The Role and Significance of Archangel Michael in Spiritual Healing

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The Role and Significance of Archangel Michael in Spiritual Healing

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with all of you again. Today I want to talk about how Archangel Michael can help with spiritual healing and feeling empowered. Michael brings energies of courage, strength, protection and faith. These help remind us of our own inner light during tough times. When you call on Michael, you are asking for help from the angels to get through fear, clear negative energy, and feel strong again. Michael assists you in standing up for your truth. His sword of light cuts through doubts, worries and lower energies that might be holding you back. If you ever need an extra boost of strength and clarity, ask Archangel Michael for help! His divine presence will fill you with light and remind you of your own divine nature. Now, let’s look at how to work with him…

What are Archangel Michael’s main healing properties and energies?

Archangel Michael is known as the angel of protection, courage and strength. His healing energies help with:

  • Clearing lower vibrations of fear, anger, doubt etc. His blue light changes dense energy into higher frequencies
  • Making your sense of inner power, faith and conviction stronger
  • Protecting you from psychic attack or manipulation
  • Releasing feelings of anxiety, depression, not feeling safe
  • Supporting healthy boundaries and being able to stand up for yourself
  • Cutting through confusion to gain mental clarity
  • Overcoming challenges and achieving goals by focusing and not giving up
  • Making you feel safe, secure and aligned with your purpose

Michael brings the properties of the blue ray – the color of truth, integrity and spiritual empowerment. Working with Michael assists you in confidently standing in your truth.

How can I ask Archangel Michael for spiritual healing?

There are many ways to call on Michael’s healing presence:

  • Simply repeat this prayer: “Archangel Michael, please help me feel safe, strong and protected.”
  • Picture his blue light surrounding you and filling you with strength
  • Hold a blue crystal like lapis lazuli, sodalite or angelite
  • Place an image of Michael near your bed or workspace
  • Say affirmations like “I am divinely protected” or “I stand strong in my truth”
  • Do a chakra clearing meditation and ask Michael to remove any dense energies
  • Take a cleansing bath or shower and imagine his light washing over you
  • Ask him for guidance to cut through confusion and gain clarity

Pay attention to your intuition to feel Michael’s guidance and healing. You may feel more focused, empowered and centered after asking him for help.

What are signs or messages I might notice from Archangel Michael?

Michael communicates through many signs and messages. Watch for:

  • Flashes of blue light – his presence is near!
  • Seeing repeating numbers like 1111, 444, 555 – signals from the angels
  • Feathers – especially blue or white. A gift to show Michael’s protection
  • Visions or feelings of swords or armor during meditation
  • Hearing uplifting lyrics in songs
  • Noticing the word “strength”, “courage” or similar messages
  • Feeling very energized and recharged after asking Michael for help

Inner guidance, ideas and nudges after asking Michael for clarity about a situation

Michael may send you signs to show he is present and will help you. Stay open!

What are some good ways to thank Archangel Michael?

Some meaningful ways to show gratitude:

  • Light a blue candle and offer a prayer of thanks
  • Display a painting or statue of Michael in your home
  • Wear blue gemstones like sapphire or lapis lazuli jewelry
  • Donate to charities that protect children, the weak and vulnerable
  • Bravely stand up for your own rights and those of others
  • Spread messages of faith, courage and empowerment
  • Make time for quiet meditation focused on Michael

Even just thinking “Thank you, Michael” sincerely is a great way to honor him and recognize his support.

How can working with Archangel Michael help me achieve my goals?

Michael brings strong focus, motivation and drive – important for achieving goals! Specifically, asking Michael for help can:

  • Get clear on your true goals, priorities and purpose
  • Develop laser-like focus and determination
  • Overcome doubts, fears and perceived limitations
  • Let go of attachments to specific outcomes
  • Strengthen your intent and commitment
  • Cut through confusion, overthinking and distraction
  • Protect your goals from outside interference
  • Keep going through challenges and setbacks
  • Celebrate milestones and victories along the way

By lending his energies of courage, clarity and conviction, Michael provides great support for all stages of achieving goals.

What is Archangel Michael’s celestial color and how can I work with it?

