angel signs, guardian angel

10 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying to Communicate With You

What are some signs that your guardian angel is trying to communicate with you?

Guardian angels are spiritual beings that are assigned to protect and guide us through life. Though they remain mostly invisible, angels do try to communicate with us in various subtle ways. Here are 10 signs your guardian angel may be trying to get a message across:

  • Feathers – Finding feathers in odd places, especially white feathers, is a common sign that your angel is near. It’s a calling card from the spiritual realm.
  • Coins – Another common angel sign is finding coins, particularly pennies. It’s a sign to pay attention to your thoughts and intuitions.
  • Scents – Angels are said to have their own heavenly scents such as roses, lavender, and jasmine. Smelling these fragrances unexpectedly could mean an angelic presence.
  • Colors – Seeing flashes of light or colorful orbs is also linked to angelic energy. Each color has its own meaning – blue for peace, pink for love, green for growth.
  • Animals – Seeing animals, especially birds, butterflies, ladybugs or dragonflies unexpectedly can be a sign from the angels. These creatures are highly symbolic to angels.
  • Numbers – Seeing repeating number sequences like 111, 444, or 777 can be a sign that your guardian angels are trying to get your attention or send a message your way.
  • Dreams – Vivid dreams and night visions are a common way for angels to reach out. Pay close attention to any dreams with angelic figures in them.
  • Inner Voice – Hearing an inner voice or your name called out when nobody is there is a telltale sign that your angel is communicating through telepathic means.
  • Intuition – Angels are said to guide us through our intuition. If you feel nudged or hear a voice guiding you in the right direction, it may well be your angel’s doing.
  • Angel Signs – Even seeing references to angels like angel paintings, cloud formations, bumper stickers, songs with angel themes can be little hello’s from your angel above.

What does it mean when you see angel numbers?

Seeing repeating number sequences like 111, 222, 333, etc. is a common sign of communication from your guardian angels. Here is what some of the more frequent angel numbers mean:

  • 111 – New beginnings, fresh opportunities, progress
  • 222 – Have faith, trust in divine timing, cooperation with higher powers at work
  • 333 – Ascended masters are near, trinity of mind/body/spirit, amplified energies
  • 444 – Angels are surrounding you, invitation to pay attention
  • 555 – Significant life changes are afoot, buckle up and prepare
  • 666 – Negativity being removed from your life, time to meditate for guidance
  • 777 – Congratulations, you are on the right path and wishes are coming true
  • 888 – Increased manifestation power, keep your thoughts positive as energy flows
  • 999 – A phase is completing, closure so new doors can open, learn from the past

Angel numbers serve as a validation that your angels are with you and want the very best for you. Seeing them is a nudge to keep going on your spiritual path.

What does it mean when you smell flowers but there are no flowers around?

Smelling a floral scent like roses, lavender or jasmine out of nowhere is a telltale sign that an angelic presence may be nearby. Angels are closely associated with flowers and the spirit of flowers is said to lift energy vibrations closer to the angelic realm. A few reasons your guardian angel may send the scent of flowers:

  • To provide comfort, peace and reassurance when you need it
  • To remind you of the beauty in life when you feel down or stressed
  • To send you an uplifting sign and validation when you are questioning your path
  • To awaken your senses and call you to be more mindful or meditative
  • To remind you to appreciate nature, bloom where you are planted and unlock your creativity
  • To indicate growth, change and new beginnings are on the horizon
  • To send healing energy your way on an energetic and emotional level
  • To simply let you know they are present with you at that moment

So take a moment to stop and breathe in the heavenly scent with gratitude when it arises. Thank your angels for reaching out through such pleasant means. The message itself will be made clear based on what is currently happening in your life.

What does it mean when you randomly smell cigarette smoke but nobody is smoking around you?

Catching a whiff of cigarette smoke even though nobody is physically smoking around you can have spiritual implications. In fact, phantom smoke is believed to be a potential sign of communication or a visitation from a spirit. Here are some possible meanings:

  • It may be a loved one in spirit who used to smoke cigarettes when they were alive. They may be dropping by to let you know they are near.
  • It could be your guardian angel using the familiar scent to offer comfort and remind you that your loved one’s spirit lives on.
  • The smell of smoke could signify the presence of a spirit guide coming forth to give counsel or guidance in that moment.
  • It may be a warning sign to be mindful of your current path or relationships. What bad habits or negative behaviors may be arising?
  • The smoke scent can alert you to any toxic or clouded thinking that needs to be cleaned up and shifted.
  • On a positive note, it may signify sparks of creativity, passion and ideas rising up from your inner being.

