Archangel Michael – Protection, Cord Cutting, and Letting Go of the Past

Published by lisabeachy on

Archangel Michael - Protection, Cord Cutting, and Letting Go of the Past - Lisa Beachy

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all today around the profoundly powerful Archangel Michael. He is truly one of the most revered and celebrated angels, known for his incredible strength, courage, and ability to help us cut cords, find protection, and let go of what no longer serves us.

In this article, we’ll be diving deep into some of the most commonly asked questions I receive about working with Archangel Michael. Understanding how to properly call upon him and interpret the signs and guidance he provides can really elevate your connection with this magnificent being of Light.

So whether you’re brand new to working with angels, or a seasoned pro, grab a cup of tea and get ready to expand your knowledge of the wondrous Archangel Michael!

What are the most powerful ways to invoke Archangel Michael for protection?

Invoking Archangel Michael’s protection is one of the most popular reasons people call upon this formidable angel. Here are some of the most potent methods for bringing in his protective light:

  • Call upon him out loud. Speak directly to Archangel Michael, and request his strength and shielding around yourself, your home, belongings or loved ones. Being verbal really focuses the intention.
  • Visualize his cobalt blue light. As you speak your request, picture his vibrant blue light surrounding you in a sphere of protection. See it radiating out to fill any space needing security.
  • Use his invocation. Recite prayers like “Archangel Michael, please surround me with your wings of protection.” Repeat as often as needed.
  • Bring in his symbols. Visualize his sword, shield or flame, which represent his power to cut through fear and negativity.
  • Wear blue. Don his sacred color blue, which vibrates at a frequency that calls him to you. Opt for blue crystals, clothing or decor.
  • Cleanse spaces. Perform cleansing rituals like smudging, ringing bells or stating intentions out loud. This raises the vibration so Michael’s energy can permeate.

The key is being adamant in requesting Michael’s help. He cannot intervene unless directed to do so. But when called consistently with focus and conviction, his supreme protection will absolutely surround you.

What types of signs might Archangel Michael send me?

Archangel Michael wants you to feel reassured and supported in his presence. He will send you many affirming signs if you request his guidance and remain open to perceiving them. Some signs to look for include:

  • Flickering lights or lamps blinking on and off. This signals his luminescent energy.
  • Blue feathers appearing on your path, especially in unlikely places indoors. Blue jay feathers are a favorite confirmation from Michael.
  • Gold or sparkling objects catching your eye, like coins, glitter or gold jewelry. These represent Michael’s royal, glowing energy.
  • Number sequences like 444, 777 or 1111 on clocks, license plates or receipts. Numerically, Michael resonates with the number 4.
  • Tingling sensations on your crown chakra or back of your neck. Michael’s vibration is very active, and can create subtle energetic reactions.
  • Visionary dreams where Michael appears to deliver messages or reassurance. He will depict himself as male with wings.
  • Cobalt blue light that you visualize with your inner vision. Michael will send this favorite color of his when you request a sign.

Keep an eye out for these signatures from Michael. When you notice them, sincerely thank him for reaching out and showing his presence. This encourages even more communication.

How can Archangel Michael assist with letting go of anger or resentment?

Michael is the perfect archangel to call upon when working through feelings of anger, grudges or resentment. His divine light contains the perfect frequencies to help you process and dissolve lower emotions and perceive situations in new, uplifting ways.

Here are some ways Michael can help:

  • Sever harmful cords. Visualize Michael detaching you from cords feeding negative thoughts or connections. He can spiritually cut ties.
  • Clear dense energy. If emotions feel stuck in your body, ask Michael to swoop in and whisk away any lower energies to be transmuted.
  • Open your heart. See soft blue light filling your heart center, smoothing over any pain. Michael’s healing light promotes compassion and forgiveness.
  • Reframe perspectives. Michael helps you take an eagle’s eye view to see the bigger picture, recognize spiritual lessons, and respond with wisdom.
  • Receive balanced strength. Michael can lend you courage, confidence and calm to stand tall. He helps you act from a centered place, not react.

Working with Michael helps you move through anger or resentment from a place of inner peace and understanding. By invoking his healing blue light and spiritual sword, he will help you let go of what weighs you down in healthful ways.

What are the best ways to invoke Archangel Michael for cord cutting?

