Archangel Azrael

Who is Archangel Azrael?

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to have this opportunity to share with you why I love working with the amazing Archangel Azrael.

As the Angel of Death and Transition, Archangel Azrael has a profound purpose in helping souls peacefully depart from the physical world and move into the blissful realms beyond. Azrael emanates an energy that is as cool and calming as a gentle breeze. Their divine guidance puts my mind at ease, reminding me that death is not something to fear, but rather a natural transition into the next phase of our eternal souls’ journey.

Connecting with Azrael fills me with faith that when my time comes, or that of a loved one, we will be safe in the compassionate care of this benevolent angel. Azrael offers solace and strength in navigating grief and loss. Their presence inspires me to live my life more purposefully and meaningfully.

I’m thankful Archangel Azrael is only a prayer away whenever I or anyone needs their angelic assistance in handling life’s most significant transition. Azrael’s unwavering support is a beautiful divine blessing.

Who is Archangel Azrael?

Archangel Azrael is one of the most well-known and yet mysterious archangels in many spiritual traditions. They are known as the angel of death, helping souls transition from the earthly realm to the afterlife. Azrael’s name comes from the Hebrew term “Azara’el” which means “whom God helps”.

Despite the ominous associations with death, Archangel Azrael is a benevolent and compassionate being. Their role is to comfort and guide souls so they can peacefully detach from the physical world. Azrael also supports people through grief and aids in spiritual growth. They teach us about the impermanence of life, encouraging us to live our lives fully and meaningfully.

Azrael is non-binary and uses the pronouns them/they. This highlights their androgynous and genderless essence as a divine being of light. Archangel Azrael transcends human constructs of gender identity, representing the universality of death, which comes to all genders equally.

Some key facts about Azrael:

  • Angel of Transition, Death, and Grief
  • Non-binary, uses them/they pronouns
  • Compassionate Guide for Souls Departing Earth
  • Helps Living Loved Ones Process Loss
  • Encourages Spiritual Growth and Making the Most of Life

What is Archangel Azrael’s Name Meaning:

As mentioned previously, Azrael’s name stems from the Hebrew term “Azara’el” which translates most directly as “whom God helps.” This meaning connects to Azrael’s divine role of assisting souls’ transition from the earthly world to the realms beyond.

The name Azrael has two main elements:

  • “Azar” – This part of the name comes from the Hebrew word “ezrah” meaning “help” or “helper.” It refers to how Azrael helps and aids souls.
  • “El” – This component comes from Elohim, one of the Hebrew names used for God in the Old Testament. The suffix “el” signifies Azrael’s connection to the Divine.

So together the name Azrael means “Whom God Helps” – reflecting Azrael’s sacred role as an angelic helper and guide appointed by God to assist souls into the afterlife. The name reminds us that God/Source supports us on our spiritual journey, even through death and transitions.

Other meanings and nuances:

  • Comforting the dying and grieving
  • Aiding souls to detach from the physical
  • Escorting souls to the afterlife/heaven
  • Being supported and guided by God/the Divine

So in summary, Azrael’s name perfectly encapsulates their role as the Angel of Transition and Death.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Specialty:

As the Angel of Death, Archangel Azrael’s domain is primarily over transition, passing, and the death process. Their specialty encompasses:

  • Assisting souls in transitioning from the physical world to the afterlife/heaven
  • Comforting those who are grieving and processing loss
  • Helping those who are dying to accept death peacefully
  • Guiding souls to the appropriate afterlife realm for their spiritual growth
  • Protecting and escorting souls from Earth to the afterlife
  • Purifying souls of lower energies as they detach from the body
  • Infusing courage into souls so they can move into death without fear
  • Working closely with other angels/guardians at the time of death
  • Providing strength and support to human psychopomps like shamans & hospice workers

Essentially, Azrael eases the passage from life into death. They ensure souls safely and gently transition, providing solace and reassurance along the way. Archangel Azrael’s loving presence accompanies souls each step of their journey beyond the veil.

Though Azrael is strongly associated with death, they also assist during all transformations – giving us courage to release the old and embrace change. Azrael reminds us that death is not something to fear, but rather a transition into the next phase of existence.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Color:

Archangel Azrael is associated with the color pale blue. This pale, peaceful shade resonates with Azrael’s gentle, cooling energy.

Specifically, the soft blue hue aligns with Azrael’s attributes and roles in the following ways:

  • Calming – The tranquil light blue color emanates calming and soothing vibrations. This brings comfort to grieving souls.
  • Release – Blue has a releasing quality, associated with letting go. This reflects Azrael’s aid in releasing attachments at death.
  • Transition – Soft blue tones evoke images of the sky and heavens, alluding to Azrael’s guidance to the afterlife.
  • Purification – Light blue has a pure, clean sensation. Azrael purifies souls of lower energies as they detach from the body.
  • Communication – Blue also represents clear communication, which is needed to connect with spirit realms.
  • Protection – The trusting blue shade reminds us Azrael protects and escorts souls safely to the other side.
  • Cooling – Azure blue has a cooling effect, contrasting the heat of the living realm. Death brings relief from worldly sorrows.

So pale blue beautifully captures the essence of Archangel Azrael’s gentle aid and spiritual peacekeeping. It is calming and uplifting, infusing courage and clarity for the transition ahead.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Stone or Crystal?

Archangel Azrael is associated most closely with Angelite crystals. The soothing blue and white hues of these stones perfectly reflect Azrael’s peaceful energy as the Angel of Transition.

Some key reasons Angelite resonates with Archangel Azrael include:

  • Calming Energy – Angelite has a very calming and serene vibration. This aids in releasing fears about death and detachment.
  • Communication with Spirit – Angelite enhances telepathic communication with angels and spirit guides like Azrael.
  • Celestial Protection – Angelite is connected to the energy of angels watching over and protecting.
  • Clear Guidance – It clarifies one’s true spiritual path, purpose, and growth.
  • Emotional Healing – Angelite gently comforts and heals deep emotional wounds and grief.
  • Higher Consciousness – This crystal raises awareness to connect to the Divine realms Azrael inhabits.
  • Peace and Hope – Angelite inspires inner peace and faith, instilling hope.

So for those needing Azrael’s comfort, guidance, or protection, Angelite is an ideal stone to strengthen the connection. It creates an open channel for communicating directly with this angelic being of transition.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Scent or Smell (Essential Oils):

Azrael is associated with refreshing, uplifting floral essential oils that evoke peace, joy, and comfort. The perfect oil blend for Azrael includes:

  • Lavender – This calming floral scent relieves anxiety and sorrow. It also cleanses and purifies.
  • Rose – Rose oil embodies divine love that inspires hope and emotional healing.
  • Jasmine – This oil uplifts the spirit and invokes confidence to move forward.
  • Clary Sage – With its euphoric aroma, clary sage curtails depression and negative emotions.
  • Neroli – This oil made from orange blossoms reduces fear and stress, while promoting wellbeing.
  • Lily – The funereal yet optimistic fragrance of lily helps accept loss and transition.

Together, these floral oils create a bright, comforting perfume that conjures Azrael’s presence. The blend aligns with Azrael’s attributes of

love, spiritual strength, transcendence, and purification. It allows those struggling with loss to feel Azrael’s close, reassuring guidance. Anointing oneself with this oil combination can powerfully deepen one’s bond with this angel of transition.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Plant or Flower?

Hyacinth is the flower most commonly associated with Archangel Azrael. This fragrant bloom symbolizes Azrael’s presence and the concepts linked to this angel, like:

  • Rebirth – Hyacinth’s bulb signals how death leads to rebirth into a new plane.
  • Tranquility – The soft, velvety purple-blue petals evoke peace of mind and soul.
  • Caution – Ancient Greeks linked Hyacinth to prudence and vigilance when transitioning.
  • Grief – Hyacinths represented mourning and surrender in Victorian flower language.
  • Spirituality – The bell-like shape relates to spiritual openness and connection.

Additional meanings of hyacinths connect back to Azrael’s attributes, like:

  • Constancy – Azrael’s unwavering faithfulness and loyalty to their duty.
  • Sincerity – The honesty Azrael provides when guiding souls into death.
  • Playfulness – Hyacinths also signify play, contrasting Azrael’s serious archetype.

Placing hyacinth blooms on one’s altar or space dedicated to Azrael can beautify and strengthen the bond with this angelic being. The sweet yet melancholy fragrance creates an ambiance conducive to communicating with the angel of transition.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Energy:

As the Angel of Death, Archangel Azrael’s energy has distinctive attributes:

  • Cool, calm, and gentle – Azrael’s energy has a placid, soothing quality that brings comfort and rest. It feels like a cool breeze or gentle ocean waves.
  • Patient and understanding – There is an infinitely patient and nonjudgmental quality in working with souls transitioning in their own time.
  • Melancholy yet uplifting – A tinge of deep sadness over earthly attachments lost, but uplifted into divine realms.
  • Compassionate tough love – Azrael is infinitely compassionate but tough in nudging souls towards letting go and moving onward.
  • Purifying and releasing – Their energy clears attachments, fears, and lower vibrations to lighten and refine the soul.
  • Protective and reassuring – Azrael’s energy shelters and reassures souls in vulnerable transition. There is gentle strength and safe passage.
  • Divine surrender – The energy invites souls to surrender concerns and control to the mystery and grace of the death process.
  • Sacred silence – A pervading stillness and quietude, like a peaceful void where all is welcomed and transformed.
  • Higher perspective – Azrael lifts the soul’s sights to broader cosmic understanding in shifting from a physical existence.

Overall, being in Archangel Azrael’s presence feels profoundly peaceful, yet tinged with bittersweet sadness. Their unwavering, compassionate protection guides souls into the unknown with faith and tranquility.

