What are Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Michael?

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Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Michael

Hello, lovely friends! I am Lisa Beachy, a spiritual intuitive and Reiki master. Today, I’m thrilled to guide you on a crystalline journey to harness the protective and empowering energy of Archangel Michael. Dive deep into the world of gemstones, each meticulously chosen to resonate with Michael’s fearless and guiding spirit. These divine stones bridge our world with the celestial, fortifying our spirit and invoking Michael’s shield of protection.

What crystals work with Archangel Michael?

Some of the best crystals to work with Archangel Michael include blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, sugilite, iolite, blue calcite, sodalite, aquamarine, azurite, kyanite, herkimer diamond, and amethyst.

Blue lace agate is a calming and uplifting stone that can help open up channels of communication with Archangel Michael. Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone for activating the third eye and throat chakras to enhance intuition and communication. Sugilite boosts spiritual insights when communicating with angelic realms. Iolite helps stimulate clear visions and synchronicity.

Blue calcite aids in speaking your truth with confidence and compassion. Sodalite further promotes emotional balance and harmony in communication. Aquamarine clears blockages in the throat chakra and promotes the courage to speak from the heart. Azurite enhances development of psychic gifts when working with Archangel Michael.

Kyanite creates pathways between the heart, throat, and third eye chakras. Herkimer diamond is known as the “stone of attunement” and helps to amplify spiritual communications. Amethyst provides protection and spiritual cleansing during communications with Archangel Michael.

What are Archangel Michael’s crystals?

Some of Archangel Michael’s most resonant crystals are:

  • Blue Lace Agate – communication, expression
  • Lapis Lazuli – wisdom, intuition, truth
  • Iolite – vision, leadership, spiritual growth
  • Blue Calcite – confidence, willpower, motivation
  • Sodalite – harmony, calm, spiritual insight
  • Aquamarine – courage, peace, emotional healing
  • Azuritepsychic development, transforming patterns
  • Blue Kyanite – alignment, connection, clarity
  • Herkimer Diamond – attunement, telepathy, spirit communication
  • Amethyst – protection, purification, spiritual connection

These metaphysical properties make them powerful tools for working with Archangel Michael, the angel of protection, strength, courage, and clarity. Holding or wearing these crystals can amplify a connection when invoking Michael.

Check out my Amazon Store Front to purchase the crystals for Archangel Michael

What are the main properties of Archangel Michael crystals?

Journaling with your Angels: A Guided Journal for Inspiration and Gratitude - Lisa BeachyThe main metaphysical properties of crystals associated with Archangel Michael include:

  • Communication – enhancing expression, intuition, and telepathic abilities to receive and transmit spiritual insights. Crystals like blue lace agate and lapis lazuli aid this.
  • Protection – providing energetic shielding and safety from psychic harm or negativity. Stones like amethyst help with protection.
  • Courage – boosting bravery, confidence, and standing up for truth. Aquamarine specifically promotes courage.
  • Clarity – stimulating clear thoughts, focus, and direction. Kyanite and iolite promote mental clarity.
  • Leadership – inspiring leadership skills, decisiveness, and motivation. Blue calcite boosts willpower.
  • Purification – cleansing and releasing negative energy patterns or blocks. Sugilite and azurite aid purification.
  • Psychic Gifts – enhancing spiritual perceptions, visions, and metaphysical abilities. Stones like herkimer diamond facilitate this.
  • Harmony – allowing smooth communication, soothing discord, and peaceful understanding between parties. Sodalite brings harmony.

Using crystals with these properties can amplify working with Archangel Michael in meaningful ways.

What chakras does Archangel Michael rule?

Archangel Michael is associated primarily with the throat chakra and third eye chakra:

  • Throat chakra – Communication, expression of truth, power of the spoken word. Michael aids clear communication and authentic self-expression.
  • Third eye chakra – Intuition, psychic abilities, imagination, wisdom. Michael assists with receiving divine guidance and expanding spiritual vision.

Additionally, Michael has connections to:

  • Crown chakra – Gateway to the Divine, oneness with the Universe. Michael facilitates alignment with higher guidance.
  • Solar plexus chakra – Willpower, confidence, self-esteem. Michael inspires courage and personal power.
  • Heart chakra – Compassion, unconditional love, relationships. Michael promotes empathy, peacefulness, and emotional healing.
  • Root chakra – Grounding, safety, security. Michael provides strong energetic protection and a sense of safety.

Working with crystals that correspond to these chakras can help strengthen a connection to Archangel Michael’s energy when calling upon him.

What does Archangel Michael do with crystals?

According to spiritual teachings, Archangel Michael uses crystals and gemstones in various ways to fulfill his divine roles:

  • He utilizes crystals as conduits for downloading high-frequency energies and information from the angelic realms to spiritual seekers open to receiving guidance. Certain crystals can attune people to perceive communications from Michael more clearly.
  • He is believed to amplify and focus his protective energies into crystals, imbuing them with powerful shielding properties against negative influences. Crystal grids invoked in Michael’s name can secure spaces energetically.
  • He sometimes employs crystals as etheric tools to sever ties to lower vibrational energies, like cords connecting a person to manipulative or toxic situations that limit their growth.
  • He may work through crystals as amplifiers for his strength, courage, motivation and leadership qualities, inspiring people through the crystals’ high-vibration energies.
  • He is thought to use crystals to foster harmony, openness, honesty and peacefulness in relationships, spiritual awakenings, healing modalities and more.
  • He can utilize crystals to clarify thoughts, enhance visionary abilities, stimulate wisdom and support channeling abilities when providing guidance to lightworkers performing spiritual service.