As the angelic bouncer, Archangel Michael is the perfect being to call upon when you are seeking to cut an unhealthy cord of attachment. Here are some of my top recommendations for invoking Michael’s swift spiritual blade:

  • Call Michael specifically for cord cutting help out loud or in your mind. State whom/what the cord is connected to. The more specific your request, the better.
  • Visualize the ties that exist. See them as ropes, chains, vines, even tentacles…whatever feels true for the dynamic. Then see or sense Michael slice through them.
  • Call upon Michael’s sacred sword as it severs bindings, retracts energy you are owed, and creates healthy space where the cords had been.
  • Thank Archangel Michael for cutting away what no longer serves your highest good and greatest joy. Gladly handing things over to Michael for healing and transmutation makes way for positive transformation.
  • Cleanse your auric field with healing sounds, showers, meditation or sage. This helps the cord cutting work take optimal effect by clearing residual energy.
  • Affirm positive change by stating intentions for the spiritual freedom and lessons resulting from releasing attachments. This propels beneficial new opportunities forward.

With Archangel Michael as your ally, know that you can cut ties with full faith and trust in his capabilities. You’ll feel lighter and more empowered as a result!

Why is Archangel Michael associated with the color blue?

Within angelic energy systems, colors hold deep symbolism and power. For Michael, his signature celestial shade is a striking cobalt blue. This dynamic hue represents and enhances many of Michael’s spiritual attributes:

  • Protection – Blue’s soothing frequencies provide shelter, comfort and sanctuary. Envisioning blue light around you invokes Michael’s impenetrable shield.
  • Communication – Blue helps stimulate clear communication and expression of truth. Michael will send you honest messages this way.
  • Faith – The color blue promotes faith, trust and devotion to higher guidance. It strengthens reliance on Michael and the Divine.
  • Healing – Blue vibrations have calming, relaxing and restorative properties. Michael sends blue light for emotional and spiritual healing.
  • Focus – The color blue aids concentration, commitment and mental clarity. Michael aligns you with focused intentionality.
  • Flow – Blue represents fluidity, expansiveness and peaceful movement. Michael’s energy circulates freely and effortlessly this way.

Next time you see or visualize Michael’s radiant blue light, understand the gifts it carries. Allow his blue essence to wash over you with fortifying and uplifting energies.

How can I get Archangel Michael to motivate me when I am feeling lazy?

We all face those lackluster moments when summoning motivation seems impossible. In those times, Archangel Michael can be an invaluable ally to help reignite your drive. Here are some ways he boosts motivation:

  • Energize your solar plexus. Imagine Michael sending revitalizing blue light to your inner sun – the solar plexus chakra. This stokes your inner fire for creativity and action.
  • Sever energy drains. Ask Michael to cut away cords zapping your motivation. Reclaim your energy and stamina.
  • Infuse enthusiasm. Visualize Michael lighting up your entire energy field with zest, inspiration and passion for your tasks or goals. Feel invigorated!
  • Lend courage. If fear is the block, Michael floods you with bravery to move forward anyway. His sword vanquishes doubt.
  • Get moving. Ask Michael to nudge you to take one step, then another. Momentum builds from there.
  • Detach from outcome. Michael helps release attachment to results. Doing the task itself becomes the reward when fully engrossed in the experience.

Michael wants to see you live boldly and shine as your empowered self. When you need a boost, call upon this magnificent archangel to be your motivation and mojo infusion!

How can Archangel Michael help me be more courageous?

It’s common to feel fear or anxiety in the face of new experiences, choices or events. In those times, invoking Archangel Michael alongside you bolsters your reservoir of courage exponentially. Consider these ways he imparts bravery:

  • Michael exudes a feeling of safety and calm. His peaceful, stable essence pacifies panic and allows you to think clearly.
  • Michael lends you his sword and shield. Visualize carrying these protective symbols as you walk ahead undaunted.
  • Michael releases doubts through the violet flame. This dissolves lower thoughts so you can hear your heart’s truth.
  • Michael models the courageous path. If you’re unsure, follow his lead as you witness him walking ahead of you unfalteringly.
  • Michael gives you perspective. Zooming up for an eagle’s eye view, you see things are unfolding perfectly. Fear dissolves.
  • Michael reminds you of your power. You have everything within you already – Michael just ignites your awareness of your inner divine mastery.
  • Michael severs fearful cords. He cuts ties to any people, ideas or limiting beliefs zapping your bravery.

