Hello, my lovely friends! 💜
It’s Lisa Beachy here, your spiritual intuitive and teacher, ready to guide you through an absolutely enchanting celestial event. Today, we’re diving deep into the mystical waters of the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon and exploring how we can work with the radiant energy of Archangel Haniel to amplify our spiritual growth and intuitive powers. So, grab your favorite crystal, light some lavender incense, and let’s embark on this magical journey together!
Understanding the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon
Before we dive into working with Archangel Haniel, let’s take a moment to appreciate the celestial spectacle we’re witnessing. A Supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, appearing larger and brighter than usual. Combine this with the dreamy, intuitive energy of Pisces, and we’ve got ourselves a powerhouse of spiritual potential!
The Pisces Full Moon is all about:
- Heightened intuition and psychic abilities
- Emotional healing and release
- Connecting with your higher self
- Dissolving boundaries between the physical and spiritual realms
Now, imagine all of this amplified by the Supermoon’s energy. It’s like the universe is giving us a supercharged spiritual boost! 🌟
Meet Archangel Haniel: The Moonlight Angel
Enter Archangel Haniel, our celestial companion for this cosmic journey. Known as the “Glory of God,” Haniel is often associated with:
- Moonlight and lunar cycles
- Intuition and psychic abilities
- Divine feminine energy
- Grace and harmony
Haniel’s energy perfectly complements the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon, making her the ideal angelic guide for our spiritual work during this potent time. Her gentle yet powerful presence can help us navigate the deep emotional waters of Pisces while harnessing the amplified lunar energy of the Supermoon.
5 Magical Ways to Work with Archangel Haniel During the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon
Are you ready to dive into some celestial magic? Here are five enchanting ways to connect with Archangel Haniel and make the most of this extraordinary lunar event:
1. Create a Moonlit Altar 🕯️
Set the stage for your spiritual work by creating a beautiful altar dedicated to Archangel Haniel and the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon. Here’s how:
- Choose a quiet space where you can see the moon
- Cover a small table with a white or silver cloth
- Add items that represent the water element (seashells, a bowl of water)
- Include crystals associated with Haniel and the moon (moonstone, selenite, amethyst)
- Place a white or silver candle at the center
- Add any personal items that feel spiritually significant to you
As you arrange your altar, invoke Archangel Haniel’s presence with this simple phrase:
Archangel Haniel, angel of moonlight and intuition, I invite your loving presence into this sacred space. Guide me as I connect with the powerful energies of the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon. Thank you for your grace and wisdom. Amen.”
2. Moonwater Ritual for Emotional Healing 💧
Harness the combined power of Haniel and the Supermoon to create a potent emotional healing elixir:
- Fill a clear glass jar with purified water
- Hold the jar in your hands and ask Archangel Haniel to bless the water with her healing energy
- Place the jar outside under the Full Moon (or on a windowsill if outside isn’t possible)
- In the morning, retrieve your moon-charged water
Take small sips throughout the day, visualizing Haniel’s healing light flowing through you with each sip
Remember, my lovely friends, as you drink this magical elixir, set your intention for emotional healing and release. Feel the cool liquid washing away any lingering negativity or pain, replacing it with Haniel’s soothing, moonlit energy.
3. Angelic Dream Journal 📓
The Pisces Full Moon Supermoon is prime time for prophetic dreams and astral travel. Invite Archangel Haniel to guide your dream experiences:
- Before bed, place an amethyst or moonstone under your pillow
- Light a white candle safely near your bed (or use a flameless option)
Say this invocation: “Archangel Haniel, please watch over my dreams tonight. Guide me to insights and visions that serve my highest good. Help me remember and understand the messages you send.”
Keep a journal and pen by your bed
Upon waking, immediately write down any dreams or impressions you recall
Don’t worry if you don’t remember full dreams right away. Even small snippets or feelings are valuable! With practice and Haniel’s guidance, your dream recall will improve.
