Who are my Guardian Angels? - Lisa Beachy

Who are my Guardian Angels?

I’m so glad you’re here and interested in learning more about the special guardian angels in your life. These divine guides are assigned to each of us to provide invisible protection, wisdom, comfort and nurturing every step of our journey. While we may not be able to see our guardian angels with our physical eyes, we can perceive signs of their watchful presence all around us.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to recognize communication from your angels, strengthen your spiritual bond with them, and realize you’re never alone because your angels are always by your side. I’ll share tips on connecting through prayer, meditation, journaling, and simply cultivating awareness. My hope is that you’ll come away from this with a sense of just how loved and supported you are by these incredible celestial beings. They have beautiful gifts to share with you when you learn how to tune in.

Let’s get started opening your heart and mind to the angelic guidance waiting for you! Buckle up for this magical ride and get ready to be uplifted!

What are guardian angels and what is their purpose?

Who are my guardian angels? Guardian angels are spiritual beings that are assigned to protect and guide each person. According to belief, every person is given at least one guardian angel when they are born. The role of a guardian angel is to watch over their human charge, keeping them safe from harm and helping guide them to make good choices in life. Guardian angels are said to act as messengers from God, conveying guidance, comfort, and warnings as needed. They also act as advocates and intercessors, praying for their human’s well-being. While guardian angels are always present, they are spiritual beings so they are unseen. Their guidance comes in subtle ways through intuitions, gut feelings, coincidences and inner voices. The ultimate purpose of guardian angels is to spiritually nurture their human charges so they can fulfill their highest destiny and purpose.

How do I know if I have a guardian angel?

Since guardian angels are unseen spiritual beings, their presence is known indirectly. Many people have sensed being protected from harm by an unseen force or getting an inner prompt that helped them avoid danger. These can be signs of a guardian angel. Paying attention to the subtle guidance you receive, through intuitions, dreams, gut feelings and mental nudges, can also reveal the presence of a guardian angel. Oftentimes, people feel an inner urge to pray or avoid something harmful, which could be coming from their guardian angel. Being aware of inner guidance and noticing when subtle assistance has kept you from danger are two ways to recognize that you have a guardian angel watching over you.

What do guardian angels look like?

Because guardian angels are spiritual beings, they do not actually have a physical form or appearance. However, some faith traditions believe that guardian angels emanate or correspond to certain colors based on the kinds of energy they exude. For example, the color blue is thought to represent healing energy, yellow represents guidance, pink represents love, green for peace, red for courage and white for purity of spirit. Based on their role of offering protection, guidance and nurturing, guardian angels are often associated with the colors blue, yellow and pink. Artists sometimes depict guardian angels as glowing human-like figures with wings and dressed in white, representing the angelic qualities of purity and divinity. But ultimately, guardian angels exist beyond our physical realm, so their appearance is more of an essence of energy and light rather than any particular physical form.

Do guardian angels have names?

Guardian angels are not believed to have personal names in the same sense that humans have names. However, some faith traditions give guardian angels designations that correspond to their rankings, abilities and purposes. For example, in Catholicism guardian angels are sometimes referred to as Angeles Custodes, which means “guardian” in Latin. Archangel Michael is believed to be the guardian angel in charge of protecting people from physical danger.

Traditional angelic names like Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and others could also be used to refer to guardian angels when invoking their divine assistance and guidance. Most of the time though, people will simply refer to their guardian angel without attaching a name, but instead addressing them with a designation like “my guardian angel.”

How do I communicate with my guardian angels?

You can communicate with your guardian angel through prayer, meditation, intuition and affirmations. When you pray, ask your guardian angel for guidance, protection, healing or whatever you may need help with. Speak from your heart as you would with a close friend. You can also meditate quietly, clearing your mind, and ask your guardian angel to come to you. Pay attention to any sensations, words, feelings or visions that come to you during meditation.

This could be communications from your guardian angel. On a daily basis, listen to your intuition which often comes from divine guidance. Affirm your belief in your guardian angel and speak to them inwardly as you go about your day. Be open and attentive to receive subtle signs, gut feelings and inner knowingness which are all ways your guardian angel communicates directly with you.

How do I find out the name of my guardian angel?

There are a few ways you can find out or assign a name to your guardian angel. One way is through meditation – sit quietly, visualize your angel, and see if a name intuitively comes to mind. This name could be one already associated with angels, like Michael or Gabriel, or a unique name could come to you.

Another way is to pray and ask your guardian angel to reveal their name to you in a dream or vision. Some people use angel cards with names on them, picking cards randomly to assign a name. You can also look up angel names that signify the role your angel seems to have in your life, such as names that mean protection or healing if those are the energies you strongly associate with your angel. Ultimately, many believe the name is less important than developing a direct relationship, so focus on felt-contact over any one particular name.

What signs indicate my guardian angel is with me?

There are both subtle and significant signs your guardian angel uses to indicate their presence with you:

  • You feel an inner prompting to avoid something dangerous or pause before acting – your angel guiding you wisely.
  • Receiving a sudden insight or idea that helps solve a problem – a nudge from your angel.
  • Escaping a dangerous situation despite the odds – angelic protection.
  • Feeling comforted, reassured or loved unexpectedly – your angel reaching out.
  • Sensing your angel’s presence in meditation through sensations of warmth, light or scent.
  • Seeing signs and symbols that feel meaningful like rainbows, butterflies, feathers, coins and more.
  • Having a streak of luck or positive coincidences – your angels assisting behind the scenes.

Pay attention to your intuition and inner guidance as well as any signs that seem meant just for you. These are the main ways your angels show their watchful presence.

How do I strengthen my connection with my guardian angel?

You can strengthen your bond with your guardian angel through consistency in these practices:

  • Prayer – Have daily conversations, speaking from your heart.
  • Meditation – Quiet your mind to feel your angel’s subtle presence.
  • Ask for Angelic Guidance – Throughout your day, ask your angel for advice and pay attention.
  • Say Thank You – Expressing gratitude expands and deepens the connection.
  • Angel Affirmations – Verbalize your belief in your angel’s presence and support.
  • Notice the Signs – Watch for signs they send affirming they are with you.
  • Angel Altars – Create sacred spaces filled with angel reminders & symbols.
  • Angel Journaling – Writing builds your spiritual communication skills.
  • Read About Angels – Expand your knowledge and appreciation of them.

Consistent spiritual practices allow you to be more receptive to your guardian angel’s guidance and presence.

Why can I not see my guardian angels?

Guardian angels are celestial spiritual beings without a permanent physical form. Though they can materialize in our realm at times, usually they remain purely in the spiritual realm. There are a few key reasons why most people cannot see their guardian angels:

  • Vibrational Frequency – Angels vibrate at a very high frequency while humans vibrate at a lower density. This makes them naturally invisible to most people.
  • Spiritual Perception – People’s third eye or spiritual perception needs to be open and developed to view things beyond the physical realm.
  • Faith – Being open to and believing in the existence of angels enables you to eventually perceive them. Skepticism and lack of faith blocks perception.
  • Divine Will – Angels often prefer to stay invisible so humans develop faith rather than dependence on physical sight.
  • Assignment – Guardian angels are meant to guide subtly rather than tangibly intervene. Manifesting physically is rare.

While you may not see your guardian angel’s form, you can feel their loving presence and guidance within your spirit. Stay receptive through practices like meditation and prayer to heighten your spiritual senses.

Do my loved ones become my guardian angels when they pass away?

This is a common belief, but according to most faith traditions, guardian angels are an entirely separate category of celestial beings assigned specifically to guide and protect you throughout your life. Angels were created by God for this special purpose and have never lived human lives.

However, deceased loved ones are often able to continue guiding, caring for and sometimes even protecting you from the spirit realm. Just because they are not officially your guardian angel does not mean they cannot still watch over you. Their love transcends death and they can become your spiritual companions. Occasionally, a deceased loved one may even intervene as if they were a guardian angel. The key distinction is that true guardian angels were created as angels rather than beings who lived past lives on Earth. Your loved ones and guardian angel work as a team from the spirit world to love and support you.


In summary, guardian angels are divine spiritual guides assigned to each person to provide protection, guidance, and nurturing throughout life. While unseen, their presence and assistance can be perceived through intuition, feelings of being helped, and signs like meaningful coincidences. Developing a closer relationship with your guardian angel through prayer, meditation and awareness practices allows you to receive their subtle guidance more readily. Seeking to strengthen your spiritual connection rather than physical proof is key. With an open mind and receptive heart, you can experience the comfort and help of your guardian angel!

Here is a summary table of the key points from the article, followed by an FAQ with schema markup:

Summary of Key Points About Guardian Angels

Topic Description
Purpose To guide, protect and nurture their human charge
Presence Assigned at birth, always watching over you
Communication Through intuition, gut feelings, whispers
Signs Meaningful coincidences, streaks of luck
Strengthening Bond Prayer, meditation, gratitude, noticing signs
Seeing Angels Rare due to different vibrational realms
Deceased Loved Ones May help but are not the assigned guardian angel

Frequently Asked Questions

What do guardian angels look like?

Guardian angels do not have a defined physical appearance, but are perceived as glowing human-like figures with wings in artistic depictions. Their essence is more like a formless energy and light.

How do I know if I have a guardian angel?

You may have a guardian angel if you sense being protected from harm, get intuitive promptings that help you, or feel guided by a benevolent inner voice. Pay attention to signs of subtle guidance.

Do guardian angels have names?

Guardian angels do not have personal names but may be referred to by designations like Angeles Custodes or archetypes like Michael, Gabriel, etc.

How can I communicate with my guardian angel?

You can communicate with your guardian angel through prayer, meditation, intuition, noticing signs and guidance that come through your thoughts.

What are signs my guardian angel is with me?

Signs your angel is with you include intuition, streaks of luck, timely insights, feeling protected, signs and symbols like feathers or rainbows, and sensations during meditation.

Why can’t I see my guardian angel?

Angels exist on a different vibrational frequency, so spiritual perception must be developed through practices like meditation to bridge the gap between realms in order to visualize them.

How do I strengthen my bond with my guardian angel?

Prayer, meditation, expressing gratitude, noticing signs, creating angel altars, journaling, reading about angels, and asking for guidance throughout your day can all deepen your connection.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

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