Signs from the Angels Angel Colors and What They Mean

Signs from the Angels: Angel Colors and What They Mean

Hello, friends! If you know me, you know how much I adore Angel signs – they are like love letters from the divine! One of my favorite ways Angels chat with us is through colors. Each color has its own special meaning, like a unique language of light. And let me tell you, decoding this language has brought so much joy and insight into my life! So, I thought I’d share my passion with you all in this article, “Signs from the Angels: Angel Colors and What They Mean”. Let’s dive into this colorful world together, discovering the amazing messages our Angels are sending us. I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey!

What do different colored feathers mean when finding them?

Finding feathers can be a sign from the angels. Different colored feathers can have different meanings:

  • White feathers are a sign of purity, peace, and protection from angels. White represents light and clarity.
  • Gray or silver feathers signify calm, neutrality, peace, and balance. The angels are encouraging you to clear negativity.
  • Black feathers indicate spiritual protection. They signify that the angels are watching over you.
  • Red feathers symbolize passion, vitality, courage, and signifies good things are coming your way.
  • Pink feathers bring love and romance. They encourage you to open your heart and find inner peace.
  • Orange feathers represent joy, creativity, and confidence. The angels send these to cheer you up.
  • Yellow feathers mean optimism, hope, and positivity. The angels want you to feel encouraged.
  • Green feathers signify healing, growth, health, and abundance. Angels send these when you need renewal.
  • Blue feathers provide wisdom, patience, and inspiration. They show that angels are answering prayers.
  • Purple feathers indicate your higher purpose and deep spiritual insight. They signify spiritual awakening.
  • Multicolored or rainbow feathers assure you that the angels are always with you. Keep your faith strong.

In summary, feathers of different colors are like coded messages from angels. Pay attention to the meaning of the colors and be open to the angel’s guidance.

What does it mean when you see rainbow colors in photos?

Seeing rainbow colors in photographs is often considered a sign from angels or loved ones in spirit. Here are some possible meanings:

  • Rainbow Orbs – Circular rainbow discs or balls of light in photos represent spirits and angels manifesting their energy so they appear in the photo. Each color has a different meaning.
  • Rainbow Lights – Rainbow streaks or rays of light signify the presence of angels. The rainbow colors represent their powerful and protective energy.
  • Rainbow Sparkles – Tiny rainbow dots or sparkles indicate angels are nearby. This is them signaling they are with you and trying to get your attention.
  • Rainbow Outlines – Rainbows outlining or surrounding a person or object imply angels are embracing you with their energy and light.
  • Rainbow Flashes – Quick flashes of rainbow light demonstrate angels acknowledging their presence in your life. They make their energy visible in the instant the photo is taken.
  • Rainbow Mist – A rainbow haze or mist signifies the veil between dimensions is thin. Angels use this opportunity to display their energy colors.
  • Double Rainbows – Two rainbows together represent balance, harmony, divine partnership, or twin flame/soul connections. The angels affirm duality.

In essence, rainbow colors captured in photos are a way for angels to visually show their presence. Pay attention to where rainbows appear for any meaningful messages from the other side.

What does it mean when you see blue orbs?

Seeing blue orbs is typically interpreted as a sign from your angels or spirits. Here are some of the suggested meanings of blue orbs:

  • Communication – Blue orb represents angels trying to communicate with you. It signifies they are sending you messages or trying to provide guidance.
  • Protection – The blue orb is a symbol that angels are nearby to protect and watch over you. Blue provides a calming energy.
  • Wisdom – The color blue stands for wisdom, intelligence, and seeking the truth. A blue orb encourages learning, gaining knowledge, and speaking your truth.
  • Loyalty – Blue represents loyalty, trustworthiness, and faithfulness. A blue orb signifies enduring relationships and friendships.
  • Peace – The peaceful quality of the color blue indicates your angels want you to find serenity and peacefulness. It is a reassuring message.
  • Healing – As blue also symbolizes healing energy, a blue orb signals that angels are bringing you healing and soothing your pain, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.
  • Third Eye – A blue orb may appear when you are opening up to your intuitive gifts and psychic awareness. It activates and clears your third eye chakra.
  • Divine – The divine realm is associated with the color blue. Seeing a blue orb implies you are connecting to the divine and your guardian angels.

So if you notice blue orbs in photos, know that they carry positive angelic messages and symbolism to provide guidance, protection, wisdom, loyalty, peace and healing.

What does it mean when you see purple orbs in photos?

