History of Angels

Published by lisabeachy on

History of Angels

Hello lovely friends! I’m so excited to explore the enlightening history of angels within New Age spirituality. Angels have captured people’s imaginations across cultures for centuries as divine guides, protectors, and healers. Their beautiful white wings and glowing halos evoke an innocence and mysticism that continues inspiring many spiritual seekers today. Join me on an uplifting journey to learn how beliefs about our angelic guardians have evolved and impacted the modern New Age movement. I hope these angelic messengers can bring some joy, comfort, and inspiration into your life as well! Keep an open heart to any angelic signs or guidance that may come your way as you read this illuminating article. Let’s spread our wings together on this magical ride!

What role have angels played in the New Age movement?

Angels have long been an important part of New Age spiritual beliefs. In the late 19th and early 20th century, interest in angels and other spiritual beings grew as part of a greater fascination with the occult and metaphysical. Writers like Helena Blavatsky, who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875, wrote about angels as spiritual guides and teachers.

During the New Age movement of the 1960s and 70s, belief in angels flourished. Books like Sophy Burnham’s bestselling The Book of Angels fueled interest in connecting with one’s guardian angel. New Age followers believed angels could provide guidance, protection, and healing. Workshops, seminars, and angel readings became popular ways to contact angels.

Some key New Age angel beliefs include:

  • Everyone has guardian angels who can connect with and guide them.
  • Angels exist on higher spiritual planes and can aid spiritual development.
  • Angels can be contacted through channeling, divination, and meditation.
  • Angels can provide energy healings, prosperity, and miracles.
  • Angels must be invited to help and never violate free will.

Today, angel practices like Angel Reiki and Angel Card readings remain popular New Age activities. Angels also appear in New Age aesthetic imagery. Overall, angels are seen as benevolent spiritual helpers who can support New Age seekers on their paths.

How did depictions of angels change from early biblical sources to the modern New Age movement?

Biblical angels were awe-inspiring heavenly beings carrying out God’s will, whereas modern New Age angels are more personalized spiritual guides.

In early biblical texts, angels had unique appearances (wings, multiple faces, fiery bodies) and interacted directly with prophets and humans. Their role was as God’s divine messengers and executors of His will. Angels in biblical books like Ezekiel are mystical heavenly creatures.

Over time, angels became more humanized in their depictions. In medieval art, angels gained beautiful humanoid forms and personalities. The modern New Age view continues the anthropomorphizing of angels as benevolent, human-like beings who can form personal connections with humans.

Key differences in angels then vs. now:

  • Biblical angels: Radiant, terrifying heavenly beings; agents of God’s will
  • Medieval angels: Beautiful, human-like figures; guardian protectors
  • New Age angels: Personal spiritual guides; comforters; channels of divine energy

New Age practitioner works, like those by angel authors Diana Cooper and Ambika Wauters, present angels as compassionate beings who can heal, communicate, and form bonds with humans. Humans also may become angels or ascend to angelic spiritual planes in New Age beliefs.

So early awe-inspiring biblical angels evolved into the friendly spiritual companions of New Age angelology. Their role transformed along with their depictions.

What are some examples of angels communicating with or assisting people in the Bible?

Here are some biblical examples of angels assisting people:

  • The angel Gabriel visited Mary and foretold Jesus’ birth (Luke 1:26-38).
  • Angels spoke to Joseph through dreams to reassure and guide him (Matthew 1:20-24).
  • Angels ministered to Jesus after his temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:11).
  • An angel strengthened Jesus before his crucifixion (Luke 22:43).
  • Angels rolled away the stone at Jesus’ tomb on Easter (Matthew 28:2).
  • Angels released the apostles from prison in the Book of Acts (Acts 5:19-20).
  • The angel Michael helped the prophet Daniel understanding visions (Daniel 10:10-21).
  • Angels appeared to prophets like Ezekiel and Zechariah to deliver divine messages.
  • The angel Raphael helped guide Tobit’s son Tobiah in the apocryphal Book of Tobit.
  • Angels led Lot and his family out of Sodom and Gomorrah before their destruction (Genesis 19:15-17).

So in the Bible, angels often provide guidance, protection, healing, and prophetic revelations to aid key biblical figures in carrying out God’s will. They manifest divine power and presence at important events.

How do angel practitioners and believers say we can call upon angels for help?

Here are some common ways angel practitioners recommend calling upon angels:

  • Prayer – Asking angels sincerely and specifically for their help through prayer. Using the angel’s name if known.
  • Invitations – Verbally inviting your guardian angel or angels in general to be with you. Setting an intention for their presence.
  • Meditation – Meditating, imagining, and visualizing angels near you. Envisioning their light filling and surrounding you.
  • Angel altars – Creating a special space with angel figurines, images, crystals, feathers, etc. Focused on calling angels.
  • Angel cards/oracles – Drawing angel cards or consulting an angel oracle and meditating on their messages.
  • Gratitude – Thanking angels out loud for any signs, guidance, or help. Expressing gratitude attracts more angelic assistance.
  • Angel numbers – Looking for repeated number patterns like 111 or 444, which signify angels are near.
  • Songs/chants – Singing or chanting angel-focused songs and sounds, like om and ah.
  • Clearing space – Removing clutter and creating a clean, serene environment. Angels’ high vibrations flourish in clear spaces.
  • Angel therapies – Working with practitioners who channel angelic energy into modalities like Angel Reiki.

Connecting with angels takes regular spiritual practice. But simple steps like asking for help, expressing gratitude, and looking for angel signs can open awareness to their presence and guidance.

What are angel numbers, and what do some common angel numbers mean?

Angel numbers are repeating number sequences like 111, 444, and 777 that are believed to contain divine guidance and meaning from angels. Here are some common angel numbers and meanings:

  • 111 – New beginnings, alignment, being on the right path
  • 222 – Balance, harmony, unity with higher self
  • 333 – Ascended masters are near, growth, creativity
  • 444 – Angels are surrounding you, stability
  • 555 – Positive change is ahead, major life shifts
  • 666 – Care for yourself, find work/life balance
  • 777 – Spiritual awakening, mystical experiences, good fortune
  • 888 – Increased abundance, manifestation power
  • 999 – Completion of a life phase, end of a cycle

Angel numbers are said to appear in meaningful times and places like clocks, addresses, license plates, etc. Paying attention when frequently spotting the same sequences is thought to indicate angels sending messages and support. Angel numbers can provide affirmation, warn of challenges ahead, or milestone transitions. Rather than intently seeking angel numbers, noticing them synchronistically can help increase spiritual awareness of the guidance angels provide in everyday life.

How does the New Age movement interpret the meaning of different types of angels, like archangels and guardian angels?

The New Age movement emphasizes working with different types of angels:

Archangels – Elevated angels like Michael and Gabriel who oversee large spiritual domains and may aid in matters of protection, healing, life purpose, and spiritual growth.

Guardian Angels – Believed to be assigned to each person and follow them through life to provide guidance and interventions when needed. Act as closest spiritual companions.

Nature Angels – Inhabit the natural world and its elements. Include fairies, elves, leprechauns, and spirits of water, air, fire, and earth. Help commune with nature.

Messenger Angels – Bring wisdom, prophecy, and divine messages to people to help them progress spiritually. Guide major life transitions.

Healing Angels – Work closely to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds. Raphael is a main healing angel.

Seraphim & Cherubim – Heavenly angels who sit at the throne of God and project pure love. Higher beings but may aid soul journeys.

Ascended Masters – Enlightened beings like Buddha who act as angelic teachers and provide profound spiritual wisdom.

Newly Transitioned Souls – Departed loved ones may return briefly as angels to comfort those grieving their loss.

So New Age spirituality sees a vast range of angels working in harmony to support human welfare at many levels. Calling on different angels brings their specialized aid.

Some key debates about angels include:

  • Origins – Whether angels originated in Judaism, Zoroastrianism, or other ancient religions. Their roots are unclear.
  • Nature & abilities – Whether angels should be viewed literally or symbolically. Their metaphysical powers and abilities are disputed.
  • Hierarchy – Scholarship conflicts on purported choirs and hierarchies of angels. References are vague.
  • Gender – Whether angels have a gender or are genderless divine beings.
  • Guardian angels – Belief in guardian angels watching each person is not universally accepted. Originates more from tradition.
  • Veneration – Whether praying to or worshipping angels as intercessors violates monotheism by distracting from God. Views differ.
  • Fallen angels – The nature and role of demonic fallen angels is interpreted very differently across faiths.
  • Modernity – Some argue angels are outdated relics while others say a re-enchantment with angels balances cold modernity with divine meaning.

So despite widespread angel traditions, perspectives on their purpose and nature remain varied and sometimes divisive. Angels continue sparking lively theological debates today.

What cultural examples are there of angels appearing or communicating with people through history?

There are many legendary tales of angelic encounters:

  • The Roman Catholic Church recognizes angel visitations like the angels who supposedly appeared to shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917.
  • In Islam, the angel Gabriel delivered the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. Gabriel is honored as the Messenger Angel in many traditions.
  • Joan of Arc said angels like Michael, Margaret, and Catherine gave her divine guidance and prophecies in the 15th century.
  • In the American Great Awakening revival of the 1700s, preachers told of spiritual visions guided by angels.
  • Mormonism founder Joseph Smith claimed the angel Moroni led him to the golden plates he translated into the Book of Mormon.
  • In the Jewish Kabbalah tradition, writings describe angels called Hayot ha Kodesh in Ezekiel’s visions and secret angelic names.
  • Angels figure prominently in many dream visitation stories, near-death experiences, and channeled writings popular today.

Of course, many stories are hard to authenticate. But angel visions persist across cultures as inspiration and evidence of invisible spiritual forces touching human lives. The prevalence of dramatic angel encounters continues fueling belief.

What are some examples of angels appearing in modern pop culture? How does this reflect contemporary perspectives on angels?

Angels are ubiquitous in pop culture today:

  • NBC TV series Highway to Heaven and film City of Angels popularized friendly guardian angels.
  • New Age singer Enya’s songs “Orinoco Flow” and “Only Time” use ethereal vocals to evoke angelic mysticism.
  • Angels play a symbolic role inshows like Touched by an Angel, films like Wings of Desire, and songs like Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel.”
  • Angels and demons battle in contemporary shows like Supernatural and books/films like Angels & Demons.
  • Christmas ornaments, greeting cards, figurines, and decor feature smiling angel images.

The prevalence of angels in sentimental and commercialized pop culture has roots in widely held New Age beliefs of angels as divine but approachable spiritual guides and protectors. Angels today symbolize hope, comfort, and childlike wonder amid life’s hardships. Pop culture angels capture the New Age re-imagining of angels as personalized and relatable.

How do skeptics and critics view widespread modern belief in angels? What arguments do they make against such beliefs?

Skeptics criticize modern angel beliefs in several ways:

  • Lacks evidence – No scientific proof angels exist; relies on subjective spiritual experiences alone.
  • Confirmation bias – Vague angel encounters allow people to project desired explanations onto random events.
  • Psychological projection – Believing angels interact with you reflects ego and desire for attention from the divine.
  • Delusional thinking – Angel experiences stem from magical thinking, vivid imagination, mental illness.
  • Cognitive dissonance – People who need comfort invent angels to relieve the stress of harsh realities.
  • Commercialization – Profiteers take advantage by selling angel books, workshops, and trinkets.
  • Fairy tale origins – Biblical angels were transformed into fanciful New Age fiction.

Critics cite angels as an example of supernatural beliefs that offer false comfort through imaginary relationships and selective thinking. They argue “angel logic” is used to justify irrationality. Proponents counter that angels represent empowering faith that an unseen spiritual reality can help humanity. The debate continues.

How do angelical practices and rituals vary between different spiritual traditions and cultures?

Angel practices diverge across faiths:

  • Abrahamic faiths – In Judaism, Christianity & Islam, angels praise God and act as messengers. But rituals to interact with angels directly are less common.
  • Dharmic faiths – Hinduism and Buddhism generally do not have angels, but celestial beings like apsaras, dakini and enlightened bodhisattvas hold similar roles.
  • Pagan faiths – Traditions like Wicca work closely with spirits of nature, fairies, ancestors – who act angelically as guardians and healers.
  • Spiritualism – Direct channeling and writing allegedly dictated by angels flourished in 19th century American spiritualism.
  • New Age – Modern New Age movement most actively embraces directly working with angels through invocation, altars, reiki, divination rituals.
  • Folk Catholicism – Vernacular Catholic practices interweave approved Church rites with local folk magic like rituals petitioning saintly intercession.
  • Folk Islam – Seeking magical cures and amulets blessed by khodams, Islamic angels, persists in some Islamic cultures.

So active ritual traditions around angels appear most prevalent today in New Age and syncretic folk spiritual practices, versus organized religions emphasizing God over angels. But angelic beliefs remain touchstones across faiths.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

A meditation that I have on my YouTube channel to help you connect to angels:

Categories: Angels


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