How angels communicate - Lisa Beachy

How Angels Communicate with Us

Angels are divine messengers who bring us guidance, comfort, and inspiration. Though we may not always see their wings and halos, angels communicate with us in subtle, loving ways each day. Their messages uplift our spirits, impart wisdom, and remind us that we are never alone. Angels speak to our hearts through feelings of peace, joy, empathy, and synchronicity. Their whispers cajole us to trust our intuition and live purposefully. When we quiet our minds and open our hearts, we begin to discern the angels’ gentle presence. We recognize their nudges motivating us to spread more light. Though invisible to the eye, angels make their presence known through the warmth and light they kindle within. May this article illuminate the myriad ways angels communicate their unconditional love and divine presence.

What are the most common ways angels communicate with us?

Angels have many methods of communicating with us here on earth. Some of the most common ways include:

  • Sending intuitive thoughts or feelings. Angels are able to implant thoughts and sensations that feel like they are coming from within us. This is a subtle form of guidance.
  • Dream visitations. Angels frequently appear in our dreams, either directly interacting with us or sending us symbolic messages. Pay attention to any dreams involving angels.
  • Seeing signs and symbols. Angels use repeating numbers sequences, feathers, coins, rainbows, music, and many other signs to signify their presence.
  • Hearing angelic voices. Some people can hear the voices of angels giving them direct messages or whispering guidance into their ears. This is a rare gift.
  • Sensing an angelic presence. You may suddenly feel like you are surrounded by unconditional love, warmth, or have the sense you are not alone. This is your angelic support team making themselves known.
  • Visionary experiences. In deep states of meditation, some receive vivid visions and direct communication from angels. This profound experience often accelerates spiritual growth.
  • Physical manifestations. In very rare cases, angels may even take physical form and appear visibly to convey divine teachings.

The key is to tune into the subtle ways the angels are trying to reach you and to trust your intuition. Signs from angels always bring a sense of peace and reassurance.

How can I be sure an angel is actually communicating with me?

Since angelic communication can be subtle, it may be hard to know for certain that you are receiving guidance from an angel. Here are some ways to tell:

  • The message uplifts and inspires you. Angelic guidance focuses on love, healing, growth and service. It will never induce fear.
  • There are repeating signs around a message. If you keep seeing number sequences or the same symbols associated with guidance you received, it is likely angelic.
  • The message feels comforting and peaceful. Angelic energy carries high vibrations of divine love and light. Sit with the message and notice how you feel.
  • Guidance leads you to positive growth. True messages from angels will nudge you in the direction of nurturing yourself, relationships, and spiritual evolution.
  • Your intuition affirms it. Trust in the deep inner knowing that comes from your highest self. If it feels angelic in nature, angels are likely involved.
  • The message spontaneously arises. Angelic guidance will come unforced and effortlessly, often when you least expect it. There is a sense of grace.
  • Physical sensations occur. You may feel tingling, warmth, goosebumps or energy in your body. This visceral reaction indicates angelic presence.
  • Signs confirm it. Seeing feathers, rainbows, numbers and other signs both during and after receiving the message indicates angels confirming their guidance.

Stay open and aware, but trust your discernment. With practice, you will recognize the peace, wisdom and unconditional love that are hallmarks of angelic communication.

What is the best way to start communicating with my guardian angel?

To start effectively communicating with your guardian angel, here are some tips:

  • Ask for signs. Simply praying and requesting clear signs your angel hears you can open the channels for communication. Watch for repeating numbers, music, scents, feathers and more.
  • Meditate. Quieting your mind through meditation makes you more receptive to subtle angelic guidance. Even 5-10 minutes a day can be enough.
  • Try automatic writing. Sitting with pen and paper and allowing your angel to write through you can yield profound messages. Don’t overthink, just write.
  • Pay attention to dreams. Ask your angel to appear in your dreams and remember to write down any messages you receive upon waking. Dreams are a gateway.
  • Notice feelings and intuition. Guardian angels often send validation through sudden flashes of insight, gut feelings or sensations of warmth to convey guidance.
  • Affirm your connection. Say aloud: “Guardian angel, I know you are here with me. Please send me clear signs so I recognize your love and guidance.”
  • Express gratitude. Simply thanking your angel for their presence and requesting their assistance makes communication flow more freely.
  • Ask specific questions. Having dialogues where you can ask questions and then notice signs and intuition allows two-way communication.
  • Allow synchronicity. When you align with your angel’s guidance, you will experience more coincidences and serendipity. This confirms you are on the right path.
  • Be patient and persistent. Communicating with angels often takes practice but keep at it. Your angel is always ready to speak to you—it is just learning to listen.

Are there signs my guardian angel is trying to warn me about something?

