Hello, lovely friends! I’m Lisa Beachy, a spiritual intuitive and reiki master who is passionate about helping others connect more deeply with their own inner wisdom, guardian angels, and the magic within their souls. In my work, I aim to be a gentle guide who can provide key insights, perspectives and tools to assist you…
Tag: angel messages
What Do Guardian Angels Look Like?
Posted on by lisabeachy
I know you have tons of questions about angels, what they look like, and how they make their celestial presence known. Well you’ve come to the right place! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea, and let’s dive in. This is gonna be fun! Angels are fascinating beings – neither matter nor energy,…
What Are Angel Readings and How Can They Help?
Posted on by lisabeachy
Hello, I’m Lisa Beachy, your Spiritual Intuitive, and today, I’d like to share something quite special with you – Angel Readings. Perhaps you’ve heard about them or have even been intrigued enough to consider trying one. Angel readings are a unique, transformative experience that helps you connect with the angelic realm to seek guidance, support,…