Purple orbs in photos are typically interpreted as a spiritual sign from angels. Some suggested meanings for seeing purple orbs are:

  • Spirituality – The color purple represents higher consciousness, mysticism, and spirituality. Purple orbs signify spiritual awakening, energy, and connection.
  • Imagination – Purple symbolizes imagination, creativity, and fantasy. Purple orbs indicate angels stirring your imaginative faculties.
  • Wisdom – Purple is associated with wisdom, thought, knowledge, and judgment. A purple orb brings a message to think deeply or seek understanding.
  • Royalty – Historically purple represented royalty, nobility, luxury, and ambition. A purple orb signals your inherent nobility as a spiritual being.
  • Psychic Ability – As the color of the third eye chakra, purple orbs may foretell the awakening of your psychic senses and intuition. Your extrasensory perception is growing.
  • Alignment – The balance and union of pink and blue in purple represents alignment of the spiritual and physical. A purple orb reflects inner harmony.
  • Exploration – The curious, mystic quality of purple encourages exploration. A purple orb suggests now is the time for spiritual questing.
  • Transition – Purple can symbolize completion of cycles and spirit releasement or transition. A purple orb may signify transition or transformation.

Overall, a purple orb delivers a cosmic message about expanding your spiritual awareness, creativity, psychic sensitivity, and connection with angels.

What does it mean if you see a lot of rainbows during a difficult time?

Seeing frequent rainbows during challenging or difficult times is often considered a positive sign of hope, reassurance, and encouragement from the universe and angels. Here are some of the suggested meanings:

  • Hope – Rainbows emerging through storms or difficult times represents hope. Even in the midst of turmoil, rainbows remind you things will get better. There is hope ahead.
  • Reassurance – Rainbows provide reassurance that you are not alone, and that spiritual guidance and support is with you. Rainbows are a reminder of inner strength.
  • Encouragement – Rainbows encourage you to keep persevering despite setbacks. Their vibrant colors signify positivity through hardships.
  • Signs – Seeing rainbows during hardships implies your angels are giving you signs of their presence and wanting you to know that your spirit guides are with you.
  • Renewal – Rainbows signify the storms are clearing. After hardship, renewal follows. Rainbows represent the promise of peace after the storm passes.
  • Reflection – Rainbows encourage reflection on struggles as opportunities for growth and inner wisdom. There is meaning to be found in the challenges.
  • Affirmation – A rainbow sighting affirms that you have the inner strength and resilience to weather the difficulty. Your spirit is unbreakable.
  • Hope – As a symbol of optimism, a rainbow conveys the message to focus on the positive, have courage and never lose hope. Brighter days are coming.

In essence, rainbow sightings during trials provide uplifting spiritual guidance. They are signs of encouragement, hope and renewal from the universe and angels. The rainbows remind you inner peace follows the storm.

What does it mean if you see colors around people?

Seeing colors around people, called auras, can have spiritual meanings and provide insight about them. Here are some potential interpretations:

  • Personality – Color meanings reflect personality. Red can signal vibrant energy, while green relates to healing qualities. The colors reveal personal traits.
  • Mood – Colors shifting around someone may indicate mood. Dark muddy colors can signal sadness or pain. Bright shades can reflect joyful emotions.
  • Health – Some believe certain colors relate to health, like blue and green indicating calmness and natural healing. Muddier tones may reveal physical or energetic issues.
  • Intuition – Seeing colors and auras is linked to intuition and deeper insight. You may be able to intuitively sense things about others when viewing the colors.
  • Chakra – Vibrant or blocked chakras can present themselves as colored energy. You may be intuitively seeing the other person’s energy centers.
  • Energy Field – The aura is the electromagnetic field surrounding people. Seeing this energy as colors provides insight into the quality and state of their energy.
  • Spirit Messages – Vivid colors may represent spiritual messages or presence. White light or rainbow colors could signify angels or spirit guides with that person.
  • Relationships – The quality of color interactions between people can reflect relationship dynamics and connections. Bright, complementary colors may signal harmony.

The colors you intuitively perceive around individuals reveals deeper spiritual guidance if you pay attention and tune into the meanings. Try to interpret the messages the colors send.

What causes you to see rainbow halos around lights?

Some potential spiritual explanations for seeing rainbow halos or rainbows around lights are:

  • Angels – Angels may create rainbow halos around lights as symbolic signs of their loving presence with you. The rainbow colors reflect their powerful light.
  • Spirits – Spirits of loved ones may manifest rainbow halos to visually affirm their continued existence around you and their guiding light.
  • Auras – You may be perceiving the aura or energy field around a light source. This electromagnetic field contains all rainbow colors.
  • Third Eye – Your third eye chakra governs psychic vision and intuition. As you awaken this, you may start perceiving energies like auras and halos.
  • Atmosphere – Specific atmospheric conditions like moisture in the air can create optical light effects, bending light to display rainbows under certain angles.
  • Refraction – The physics of light refraction as it passes through water droplets or transparent objects can explain rainbow effects you see.
  • Divinity – Since rainbows are biblically symbolic of covenants with God, rainbow halos can represent the Divine’s abiding presence and light with you.
  • Blessings – Rainbows are considered good omens, associated with blessings, luck and gifts from the universe. Their appearance shares this positive energy.