What is Archangel Azrael’s Origin Story:

While Azrael’s origins are shrouded in mystery, there are some key details that unveil this angel’s ancient background:

  • Angel of Death Role- Azrael is believed to have been one of the first angels created by God. Their purpose was set as overseeing the death process since the dawn of humanity.
  • Mentioned in the Quran – Azrael is one of the four main archangels specifically named in the Quran, underscoring their importance in Islamic traditions.
  • Described in Hebrew Texts – The Kabbalah and other Hebrew sources portray Azrael separating souls from bodies at death on God’s command.
  • Assisted Michael & Gabriel – Ancient texts describe how Azrael aided fellow archangels Michael and Gabriel, implying Azrael’s elite status.
  • Replaced Samael – Some stories suggest Azrael took over the role of Angel of Death from Samael, the fallen angel who later redeemed himself.
  • Descended from Lilith – Certain mystical traditions claim Azrael descended from Lilith, Adam’s exiled first wife, giving Azrael special wisdom.
  • Originated in Heaven – As one of the greatest archangels, Azrael is believed to have originated as an angelic being in the Empyrean realm of Heaven.

Though Azrael’s full origin story remains a mystery, their connection to the very roots of humanity’s mortality reveals their sacred role of eternally guiding souls into the Great Beyond.

Ways to Connect With Archangel Azrael:

There are many effective methods for connecting with the compassionate Archangel Azrael:

  1. Ask for signs and synchronicities – Request Azrael send comforting reminders they are near. Look for pale blue feathers, butterflies, coins, rainbows.
  2. Meditate on Azrael’s light – Visualize glowing angelic pale blue light to sense Azrael’s peaceful presence.
  3. Pray to Azrael – Have honest conversations speaking from the heart to bond with this angel.
  4. Use angelic invocations – Address Azrael out loud with greetings like “Greetings Noble Azrael” to call them near.
  5. Employ angelic sigils – Drawing Azrael’s sigil helps manifest their angelic powers.
  6. Work with associated crystals – Holding or meditating with Angelite quartz deepens connection with Azrael.
  7. Burn symbolic incense – Lighting frankincense or myrrh summons their grounding, protective energy.
  8. Offer gardenias, hyacinths or blue roses – Azrael loves these funeral blooms that represent spirituality.
  9. Donate to death-related causes – Azrael’s selfless service helping others transition inspires altruism.

With an open heart and a receptive spirit, Archangel Azrael’s soothing grace and guidance from beyond can be felt by all seeking it. This benevolent angel is only ever a prayer away.


In conclusion, Archangel Azrael is a powerful yet comforting angelic being who guides souls from earthly life into the realms beyond. Azrael’s divine role is to compassionately aid in the transition and release from the physical world into the afterlife. Their energy brings great peace, calm, and reassurance to souls poised on the brink of the Great Mystery of what comes after death. By understanding Azrael’s origin story, attributes, symbols, and how to connect with their gentle presence, anyone can understand and appreciate this angel’s eternal gift of making death’s passage more sacred and graceful. Call upon Archangel Azrael whenever you or a loved one needs help, solace, or strength in navigating grief, loss, and life’s most poignant transitions.


Category Information
Who is Archangel Azrael? Angel of Death and Transition who guides souls to afterlife. Non-binary, uses them/they pronouns.
Name Meaning Azara’el – “Whom God Helps”
Specialty Helping souls transition to afterlife, comfort for grieving
Color Pale Blue
Crystal Angelite
Scent/Oil Lavender, Rose, Jasmine, Clary Sage, Neroli, Lily
Flower Hyacinth
Energy Cool, calm, patient, melancholy yet uplifting
Origin One of first angels, in Quran, Kabbalah texts
Ways to Connect Meditate, pray, use sigils, crystals, incense

Frequently Asked Questions About Archangel Azrael

What role does Archangel Azrael play?

Archangel Azrael is known as the Angel of Death. Their role is to compassionately guide souls from earthly life into the afterlife when a person or animal passes away. Azrael comforts both the dying and the grieving.

What signs might indicate Archangel Azrael is near?

Signs of Archangel Azrael’s presence include seeing pale blue light, butterflies, rainbows, or finding white feathers. You may smell their fragrances of rose, lavender, hyacinth or lily. A peaceful, calm feeling indicates Azrael is near.

How do I call on Archangel Azrael for help or comfort?

You can call Archangel Azrael for support by praying or speaking aloud to them. Light candles in pale blue and address them by name to invoke their presence. Ask Azrael for any blessings, help or reassurance you need and trust their guidance.

What is Angelite crystal and how does it connect to Archangel Azrael?

Angelite is a light blue crystal that has a soothing, calming energy that aids communication with angels like Azrael. Holding Angelite can bring comfort when grieving and helps you be more receptive Azrael’s guidance.

How did Archangel Azrael become the Angel of Death?

Azrael was appointed as the Angel of Death by God since the dawn of humanity. They took over this sacred role from the fallen angel Samael. Azrael’s origins trace back to ancient holy texts like the Bible, Quran and Kabbalah.

How does Archangel Azrael help souls detach from life on Earth?

Azrael gently releases souls’ attachments to their past life and earthly identity. They purify and lighten souls of lower energies, helping them let go of fears, so they can easily transition to higher realms.

Is Archangel Azrael associated with depression or suicide?

No, Azrael does not influence when or how a person dies, they only guide the soul after death. Their divine calling is to ease suffering and assist all souls equally to find peace in the afterlife.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

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