How To Use Your Chakra Energy

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How To Use Your Chakra Energy - Lisa Beachy

Chakras are energy centers in the body that correspond to specific physical, mental, and emotional states. Learning to harness chakra energy can lead to improved health, heightened awareness, and greater spiritual connection. Here is a guide to understanding and using your chakra system.

What are the 7 main chakras and what do they represent?

The 7 main chakras run along the center of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are:

  1. Root Chakra – Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra represents security, survival, and feeling grounded. Its color is red.
  2. Sacral Chakra – In the lower abdomen, the sacral chakra relates to creativity, sexuality, and emotions. Its color is orange.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Found in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus chakra influences confidence, self-esteem, and personal power. Its color is yellow.
  4. Heart Chakra – Located in the center of the chest, the heart chakra affects love, compassion, and relationships. Its color is green.
  5. Throat Chakra – In the throat, this chakra relates to communication, self-expression, and truth. Its color is blue.
  6. Third Eye Chakra – Between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra governs intuition, insight, imagination. Its color is indigo.
  7. Crown Chakra – At the very top of the head, the crown chakra represents spirituality, enlightenment, and connection to the divine. Its color is violet.

How can I tell if my chakras are balanced or imbalanced?

There are several signs that can indicate the state of your chakras:

  • Physical symptoms – Each chakra is tied to parts of the body, so physical ailments may signal an imbalance. For example, digestive issues can reflect sacral chakra blockages.
  • Emotional turmoil – Unbalanced chakras often manifest in emotional distress related to the chakra. An overactive root chakra, for instance, may cause feelings of anxiety.
  • Difficulty in key areas of life – Blocked or underactive chakras can lead to challenges in the aspects of life they govern. An blocked heart chakra may cause relationship struggles.
  • Intuition – Many people can get a sense of their chakras through inner wisdom, intuition, or simply focus and self-observation.
  • Energy healing assessments – Practitioners can evaluate chakras by scanning the body’s energy field, noting issues.

What are some ways I can balance and unblock my chakras?

There are many techniques for optimizing chakra flow:

  • Chakra meditation – Use visualization, chanting, or focusing on chakra colors to energize and balance each chakra.
  • Yoga – Poses and exercises that align with chakra locations can activate and unblock them.
  • Energy healing – Modalities like reiki, crystal healing, or acupuncture can balance the energy body and chakras.
  • Chakra foods – Certain foods, like root vegetables for the root chakra, resonate with each chakra and can help heal them.
  • Essential oils – Oils carry certain vibrational frequencies that align with the chakras and can harmonize their energy when applied topically or diffused aromatically.
  • Body movement – Dancing, shaking, or tuning into chakra areas can get energy flowing.
  • Positive thinking – Since thoughts influence energy, focusing on positive emotions related to each chakra can invite balance and flow.

What are the benefits of having balanced chakras?

When the chakras are balanced and aligned, it allows energy to flow freely through the body and mind, creating optimal wellbeing:

  • Improved physical health and vitality
  • Heightened mental clarity and focus
  • Stability in moods and emotions
  • Deeper spiritual insight and awareness
  • Greater creativity and inspirations
  • Harmonious relationships
  • Increased intuition and perception
  • Feeling centered, peaceful, and connected

Overall, balanced chakras contribute to a sense of wholeness, purpose, and alignment of the body, mind and spirit.

How do I know which chakras need the most attention?

Pay attention to any signs of imbalance, as outlined above, to know which chakras need care. It also helps to tune into the body and intuition. Notice areas of tension, heaviness or discomfort. Reflect on your current emotional state and life challenges to discern problem chakras. Seek professional guidance from a healer or practitioner if unsure. With practice, you can learn to intuitively feel where chakras feel blocked or overactive.

Can crystals help balance my chakras?

Yes, crystals are an excellent way to align the chakras. Each chakra corresponds to certain crystals that share its energetic vibration. By placing these stones on the appropriate chakra points, the crystal can transmit balancing and healing energy to resolve blockages. Some key chakra crystals are:

  • Root – Hematite, Red Jasper
  • Sacral – Carnelian, Orange Calcite
  • Solar Plexus – Citrine, Yellow Jasper
  • Heart – Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine
  • Throat – Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate
  • Third Eye – Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst
  • Crown – Clear Quartz, Selenite

Should I try to open all chakras or just problem ones?