With Archangel Michael as your unwavering guide, courage becomes your natural state of being. You fulfill your life purpose with boldness, clarity and confidence.

How can I invoke Archangel Michael for spiritual protection?

There are times on our spiritual journeys when we need reinforcement keeping our light strong and our boundaries clear. Here are some of my top ways to invoke Archangel Michael for supernatural spiritual protection:

  • Visualize an impenetrable emerald green light encircling you. This strengthens and seals your auric field.
  • Request Michael create sacred space around you – a dome of divine light repelling lower energies.
  • See Michael placing his mighty shield in your non-dominant hand. Use it to block psychic debris.
  • Ask Michael to cut any cords feeding you fear, doubt or energies not of the light.
  • Have Michael station guardian angels around your home, workplace or car for added security.
  • Take up Michael’s sword of truth to sever lies, illusions or manipulations seeking to distort your inner knowing.
  • Have Michael cloak your energy so you move in the world undetected and undisturbed.

With Archangel Michael protecting you, your spiritual light glows vibrantly! Call upon him when you need safety, clarity and courage on your spiritual path.

Here is a meditation I have created to help you do this on YouTube

What guidance does Archangel Michael give about dealing with challenging people?

As divine beings, all humans have light within, though sometimes that gets obscured. When faced with dealing with challenging people, Archangel Michael provides this guidance:

  • See their inner light rather than getting distracted by their outward behavior. People act out when disconnected from their true essence.
  • Send them silent blessings. Wish them healing and peace. This keeps your energy clear, and plants positive seeds.
  • Set firm boundaries. You don’t have to condone poor treatment, but can compassionately walk away.
  • Avoid taking things personally. Hurtful behavior reflects inner unrest. You remain centered.
  • Respond, don’t react. Take time to process your emotions before deciding how to address issues with grace.
  • Let go of judgment. Understand everyone is learning, growing and healing. We’ve all been challenging at times.
  • Protect your energy. Visualize a blue light shield so lower vibes don’t penetrate your spirit.
  • Offer forgiveness. This allows everyone, including you, to move forward lightened and renewed.

Archangel Michael reminds us that centering in our own spiritual connection calms even the most chaotic waters. Meet challenges with patience, faith and love.

What crystals work well with Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael’s commanding and protective energy blends beautifully with certain crystals and stones. Here are some top choices:

  • Blue lace agate – soothing, calming. Promotes communication and grace.
  • Lapis lazuli – illumination, insight. Enhances inner vision and peace.
  • Sodalite – harmony, logic. Stimulates rational thought and truth.
  • Amethyst – purification, spiritual connection. Deepens intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Fluorite – discernment, focus. Anchors intent and heightens clarity.
  • Black tourmaline – protection, security. Creates shields against negativity.
  • Hematite – vitality, courage. Imparts strength and energetic balance.
  • Carnelian – action, motivation. Sparks productivity and drive.

When working with Michael, hold or wear these crystals to magnify and stabilize his powerful energies. Feel empowered, shielded and aligned with your highest truths.

Key Takeaways

  • Archangel Michael offers incredible protection, clarity and courage whenever called upon. His energy dispels fear and fortifies you.
  • Stay receptive through signs like blue lights, feathers, tingles or number sequences so Michael can reassure you of his presence.
  • Archangel Michael’s blue light has calming, healing effects. Visualize it around you or look to blue crystals that represent his energy.
  • Let Michael sever cords, clear anger, impart faith, energize and motivate you. He brings focus when you feel distracted or drained.
  • Call on Michael’s shield, sword and strength to feel more confident, spiritually protected and emotionally balanced in challenging times.

In Summary

I hope this overview on working with the mighty Archangel Michael illuminated helpful ways to deepen your connection with this incredible angel. He is amazing to call upon any time you need more courage, clarity and conviction. Michael offers such profound energetic support, reassurance and healing. Open up and allow him to work his magic! Sensing his vibrant blue light surrounding you brings tremendous comfort and empowers you to live as your highest self. Divine guardian angels like Michael are always ready to lend their wings!

