full moon with archangel haniel - Lisa beachy

Harnessing the Power the Full-Moon with Archangel Haniel

Hey there, wonderful souls! Isn’t it amazing how the moon, in all her luminescent glory, can have such a powerful impact on our energy and emotions? And when we’re blessed with a Full-Moon Supermoon, like today, that energy is supercharged! Now, how about we harness this amplified lunar power? With the guidance of Archangel Haniel, the angel of joy and the moon’s energy, we can do just that. In this article, “Harnessing the Power of Today’s Full-Moon Supermoon with Haniel”, we’ll explore how to work with Haniel to tap into the supermoon’s potent energy. Ready to bathe in moonlight and soak up some lunar wisdom? Let’s dive right in!

What is the spiritual significance of today’s full moon supermoon?

Today’s full moon is not just any full moon – it’s a supermoon, meaning the moon is at its closest orbital point to Earth. Full moons are already energetically powerful times, and a supermoon amplifies this energy even more. The proximity of the moon creates stronger gravitational pulls on the Earth, which can stir our emotions and highlight intentions we’ve set. Spiritually, full moons are a time for releasing, cleansing, and manifesting. Combined with the supermoon, this is an optimal time to do important spiritual work and bring our desires into fruition. Meditating and setting clear intentions under today’s supermoon can help manifest our goals. It’s also an auspicious time to cleanse and purge what no longer serves us to make space for new beginnings. Overall, the supermoon creates a potent window for spiritual evolution.

How can working with Archangel Haniel enhance the energy of the full moon supermoon?

Archangel Haniel is the angel of joy, the moon, and psychic abilities. As such, her energy resonates powerfully with the energies of the full moon. When we invoke Archangel Haniel’s assistance during today’s supermoon, it amplifies the moon’s effects and helps us harness its potential. Haniel oversees cleansing and releasing energies, so working with her can enhance the full moon’s purifying effects to clear stagnant energy from our lives. As an angel affiliated with the moon, Haniel can attune us to the supermoon’s light and help us align with its cycles of waxing, waning, and manifestation. Calling on Haniel activates our psychic senses, which combined with the intuitive full moon, can give us spiritual downloads, inspiration, and clarity on our path ahead. Overall, Archangel Haniel is the perfect angelic companion to harness the full power of today’s supermoon.

What is the best way to prepare for harnessing the supermoon energy with Archangel Haniel?

To make the most of working with Archangel Haniel under the full moon supermoon, it’s important to properly prepare. Here are some tips:

  • Cleanse your space – Physically and energetically cleanse your home to clear stagnant or negative energies. Open windows, sage, ring bells, etc.
  • Set an intention – Decide your intention for harnessing the supermoon energy. What do you want to manifest, cleanse, or bring to light?
  • Gather crystals and candles – Choose moon-associated crystals like selenite or moonstone. Candles representing Haniel’s energy are also recommended.
  • Create an altar – Designate a meditation space with your crystals, candles, images of the moon or Haniel, etc. This focuses the energy.
  • Open your channels – Do yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises to open your energy channels and boost intuition. This readies you to receive.
  • Affirm Haniel’s presence – Call upon Archangel Haniel and affirm her presence, protection, and guidance to activate the connection.

There are many effective rituals and practices that can be done to harness the power of the full moon supermoon when working with Archangel Haniel:

  • Moon bathing – Sit comfortably bathed in the light of the supermoon. Meditate, visualize your intentions, or journal under the moonlight.
  • Moonlight serenade – Create a “moon altar” and sing, chant, or play soothing music by candlelight and moonlight to lift your vibrations.
  • Moonstone charging – Place moonstone crystals on your altar or in the moonlight overnight to charge them with amplified energies for use in rituals.
  • Energy releasing ceremony – Write down or visualize energies, habits, or mindsets you wish to release. Burn the paper or visualize the energies dissolving into the supermoon light.
  • Abundance meditation – Meditate on the moon with the intention to amplify your manifestations, intuition, and psychic abilities. Affirm abundance and prosperity.
  • Moonlit yoga – Practice yoga under the night sky in honor of the moon and Haniel. Begin with centering and move through intuitively flowing sequences.
  • Divination – Use tarot, runes, scrying mirrors or other tools of divination to gain insight and clarity from the enhanced lunar and angelic energies.

What crystals work well with Archangel Haniel and the full moon supermoon?

These crystals pair excellently with Haniel’s energy and the supermoon:

  • Moonstone – Aligns us with lunar cycles, intuition, and new beginnings. Charged in the supermoon light, it’s extra powerful.
  • Selenite – Named for Selene, Greek lunar goddess. Cleanses energy and connects us to angelic guidance.
  • Clear quartz – Amplifies intentions, energy, and wisdom downloaded from the supermoon.
  • Pearls – Represent the moon’s luminous essence. They attune us to Haniel’s peaceful presence.
  • Angelite – Opens channels to angelic communication and heightens psychic senses.
  • Celestite – Called “celestial stone.” It raises vibrations, invites angelic connection, and facilitates astral travel.
  • Labradorite – Linked to magic and mysteries. Brings subtle energies into awareness under Haniel’s intuitive guidance.
  • Fluorite – Cleanses auras and chakras to create space for influx of supermoon and Haniel’s energy.

What are some signs that Archangel Haniel is with you during the full moon supermoon?

When you call upon Archangel Haniel and she joins you during the supermoon, you may notice these divine signs of her presence:

  • Increased intuition, inspiration or creativity – she activates your psychic senses
  • Seeing flashes of silver or blue light – her signature colors
  • Noticing moon or water symbols – she presides over these realms
  • Joy arising spontaneously – Haniel lifts your spirits
  • A feeling of angel wings around you – she envelops you in her light
  • Heightened awareness of your emotions – she helps you identify and process feelings
  • Urge to cleanse or organize – her purifying energy emerges
  • Clairvoyant visions or messages – she awakens your third eye
  • Strange sensations in your crown chakra – she connects through your upper chakras
  • Unusual dreams – she may visit you in dreams or light astral travel

How can we work with the supermoon and Archangel Haniel for emotional healing?

The potent energies of the supermoon, combined with Archangel Haniel’s gentle light, make the perfect combination for emotional healing work. Here’s how to harness their power for inner peace:

  • Set the intention to heal your emotional wounds – Haniel can then guide the process.
  • Bathe in the soothing light of the supermoon while asking Haniel to fill you with serenity.
  • Place selenite or moonstone on your heart chakra to help release stuck emotions.
  • Write down negative emotions, then burn the paper to symbolically transmute them into positive feelings.
  • Talk to Haniel honestly about your feelings – she listens with empathy and unconditional love.
  • Let the supermoon illuminate the roots of your pain so Haniel’s energy can heal them.
  • Try emotional freedom technique (tapping) to clear blockages while calling on Archangel Haniel.
  • Visualize your emotions as colors or ocean waves – notice them arising and receding.
  • Affirm you are open to healing; Haniel and the supermoon will do the rest.
  • Express gratitude to Haniel and Mother Moon for their nurturing light.

How can tonight’s supermoon boost manifestations started during the recent new moon?

The new moon seeds intentions, while the full moon brings them to fruition, so this supermoon is the perfect time to boost new moon manifestations. Here are some tips:

  • Light a candle and reaffirm your original new moon intentions under the supermoon.
  • Empower written intentions by holding them up to the supermoon light.
  • Chant, sing, or speak your desires out loud to raise your vibrations.
  • Visualize your manifested desires within a giant glowing supermoon in your mind.
  • Create a tangible representation of your desires – hold this in the light and imagine it coming to life.
  • Go outside and communicate your intentions to the universe by speaking or yelling them enthusiastically to the supermoon.
  • Create a manifestation box – place symbolic items related to your desires under the supermoon light overnight.
  • Observe how much the supermoon amplifies your visualization abilities – use these to energize manifestations.
  • Relax and feel the certainty that your intentions have already been set in motion by divine forces.
  • Give gratitude in advance that the universe is now perfectly arranging delivery of your intentions.

How can I continue to harness the supermoon after it passes?

While the supermoon is a special opportunity for focused ritual, its magic need not end when it passes. To maintain the momentum:

  • Gather charged crystals from your supermoon rituals and keep them on your altar to amplify your magic.
  • Infuse water with supermoon energy by leaving it out overnight. Drink this water for days after.
  • Keep a journal of your insights and spiritual growth from the supermoon. Reflect on and integrate these.
  • Note any breakthroughs or released blocks from the supermoon. Build on these changed energies.
  • Follow your intuition gained during the supermoon for inspired action steps to manifest desires.
  • Keep an image of the supermoon visible to remind you of its luminous potential within.
  • Notice moon phases; when the moon returns to full, recall the supermoon’s power.
  • Invoke Archangel Haniel regularly to magnify your intentions long after the supermoon.
  • Stay aware of your energetic state – try to maintain the heightened vibration sparked by the supermoon.
  • Trust that your rituals have awakened energies now working behind the scenes to align your purpose.
In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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