It’s generally best to take a whole-body approach and nurture all your chakras. They work together as an energy system, so opening or balancing just one can sometimes throw off the rest. However, you may need to give extra care to blocked or weak chakras by doing targeted exercises and using crystals for those areas. Find a holistic balance between comprehensive chakra care and special focus where needed.

How often should I work on chakra healing?

Consistency is key in chakra care.Aim to engage in chakra-focused practices like meditation, yoga, energy healing or self-reflection for at least 5-10 minutes daily. It takes repetition to clear accumulated blocks and establish smooth energy flow. Of course, spend additional time on areas of concern as desired. Develop a routine that weaves chakra care into your lifestyle.


Our chakras are central to our vitality and quality of life. Keeping them balanced takes some diligent self-care, but pays off with dividends in health and wellbeing. Use a variety of methods that resonate with you, from meditation to crystals, movement and more. Tune into your energetic flow, get to know your chakras, and nourish them with the attention they deserve. When the chakras align, you’ll feel centered, energized and spiritually connected.

Summary Table

Chakra Location Aspects Imbalances Healing Methods
Root Base of spine Security, grounding Anxiety, fear Yoga, red crystals
Sacral Lower abdomen Creativity, emotions Emotional extremes, addiction Orange foods, dancing
Solar Plexus Upper abdomen Confidence, self-esteem Low self-worth, lack of direction Yellow crystals, positive affirmations
Heart Center of chest Love, relationships Heartbreak, lack of empathy Green veggies, rose quartz
Throat Throat Communication, expression Withholding truth or feelings Chanting, blue crystals
Third Eye Between eyebrows Intuition, insight Lack of imagination or connection to spirit Meditation, indigo foods
Crown Top of head Spirituality, enlightenment Feeling disconnected, lack of purpose Violet essential oils, spiritual practice


What are chakras?

Chakras are energy centers located throughout the body that correspond to specific elements of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. There are seven main chakras that run along the midline from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra absorbs and transmits energy to govern various bodily functions based on its location. Keeping the chakras balanced and aligned allows for optimal health and wellbeing.

Do chakras really exist?

While chakras cannot be detected physically, there is growing scientific support for the validity of the energy centers that control mind-body functions. Our organs constantly emit biophotons, which are light particles that may correspond to chakras. Energy healers can detect chakras in the human energy field through psychic abilities. Thousands of years of spiritual traditions reference chakras and empirical evidence shows positive effects from balancing them.

How can I tell if my chakras are balanced?

Signs of balanced chakras include feelings of vitality, ease, and flow in life as well as the areas linked to each chakra. For example, a balanced root chakra manifests as feeling grounded and secure. Imbalances often produce the opposite effect along with symptoms like lethargy, anxiety, and physical ailments related to each chakra. Focusing on chakras during meditation can reveal harmonious or blocked energy.

What is the best way to balance my chakras?

There are many effective methods: meditation, yoga poses, chanting, crystals, reiki, eating chakra-resonating foods, aromatherapy, dancing or other body movement, and more. A holistic approach using a variety of techniques tailored to your needs and lifestyle works best long-term. Things like positive thinking and emotional healing support the energetic effects.

Can I open and heal chakras myself?

Absolutely. While getting support from an energy practitioner can be useful, you can take your chakra care into your own hands. Through study, self-observation and daily practices like yoga or meditation, you can significantly harmonize your own chakra system by removing blocks and keeping energy flowing. It takes patience and consistency for self-healing, but the effects can be powerful.

How do I know which chakra to focus on?

Notice any symptoms of imbalance in your body, feelings or life challenges to identify problem chakras. For example, urinary or lower back problems may indicate blocked sacral chakra energy. You can also tune into your intuitive sense, simply placing attention on each chakra during meditation until you find areas of tension, heaviness or discordance. As you get to know your chakras, you will learn which need care.

What is the best chakra to start healing with?

The root chakra at the base of the spine is a great foundation since it establishes security, grounding and stability. When the lower chakras that handle our basic needs are balanced, it provides the vitality to open upper chakras that control more spiritual aspects. But ultimately listen to your intuition – if you feel drawn to a different chakra then start there. With patience you can gradually harmonize them all.

What are the best practices for chakra healing?

Meditation, yoga, chanting mantras, using healing crystals or essential oils, Reiki, eating chakra-aligned whole foods, dancing mindfully, writing in a journal, positive affirmations, energy therapies like acupuncture, massage, spending time in nature, visualization, and cultivating self-love on all levels. Find a combination that integrates into your lifestyle.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Categories: Chakras


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