Who Are My Guardian Angels?

Published by lisabeachy on


Hello, lovely friends! I’m Lisa Beachy, a spiritual intuitive and reiki master who is passionate about helping others connect more deeply with their own inner wisdom, guardian angels, and the magic within their souls. In my work, I aim to be a gentle guide who can provide key insights, perspectives and tools to assist you on your spiritual path and bring you closer to living your most authentic, aligned and abundant life. My intention is always to teach from a place of compassion, joy and reverence for each person’s unique spiritual gifts and journeys. I’m thrilled to be sharing this angel guidance here with you today!

What are guardian angels and what is their purpose?

Guardian angels are spiritual beings who have been assigned to protect and guide us through life. They are sent by God/the Divine to watch over us and help steer us away from harm, assist us through challenging times, and put opportunities and people in our path to aid our spiritual growth and life purpose.

Guardian angels are always by our side, unconditionally loving and supporting us. They want to see us thrive and grow into our highest potential. Some key purposes and roles of guardian angels include:

  • Protecting us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually
  • Guiding our thoughts, feelings, and intuitions
  • Bringing inspiration, synchronicities, and insights
  • Comforting us in times of need
  • Intervening in times of danger or hardship
  • Helping us heal from pain and trauma
  • Motivating and empowering us to achieve our goals
  • Supporting our soul growth and life purpose

So in essence, guardian angels act as heavenly helpers and spiritual companions on our life path. Their divine guidance and intervention can steer our lives in positive directions.

How many guardian angels do we have?

Most people have at least two guardian angels assigned to them. Some may have several that play different roles and provide unique guidance. Factors that determine how many angels you have include:

  • Life purpose – The more significant your divine role, the more angels you may need for support. Highly spiritual people tend to have more angels.
  • Challenges/growth needs – Angels may be assigned during especially difficult life phases or when we need extra spiritual help and protection.
  • Family lineage – It’s believed guardian angels associated with your family line may remain with you.
  • Roles – You may have separate angels fulfilling different duties like overseeing your relationships, work life, health, etc.
  • History – Some believe we keep the same guardian angels through multiple lifetimes. Old souls tend to have long-standing angelic relationships.

While you can ask your guardian angels directly how many are with you, a few of the most common combinations include:

  • 2 angels – One to guide and one to protect.
  • 4 angels – Associated with the 4 elements – earth, air, fire and water.
  • 7 angels – Connected to the 7 chakras and energy centers.

Overall, rest assured that you have the perfect number of guardian angels for your needs! Your soul only gets assigned what will best support your highest path.

Can our loved ones and deceased relatives be our guardian angels?

It’s absolutely possible for departed loved ones like grandparents, parents, siblings, children and spouses to be our guardian angels! After death, many souls continue their spiritual mission of loving and guiding their living relatives through the role of guardian angel.

Signs your deceased loved one may be your guardian angel include:

  • Seeing repetitive number sequences like their birthdate or favorite numbers
  • Smelling their favorite flowers, foods or scents randomly
  • Hearing a song that reminds you of them out of the blue
  • Having vivid dreams where they visit, comfort or provide guidance
  • Feeling their presence strongly around important events or dates
  • Receiving clear signs, messages or reminders of their love

Our past relatives are able to watch over and protect us in spirit because their unconditional love transcends death. They wish to see us happy and at peace.

If you feel a departed loved one around you as an angelic guide, be open to their continued spiritual presence. Know that their soul lives on and their care for you remains eternal.

How can I connect with and get to know my guardian angels?

There are many ways to connect with your guardian angels and build a relationship with these loving spiritual beings! Here are some tips:

  • Ask for signs like repeating numbers, feathers, coins, rainbows, or their guidance during meditation. Then watch for synchronicities!
  • Talk to them in your mind or out loud – chat with them as you would a close friend.
  • Listen for inner guidance from your heart that provides ideas, wisdom or warnings.
  • Pay attention to your dreams – angels often appear to communicate important messages.
  • Ask them for a feeling of comfort, love or reassurance when you need support.
  • Do automatic writing to request messages and clarity from your angels.
  • Learn their names through meditation – this creates a more personal bond.
  • Research the duties of different guardian angels and ask to get to know angels fulfilling certain roles.
  • Create an altar, light candles, and invite your angels to spend time near their images or statues.
  • Thank your angels out loud for all the signs, blessings and love you notice from them. Gratitude strengthens your bond!