So rainbow halos can have spiritual meanings like angelic guidance as well as scientific explanations. Pay attention to any interpreted symbolism.

What does it mean when you see colored dots floating around?

Some spiritual perspectives to explain seeing small colored dots or orbs floating around in the air include:

  • Angels – Different colored orbs are thought to represent the presence of angels and celestial beings watching over you. The colors convey their messages and guidance.
  • Spirits – Spirits sometimes manifest as colored orbs. The energy colors match the aura colors of the visiting spirits of loved ones.
  • Auras – You may be seeing auras and energy from objects, plants or people as floating dots. The colors relate to meanings of the auras.
  • Energetic Residue – Small colored dots may be energetic residue or spiritual imprints left in a space from events, emotions or spirit activity. They linger like energy traces.
  • Third Eye – As your third eye psychic vision develops, you may perceive things at higher frequencies, including the energy dots and auras.
  • Spirit Guides – Colored dots are believed to be spirit guides making their presence known and evident. They use colors relevant to their messages.
  • Thought Forms – Colored dots could be thought forms you inadvertently created with your focused thoughts and energy, manifesting visually near you.
  • Optical Effects – In some cases, transparent floaters in the eye, optical migraines, or effects of medications can cause small dots or shapes to appear.

In summary, colored dots and orbs often have spiritual meanings and origins. Pay attention to any messages, intuition or guidance the colors provide.

Why do you see colored shadows move out of the corners of your eyes?

There could be spiritual reasons for seeing colored shadows or shapes moving in your peripheral vision:

  • Spirit sightings – Shadow shapes and colored forms could be spirits or entities attempting contact with you visually. They appear in edges of sight first.
  • Aura perception – You may be perceiving the energy fields or auras of spiritual beings as colored shadows as they move nearby you energetically.
  • Angels – Dark figures with hints of color like blue, white or green could be angelic forms at the edges of sight, guarding you.
  • Spirit guide alerts – Your spirit guides may allow their shadows or colored silhouettes to be seen to subtly alert you to their presence.
  • Intuition – Colored shadows can represent your intuition and inner sight trying to send you symbolic messages that appear blurred on the edges.
  • Thin veil – When the veil between dimensions is thin, spiritual energy becomes more visible. This could explain increased spirit shadows.
  • Hallucinations – In some cases, neurological issues, medical conditions or side effects can cause hallucinations of shapes and colors.
  • Optical disturbances – Floaters, visual snow syndrome or optical migraine disturbances could create these illusory effects in eyesight.

So peripheral colored shadows often carry spiritual meaning about energetic presences. But mental, medical or optical conditions can also generate similar visual disturbances in some situations.

Why do you see rainbow colors when you close your eyes?

There are some possible spiritual explanations for seeing rainbow colors with eyes closed:

  • Third Eye – As your third eye chakra activates, you may perceive energy, spirits, and auras as rainbow colors behind closed eyes. It represents an opening inner vision.
  • Pineal Gland – This light-sensitive gland can be stimulated by darkness, causing a release of DMT. This chemical can produce visions of rainbow colors and patterns.
  • Spirit Encounters – Visions of rainbow colors may indicate spiritual beings are nearby and you are perceiving their high vibrational auras with your psychic senses.
  • Chakra Alignment – Rainbow light represents full chakra alignment and activation. The rainbow colors radiating through closed eyes reflects inner energetic balance.
  • Angelic Realms – Since angels dwell in light and rainbows represent spiritual bridges, seeing rainbows may mean you are glimpsing into angelic realms.
  • Divinity – Rainbow light can reflect the Divine source’s presence within. Closed eyes allow you to perceive God as multi-hued light within and around you.
  • Blessings – Rainbows symbolize blessings, miracles and gifts in many cultures. Perceiving rainbows inwardly signals sacred gifts being bestowed upon you.
  • Science – Optical nerve signals can cross causing colored light flashes, especially with pressure on closed eyes. This scientific explanation may apply.

So for some, internal rainbow colors have sacred, mystical significance while for others it may be scientifically explained optic phenomena. Both can be true.

Why do you see colored waves or movement when you close your eyes?

