The Choice is Yours, Archangel Zadkiel Message of Freewill

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The Choice is Yours, Archangel Zadkiel Message of Freewill - Lisa Beachy

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you today and share some guidance from Archangel Zadkiel on the power of freewill and making conscious choices. Free will is one of our greatest gifts as humans – the ability to choose our thoughts, actions, and reactions. However, we don’t always exercise our free will skillfully. We get stuck in loops of fear, doubt, and limitation.

Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of freewill, alchemy, and transmutation. He reminds us that we always have a choice – even when life feels out of control or we don’t see a way forward. Through mindful awareness and intentionality, we can shift our perspective and make empowered choices.

Let’s explore how we can harness the gift of freewill to create the life we truly desire. I’ll share some of Zadkiel’s wisdom on breaking free from limiting patterns and making conscious, spirit-aligned choices. When we align with divine will, miraculous transformation unfolds!

What does Archangel Zadkiel have to say about freewill?

Archangel Zadkiel teaches that freewill is a sacred gift from the Divine. As human beings, we are blessed with the ability to choose our thoughts, words, and actions – this sets us apart from other beings and allows us to consciously create our reality.

However, Zadkiel says we often give away our power of choice by operating on autopilot. We fall into habitual thought loops and behavior patterns conditioned by childhood, society, and collective consciousness. This leads to feelings of being stuck, trapped, or powerless.

The good news is, we can reclaim our freewill at any moment! Zadkiel reminds us to bring conscious awareness to our choices. We always have options – even if we don’t initially see them. When we tune into inner guidance and align with divine will, new possibilities reveal themselves.

How can we access our inner wisdom to make empowered choices?

Zadkiel guides us to cultivate a regular spiritual practice so we can access our deepest inner truth. Meditation, prayer, journaling, and time in nature help quiet the mind so we can tune into divine guidance.

Ask your heart and soul what choice aligns with your highest good. Listen for the whispers of your inner voice, beyond the chatter of your logical mind. Trust your intuition and act from a place of courage, not fear.

Stay open to signs, synchronicities, and serendipities as confirmation you’re on the right path. And remember – there aren’t necessarily “right” or “wrong” choices, only opportunities for growth and evolution! What matters most is choosing from a place of alignment, not ego.

How can we overcome conditioned patterns and make new choices?

Zadkiel sympathizes that breaking free from childhood conditioning and societal programming takes time, effort, and courage. We can’t expect to change lifelong habits and behaviors overnight.

He suggests bringing loving awareness and patience to the process. Notice when you’re about to make a choice out of fear, anger, or scarcity – pause, breathe, then reconsider. Ask your heart what choice aligns with love.

Start small – make one new choice today, then build momentum. Change the narrative about what you deserve and what’s possible. Limiting beliefs keep us stuck – release them! Boldly declare your readiness for new choices.

Finally, trust that every choice allows your soul to learn and grow. There are no wrong turns on the journey, only new lessons. With Zadkiel’s help, alchemize all experiences into wisdom.

How can we stay strong in our commitment to conscious choices?

Zadkiel acknowledges that staying true to our inspirations and highest choices takes spiritual strength and courage. To maintain commitment:

  • Reaffirm your choice daily – State your decision out loud or in writing to energize it.
  • Connect with your soul purpose – Remembering why you chose this path helps during challenges.
  • Rally spiritual support – Call on Zadkiel and other Divine helpers to fortify your resolve.
  • Avoid energy-draining situations/people – Limit interactions that undermine your choices.
  • Replace doubts with trust – When fears creep in, replace them with faith in Divine order.
  • Forgive yourself for missteps – Lapses are part of the journey; keep moving forward.

Staying true to ourselves is a lifelong process. With Divine Light to guide and sustain us, we walk the path of freewill with grace.

What is the relationship between freewill and Divine Will?

This is a paradox that mystics have contemplated throughout time. Essentially, even though we have free will, there is a Divine Will at work in the Universe too.

As we awaken to our highest nature, our choices begin to align with love, truth, and service to the greater good. We sense Divine guidance steering us to our soul’s fullest expression. We move from ego-based choosing to spirit-guided choosing.