Overall, pay close attention to what is happening around the time you notice the unexplained smoke scent. See if any messages related to the meaning stand out to you. Stay open-minded about spiritual communications.

What does it mean when you hear your name being called but nobody is there?

Hearing your name distinctly called out when no one else is around to have done so is a phenomenon many report experiencing. In fact, it’s one of the most common examples of clairaudience or psychic hearing. Some possible spiritual explanations for this experience are:

  • A guardian angel may be calling your name to grab your attention, alert you to something important, or provide guidance in that moment. Still the mind and listen closely for messages.
  • A spirit guide may be trying to make contact and validation by calling out your name clairvoyantly. They come through most clearly when you are relaxed or meditative.
  • A loved one in spirit may be reaching out by saying your name emotionally to let you know they are still near.
  • Your higher self or intuition may be summoning you inward to heighten your self-awareness or tap you into higher states of consciousness.
  • It may be a warning sign from your angels to be mindful of choices or hazards around you at the time.
  • A psychic attack is unlikely but could attempt to mimic your loved one’s voice – shield yourself spiritually.

What else was happening around the time you heard the disembodied calling of your name can provide further insight. Overall, the spiritual nature suggests someone benevolent is trying to get your attention in a vivid way.

Why do angels use numbers to communicate instead of just speaking to people directly?

Angels use recurring number sequences as a gentle and non-intrusive way to communicate and guide humans without interfering with free will. There are a few key reasons why angels send number signs rather than communicating directly:

  • Sudden direct contact could frighten or overwhelm people – numbers are subtle yet noticeable.
  • Hearing voices is often met with fear or skepticism rather than receptivity.
  • Angels take vows to guide but not control human life and destiny.
  • Numbers transcend language barriers, can be universally understood.
  • Numbers are incorporated naturally into people’s day-to-day lives.
  • Numbers stand out as abnormal patterns catch the eye during mundane tasks.
  • Numbers can be confirmed when appearing repeatedly or synchronized across clocks/phones/addresses.
  • Numerical synchronicity validates the meaning and message being sent by angels.
  • Numbers can be intuitively and personally interpreted based on what is happening in someone’s life when an angel number appears.
  • Numbers are memorable, simple signals the mind can latch onto and recall.

So while angels do at times communicate directly through voices, visions or dreams, number sequences give them a subtle yet effective way to send support, validation and guidance into people’s lives. The numerical code catches our eye precisely when divine help is most needed in a specific situation.

When angels send signs, do they ever get frustrated if the signs are ignored?

As divine spiritual beings, angels have infinite patience and unconditional love – they do not actually get frustrated, angry or disappointed with human behavior. However, angels do wish for people to tune into and trust the guidance they provide through signs and synchronicity.

A few important things to know about how angels handle their signs being ignored:

  • Angels understand humanity is at different levels of spiritual evolution and receptivity. They meet people where they are.
  • Ignoring one sign will likely lead to more amplified signs rather than angels abandoning the effort.
  • Angels know that just planting seeds of guidance can blossom when the timing is right.
  • Angels work on divine timing – they see the bigger picture of life’s journey so signs missed today may connect later.
  • Angels are always happy when just one person tunes into their guidance, regardless of who ignores it.
  • Angels allow for free will and learning through life experience, not forced action.
  • Angels know that no effort of love is ever wasted and each person will understand in due time.
  • Angels don’t judge or give up on anyone – their love is unwavering. They know people learn at their own pace.
  • Angels aren’t alone in sending guidance – often other spiritual beings collaborate as well.
  • Angels feel joy when signs do resonate for people and help them on their path.

So while angels probably don’t feel human frustration, they continue working patiently through signs and synchronicity to nudge humanity toward greater spiritual awakening and understanding. The more receptive we become, the more we benefit.

If angels are always around us, why don’t we see or hear them on a daily basis?