4. Moonlit Meditation with Haniel
Deepen your connection with Archangel Haniel through this simple yet powerful meditation:
- Find a comfortable seated position, preferably where you can see the moon
- Take three deep breaths, imagining you’re inhaling moonlight
- Visualize a soft, silvery-blue light surrounding you
- In your mind’s eye, see Archangel Haniel approaching, her presence gentle and radiant
- Ask Haniel any questions you have or simply sit in her loving presence
- Pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, or impressions you receive
- When you’re ready, thank Haniel and slowly return to normal awareness
Remember, my dear friends, there’s no “right” way to experience this meditation. Trust whatever comes to you – Haniel communicates in many ways, including feelings, symbols, and subtle knowings.
5. Pisces Full Moon Supermoon Releasing Ceremony
Use the potent energy of this lunar event to release what no longer serves you:
- Write down what you want to release on small pieces of paper
- Fill a bowl with water and add a few drops of lavender essential oil
- Light a purple candle (my favorite! 💜) and call on Archangel Haniel
- One by one, read each paper aloud, then burn it safely using the candle flame
- Drop the ashes into the water, saying: “I release this with love and trust in divine timing.”
- After all papers are burned, take the bowl outside and pour the water onto the earth, visualizing your releases being transformed into positive energy
As you perform this ceremony, feel Haniel’s loving presence supporting you. Trust that as you let go, you’re creating space for new blessings to enter your life.
Continuing Your Journey with Archangel Haniel
The magic doesn’t end when the Supermoon fades, my lovely friends! Here are some ways to maintain your connection with Archangel Haniel:
- Wear or carry moonstone to stay attuned to Haniel’s energy
- Practice moon salutations in your yoga routine
- Keep a moon phase calendar and work with Haniel throughout the lunar cycle
- Use the affirmation: “I am open to receiving Archangel Haniel’s guidance and grace.”
Remember, building a relationship with Haniel (or any archangel) is a journey. Be patient, stay open, and trust the process.
Embracing Your Inner Moonlight
As we wrap up our magical exploration of working with Archangel Haniel during this extraordinary Pisces Full Moon Supermoon, I want to remind you of something incredibly important: You, my dear, are made of stardust and moonlight. The same celestial magic we’ve been discussing is already within you, waiting to be awakened and expressed.
Archangel Haniel is here to help you recognize and embrace your own inner radiance. As you work with her energy, you might notice:
- Increased synchronicities in your daily life
- A stronger connection to your intuition
- More vivid dreams and psychic experiences
A deeper sense of peace and harmony
These are all signs that you’re aligning with Haniel’s graceful energy and your own higher self. Celebrate these magical moments!
Before we part ways (at least until our next spiritual adventure!), I want to share a little personal story with you.
Years ago, when I was just beginning my spiritual journey, I felt lost and disconnected. It was during a particularly challenging Full Moon that I first felt Archangel Haniel’s presence. I was sitting by my window, a but sad, when I suddenly felt enveloped in the most comforting, moonlit embrace. It was as if a dear friend had wrapped me in a soft, silvery blanket of love.
That moment changed everything for me. It sparked a beautiful relationship with Haniel that has guided me through countless Full Moons, supported my intuitive development, and helped me embrace my role as a spiritual teacher.
I share this with you, my lovely friends, to remind you that no matter where you are on your spiritual path, the angels – especially sweet Haniel – are always there, ready to support and guide you. All you need to do is open your heart and ask.
As you work with Archangel Haniel during this magnificent Pisces Full Moon Supermoon, know that you are loved, supported, and infinitely capable of magic. Trust the process, embrace the journey, and watch in awe as your spiritual gifts unfold.
Until next time, may your life be filled with moonlit blessings and angelic grace. Remember, you are stardust, you are golden, and you are deeply, unconditionally loved.
With all my heart,
Lisa Beachy 💜
Frequently Asked Questions
As we wrap up our magical journey with Archangel Haniel and the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon, let’s address some common questions that might be swirling in your mind like stardust in the cosmos. 💫
Who is Archangel Haniel and why is she associated with the moon?
Archangel Haniel, whose name means “Glory of God,” is often associated with the moon, intuition, and feminine energy. In angelic lore, she’s connected to the moon’s cycles and is said to help us tap into our intuitive abilities. Her energy aligns beautifully with the Pisces Full Moon, making her an ideal angelic guide for this celestial event.
I’m new to working with angels. How can I start connecting with Archangel Haniel?
Welcome to this beautiful journey, lovely! 💜 Starting is simple:
- Set an intention to connect with Haniel
- Meditate or sit quietly, visualizing a soft, moonlit energy surrounding you
- Ask Haniel for guidance or support in your thoughts or out loud
Pay attention to any feelings, thoughts, or impressions you receive Remember, there’s no “right” way to connect. Trust your intuition and be open to subtle signs.
Can I work with Archangel Haniel if I follow a different spiritual path or religion?
Absolutely! Archangels are universal beings of light and love. They respect all spiritual paths and are available to anyone who calls upon them. Haniel’s energy of grace and harmony can complement various spiritual practices.
How long does the energy of the Pisces Full Moon Supermoon last?
While the Full Moon peaks on a specific day, its energy can be felt for about 3 days before and after the exact full moon. The Supermoon aspect can intensify this window. However, you can continue working with the moon’s energy throughout its entire cycle!
I didn’t feel anything during my meditation with Haniel. Did I do something wrong?
Not at all, my friend! Spiritual experiences can be very subtle, especially when you’re just starting out. Some people feel energy, others see colors or images, and some simply have a sense of peace. Trust that Haniel heard you, even if you didn’t feel anything dramatic. Keep practicing, and over time, you may notice your sensitivity increasing.
Can Archangel Haniel help with specific issues like relationships or career?
Yes! While Haniel is especially known for enhancing intuition and psychic abilities, she can assist with various aspects of life. Her energy of grace and harmony can be particularly helpful in smoothing out relationship issues or bringing clarity to career decisions. Simply ask for her guidance in these areas during your practices.
Are there any crystals that work well with Archangel Haniel’s energy?
Great question! Some crystals that resonate with Haniel’s energy include:
- Moonstone (of course!)
- Selenite
- Amethyst
- Rose Quartz
Labradorite You can use these in meditation, place them on your altar, or carry them with you to enhance your connection with Haniel.
Can I work with other angels or spiritual guides alongside Haniel?
Absolutely! The angelic realm is vast and filled with loving beings ready to support you. While focusing on Haniel during this Full Moon can be powerful, you’re always welcome to call on any guides you feel drawn to. Haniel plays well with others! 😇
I’m worried about opening myself up spiritually. Is there any danger in working with Archangel Haniel?
Your concern is understandable, but please know that Archangel Haniel, like all archangels, is a being of pure love and light. There’s no danger in connecting with her energy. However, it’s always wise to set clear intentions and boundaries in your spiritual work. You can always ask Haniel to work with you in a way that’s for your highest good and in alignment with your comfort level.
How can I continue working with Haniel after the Full Moon?
The journey doesn’t end with the Full Moon, lovely! Here are some ways to maintain your connection:
- Keep a moon phase calendar and work with Haniel throughout the lunar cycle
- Wear or carry moonstone to stay attuned to her energy
- Practice regular meditation, inviting Haniel’s presence
Use the affirmation: “I am open to receiving Archangel Haniel’s guidance and grace”
Pay attention to your dreams and intuitive hits – Haniel often communicates through these channels
Remember, building a relationship with Haniel is a journey. Be patient, stay open, and trust the process. Your connection will deepen over time. 💜
I hope these answers help illuminate your path, my dear friends. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. Let’s continue to support each other on this beautiful, moonlit journey of spiritual growth and discovery!
In love and light,
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy