Am I an Empath?

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am i an empath - Lisa Beachy

Hey friends! So lately, a lot of people have been asking me if they might be an empath. As someone who identifies as an empath myself, this is a question I get all the time! I figured it was about time I write a thorough article exploring the ins and outs of life as an empath and all the qualities that can help you determine if you are one.

Being an empath is both a gift and a challenge. The ability to intuit unspoken emotions, energy, and intentions in others can feel supernatural at times. But it can also be draining if you don’t know how to protect your energy. I’m hoping this article will provide clarity and community to all my fellow empaths out there who are still figuring themselves out. We’re going to dive into the empath experience from all angles.

Get ready to learn if those heightened sensitivities and psychic hunches you’ve had your whole life actually mean you’re an empath! Let’s get to it…

What are the signs that I might be an empath?

Empaths are highly sensitive people who have a keen ability to sense the emotions and energy of others. Here are some common signs that you may be an empath:

  • You feel overwhelmed in crowded places – Empaths tend to get overstimulated and drained in highly populated areas because they are absorbing so many people’s energies.
  • You have a strong sense of understanding others – Empaths are very intuitive and can easily put themselves in someone else’s shoes. You likely feel compassion and want to help people in pain.
  • You need a lot of alone time – Being around people for too long drains an empath’s energy. You probably require a good deal of solitude to recharge yourself.
  • You absorb emotions from others – When around an angry or depressed person, you may take on those same negative emotions. Their moods can rub off on you.
  • You experience unexplained body aches/illnesses – Empaths are prone to mysterious pains and illnesses as their bodies subconsciously take on the suffering of others. You may feel fatigued, anxious, or depressed without reason.
  • You have vivid dreams – Because empaths are so intuitive and perceptive, they often have intense symbolic dreams about people/places. Your dreams are complex and feel real.
  • You have a strong connection to nature – Empaths feel a deep affinity for animals and nature. You likely feel most restored in tranquil natural settings away from manmade structures.
  • You have a high sensitivity to noise, smells, light, foods, drugs, medications or chemicals – Empaths tend to get easily irritated by stimuli like loud sounds, bright lights, strong smells, caffeine, medications, etc. Their senses are on overdrive.
  • You have a high degree of empathy and care for others – If you cry watching sad movies, want to rescue lost animals, or care deeply about injustices in the world, you likely have high empathy.
  • You seem to know things without having learned them – Empaths are highly intuitive and often have knowledge about people or events without any rational explanation of how they obtained the information.

What causes someone to become an empath?

There are a few key factors believed to cause someone to be born as an empath:

  • Genetics – Many empaths have a family member who is also highly sensitive and empathetic, indicating a genetic component. Studies show a gene linked to sensitivity (HTR2A gene) may be passed down.
  • Childhood environment – Neglect, abuse, or lack of secure attachments in childhood can heighten empathy and emotional sensitivity later in life. Children may increase empathic traits to cope.
  • Neurological factors – Empaths may have differences in parts of the brain related to emotional processing and picking up on social cues, like the mirror neuron system and limbic system. This wiring causes empathic traits.
  • Highly sensitive personality – Some people are simply born with a more sensitive nervous system and a personality more adept to noticing subtleties in their environment and having strong reactions to stimuli.
  • Innate talents – Many empaths seem to arrive on this planet innately gifted with abilities like intuition, psychic skills, emotional intelligence, creativity, spiritual attunement, etc. indicating an innate empath wiring.

While empaths differ in how extreme their sensitivities are, the combination of nature (genetics) and nurture (upbringing) together typically produce an empath. The empathic traits are both inherited as well as cultivated in some people from childhood onward.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an empath?


  • Ability to deeply connect with others and form meaningful relationships
  • Increased compassion, understanding, and caring for people
  • Heightened intuition that can feel psychic at times
  • Greater appreciation and wonder of nature and beauty
  • Enhanced creativity, imagination, and expression
  • Increased ability to motivate, heal, teach, inspire others
  • Ability to resolve conflicts diplomatically
  • More conscious living and spiritual connection


  • Getting easily overwhelmed in crowds or chaotic environments
  • Absorbing negativity from people and situations
  • Difficulty being in disharmonious relationships or settings
  • Prone to anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms in stressful times
  • Needing more alone time than most to recharge
  • Struggling with setting boundaries and being assertive
  • Difficulty focusing and habit of overthinking
  • Financial strain due to avoiding draining corporate jobs
  • Getting taken advantage of by energy vampires

The key for empaths is to embrace the gifts while learning skills to better manage the sensitivities. Self-care, boundary setting, stress reduction, and training others on your needs can help mitigate the disadvantages. Finding meaning in their empathy provides empaths with purpose.

What is the difference between being highly sensitive and being an empath?

While empaths and highly sensitive people share some similar traits, there are also differences between the two:

  • Overwhelm in crowds – Both empaths and HSPs are prone to overstimulation in crowded, hectic environments. However, empaths may specifically feel they are absorbing other people’s energy.
  • Physiological reactions – Empaths may experience unexplained anxiety, sadness, pain or illness. HSPs have heightened reactions to stimuli but not necessarily unexplained symptoms.
  • Emotional contagion – Empaths absorb the emotions and energy of others. HSPs are only impacted by their own sensory experiences.
  • Intuition & psychic abilities – Many empaths have extrasensory perceptions and spiritual insights. While some HSPs have intuition, most do not report “psychic” senses the way empaths do.
  • Fatigue – While both need downtime from stimulation, empaths require recovery from absorbing energy and emotions whereas HSPs just need quiet time alone.
  • Coping skills – Empaths need spiritual practices, energy shielding and boundary setting skills. HSPs benefit from simple relaxation techniques and minimizing clutter/noise.
  • Stimulus threshold – HSPs have a lower threshold for stimuli but don’t necessarily feel emotions or energy. Empaths have hypersensitivity plus absorbing other people’s invisible experiences.

While the differences are subtle, empaths explicitly feel that their sensitivities involve a spiritual component beyond just sensory processing sensitivity. There can also be overlap where an empath is also highly sensitive to all stimuli in their environment on top of their empathic traits.

Is being an empath a disorder or mental illness?

No, being an empath is not a mental disorder or illness. Here are some key points:

  • Empaths are born with a unique neurological wiring leading to emotional sensitivity and hyper-awareness of others’ feelings. This is a natural trait, albeit uncommon.
  • The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) does not list being an empath as a mental health condition. It is simply a personality type.
  • Feeling emotions intensely or being finely attuned to people’s moods is not pathological in and of itself. It only requires some coping skills.
  • Many empaths thrive by channeling their abilities into careers like counseling, teaching, social work, art, or health care. Their empathy is an asset.
  • That said, empaths are at higher risk for conditions like anxiety, depression, and body-focused repetitive behaviors partially due to overwhelm. But these conditions are situational, not inherent to being an empath.
  • Learning to set boundaries, embrace alone time, engage in self-care, find community, and avoid energy vampires can help empaths lead healthy lives without mental illness.
  • While empaths face challenges, their heightened empathy, intuition and emotional intelligence can provide them meaning and purpose in helping others in need.

The key is for empaths to recognize their innate sensitivities, adapt their lifestyle accordingly, and utilize their abilities in positive ways. Seeing their traits as a gift rather than a disorder enables healthy self-esteem.

How can empaths protect themselves from getting overwhelmed?

Empaths tend to get easily overloaded and drained in certain situations due to their acute sensitivity. Here are some tips to help empaths protect their energy:

  • Spend ample time alone in nature to relax, recharge and clear negative energies. Nature is soothing.
  • Set boundaries with needy people. Limit interactions that zap your energy. Learn to say no.
  • Avoid crowded places like concerts, festivals, malls. If unavoidable, go at off-times and limit duration.
  • Make your home and bedroom a peaceful sanctuary with soft lighting, relaxing colors and minimal clutter.
  • Do energy shielding techniques like imagining a protective sphere of light around your aura or envisioning negative energy being released from your body.
  • Carry or wear grounding objects like hematite, black tourmaline and trevorite crystals, which help neutralize negative vibrations.
  • Practice meditation, yoga or breathing exercises to calm the mind and nervous system when feeling frazzled.
  • Spend time doing creative activities like art, music or writing to release pent-up emotions in a positive outlet.
  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid stimulants that amplify symptoms of being overwhelmed like caffeine, sugar, processed foods, etc.
  • Set aside designated daily relaxation time. Do calming activities that nourish your spirit like baths, reading, naps, etc.

Learning your limits and needs as an empath is crucial. Implementing preventive measures allows you to still engage with the world while safeguarding your wellbeing.

How do you know if you absorb other people’s emotions?

If you are an empath, you may unknowingly absorb other people’s emotions on a regular basis. Here are some signs you might be absorbing emotional energy:

  • You often feel drained, moody or ill after being around certain people or groups of people
  • You experience unexplained mood changes such as suddenly feeling depressed, anxious, angry or emotional for no reason
  • You have a hard time distinguishing other people’s emotions from your own
  • You seem to instinctively know how someone is feeling and share their feelings intensely
  • You feel exhausted by crowds, public places and highly emotional situations
  • You need a lot of alone time in order to feel like yourself again after social interactions
  • You gravitate towards more tranquil, relaxed people and environments
  • You may experience physical ailments like headaches, stomach problems or fatigue when absorbing challenging emotions
  • You are very uncomfortable in chaotic, tense environments and feel instant relief once out of that space
  • You are easily affected by the moods of those around you like taking on their anger, sadness, or anxiety
  • You find being around certain people peaceful while being around others very draining

If you experience an onset of emotions that don’t seem like your own, need a lot of time alone, and absorb both positive and negative energy from others, you likely have the traits of an empath.

What self-care tips can help empaths?

Empaths require regular self-care to cope with their intense sensitivities and tend to thrive when incorporating the following practices:

  • Ample alone time for reflection, reading, creativity, music, relaxing baths or naps to recharge
  • Spending time outdoors in nature walking, gardening, camping or meditating
  • Regular exercise like yoga, swimming or walking to release emotions and stay grounded
  • Eating a clean, wholesome diet with minimal sugar, caffeine and alcohol that could exacerbate feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Practicing energy cleansing techniques like burning sage, positive visualization, meditation
  • Allowing time for enjoyable hobbies such as art, crafting, journaling which enable creative expression
  • Saying “no” and establishing boundaries to avoid taking on too much and people pleasing
  • Making their living space a peaceful sanctuary with soft lighting, calming decor, comfortable furnishings
  • Regular massage, reiki treatments, or soaks in epsom salt to calm the nervous system
  • Avoiding violent or disturbing shows, news, movies, music or people
  • Practicing positive affirmations and self-love and keeping a gratitude journal
  • Surrounding themselves with gentle, supportive people who understand their sensitivities
  • Implementing proper sleep hygiene to help stay balanced

Honoring their enhanced needs with nurturing activities that soothe the spirit is essential for an empath’s health and happiness. Doing so prevents emotional overload.

How do empaths pick up on other people’s emotions so easily?