While guardian angels are indeed always present around us, providing protection and guidance, they remain imperceptible to our physical senses most of the time. There are energetic and spiritual reasons for this:

  • Angels vibrate at an extremely high frequency that humans can’t easily perceive with limiting physical senses.
  • Angels don’t want to interfere with human life and free will – overt contact could influence behavior and destiny.
  • Angels take vows to stay mostly behind the scenes as silent protectors rather than dominate human affairs.
  • Constant sight and sound of angels could overwhelm people or lessen faith which angels want to nurture.
  • The spiritual veil purposefully keeps the angelic hidden to maintain a sense of mystery and discovery.
  • Angels know that subtle signs register powerfully in the subconscious while overt contact often gets dismissed.
  • Hearing inner guidance via intuition helps develop divine partnership rather than reliance on externals.
  • Learning to discern angel signs and synchronicity helps increase awareness and perception over time.
  • Life on Earth is about learning faith and finding divine connection within which angels wish to support.
  • Angels want humanity to choose its own path rather than follow theinfluence of spiritual forms.

While angels do sometimes make their presence very known during pivotal moments, generally they work quietly behind the scenes helping souls grow and evolve. But they are no further than a heartfelt request for support.

What is the purpose of angels sending us messages and signs?

Angels have a few core motivations for sending us repeated signs, omens, and messages:

  • To reassure us we are never alone, especially during challenging times. Angels want to make their love and support explicitly known.
  • To nudge us back onto our true soul path when we’ve gone astray or lost our way somehow. The signs realign us with our higher purpose and spiritual wellbeing.
  • To offer validation we are on the right track when we feel doubtful about life decisions or confused about next steps.
  • To warn us of potential perils, hazards or toxic influences ahead that could derail us. The signs protect our energy and safety.
  • To awaken our spiritual gifts of intuition, clairvoyance, mediumship and divine connection. The signs develop our higher senses.
  • To help us through emotional issues like grief, pain, anger or despair. The comforting signs uplift and rekindle inner light.
  • To spark inspiration, creativity or innovation that serves both our good and the highest good.
  • To progressively open our mind to the mystical, collective and miraculous capacities of the universe.
  • To remind us we are part of something greater, we are never alone, and that love is the ultimate truth.

Angel signs serve as guideposts from the divine that aim to steer us toward our greatest fulfillment, purpose and soul evolution while here on Earth. They are gifts from the angels’ abiding love.

Why don’t angels just tell us clearly what they want us to know instead of sending cryptic signs?

Angels are limited in how directly they can communicate with humans in order to avoid interfering with free will. There are a few key reasons why angels convey messages indirectly through signs and synchronicity rather than being explicit:

  • Direct interference risks influencing major life decisions that humans must make independently.
  • Overtly revealing guidance outwardly stunts the growth of inner wisdom, intuition and faith.
  • Putting ideas clearly into someone’s mind could manipulate their life path and destiny.
  • Being told precisely what to do prevents learning through experience and the soul’s maturation.
  • Forcing change upon someone can suppress free will and self-determination.
  • Allowing ambiguity helps teach discernment as signs must be interpreted.
  • Discovering meanings in hindsight helps validate the signs as divinely guided.
  • Angels don’t want to predicate following advice on believing it came from them first.
  • Space for doubt helps reinforce lessons if recommendations still prove true.
  • Ongoing interpretation of signs strengthens psychic senses and divine connection over time.
  • Subtle signs woven into daily life feel natural rather than supernatural.

The veiled nature of guidance from angels may be frustrating at times but ultimately protects human free will while still providing gentle direction and support. The wisdom gleaned from deciphering the meaning helps unfold human potential aligned with the soul’s purpose.

10 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying to Communicate With You

Angels are spiritual beings whose role is to guide, protect and support us through life. Though usually invisible to the human eye, angels do give signs and signals when they are near and wish to help convey messages from the divine. Often these signs are subtle and symbolic in nature. Being aware of the many ways in which angels try to communicate and intervene can help provide comfort, reassurance and spiritual guidance. Here are 10 common signs from guardian angels to be mindful of:

1. Seeing Number Sequences

One of the most prevalent signs of angelic guidance is seeing meaningful number sequences. Repeated numbers like 111, 555 and 777 are highly spiritual in nature. This angel number synchronicity indicates that angels are trying to get your attention and tweak your awareness to specific messages or timely guidance. Tuning into the meaning of special numbers can help align you with angelic wisdom.

2. Finding Feathers

White feathers in odd places are one of the most iconic angel signs. Avian energy has a natural connection to the spirit realm, and spotting feathers unexpectedly can mean your angel is sending metaphysical feathers of comfort. It’s a calling card to let you know angels are very near, guiding you through a situation.