Angels do try to warn and protect us from harmful situations. Some signs your guardian angel may be sending you a warning include:

  • Intuition or gut feeling that a choice or situation is unsafe. Listen to any sudden uneasy sensations or inner voice urging caution.
  • Repeated disruptions or obstacles arising to prevent you from proceeding down a path. Pay attention if something repeatedly blocks your way.
  • Electronics malfunctioning around you. Flickering lights, appliances shutting off, and devices breaking can signal danger.
  • Feeling sudden sensations of anxiety, dread or discomfort regarding a decision. This emotional reaction could be your angel sounding alarm bells.
  • Dreams warning you away from certain people or actions. Dreams from angels may become frightening or ominous as a way of getting your attention.
  • Seeing disturbing signs and omens such as black crows, spiders, or shadows around a situation. These dark symbols could be warnings.
  • Hearing your name called or whispered urgently just as you are about to act. This may be your angel intervening.
  • Physical weakness, dizziness, headaches or illness arising when making a choice. Your health signals from your angel could be saying “stop!”
  • Smelling a foul odor, rotting or burning smells around a person or place. Foul scents often mean something is energetically off.
  • Chaos and confusion occurring whenever you try to force something. Your angel might be blocking something not meant for you.

The key is learning to recognize and trust the signs. Angels will make themselves very clear when protection is needed.

What does it mean when you suddenly smell flowers or perfume, but there are no actual flowers nearby?

When you suddenly notice the scent of flowers or perfume around you with no physical source, this is likely a sign from the angels. Smells are one of the most common ways angels make their presence known. Here is what it can mean when angels send floral scents:

  • Approval or validation. The sweet scent conveys the angels are pleased with you and want to show their joy and approval.
  • Encouragement. The angels may be perfuming the air around you to uplift you and provide encouragement if you have been feeling down.
  • Reassurance. If you are anxious or worried, the sudden scent can be a reassuring sign that the angels are right there comforting you.
  • Opportunity or blessing. Sometimes angels will send flowery scents as a herald of new opportunities, prosperity or other blessings about to unfold.
  • Spiritual growth. As you grow in awareness and vibration, angels often perfume the air as a confirmation and celebration of your spiritual progress.
  • New inspiration or creativity. Smelling flowers out of the blue may mean fresh waves of inspiration from your angelic muses are coming.
  • Loved one visiting. Angels will sometimes use familiar floral scents if a deceased loved one is in spirit visiting you. Roses, for instance, can signify a maternal figure.
  • Lift your mood. When you are feeling low on energy, depressed or discouraged, angels may infuse florals into the air to instantly uplift and re-energize you.
  • Milestone recognition. In special times of celebration like birthdays, anniversaries and graduations, angels like to send fragrant scents as a heavenly honoring of the occasion.

So next time you notice a sudden unexplained floral scent, tune into how you feel and what may have prompted your angels to send this perfumed sign!

If angels speak without words, what does their communication feel like?

Since angels communicate through energy rather than verbal language, their speech has a very distinct feeling and mode of transmission. Here are some of the sensations people report when angels “speak”:

  • Surrounding warmth. There is often a strong feeling of being wrapped, bathed or infused in gentle warmth. This brings comfort and a sense of being loved.
  • Tingling. Angelic communication can create almost electrical tingling sensations throughout the body, especially down the spine and arms. The tingling signifies high vibrational energy.
  • Goosebumps/chills. As their energetic transmissions interact with your energy field, angels can make the hair on your arms and neck stand up with their strong presence. Goosebumps arrive with a message.
  • Lightness in body. After angelic communication, people describe feeling light, floaty and fully relaxed in the body. Muscle tension melts away in the angelic energy.
  • Sense of expansion. There is often a feeling of expanded or broadened awareness in the mind following a transmission. As angelic consciousness merges with your own, perspective shifts.
  • Heart opening. There can be a definite softening and opening of the heart center, almost like palpable waves of unconditional love emitting from within. This signifies deep healing.
  • Heightened intuition. Angelic communication enhances intuition. Solutions to problems often arise spontaneously after feeling the energetic transmission.
  • Uplifted emotions. Mood almost always improves, with feelings of joy, gratitude, hope and inner peace arising. Angels “speak” directly to the emotional body.
  • Inner voice. Sometimes angels do speak in actual word-like thoughts that come as a voice within the mind, discernable from the receiver’s own inner voice. The messages sound and feel angelic.

What are the main reasons angels might make their presence known through scents or smells?

