Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Raziel

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Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Raziel - Lisa Beachy 1

Lovely friends, this is Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master. I’m delighted to share this guide on working with the powerful and mystical Archangel Raziel. As the keeper of secrets, Raziel can illuminate your journey with esoteric knowledge, creativity, and imagination flowing from Divine wisdom. Today, we discuss the best crystals for Archangel Raziel!

Connecting with this angelic being opens you to hidden truths about yourself, your soul’s purpose, and the nature of our universe. Whether you are interested in crystals, meditation, self-discovery, or expanding your psychic abilities, Raziel has much beauty and insight to offer if you open your heart and mind. It is my hope these tips empower you to invite Raziel into your awareness and recognize the signs of his presence. When we engage this wellspring of inner knowing, our lives blossom with meaning, inspiration, healing, and peace. May your explorations of Raziel’s guidance awaken profound blessings.

What crystals should I use to connect with Archangel Raziel?

Archangel Raziel is known as the keeper of secrets and mysteries. He can help you gain esoteric knowledge and spiritual insights. Some crystals that can help strengthen your connection with Raziel include:

  • Clear quartz – This is an excellent all-purpose crystal that amplifies energies. It will boost your intention to connect with Raziel. Place it on your third eye or hold it during meditation.
  • Lapis lazuli – This blue stone is linked to wisdom and truth. It can open your mind to receive Raziel’s teachings and guidance. Wear lapis lazuli jewelry or meditate with a tumbled stone.
  • Amethyst – Amethyst enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. It can pave the way for the wisdom and insights that Raziel provides. Use an amethyst cluster or crystal point during your work with the archangel.
  • Blue lace agate – This pale blue crystal aids communication and expression of your inner truth. It can help you articulate the messages and information you receive from Raziel. Keep blue lace agate under your pillow or use it in a medicine pouch.
  • Angelite – As the name suggests, angelite connects directly with the angelic realm. This stone opens psychic channels linked to Raziel’s higher wisdom and knowledge. Use angelite in meditation

Visit my Amazon Store Front to purchase Archangel Raziel’s Crystals and Gemstones

What is the meaning and significance of Archangel Raziel?

As the archangel of mysteries, Raziel’s name means “secret of God.” He is the keeper of divine secrets and oversees esoteric knowledge beyond the realm of ordinary human comprehension. According to Jewish mysticism, Raziel wrote a book containing all celestial and earthly knowledge and gave it to Adam – the Book of Raziel. His teachings offer hidden spiritual truths accessible through intuition, dreams, and psychic abilities. Invoking Raziel can illuminate your path with insight, creativity, and inspiration drawn from divine wisdom. He helps reveal profound truths about the nature of reality and your soul’s purpose. Communing with Raziel allows deeper understanding about yourself, others, and the cosmos.

What is Archangel Raziel known for?

Journaling with your Angels: A Guided Journal for Inspiration and Gratitude - Lisa BeachyHere are some of the main things Archangel Raziel is known for:

  • Keeper of secrets, mysteries and hidden knowledge
  • Provides esoteric information and spiritual insights
  • Helps open your third eye chakra and enhance psychic abilities
  • Aids in interpreting dreams, symbols, omens
  • Known as the angel of mysteries and magic
  • Associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn
  • Patron angel of alchemists, spiritual teachers, writers, occultists
  • Believed to have given the Book of Raziel to Adam
  • Helps access divine memory and your soul’s purpose
  • Guides you to profound truths and spiritual growth
  • Brings creativity, imagination, and inspiration
  • Encourages self-trust, intuition
  • Understands celestial mechanics and the overlapping spiritual realms

How do you invoke Archangel Raziel?

Here are some effective ways to invoke Archangel Raziel:

  • Light a white or blue candle and call upon Raziel by name several times. Visualize his energy.
  • Hold a piece of clear quartz or lapis lazuli while praying or meditating to draw in Raziel’s presence.
  • Chant Raziel’s name aloud or inwardly to invoke his wisdom.
  • Write Raziel’s sigil or name on paper; carry it with you to request his guidance throughout the day.
  • State your desire or intention clearly when asking for Raziel’s aid. Be receptive through meditation.
  • Before sleeping, ask Raziel to send you helpful dreams and interpret them upon awakening.
  • Create an altar with Raziel’s sigil, blue or white candles, angelite, incense, and other tools to honor him.
  • Recite Raziel’s prayer: “Raziel, Angel of Mysteries, open my mind to secret knowledge and spiritual truth.”
  • Visit a library, as these places of learning are associated with Raziel’s energy.

What kind of knowledge does Archangel Raziel provide?