Topic Key Points
Invoking Protection Call out loud, visualize blue light, use invocations, wear blue, cleanse spaces
Signs from Michael Flickering lights, blue feathers, gold objects, number sequences, tingling, visions, blue light
Releasing Anger Sever cords, clear energy, open heart, reframe perspectives, lend strength
Cord Cutting Name the cord, visualize, invoke sword, express gratitude, clear aura
Blue Color Meaning Protection, communication, faith, healing, focus, flow
Motivation Energize solar plexus, cut drains, infuse enthusiasm, lend courage, take action, detach
Building Courage Feel safety, wield sword/shield, release doubts, follow Michael, gain perspective, know your power, sever fear
Spiritual Protection Green light shield, sacred space, shield, cut cords, guardian angels, cloak energy
Guidance on Challenges See inner light, bless them, set boundaries, don’t take personally, respond wisely, release judgment, protect energy, forgive
Crystals Blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, sodalite, amethyst, fluorite, black tourmaline, hematite, carnelian

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Michael

What are Archangels?

Archangels are powerful high-level angels who oversee different areas of life. They act as heavenly managers and are often depicted in art with armor and weapons, symbolizing their protective qualities. The word “archangel” comes from the Greek word archein, meaning “to be first in rank or power”.

Who is Archangel Michael?

Archangel Michael is one of the most well-known archangels. He is usually depicted carrying a sword or spear and his name means “he who is like God”. Michael is believed to lead the fight against evil and is connected to courage, protection, justice, motivation and clarity. His divine guidance fortifies people during struggles.

What does Archangel Michael help with?

Archangel Michael lends assistance in many areas, including:

  • Providing protection against negativity, fear or psychic attack
  • Cutting etheric cords to release attachments
  • Building confidence and courage to follow your heart’s purpose
  • Clearing lower energies of anger, resentment or guilt
  • Severing ties with people or addictions that limit you
  • Improving focus for important tasks or life changes
  • Strengthening spiritual devotion and connection to the Divine

What are Archangel Michael’s symbols?

Some symbols representing Archangel Michael include:

  • The sword – cuts through fear, false beliefs, cords
  • The shield – provides spiritual protection
  • Blue light or blue feathers – his signature celestial color
  • Flames or armor – the violet flame transmutes negativity
  • Numbers 444 or 777 – indicates his presence through number sequences

How do I invoke Archangel Michael?

You can call upon Archangel Michael anytime through:

  • Prayers, affirmations or invocations asking for his intervention
  • Visualizing his blue light and sword cutting through challenges
  • Wearing or holding blue crystals like lapis lazuli or sodalite
  • Displays images of Michael like paintings, statues or Archangel Michael prayer cards

Does Archangel Michael really help cut cords?

Yes! One of Archangel Michael’s specialties is cutting etheric cords binding you to people, places, addictions or thought patterns that limit your highest good. Through prayers asking him to sever ties and visualizing his sword dissolving cords, Archangel Michael can help you detach from unhealthy attachments.

What prayer do I say to Archangel Michael for protection?

“Archangel Michael, please surround me with your blue light of protection. Safeguard me from all negativity and lower energies so that I may feel secure, centered and energized. Thank you for your strength and smoldering sword which clears the way for me to walk in safety, power and courage. Amen.”

How do I know when Archangel Michael is with me?

Archangel Michael’s presence may be indicated through:

  • Seeing repetitive number sequences like 444, 777 or 1111
  • Noticing blue feathers or sparkling objects catching your eye
  • Feeling tingling on your crown chakra or back of your neck
  • Hearing a high pitched ringing in your ear
  • Smelling a faint scent like burning incense
  • Flickering lights, chills or a warm glowing feeling inside

Is Archangel Michael good or bad?

Archangel Michael is absolutely good! He is a divine light being who serves the highest good according to God’s perfect will. Michael helps humans in their spiritual evolution but always with love. He should never be feared, only respected.

What is Michael’s role in Christianity?

In Christianity, Archangel Michael is depicted as the commander of the Army of God. He led the fight against Satan and the fallen angels. The Book of Revelation describes Michael defeating Satan in the War of Heaven. He is championed as a defender of the righteous and leader of angels against darkness.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy


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