Angels have the ability to infuse scents and smells into the atmosphere as a way of signaling and communicating with us. Here are some of the main reasons angels use sweet scents and aromatic fragrances:

  • To bring comfort and reassurance. Smells tend to quickly shift our mood and make us feel good. Angels may send a favorite scent to lift spirits or send reassurance.
  • To show their approval and joy. When pleased, angels will often release perfumed air so we recognize their happiness with an action or accomplishment.
  • To send blessings and abundance. Certain smells like roses and citrus can be signs of prosperity and good fortune flowing our way from the angels.
  • To herald spiritual growth. As we develop spiritually, angels announce and celebrate each growth milestone through fragrant scents.
  • To mark a significant occasion. For events like births, weddings, graduations and memorials, angels mark the occasion with appropriate scents.
  • To relax and reduce anxiety. Smelling lavender or eucalyptus during times of stress can be an angel easing worry and inducing relaxation.
  • To send healing energy. Gentle floral and herbal scents often accompany healing work and energy sent by angels.
  • To indicate spiritual beings are near. Smelling incense, flowers, cigars and other scents associated with deceased loved ones is a sign they are visiting.
  • To spark inspiration. Invoking creative energy, angels can infuse scents that spark artistic ideas, new innovations and inspired thinking.
  • To get your attention. Using unusual or out-of-place smells is a way angels try to grab your awareness and alert you to their presence.

What are some signs that angels are embracing and comforting us?

Angels frequently embrace, comfort and re-assure us through subtle energetic signs and sensations. Some ways to recognize their divine hugs and comfort:

  • Feeling wrapped in warmth. Angels radiate intense warmth and light. When embraced, you may suddenly feel like you are being bathed in gentle heat or sunshine.
  • Sense of peaceful calm. Angelic energy brings an instant feeling of tranquility, serenity and stillness to body and mind. Racing thoughts settle.
  • Release of tension. Shoulders and muscles suddenly relax as heavy density and tension lift after an angelic embrace. The body feels lighter.
  • Tingle down neck/spine. As angelic energy surrounds you, you may feel a sparkling tingle or current of electricity run down your neck or spine.
  • Weight lifted from chest. When comforted, the chest area often feels broadened, expanded and lighter, as if a physical weight has been lifted. Breathing gets deeper.
  • Goosebumps. The high vibration of angels can make the small hairs on your arms and neck stand up. Goosebumps show their energy field merging with yours.
  • Uplifted mood. After angelic reassurance, feelings of optimism, hope and inner peace arise. You feel mentally lighter and encouraged.
  • Renewed energy. Many report feeling a wave of revitalization after experiencing angelic comfort. Like they can handle challenges with ease.
  • Eyes welling up. The profound love angels transmit can move you to tears. Welling up with tears is the heart center opening.
  • Childlike joy arising. Comforted by angels feels like being wrapped in your mother’s arms as a child – safe, loved, and carefree. Pure joy!

How might angels try to send a reassuring message when we’re going through hard times?

In difficult times, angels always seek to reassure and comfort us through sending energetic messages of hope, healing and guidance. Some ways angels might try to send you reassuring messages:

  • Flashes of inspiration or wisdom suddenly arise to help you find solutions to problems or insight into the growth opportunity that the challenge represents. This lifts you out of fear-based thinking and into faith and possibility.
  • You keep seeing repeating numbers like 111, 444, 555 indicating your angels are with you and you are on your path. Numerical synchronicities remind you of divine order.
  • You find white feathers in your path, which angels often use as little messengers of their peaceful presence and promise that you are never truly alone.
  • You overhear a song with lyrics that seem to speak directly to your struggle, or provides the wisdom you need at that very moment. Your angels arranged this musical message.
  • A meaningful passage in a book or social media post jumps out with perfect timing, as if your angels guided you to find this bit of writing just when you needed its wisdom, hope or perspective.
  • You feel sudden warmth surrounding you, like you are being wrapped in a warm blanket. This is your angels imparting a comforting embrace when you need it most.
  • A beloved pet or animal companion stays close or cuddles with you. Angels will use pets to impart unconditional love and companionship.
  • You smell a sudden, unexplained scent of perfume, flowers, or a deceased loved one’s cigar smoke or favorite food. Your loved ones in spirit are right beside you.
  • A friend or helpful stranger calls you out of the blue, giving you social connection or assistance exactly when isolation and challenges felt overwhelming. Grace-filled timing.

How can I be sure it’s really my guardian angel communicating with me and not just my imagination?