Michael’s main color is deep blue. Being around the color blue can strengthen your connection to Michael and absorption of his healing energies. Ways to work with Michael’s blue ray:

  • Picture his blue light washing over you during meditation
  • Get a blue candle and light it when asking for Michael’s presence
  • Use blue crystals like lapis lazuli, sodalite or blue calcite
  • Wear blue clothing and jewelry
  • Add blue accents around your home
  • Use Michael’s blue ray in chakra healing, visualization or energy work
  • Eat blue foods like berries and drink blue liquids to take in the blue energy

Let Michael’s blue light give you a sense of peace, faith and purpose. Call upon its spiritual power when you need protection or courage.

What is the history and origin of Archangel Michael?

Michael is one of the oldest known archangels, honored by Christianity, Judaism and Islam. His name means “Who is like God?” which represents his role of serving God’s will for the highest good. Michael dates back to the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible where he is described as the special guardian and protector of Israel. In the Christian tradition, Michael leads God’s army against Satan and the fallen angels. He is often shown with a sword or shield, representing his protective strengths. The patron saint of police officers, Michael has long stood for the cosmic fight of good versus evil. Across different faiths and cultures, he brings comfort that despite life’s challenges, divine love and justice win in the end.

How does Archangel Michael help release fear?

Fear can feel paralyzing, but Michael’s light helps dissolve it. Here’s how Michael helps:

  • His blue light clears lower vibrations that feed fear like uncertainty, doubt and negativity. This raises your vibration above fear.
  • He gives courage and inner strength so you can feel able to move through things triggering anxiety or panic.
  • Michael’s presence brings a sense of safety and protection. Fear loosens its grip when you know higher help is near.
  • He makes confused or racing thoughts clearer. Michael brings mental focus.
  • Calling on Michael is an act of faith that reduces fear and reminds you of your spiritual nature.
  • With Michael’s help, you stop needing to control outcomes. This greatly reduces underlying fear.

Trust in Michael’s constant watchfulness and care. You’re never alone facing fear-based illusions. Michael’s light will guide you through to courage and grace!

In what ways does Archangel Michael clear negative energy?

Michael is very powerful at cleansing toxic energy. His light dissolves lower vibrations that disrupt harmony. Michael clears negative energy in these key ways:

  • His blue sword of light literally cuts through and removes dense vibrations of anger, resentment, jealousy, lack, and related energies.
  • Michael reveals illusions, distortions and manipulation by darker energies or beings. This clears confusion and deception.
  • Michael’s presence establishes healthy energetic boundaries. This stops negative influences from affecting your aura and chakras.
  • Michael’s blue light changes fear into faith, doubt into clarity, and sadness into joy. He raises your vibration above negative frequency ranges.
  • Michael guides earthbound spirits into the light – clearing both their stuck energy and leftover heavy energy.
  • Michael overrides harmful intentions with the divine will for the highest good according to God’s plan.

Ask Michael to clear negativity from your environment, relationships, body, mind and spirit. His light brings renewal and peace.

How can parents teach their children about Archangel Michael?

Some great ways to teach kids about this powerful angel:

  • Read stories showcasing Michael as the divine defender and protector
  • Have them draw pictures of Michael with his sword and shield
  • Help them create a Michael prayer space with his statue or images
  • Teach them to call on Michael when afraid or upset for comfort and strength
  • Take nature walks and point out cardinals as reminders of Michael’s red cloak
  • Show them how to make Michael sigils and talismans for their rooms
  • Guide them in positive affirmations asking for Michael’s protection
  • Help them pick out blue crystals or angelite associated with Michael
  • Bake Michael cupcakes with blue icing and sword toothpicks!
  • Watch fantasy movies involving epic battles of good versus evil together
  • Frame the Bible verse commanding Michael to protect Israel
  • Assure them Michael’s invisible shield surrounds them at school/play

Michael reminds children of their inner courage and Divine protection. He banishes childhood fears and builds faith!