Raziel grants access to esoteric and mystical knowledge beyond ordinary human understanding. Here are some examples of Raziel’s wisdom:

  • Insights about the true nature of reality and existence
  • Awareness of the connections between the physical and spiritual realms
  • Understanding of sacred geometry, astrology, alchemy, and the occult
  • Knowledge of how energy flows through the universe and one’s self
  • Hidden truths about the meaning and purpose of life and your soul’s path
  • Intuitive comprehension of symbols, dreams, synchronicities
  • Awareness of your multidimensional self across time and space
  • Recollection of your soul’s origins, previous lifetimes
  • Understanding angelic languages and communication
  • Insight into the collective unconscious and archetypes
  • Appreciation of the mystical aspects of creativity and the arts
  • Glimpses into divine unity and the web of all existence

Raziel provides the keys to unlock spiritual insights your conscious mind cannot normally access. His knowledge deepens self-awareness and unveils your highest truth.

Visit my Amazon Store Front to purchase Archangel Raziel’s Crystals and Gemstones

What are the best ways to work with Archangel Raziel?

Some effective practices for working with Archangel Raziel include:

  • Meditation – Sit quietly and focus on Raziel’s energy to receive his wisdom. Ask for guidance.
  • Journaling – Write down messages and information you receive from Raziel during meditation or dreams.
  • Divination – Use tarot, runes, scrying mirrors to request Raziel’s insights on a question. Interpret the symbols.
  • Candle magic – Light blue or white candles dedicated to Raziel to amplify intentions set.
  • Dreamwork – Request teachings through dreams. Analyze dreams upon waking for Raziel’s guidance.
  • Invoke often – Call upon Raziel frequently so his energy remains active in your spirit.
  • Sigils – Draw Raziel’s sigil to manifest his attributes in your life.
  • Altar – Create a meditation space with candles, crystals, sigil to regularly connect.
  • Outer order rituals – Some occult practices invoke Raziel’s wisdom during rituals.
  • Angelic languages – Study texts on angelic tongues to understand Raziel’s communications.
  • Nature contemplation – Observe symbols and wisdom in nature that Raziel reveals.

What offerings are suitable for Archangel Raziel?

Here are some suggested offerings when working with Archangel Raziel:

  • Incense, especially frankincense or myrrh
  • Blue or white candles
  • Writing tools – new pens, paper, notebooks, etc.
  • Books or printed wisdom texts
  • Quartz crystals or gemstones like lapis lazuli
  • Feathers or owl figurines (owls are affiliated with Raziel)
  • Tarot cards or runes
  • Handwritten petitions, prayers or notes to Raziel
  • Drawing, painting, or creating art while invoking Raziel
  • Time dedicated to studying mystical disciplines
  • Donations to spiritual learning centers or libraries
  • Sharing esoteric knowledge and truths with others

Offerings that engage the mind and creativity are most aligned to honor Raziel’s energies. He also appreciates when you share the wisdom he imparts.

How can you tell if Archangel Raziel is trying to reach out to you?

Here are some signs Archangel Raziel may be attempting contact:

  • Seeing repetitive number sequences like 1144 or 77 – Raziel’s “angel numbers”
  • Increased inspiration, creativity, and ideas flow suddenly
  • Vivid dreams with significant symbols or insightful information
  • Heightened awareness of synchronicities and their meaning
  • Drawn to spiritual knowledge, occult studies, mysticism
  • Fascination with alchemy, sacred geometry, astrology topics
  • Desire to meditate or practice divination tools (tarot, runes)
  • Flashes of insight and deeper self-understanding
  • Seeing owls frequently – animal symbolically connected to Raziel
  • Receiving advice from dreams or inner voice to write or journal
  • Interest in angels, channeling, angelic languages emerging
  • Feathers appearing in your path, especially white ones
  • Wonder or curiosity about existence, the universe, beyond the physical world

Pay attention to patterns meaningfully coinciding. When receptive, Raziel will reveal his presence and open you to his wisdom.

What disciplines and interests are associated with Archangel Raziel?

Raziel is connected to several esoteric disciplines and interests, including:

  • Occult studies – alchemy, astrology, tarot, Runes, ceremonial magic
  • Mysticism – Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Sufism, esoteric branches of major religions
  • Metaphysics – understanding existence beyond the physical
  • Sacred geometry – shapes, patterns and ratios with mystical significance
  • Divination – accessing non-ordinary sources of knowledge and guidance
  • Meditation and visualization – altering consciousness to receive spiritual insights
  • Dreams – messages and teachings accessed through dream states
  • Writing – conveying mystical awareness and creativity through written word
  • Libraries and bookstores – repositories of wisdom and learning
  • Symbolism – decoding the esoteric meanings of symbols, omens
  • Psychic development – expanding intuitive abilities and perception
  • Inner truth – plumbing one’s depths for alignment and purpose
  • Creativity – channeling imagination and inspiration to create

Exploring these interests allows deeper connection with Raziel and absorption of his offered wisdom.

How does Archangel Raziel assist with creativity and writing?