Since angelic communication can be subtle, it’s natural to wonder if you are truly connecting with your guardian angel or if it may just be wishful imagination. Here are some ways to discern angelic guidance:

  • There is a feeling of warmth, light and unconditional love. Angelic energy carries distinct vibrations. Focus on the feelings vs just mental content.
  • The message has perfect timing and alignment for what you are going through. Angel messages arrive right on time with what is needed.
  • You notice signs like numbers, feathers, rainbows repeatedly validating the message. Angels confirm through physical signs and synchronicity.
  • The guidance resonates deeply but doesn’t tell you what to do. It enlightens your inner knowing rather than giving direct orders.
  • There is a sense of expansion after receiving the message. You gain wisdom, hope and new perspective – not just platitudes.
  • The message is focused on healing, growth, and service. Angelic guidance is always centered on principles of love.
  • You feel lighter and lifted after receiving the message. Angelic energy carries high vibrations that leave you feeling good.
  • The message came spontaneously without effort or control. Angel communication has an element of grace and divine timing.
  • Your intuition affirms it. You instinctively recognize spiritual truth which registers in your heart when angels speak.
  • Physical and emotional symptoms arise as embodiment. You may cry, get goosebumps or feel electricity – physical reactions to angels merging energy with yours.

The more you receive genuine angelic communication, the easier it gets to recognize the difference from ordinary thoughts. Trust in the unique, uplifting energy you feel when connected to the angelic realms.

How do angels communicate warnings to protect us from harmful situations or people?

Angels tasked with guiding and protecting us have various means of communicating emphatic warnings when we are headed into harm’s way:

  • Intuition or gut feelings suggesting something is unsafe or untrustworthy. Angels warn through our inner knowing and instincts.
  • Hearing an urgent voice or your name called aloud right before entering a dangerous situation. The angel is intervening.
  • Electronic malfunctions like phone breaking right after an unsafe decision is made. The angel is sabotaging the choice.
  • Ominous, disturbing and persistent nightmares about a certain path or person. Dreams are used by angels to warn.
  • You feel suddenly drained, sick, dizzy or anxious when making a choice. The angel is sending signals through your body.
  • Smelling smoke, burning, rotting odors or scary scents like sulfur around an area or person. This signals evil or danger.
  • You have repeated injuries, accidents or close calls after ignoring earlier warning signs. The angels are escalating their warnings.
  • Chaos erupts whenever you try to go against your inner knowing. The angel purposefully disrupts the path not meant for you.
  • Seeing dark symbols like spiders, snakes, black crows and shadows appear around a situation. Omen animals caution you.
  • A trusted friend or elder urgently advises you against proceeding after you already received inner warnings. Angels confirm through outside counsel.

The key is noticing the signs and then heeding the angel’s cautions against people, places or actions emitting

Here is a summary table of the key information in the article, plus an FAQ with schema markup:

How Angels Communicate with Us

Method Description
Intuitive thoughts/feelings Angels implant thoughts and sensations that feel like they are coming from within us
Dream visitations Angels frequently appear in our dreams, either directly interacting or sending symbolic messages
Signs and symbols Angels use repeating numbers, feathers, coins, rainbows, music, etc. to signify their presence
Angelic voices Some people can hear direct angelic voices and messages
Sensing an angelic presence Feeling surrounded by unconditional love, warmth or sensing you are not alone
Visionary experiences Angels may appear in deep meditation and communicate directly
Physical manifestations In rare cases, angels take physical form and appear visibly

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best ways to invite angels into your life?

Some effective ways to invite angelic connection include praying sincerely for guidance, asking for angelic dreams, noticing signs and synchronicity, meditating to raise your vibration, expressing gratitude, requesting protection and support, and simply believing and affirming that angels are present.

Do angels have wings and halos like in artwork?

While angels are sometimes depicted with wings and halos in art, these are likely symbolic representations of divine qualities and abilities. As non-physical beings made of light and energy, angels would have no need for physical wings or halos.

Are angels and deceased loved ones the same?

No, angels and the souls of deceased loved ones are considered separate types of spiritual beings. Angels have never lived human lives but are divine immortal messengers created by God. Deceased loved ones are human souls who have remained near us after transitioning from their physical lives.

What religions or beliefs recognize angels?

Belief in angels is found in many faith traditions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and many new age or spiritual philosophies. While interpretations differ, angels play a significant role in helping humanity across multiple religious and spiritual worldviews.

Do angels appear to non-believers?

Yes, angels can and do communicate with and assist people regardless of their beliefs. Since angels emanate from pure divine love, they care for all humanity without judgment. Their guidance is available to anyone open to perceiving it.

How do you know if you have a guardian angel?

Most spiritual traditions agree that every person is assigned guardian angels to guide and protect them through life. You can recognize your guardian by being open to angelic signs, listening to intuition, noticing guidance leading to growth and truth, and feeling a sense of angelic presence with you.

Can angels help with practical problems like career or finances?

Yes, angels can help with all life areas since they aim to guide our overall wellbeing and fulfillment. By tuning into intuitive promptings, noticing signs that bring clarity, and asking angels for direction – assistance with practical matters like career or money can come.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy
Here is a Meditation to help you connect with the angels:

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