There are some spiritual perspectives to explain seeing colored waves or other visual disturbances when closing your eyes:

  • Third Eye – This psychic center in the brain governs inner vision. Seeing colors can signify your third eye awakening and perceiving energy waves.
  • Aura Viewing – You may be intuitively viewing the aura energy fields around you as waves of color. The movement signifies energy flow.
  • Spirit Communication – Spirits may create visual disturbances to subtly signal their presence trying to communicate with you energetically.
  • Pineal Gland Stimulation – This light-sensitive gland can produce psychedelic DMT chemicals, causing hallucinations of colors.
  • Chakra Alignment – Colored waves may indicate chakras coming into harmony. Each chakra has an associated color and energy vibration.
  • Psychic Opening – As psychic senses awaken, your perception expands. Colored waves could represent clairvoyant abilities emerging.
  • Hypnagogia – Being in between waking and sleep can generate trance-like visions. The liminal space produces colorful dreamlike hallucinations.
  • Biological Causes – In some cases, visual snow syndrome, migraines, or eye conditions can cause optical disturbances with no spiritual roots.

In summary, colored waves or motion relate to awakening inner sight but also have scientific biological explanations in some situations. Analyze the context for meaning.

What does it mean if you see rainbow colors around someone’s head?

Here are some possible spiritual meanings if you notice rainbow colors surrounding someone’s head like a halo:

  • Divine Light – Since rainbow auras represent connecting to Divine source, rainbow colors around the head reflect someone with deep spiritual awareness and consecrated light within.
  • Psychic Awakening – Rainbow head halos indicate a powerful opening to psychic senses, cosmic wisdom and mystical intuition. Their crown chakra is very open.
  • Angelic Guide – This may signify an earthly incarnation of an enlightened being or angelic guide who emanates intense rainbow spiritual light through the crown.
  • Prophetic Vision – People displaying this rainbow crown have profound prophetic gifts and visions. The rainbows symbolize their visionary connection to Divine realms.
  • Universal Consciousness – Their cosmic consciousness permeates their whole being. The rainbow crown displays their ultimate oneness with universe and understanding of all Truth.
  • Inner Purity – Rainbow colors radiating through the head reflect great inner purity, grace and holiness within the person. Their thoughts and heart are untainted.
  • Divine Mission – The rainbow colored crown indicates someone on an important spiritual mission, selected by the Divine to carry out sacred work on earth through their deeds, talents and words.

Overall, a rainbow colored crown or halo around someone marks their spiritual depth, sacred gifts, profound inner light, visionary purpose and cosmic connection as an embodiment of Divine essence. Rainbow colors are also very much associated with Archangel Raziel as well, since he is the archangel of spiritual development.

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In Summary

Seeing signs in the form of colorful lights, orbs, rainbows and auras can have significant spiritual meaning. Angel colors in feathers carry guidance. Rainbows in photos imply the angels’ reassuring presence. Colored orbs represent cosmic communication. Auras provide intuitive insight. Rainbow halos reflect the metaphysical manifesting visually. Essentially, angels and spirits use colors as a channel to reach us, and as a symbol of their guidance, protection and support. Being attuned to the meaning of colors allows deeper connection to these spiritual realms. With an open and discerning mind, we can receive profound divine messages all around us in the colors of the universe. Here is a summary table of the key information in the article, along with an FAQ using FAQPage schema:

Color Sign Meaning
White Feathers Purity, peace, protection
Gray Feathers Calm, neutrality, balance
Black Feathers Spiritual protection
Red Feathers Passion, courage, vitality
Pink Feathers Love, romance
Orange Feathers Joy, creativity, confidence
Yellow Feathers Optimism, hope, positivity
Green Feathers Healing, growth, abundance
Blue Feathers Wisdom, patience, inspiration
Purple Feathers Spiritual insight, higher purpose
Rainbow Feathers Assurance of angelic presence


What are the most common angel signs?

The most common signs from angels include finding coins or feathers, seeing color flashes, rainbows, patterns or orbs, sensing aromas, feeling temperature changes, or hearing unexplained sounds.

What does it mean when you smell flowers but there are none around?

Smelling flowers, especially roses, when there are none nearby is thought to be a sign from angels or spirits. It conveys their loving presence with you.

Can angel signs appear in dreams?

Yes, angels often communicate through signs and symbols that appear in dreams. Pay attention to any vivid colors, feather, flowers, rainbows or beings with wings appearing in dreams.

What does it mean when lights flicker?

Flickering lights are believed to indicate the presence of spirits. They may cause electrical disturbances while attempting to manifest or make contact.

Why would an angel reach out to you?

Angels may reach out to provide guidance, reassurance, healing, protection, inspiration or help when you pray or need divine intervention or comfort.

Can angels appear physically?

Angels are spiritual beings but some believe they can temporarily take human form or manifest physically in order to assist people in the living world when serving their divine mission.

How do you recognize an angel sign?

Pay attention to patterns and repetitions such as seeing the same colors, animals, numbers or objects frequently. Angel signs feel uplifting and positive. Follow inner guidance and intuition to discern if a sign resonates spiritually.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Here is a YouTube Meditation I have made to help you connect with Angels

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