Empaths innately possess high levels of emotional intelligence and various psychic senses that allow them to intuitively pick up on other people’s emotions. Some ways empaths readily sense emotions are:

  • Through energy fields – Empaths can read subtle energy signals (auras) and vibrations emitting from others that contain emotional information.
  • Microexpressions – Empaths are adept at picking up on microexpressions – the subtle, fleeting facial expressions revealing true feelings.
  • Body language – An empath is highly attuned to body language cues hinting at someone’s inner emotional state, such as posture and muscle tension.
  • Telepathic abilities – Empaths seem to experience a psychic connection with others where they can directly sense thoughts, feelings and mental images from someone’s mind.
  • Highly observant – Notice subtle voice tones, gazes, breathing changes, word choices indicating mood and disposition.
  • Intuition – Empaths just “know” things about people suddenly without logical explanation. Their intuition is finely tuned from practice.
  • Emotional recall – If an empath has experienced a feeling before personally, they can often recall and replicate it after seeing it in someone else.
  • Global consciousness – Being tuned into collective consciousness pools may allow empaths broader access to human emotions and suffering on a global scale.
  • Thin boundaries – There is less separation between an empath’s consciousness and others’, allowing emotions to flow between people seamlessly.

Due to this combination of extraordinary sensitivities and abilities, empaths excel at reading people on an emotional level. For them, feeling emotions is contagious.

Can someone develop the abilities of an empath later in life or are you born with it?

Most experts believe the abilities of an empath are present from birth and result from innate sensitivities. However, some empathy skills can be developed and expanded later in life through practices like:

  • Mindfulness meditation – Enhances focus on the present moment and ability to pick up on subtleties.
  • Emotional intelligence training – Teaches people to improve identifying, understanding and managing emotions.
  • Studying psychology/human behavior – Gain greater insight into human motivations, non-verbal cues, trauma responses.
  • Reading fiction literature – Research shows reading fiction improves empathy by exposing people to experiences of others.
  • Listening skills training – Enhances ability to read body language, pick up on unspoken cues.
  • Neuroplasticity exercises – Activities that rewire neural pathways can alter emotional perception abilities.
  • Psilocybin/ayahuasca – Psychedelics have shown potential to create structural changes in parts of the brain related to empathy.
  • Mirror neuron activation – Mimicking other’s expressions/behaviors activates parts of the empathic nervous system.
  • Trauma, grief or adversity – Walking through painful experiences opens people up to broader emotional understanding.

However, while these methods can expand empathy, the innate intuitive abilities and nervous system sensitivities inherent to born empaths may be more limited without the specific physiological wiring. Many view the empath experience as part of one’s essence.

Do empaths know they are empaths? What if I suspect I’m an empath but I’m not sure?

Empaths often don’t realize they are empaths well into adulthood. Here are some signs you may be an empath if you are questioning it:

  • You feel overwhelmed or drained being around large groups of people for too long. Crowds sap your energy.
  • You gravitate towards solitary activities, feel replenished being outdoors in nature alone. Need a lot of alone downtime.
  • People describe you as hypersensitive, deeply caring, intuitive, susceptible to others’ moods.
  • You seem to inexplicably understand how others are feeling and provide emotional support.
  • Anxious or depressed people in your life seem to improve after spending time with you.
  • You experience unexplained body aches, mood changes, fatigue when certain people/situations stress you.
  • You find loud noises, crowds, bright lights, strong smells, sensory clutter highly agitating.
  • You feel compelled to help those who are suffering, almost like you absorb part of their pain.
  • You’ve had psychic-like experiences – just knowing things without rational explanation. Intuitive insights.
  • You forgo corporate jobs or highly chaotic roles – opt for creative or helping professions aligned with your sensitivities.
  • You look for the meaning behind world events. Strong sense of humanitarian purpose and wisdom beyond your years.

Exploring these common empath experiences can provide clarity if you are on the fence. Focus on finding community, purpose, and self-care as you embrace your empath journey.


In summary, empaths are highly sensitive, intuitive people who feel the emotions of others profoundly and deeply. While this ability allows great capacity for compassion, understanding and helping others, empaths also must cope with overstimulation and energy absorption in certain situations. Learning tools for energy protection, boundary setting and self-care can allow empaths to embrace their gifts while leading a happy, balanced life. If you suspect you might be an empath based on your hypersensitivities, desire for solitary activities, and intense experiences with emotions, seeking community with other empaths can provide support and confirm your abilities. Stay true to your core nature as an empath.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy


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