As the source of the Book of Raziel, creativity and writing are in Raziel’s domain. Here’s how Raziel can help:

  • Inspires mystical imagination to receive unique insights to create
  • Unblocks writer’s block and stuck points by stimulating ideas
  • Reveals elegant phrases, impactful metaphors, lyrical language
  • Connects with the muse and channels this archetypal energy
  • Offers feedback and validation on developing works and projects
  • Provides psychic impressions to include as imagery in writing
  • Helps interpret and convey symbolic meaning
  • Assists with translating non-verbal understanding into words
  • Enables access to the creative unconscious and collective mythos
  • Grants awareness that all creation emerges from the Divine Mind
  • Instills courage to write and share one’s truth with the world
  • Provides clarity when editing for focus and concise expression

By request, Raziel will suffuse one’s being with creative flair in writing or any artistic endeavor. His energy stirs the mystical imagination.

Visit my Amazon Store Front to purchase Archangel Raziel’s Crystals and Gemstones

What are some affirmations to use when invoking Archangel Raziel?

Here are some positive affirmations to recite when calling upon Raziel:

  • “I am open to receive Archangel Raziel’s wisdom and guidance.”
  • “I invite Raziel to share his sacred knowledge with me.”
  • “Divine inspiration flows through me now.”
  • “Raziel illuminates my path ahead.”
  • “My intuition and psychic senses are awake.”
  • I am receptive to angelic communication.”
  • “Raziel opens my mind to truth, creativity, and insight.”
  • “I have clarity on my soul’s purpose.”
  • “I understand the deeper meaning of my dreams.”
  • “Raziel helps me interpret signs, symbols and synchroncities.”
  • “Raziel’s energy fills me with mystical understanding.”
  • “My third eye sees intuitive knowledge.”

Reciting such affirmations establishes the right mindset to work cooperatively with Raziel.


In conclusion, Archangel Raziel grants access to esoteric knowledge and creativity flowing from divine wisdom. By taking an open and receptive approach, invoking Raziel through established methods, and utilizing tools like crystals and altars aligned with his energies, you can unlock Raziel’s secrets. This mystical archangel illuminates the hidden side of reality and one’s spirit. Communing with Raziel allows entry into realms of imagination, inspiration, truth, and self-actualization that enrich mind, body, and soul. If you feel Raziel’s call, honor the archangel through meditation, journaling, dreamwork, and exploring symbology to tap into new wells of guidance, growth, and creative potential.

Visit my Amazon Store Front to purchase Archangel Raziel’s Crystals and Gemstones


Topic Summary
Recommended Crystals Clear quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue lace agate, angelite
Raziel’s Meaning Keeper of secrets, provider of esoteric knowledge
Raziel’s Associations Mysteries, magic, psychic abilities, dreams, creativity
Invoking Raziel Candles, crystals, chanting, prayer, altars
Raziel’s Knowledge Mystical truths, soul purpose, sacred geometry, angelic realms
Working with Raziel Meditation, journaling, divination, dreamwork
Raziel’s Interests Occult, metaphysics, divination, creativity, writing
Offerings for Raziel Candles, incense, books, art, prayers
Signs from Raziel Angel Numbers Spiritual Meaning dreams, symbols, curiosity about esoteric topics

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Raziel

What are Archangel Raziel’s celestial numbers?

The numbers commonly associated with Archangel Raziel are 11, 22, 44, 77, and 88. Seeing these number sequences frequently can signify Raziel’s presence or guidance.

How can working with Raziel help heal and transform you?

By illuminating your inner wisdom and path ahead, Raziel facilitates healing and transformation. His insights shed light on karmic patterns, soul contracts, and limiting beliefs so they can be released. This clears the way for profound spiritual growth.

What is the Book of Raziel and what does it contain?

The Book of Raziel is a text said to contain all esoteric and celestial knowledge. Raziel gave the book to Adam to empower humanity. Its teachings cover the creative source, energetic systems, soul evolution, and the spiritual destiny of humankind and the cosmos.

How does Archangel Raziel differ from Archangel Metatron?

While both offer esoteric wisdom, Metatron is more associated with ascension, enlightenment, and sacred geometry, whereas Raziel focuses on accessing creative imagination, psychic abilities, hidden truths, and occult mysteries.

Can Raziel help retrieve psychic memories and past life information?

Yes, Raziel can grant access to soul memories and details about previous incarnations to help you gain spiritual insights and understand your eternal nature.

Is it possible to channel Raziel’s energy through creative activities?

Absolutely, Raziel can infuse art, writing, and any creative expression with divine inspiration and imagination. Invite his presence during the creative process.

How can you validate messages that you think are coming from Raziel?

Pay attention to internal resonance, synchronicities, dreams, and confirmations in meditation. You can also invite other angelic beings to validate the guidance. Discernment is key.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy
Lisa Beachy - Angel Psychic Readings