According to lore, Michael harnesses the metaphysical power of crystals for the highest good in his cosmic work.

How do you charge crystals with Archangel Michael energy?

Here are some methods for charging crystals with Archangel Michael’s empowering energy:

  • Call on Michael and visualize his vibrant blue light filling and surrounding the crystal. Ask for his divine energy to infuse the crystal.
  • Hold the crystal in your dominant hand while calling on Michael’s presence and protection. Envision blue light streaming into the crystal.
  • Place the crystal on a surface dedicated to Michael, like an altar with his image or symbols. Meditate nearby to direct energy into the stone.
  • Set the crystal in a sunny window to energize it while repeating Michael’s name 3, 7 or 9 times to invoke his power.
  • Sleep with the crystal under your pillow and ask Michael in prayer to imbue it as you sleep.
  • Chant Michael’s name, mantras or prayers into the crystal to activate it as a talisman of his light.
  • Cleanse the crystal by placing it in salt water or ringing a singing bowl over it, then charge by calling Michael in to energize it.

With focus and intention, connecting a crystal to Archangel Michael’s divine light consecrates it as a tool for channeling his protective, courageous energy in your life.

Check out my Amazon Store Front to purchase the crystals for Archangel Michael

What is Archangel Michael’s sigil and how is it used with crystals?

Archangel Michael’s sigil is a symbolic representation of his energy that can be used in crystal work and rituals. His sigil depicts his name in Hebrew – MI-KA-EL – encircled by a sun cross.

To use Michael’s sigil with crystals:

  • Draw or etch his sigil on crystals to consecrate them as amulets of his protective light. This imprints his vibration into the stone.
  • Visualize his sigil glowing bright blue on a crystal during meditative charging practices to amplify their power.
  • Create crystal grids aligned with Michael’s sigil to activate his energy and intentions in your space.
  • Use his sigil when crafting crystal elixirs, gridding water, or creating gemstone essences for increased potency.
  • Draw or trace his sigil in the air over crystals to access and direct Michael’s strength during energy work, reiki, or spiritual healing.
  • Chant his Enochian mantra while visualizing his sigil igniting crystals with azure light: “Mitz-ra-el on-shah.”

When empowered by Archangel Michael’s sigil, crystals become highly charged tools for working with this commanding archangel. His celestial potency awakens them as catalysts of protection, courage and clarity.


Archangel Michael has a powerful affinity with many crystals and gemstones that can enhance working with him and invoke his divine presence. Crystals like lapis lazuli, amethyst, sugilite and aquamarine amplify communication, protection, courage and leadership when calling upon this great archangel. Charging crystals using Michael’s name, sigil, prayers or visualizations consecrates them with his blessed light. When we attune with crystals aligned to Archangel Michael’s energy, we gain an angelic ally for facing life’s challenges with strength, wisdom and grace.

Check out my Amazon Store Front to purchase the crystals for Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael Crystals – Summary

Crystal Key Properties Benefits
Blue Lace Agate Communication, expression Enhances communication with Michael
Lapis Lazuli Wisdom, intuition, truth Stimulates psychic gifts and insight
Iolite Vision, leadership, growth Inspires spiritual visions and guidance
Blue Calcite Confidence, willpower Increases decisiveness and motivation
Sodalite Harmony, calm Promotes emotional balance and serenity
Aquamarine Courage, emotional healing Instils bravery and tranquility
Azurite Transformation, psychic ability Develops intuition and metaphysical skills
Kyanite Clarity, alignment Creates bridges between chakras
Herkimer Diamond Attunement, spirit communication Boosts telepathic channels with Michael
Amethyst Protection, purification Shields from negativity and cleanses energy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best crystals for contacting Archangel Michael?

Some of the top crystals for contacting Archangel Michael include: blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, iolite, sodalite, kyanite, aquamarine, and herkimer diamond. These stones open up and enhance communication channels with Archangel Michael.

How can you charge crystals with Michael’s energy?

Methods for charging crystals with Michael’s energy include: calling on Michael and visualizing his light in the crystal, chanting his name as you hold the stone, placing crystals on an altar dedicated to Michael, and using his sigil in rituals with stones.

What chakras is Archangel Michael associated with?

Archangel Michael resonates most strongly with the throat and third eye chakras. He also connects to the crown, solar plexus, heart, and root chakras through his roles as a protector, guide, and facilitator of courage and communication.

Does Archangel Michael have a sigil?

Yes, Archangel Michael’s sigil depicts his Hebrew name encircled by a sun cross. It can be traced in the air over crystals or imprinted on them to deepen spiritual potency.

How can you use Michael’s sigil with crystals?

Michael’s sigil can be drawn on crystals, visualized on them during charging, incorporated into crystal grids aligned with his energy, used when creating gem elixirs, and traced in the air during energy work with stones.

What properties make a crystal resonate with Archangel Michael?

Properties like enhancing communication, providing psychic protection, instilling courage, promoting mental clarity and focus, and allowing access to spiritual guidance align a crystal’s energies with Archangel Michael.

What types of spiritual work can you do with Archangel Michael crystals?

Michael crystals empower practices like chanting, meditation, crystal healing, energy clearing, manifestation, accessing spiritual guidance, consecrating spaces, creative visualization, and overcoming fears.

Check out my Amazon Store Front to purchase the crystals for Archangel Michael

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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