3. Hearing Angelic Music

Hearing the subtle strains of angelic music like harps, chimes, bells or celestials voices without source is a potent sign of angels making their presence known. This angelic sound vibration is incredibly soothing and helps spur a spiritual mindset when you consciously tune into it during moments of silence.

4. Scenting Fragrant Flowers

Angels are closely associated with the aromatic scent of flowers like roses, hyacinth, lavender and jasmine. Getting a sudden heavenly whiff of flowers even when they aren’t present physically signals an angel may be using this perfume to get your attention in a pleasant way and lift your vibration.

5. Glimpsing Visions

Some angels do send direct visual visions or moving imagery during periods of prayer or meditation to offer vivid guidance. These glimpses affirm that your angels are close at hand and wish to get a direct message across to aid you on your path. Divine vision always instills comfort, never fear.

6. Sparkling Lights

Angels generate incredibly high energy frequency, so you may notice them through signs like orbs of shimmering light, flickering flames, flashes, sparkles or rainbows. This helps angelic presence become perceptible in the physical world. View light symbols as angel blessings.

7. Tingling Sensations

Some people feel the touch of angels as gentle physical sensations such as tingling, goosebumps, shivers down the spine, fluttering heartbeats, or a flush of heat called “angel bumps.” This signals powerful spiritual energy nearby reaching out across the ether.

8. Synchronicity & Omens

When you experience an unlikely string of coincidences, repeating symbols or meaningful patterns around the same

Here is a table summarizing the key information about angel signs from the article, followed by an FAQ using FAQPage schema:

10 Angel Signs and Their Meanings

Sign Description
Number Sequences Repeated numbers like 111, 333 indicate angels want your attention.
Feathers White feathers appearing unexpectedly are an angel calling card.
Angelic Music Hearing celestial music without source means angels are near.
Flower Scents Smelling roses, lavender, hyacinth signals an angel’s presence.
Visions Angels may send direct visual messages and imagery of guidance.
Lights Orb flashes, sparkles and rainbows are visible angel energy.
Physical Sensations Goosebumps, tingling are angelic touches of reassurance.
Synchronicity Unlikely string of coincidences shows angels intervening.
Intuition Angels communicate guidance through inner voice and intuition.
Signs Items with angel themes are like angel hellos.

FAQs about angel signs:

What are some common signs from angels?

Some common signs that angels use to communicate include seeing repetitive number sequences, finding white feathers, hearing celestial music, smelling a divine floral scent, spotting unexplained flickering lights, feeling physical sensations like tingling, and noticing unlikely coincidences.

What does it mean when you find feathers?

Finding beautiful white feathers in random places is like an angel calling card reassuring you they are very close by. White feathers signify purity and hold spiritual symbolism. Spotting one means your angels are watching over you.

Why do angels use cryptic signs instead of direct messages?

Angels use subtle signs rather than overt messages to avoid interfering with free will. Signs are gentle guidance that leave room for learning discernment and interpretation. Direct interference could influence behavior and decisions.

What does it mean when you see repeating numbers?

Seeing repeating numbers like 111, 444, 777 is a sign from your angels. It means they want your attention, confirm you’re on the right path, and are sending guidance related to your thoughts. Angel numbers indicate synchronicity.

How can you tell the difference between angel signs and coincidences?

Pay attention to timing and relevance. If signs correspond to current thoughts, prayers or situations, it is likely more than just coincidence. Repetition of signs and numbers further confirm angelic guidance at work.

Do angels actually have wings like depicted in art?

Angels are spiritual beings – actual wings are symbolic of their divine wisdom, light and ability to traverse between realms. While angels don’t have physical wings, the image represents transcendence.

Can angels communicate guidance through dreams?

Yes, angels can send vivid dreams, lucid dreams, symbols, and even appear in dreams as guides or messengers. Pay close attention to any dreams involving angels, wings, heavens.

What does it mean if you see flashes of light or orbs?

Seeing unexplained flickers of light or translucent orbs is a visual sign of angels manifesting their high frequency energy into perceptible form. View light symbols as validation of angelic presence.

Why do angels use music to reach out?

Heavenly music like choirs, chimes, harps helps attune people to the angelic vibration of peace and love. Hearing soothing melodies emerge is a sign angels are using sound to uplift you.

How can I increase awareness of my guardian angel?

Pay attention, document signs, invite angelic guidance through prayer and meditation, express gratitude, believe in their presence, and look for synchronicity to increase awareness of your guardian angel’s messages.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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