this dedicated spiritual space
  • Calling in your angels in your mind or aloud
  • Setting the intention to humbly receive any guidance that serves the highest good

Maintain an attitude of patience, gratitude and surrender to the divine wisdom of the angels vs trying to control the interaction. What’s most important is being fully open to receive their subtle presence.

Establish a Routine

To establish a strong connection with your angels through the altar, engage with it regularly in some or all of these ways:

  • Do morning prayers or affirmations while sitting at your altar each day
  • Meditate facing the altar for 15-30 minutes daily if possible
  • Do a brief candle-lighting ritual requesting angelic guidance as needed throughout the day
  • Read inspirational books sitting at your altar to amplify their messages
  • Draw an “Angel Card of the Day” tarot or oracle card for direction
  • Keep a dream journal on your altar to record and interpret any visitations
  • Write down spontaneous thoughts and synchronicities coming to you throughout the day
  • Say thank you prayers at night to your angels by the altar

Regular gentle engagement will build the energies and allow clearer communication over time. But don’t force it if you don’t feel drawn one day. Your angels understand.

Maintain the Space

To keep your altar energized, make caring for it part of your routine. Here are some ideas:

  • Refresh flower bouquets and water as needed
  • Replace candles as they burn down
  • Rotate crystals to balances their energetic charge
  • Change out altar cloths to match the seasons
  • Dust and tidy clutter gently so it remains a clean space
  • Re-arrange items intentionally when you feel called to shift the energy
  • Smudge or chant to clear stagnant energies and call in renewed Divine light

Even when not in active use, consider your altar a consistently sacred space. Maintain it with devotion by not placing ordinary objects or paperwork on it that will lower the vibration.

Trust the Process

Creating an altar for angels is the beginning of a long-term relationship with your angelic guides. Trust that as you set your intentions and make space for them consistently, they will find ways to communicate and connect ever more clearly.

Sometimes the contact will be subtle – a fleeting sign you barely notice. Other times you may directly hear guidance or feel sensations of warmth or pressure. Be open to connection in any form without expectations.

Whenever you need comfort, perspective or inspiration, take time to sit at your altar. Light your candles, open your heart, and let the angels’ Divine light illuminate your way. With ongoing practice, your angel altar can become your most valuable spiritual companion.


An altar for connecting with angels allows you to tangibly create sacred space and deepen your relationship with these Divine beings. By collecting personally meaningful items, arranging them intentionally, and approaching with reverence, you open a portal where the veils between dimensions become thinner.

Be patient and persistent in engaging with your altar. In time, you will gain clarity from the guidance, inspiration and loving presence that comes through. Use it to support your spiritual growth, heal old wounds, manifest blessings, and align your earthly journey with your Soul’s purpose.

Your altar becomes the bridge to discovering and communing with your angels. They are waiting for you to take the first step in building that connection through dedicating this space. Honor the altar as simultaneously your personal sanctuary and a platform for higher communion. In this co-creation, you are building an ever-strengthening light bridge not just to angels, but your highest Self.

Here are the FAQs formatted with H4 headers for the questions:

FAQs About Creating an Angel Altar

What is the best surface to use for an angel altar?

You can use any flat surface that is sturdy and clean – a table, desk, dresser, shelf, or even the floor. Just make sure it is a space you can dedicate solely to your altar.

Do I need an altar cloth or special covering?

An altar cloth is recommended but not required. Choose a fabric that is light colored and uplifting. Natural fabrics like cotton, linen or silk work best to hold vibrations.

What is the best way to arrange items on my angel altar?

There are no hard rules, but you generally want to create symmetry and balance. Taller items in back, shorter in front. Group items by elements or frequency. Most importantly, what feels right to you intuitively.

How often should I cleanse the energy of my altar for angels?

It’s ideal to cleanse the energy weekly by burning sage, palo santo or incense. You can even sound a bell over it to clear stagnant energies. More intensive seasonal cleansings are good too.

Do I need to have fresh flowers or candles on my altar always?

It is optimal to have live elements that uplift energy, but not absolutely necessary. If flowers die or candles burn out, simply replace them when you can. Keeping altar items dusted is more important.

What is the best time of day to use my altar?

Morning and evening are great times to tune into your altar when energy is peaceful. But actually any time you feel called to sit there is perfect. The angels will meet you when you show up!

Can I place my angel altar outside or does it need to be indoors?

You can place your altar anywhere that feels appropriate. If outdoors, just be mindful of weather elements that may damage items. Protect or shelter your space as needed.

Do I need to sit facing a certain direction when at my altar?

Most altars traditionally face east or north to align with elements of air or earth. Face the direction that energetically feels best for your space. You can always experiment.

If I travel, should I bring my angel altar items with me?

If possible, yes. Replicating your altar elsewhere keeps the energy connection strong. If not feasible, simply recreate your sacred space once you return home.

How do I know if my altar is working or needs adjustment?

Pay attention to subtle signals. If you feel peaceful, relaxed and uplifted sitting there, it’s aligned. If distracted or low energy, rearrange items or cleanse the space.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Categories: Angels


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