Key Takeaways

  • Archangel Michael brings powerful healing energies of strength, courage, protection and clearing fear or negativity
  • Call on Michael whenever you need help overcoming challenges, protection from psychic attack or feeling empowered standing in your truth
  • Michael’s celestial color is blue. Working with blue objects enhances your bond with his healing presence
  • Michael helps release attachments, gain mental clarity, keep going through obstacles and manifest goals aligned with your purpose
  • Michael has long served as the defender of good against evil. He watches over the weak and vulnerable
  • Teach children about Michael to build faith and manage difficult emotions like fear, confusion or anxiety
  • Stay open through prayer, meditation and intuition to receiving Michael’s signs, guidance and assurance

In Summary

Dear friends, I hope you feel a renewed sense of light, purpose and protection after learning about Archangel Michael’s important role in spiritual healing. When you need more strength, courage and focused conviction, simply call upon this great archangel. His blue sword of light cuts through all that holds you back from embodying your wholeness. See each of you as the angel you truly are, under the loving care of Michael’s angelic guardianship. We are never alone! Divine light and guidance is always near. Wishing you many blessings on your continued spiritual journey.

Topic Summary
Archangel Michael’s Healing Properties Clears lower vibrations, strengthens inner power, protects from psychic attack, releases anxiety/depression, supports boundaries, brings mental clarity, helps overcome challenges
Ways to Call on Archangel Michael Prayer, visualization, use blue crystals, place image of Michael nearby, affirmations, chakra clearing meditation, cleansing bath/shower
Signs from Archangel Michael Flashes of blue light, seeing repeating numbers, finding feathers, visions of swords/armor, empowering lyrics or messages, feeling energized after calling on him
Honoring and Thanking Michael Blue candles, display image of him, blue gemstones, donations to related charities, standing up bravely for rights, spreading encouraging messages, quiet meditation
Michael for Manifesting Goals Helps get clear on purpose, focus intentions, overcome doubts/fears, release attachments, cut through confusion/distraction, persist through challenges
Michael’s Celestial Blue Ray Visualize blue light, use blue candles, crystals and clothing, chakra/energy work
Michael’s Origins One of oldest archangels, named in Book of Daniel, leader of heavenly army against fallen angels, patron saint of police and protector
Michael Releasing Fear Raises vibration above fear, lends courage to move through triggers, establishes sense of safety, clarifies anxious thoughts, instills faith beyond physical
Clearing Negative Energy Cuts through with sword of light, reveals illusions/deception, establishes boundaries, transmutes lower emotions, escorts earthbound spirits into light

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Archangel Michael best known for?

Archangel Michael is best known as the angel of protection and courage. He is depicted with a sword or shield defending against darkness. Michael gives us strength and dispels fear.

What are Archangel Michael’s celestial numbers?

The numbers 4, 44, 144, and 444 are considered Michael’s celestial numbers. Many associate him with sequences like 1111 as well which represents his protection and guidance.

How do I ask Archangel Michael for help?

You can ask Michael for help through prayer, calling his name aloud, or mental telepathy. Be specific about what you need help with. Then allow signs and intuition to confirm Michael’s guidance and intervention.

What color should I associate with Archangel Michael?

Bright royal blue is the signature color of Archangel Michael. Surrounding yourself with blue can strengthen your bond with his healing energies.

What foods are good to eat when working with Archangel Michael?

Blueberries, grapes, purple foods like eggplant, and drinking grape juice can help internalize Michael’s blue and purple vibration. Espousing his virtues like courage and integrity is also beneficial.

What is the Michael Invocation?

The Michael Invocation is: “Michael, Michael of the Sun, please make my will, Your will. Please take my inadequacy and turn it into light, wisdom and love.”

What crystals work best for invoking Archangel Michael?

Blue crystals like sodalite, lapis lazuli, angelite, blue calcite, blue lace agate and blue aventurine amplify Michael’s energy.

Is Archangel Michael an angel of death?

No, Michael is not an angel of death but of protection. He does serves to guide souls to heaven at the time of death.

Is Archangel Michael good or bad?

Archangel Michael is a 100% benevolent angel devoted to service of the Divine will. He protects, liberates and blesses.

What does Michael protect us from?

Michael protects us from lower energies, psychic attack, manipulation, confusion, doubt, negative thought patterns, anxiety, fear and anything not aligned with the light.

This covers some frequently asked questions about Archangel Michael and his healing qualities. Let me know if you have any other questions!

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy