Best Crystals for Archangel Sandalphon - Lisa Beachy

Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Sandalphon

Hello, lovely friends! I am Lisa Beachy, spiritual intuitive and reiki master. I’m excited to share this guide on connecting with the angelic realm through Archangel Sandalphon. He is known as the Angel of Music and Prayer who aids us in expressing ourselves with grace, creativity, and wisdom from on high.

In the following article, I will explore the crystals, essential oils, foods, colors, instruments, and more that can strengthen your bond with this compassionate archangel. Working with Sandalphon illuminates the voice of your higher soul so you can articulate divinely inspired truths to uplift yourself and others.

Whether you wish to develop your communication skills, enhance your spirituality, or simply invite peace into your life, Archangel Sandalphon has much beauty and guidance to offer. It is my hope these insights help you open your channels to eloquently commune with angelic realms and share your unique light with the world.

Now, let’s dive into the sanctuary of sound, prayer and self-expression with Archangel Sandalphon as our guide! May this bring you joy, inspiration and expanded consciousness.

What are the Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Sandalphon?

Archangel Sandalphon resonates strongly with crystals and gemstones that promote communication, creativity, and emotional healing. Some of the best crystals to use when working with Sandalphon include:

  • Blue Lace Agate – Encourages clear communication and soothing self-expression. It can help you articulate your inner truths.
  • Blue Calcite – Amplifies communication and creativity. It promotes expressing oneself with clarity and confidence.
  • Celestite – Aids spiritual communication and contact with angels. It creates a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.
  • Angelite – Promotes inner peace, compassion and spiritual awareness. It has a sensitive and comforting energy, like the angels.
  • Aquamarine – Calms the mind and enhances clear communication. It provides mental clarity to articulate ideas.
  • Chrysocolla – Inspires creativity, expression and peace. It helps you communicate true emotions and thoughts.
  • Larimar – Encourages self-expression and eases communication. It promotes sharing ideas from the heart.

Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite and Aquamarine are especially useful crystals for harnessing the communication enhancing properties of Archangel Sandalphon. Pair them with Angelite or Celestite to strengthen your spiritual connection.

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What Chakra is Archangel Sandalphon associated with?

Archangel Sandalphon is associated with the throat chakra.

The throat chakra, located at the neck and throat area, governs communication, self-expression, truth, and creativity. It is represented by the color blue.

As an archangel closely connected to music, sound, and language, Sandalphon has a natural affinity for the energy of the throat chakra. He can help clear any blockages in this chakra related to communicating openly or freely expressing oneself.

Through the power of his presence, Sandalphon encourages you to speak your inner truths. He enhances your ability to communicate both earthly and divine ideas with clarity.

When the throat chakra is balanced and aligned, you are able to articulate your authentic thoughts and emotions with confidence. Sandalphon guides you to use sound, vibration, and language to uplift yourself and others.

Crystals that correspond to the throat chakra, such as blue lace agate, celestite, and blue calcite, can help amplify Sandalphon’s wise and compassionate voice within you. Meditating with these crystals can strengthen the connection between you and this angel.

What essential oil is associated with Archangel Sandalphon?

Some of the main essential oils associated with Archangel Sandalphon include frankincense, myrrh, sage, cedarwood, and cypress. Sandalphon is known as the archangel of music, poetry, and prayer, so these woody, earthy oils resonate with his soothing energy. Here is a complete list

  • Frankincense – Connects Sandalphon to higher spiritual realms and opens psychic abilities
  • Myrrh – Also connects Sandalphon to spiritual realms and psychic intuition
  • Cedarwood – Evokes stability and protection, reflecting Sandalphon’s grounded nature
  • Sage – Provides cleansing and purification when calling on Sandalphon
  • Cypress – Cleanses and purifies energy when invoking Sandalphon’s presence
  • Patchouli – Dense, earthy aroma that helps stabilize the aura
  • Vetiver – Anchors the body and calms a restless mind
  • Oakmoss – Connects with earth goddess energies for embodiment
  • Pine – Cleanses environmental negativity around aura
  • Spikenard – Centers the spirit and slows energetic fluctuations
  • Clove – Protective and fortifying, drives away negativity
  • Ginger – Stimulates circulation and energy flow, harmonizes emotions
  • Angelica – Purifying, aids spiritual grounding between realms

Frankincense and myrrh specifically connect Sandalphon to higher spiritual realms. Their scent can help open psychic abilities during meditation. Cedarwood evokes stability and protection, reflective of Sandalphon’s solid, grounded nature. Cypress and sage oils provide cleansing and purification when calling on this archangel.

When working with Sandalphon, essential oils can amplify prayers and intentions. Anointing candles, diffusing the scents during rituals, or applying to the body mindfully can deepen communication and alignment with the archangel. Ultimately, the earthy fragrances amplify Sandalphon’s connection to spiritual growth through prayer and music.

To call upon Sandalphon’s presence during meditation, create an altar with Lavender essential oil. You can also anoint your throat chakra or diffuser necklaces with the oil to invoke the archangel’s energy.

What foods are associated with Archangel Sandalphon?

Archangel Sandalphon is associated with foods that have soothing, calming energies and help open lines of healthy communication. Some foods connected to Sandalphon include:

  • Chamomile Tea – Soothes and relaxes the voice and throat after speaking, singing, or channeling. Helps you communicate from a peaceful place.
  • Lemons – Help cleanse and purify the throat chakra. Allow you to speak clearly and without vocal strain. Also aid spiritual cleansing.
  • Peppermint Tea – Clears and refreshes the mind, aiding in articulate expression and reducing mental distractions.
  • Honey – Has a soothing, coating effect on the throat, easing communication. Provides energetic nourishment. Associated with angels in many faiths.
  • Liquids or fruits with high water content – Hydrates and nourishes the throat chakra. Fig, grape, kiwi, mango, pear, pineapple, starfruit, watermelon keep your voice flowing smoothly.
  • Almonds – Grounding, stabilizing energy aids in calm, centered communication without nervousness or anxiety.
  • Chai Tea – Warming spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger open up spiritual insights to be expressed creatively.

Before channeling, meditation, or any ritual asking for Sandalphon’s guidance, drink relaxing herbal teas or lemon water to connect with the angel’s light. Avoid harshly acidic or stimulating foods that may overactivated the throat chakra.

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What musical instruments does Archangel Sandalphon resonate with?

According to scripture and traditions, Archangel Sandalphon resonates deeply with string instruments that are soothing, harmonious, and can reach heavenly frequencies. The main instruments associated with Sandalphon include:

  • Harp – Considered the instrument most connected to Sandalphon and the angelic realm. Harp music aligns with the throat chakra, uplifting consciousness.
  • Violin and viola – Allow access to extremely pure, delicate tones. Their vibrations open spiritual communication.
  • Acoustic guitar – Warm, rounded strumming can induce deep meditation states to channel divine messengers.
  • Flute – Light, ethereal tones facilitate altered states. Allows you to connect with higher realms.
  • Singing bowls – Powerful vibration activates the throat to express divine love through song or mantra.
  • Wind chimes – Gentle tones purify surroundings so you can clearly transmit and receive angelic guidance.

Any acoustic stringed instrument can help you tune into Sandalphon’s healing frequencies. Try playing harp, violin or guitar during prayer or meditation to invoke angelic comfort and wisdom. Let the music lift your consciousness to freely commune with the Divine.

What scents are associated with Archangel Sandalphon?

Archangel Sandalphon is associated with soft, floral scents that have uplifting, spiritually opening qualities and promote communication:

  • Lavender – Sandalphon’s signature scent. Calms, soothes, and opens throat chakra for clear expression.
  • Roses – Open the heart to loving connection. Allow you to speak emotional truths.
  • Lilies – Lead consciousness toward spiritual realms and connection with the Divine.
  • Vanilla – Comforting, gently sweet scent encourages compassionate communication.
  • Jasmine – Sensual, uplifting aroma calls angels of love and creativity.
  • Cherry blossom – Delicate scent reminds you of the beauty in each moment to appreciate and share.
  • Lemongrass – Clears stagnant energies for open-hearted communication.
  • Orange blossom – Joyful and mood-lifting to inspire creative expression.

Burning lavender candles or incense is an excellent way to call upon Archangel Sandalphon during meditation or prayer. Wearing or diffusing a floral essential oil like jasmine can also open you to communicate with Sandalphon’s gentle wisdom.

What colors are associated with Archangel Sandalphon?

The colors most commonly associated with Archangel Sandalphon are:

  • Blue – Represents Sandalphon’s connection to the throat chakra and his role in verbal communication, creativity, and self-expression. Light blue tones also depict his soothing energy.
  • Violet – Reflects Sandalphon’s deep spirituality and connection to elevating consciousness to the angelic realms. Violet also activates the crown chakra.
  • Turquoise – Has a calming quality that evokes healing. It represents using communication and language to uplift.
  • Pink – Represents the compassionate, gentle nature of Sandalphon’s energy and guidance. Soft pink can soothe frayed nerves.
  • Gold – Symbolizes the enlightened wisdom Sandalphon channels from the Divine. Gold amplifies concentrations and focus during prayer.
  • White – Depicts purity and clarity of communicating from the heart and higher soul. Cleanses auras so messages flow freely.

Using blue and violet crystals in meditation can align you with Sandalphon’s wise guidance. Wearing blue or turquoise can help you speak skillfully and lovingly. Surrounding yourself with soft pink and white can soothe your spirit to intuitively channel Sandalphon.


Archangel Sandalphon is a powerful guide who can help you manifest graceful and uplifting communication in all areas of life. Connecting with this angel through the use of certain crystals, essential oils, colors, foods and music can open clear channels between your spirit and the Divine guidance always available from above. By working with Sandalphon and activating the energy of your throat chakra, you gain access to expressing your deepest truths with clarity, creativity and compassion. The songs, words and vibrations you emanate ripple out to bless the world.

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Category Associated Items
Crystals Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite, Celestite, Angelite, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Larimar
Chakra Throat
Essential Oils Lavender, Chamomile, Frankincense, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Lemongrass
Foods Chamomile Tea, Lemons, Peppermint Tea, Honey, Water-rich Fruits, Almonds, Chai Tea
Instruments Harp, Violin/Viola, Acoustic Guitar, Flute, Singing Bowls, Wind Chimes
Scents Lavender, Roses, Lilies, Vanilla, Jasmine, Cherry Blossom, Lemongrass, Orange Blossom
Colors Blue, Violet, Turquoise, Pink, Gold, White

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Archangel Sandalphon known for?

Archangel Sandalphon is known as the Angel of Music and Prayer. He oversees the transmission of prayers from Earth to Heaven. The Archangel Sandalphon also guides and inspires musicians, poets and artists. He is associated with soothing, uplifting frequencies and helping humans articulate their spiritual truths.

How do you call on Archangel Sandalphon?

As you seek to deepen your connection with Archangel Sandalphon, consider the power of transition through prayer, meditation, or the beauty of music. Inviting Sandalphon’s presence into your space can be as simple as singing, playing a heartfelt melody, or reciting a prayer dedicated to him. To enhance this sacred experience, you might find that burning incense or diffusing soothing oils such as lavender helps to attune your senses to Sandalphon’s unique energy signature, creating a serene atmosphere that welcomes his divine harmony and guidance.

What signs indicate Archangel Sandalphon is with you?

If you’re wondering whether Archangel Sandalphon is near, there are a few delightful signs to look out for. You might notice the numbers 611 or 1144 popping up in unexpected places – think of them as little winks from Sandalphon, letting you know he’s close by. If you suddenly find yourself brimming with new ideas or feeling a surge of inspiration, that’s another gentle nudge from this celestial being, encouraging your creative spirit.

A wave of calm and inner peace washing over you can also be a sign that Sandalphon is wrapping you in his tranquil presence. And if you feel a sudden urge to speak your truth or sing from the rooftops, it could very well be your throat chakra buzzing with Sandalphon’s influence, urging you to express your unique voice.

One of the most enchanting signs, however, is the mysterious scent of roses filling the air when there are none to be found. It’s as if Sandalphon is sending a fragrant bouquet to remind you of the beauty surrounding you, both seen and unseen. Keep your senses open, and you might just find these little hints of Sandalphon’s presence in your daily life.

Can Sandalphon help me with my communication skills?

Yes, as the angel guiding self-expression, Sandalphon can greatly help improve your communication abilities. He aids you in speaking clearly from the heart, expressing your needs confidently, articulating ideas gracefully and sharing your talents or gifts to help others.

How do I tune my voice to connect with Sandalphon?

You can tune your voice to connect with Sandalphon by singing devotional songs, chanting vocally or internally, reciting prayers or mantras, toning with crystal singing bowls, and engaging in other forms of uplifting sound healing. This helps purify and elevate your speech.

What is Sandalphon’s role in the angelic hierarchy?

Sandalphon is an archangel, among the highest orders of angels. He acts as a master of music and prayer. In some texts he is referenced as a twin brother to Archangel Metatron.

How can I deepen my work with Archangel Sandalphon?

To deepen your bond with Sandalphon, learn songs, chants or prayers to sing for him. Use blue calcite or throat chakra stones in meditation. Express yourself through music, writing or art to channel his guidance. Stay open through prayer and affirm your willingness to serve humanity with your voice.

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In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Best Essential Oils for Archangel Sandalphon

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