Yet we must balance surrender to Divine Will with appropriate use of our freewill. It’s not about handing over all power or mindlessly following a prescribed path. We are still actively choosing in each moment.

When freewill and Divine Will align, we experience the flow and grace of being fully self-expressed while also fulfilling a sacred role in service to the Whole. We feel guided, purposeful, joyful – free.

How can we turn every challenge into an opportunity?

Zadkiel teaches that life’s difficulties become blessings when viewed as opportunities to expand consciousness. With the right perspective, we can transmute pain into wisdom.

When faced with adversity, center yourself in the present moment with deep breaths. Affirm your core intentions and soul truths. Ask, “What opportunity does this challenge bring?”

The situation may reveal neglected aspects of self needing care. Or highlight unhealthy patterns needing release. Or awaken new potential waiting to emerge.

Through courage and willingness, we allow challenges to crack us open and reveal our wholeness. We cultivate equanimity to all experiences, knowing our soul chose them for growth. With trust in the Divine Plan, we graciously accept the gift within every challenge.

How can we inspire others to awaken to conscious choice-making?

To inspire others to make empowered choices:

  • Lead by example – demonstrate congruency between your words, deeds, and energy.
  • Share your journey authentically – victories, mistakes, and all. This engenders trust.
  • Meet people where they are – awakenings happen in perfect timing. Plant seeds without pushing.
  • Allow others their own path – controlling or rescuing disempowers them from making conscious choices.
  • Offer encouragement and support – hold space for others’ inner wisdom to emerge.
  • Uplift consciousness through art, writing, teaching – creativity is contagious!
  • Keep faith in humanity’s awakening – even in darkness, Light finds a way.

With patience, compassion, and trust in our shared Divine nature, we help awaken the choice-makers, pathfinders, and creators of a new world.

How can we maintain inner peace when facing difficult choices?

Making difficult choices can be stressful and emotionally fraught. Archangel Zadkiel provides guidance to stay centered in peace:

  • Quiet your mind daily – Meditate or go in nature to access inner wisdom beyond the thinking mind.
  • Release attachment to outcomes – Stay open to all possibilities trusting Divine Order.
  • Feel your emotions – Don’t avoid pain, confusion, fear. Feel it fully, then let it move through you.
  • Pray for clarity – Ask your Divine helpers to reveal the choice in your highest good.
  • Listen to your body – Does your body feel tense and contracted or open and relaxed?
  • Take action from stillness – Slow down, be present. From stillness arises clarity of action.
  • Forgive yourself – There are no wrong choices, only lessons and growth.
  • Trust your path – Even detours lead you to your soul’s destination. You are always guided.

When challenges arise, breathe deeply and affirm, “I choose peace.” Connect to the peace within, and peaceful choices unfold.

Key Takeaways:

  • We have been blessed with the gift of freewill – the power to consciously choose our thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Archangel Zadkiel urges us to awaken from autopilot and exercise our freewill skillfully.
  • Bring mindful awareness to your choices. Pause, breathe, align with inner wisdom.
  • Limiting beliefs block us from making empowered choices. Release them!
  • Stay true to your spiritual intentions through daily affirmations and practices.
  • Challenges become blessings when viewed as opportunities for soul growth.
  • When freewill and Divine Will align, we feel guided, purposeful and free.
  • With compassion for ourselves and others, we ignite humanity’s awakening.

In Summary…

Our ability to make conscious, empowered choices is key to living a spirit-guided life of purpose and fulfillment. Archangel Zadkiel reminds us of the light within that is always guiding our way forward. When we seek inner wisdom through prayer, meditation and stillness, we can overcome conditioned patterns and make new choices aligned with our highest truth.

Staying true to our soul’s callings requires courage, trust and daily spiritual practice. But we were made for this journey! And we don’t walk alone. Divine Light surrounds us, strengthening our resolve.

Together, through skillful use of our freewill and surrender to Divine Will, we chart a sacred course – for our lives and the world. We awaken as the conscious choice-makers and co-creators we came here to be.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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