Persistence, trust and regular communication are key. Approach connecting with your guardian angels like developing any close relationship – through dedicated time, effort and expressing love.

How can I ask my guardian angels for help or guidance?

Asking your guardian angels for assistance or guidance in any area of life is as simple as speaking to them from your heart. Here are some tips:

  • Start by sincerely asking them for help or clarity on a matter, then quiet your mind to listen.
  • Request specific signs, guidance or inner-knowing to get clear answers.
  • Phrase requests positively – ask angels to “show you the ideal career path” vs. “help me know what job to avoid.”
  • Trust your intuition and pay attention to repetitive thoughts, feelings or signs that come through.
  • Let go of expectations on timing – angels operate on divine right timing. Allow processes to unfold.
  • Remember that even if guidance feels unclear at first, asking sets powerful forces in motion. Have patience.
  • Express gratitude to the angels for any help or movement you notice related to your intention.
  • Don’t become dependent on your angels – make sure to also put in effort guided by their signs.
  • Stay open to creative solutions vs. rigidly attached to a certain outcome. Angels see the bigger picture!

Overall, your angels want to help you in the best way for your soul growth. So ask boldly and without fear! Then surrender outcomes to the wisdom of these loving guides. The simple act of asking connects you to the divine assistance meant for you.

How do I know when my guardian angels are reaching out to me?

Angels have many creative ways of communicating signs of their love and guidance! Here are some of the most common ways guardian angels reach out:

  • Flashes of light or sparkles of brightness – this signals an angelic presence nearby.
  • Random goosebumps, chills, or feeling suddenly hot or cold – your angels adjusting your energy.
  • Tingling sensation in your crown chakra on top of your head – energy download from the angels.
  • Sweet, floral, or spice scents – angels announcing their arrival through associated fragrances.
  • Seeing repetitive number sequences – angel numbers like 1111, 333, etc.
  • Hearing a song lyric or message that perfectly answers your prayers.
  • Animals appearing suddenly to cross your path or greet you – angels in animal form.
  • Feeling positive energy, love or reassurance well up powerfully within you.
  • Rainbows on days where there are no logical weather explanations.
  • Finding feathers in odd places – calling card that angels dropped by.
  • Flower petals or coins appearing in your path – blessings from angels.

Pay attention to your intuition and any moments these signs occur. They indicate your angels are reaching out to provide validation, comfort and guidance!

What’s the difference between guardian angels, spirit guides and archangels?

There are a few key differences between guardian angels, spirit guides and archangels:

Guardian Angels:

  • Assigned to every person for life.
  • Provide unconditional love, direct guidance and protection.
  • Help with everyday challenges and growth.
  • Closely involved in your daily human affairs.

Spirit Guides:

  • Not necessarily assigned to only you – may guide many.
  • Provide wisdom related to specific life purposes or themes.
  • Advise on broader soul missions and destinies vs. daily life.


  • Guardian angels and spirit guides may work on behalf of archangels.
  • Much higher and more powerful than regular angels – often rule over them.
  • Oversee and guide huge groups, collective causes, and massive world events.
  • Coordinate the work of many angels across great distances.
  • Don’t play as personal a role in individual human lives.

So in essence:

  • Guardian angels nurture us daily like a caring parent.
  • Spirit guides coach us on our spiritual paths like a wise teacher.
  • Archangels direct angels’ work on a grand scale like a divine general.

What are some telltale signs my guardian angel is with me?

Your guardian angel’s presence can be sensed in many heartwarming and comforting ways. Here are some of the most common signs indicating an angel is right beside you:

  • Warm tingling, goosebumps or sudden temperature changes – angels adjusting your energetic field.
  • Seeing flashes or sparkles of brightness nearby out of the corner of your eye.
  • Noticing feathers in odd places where they wouldn’t naturally be.
  • Finding coins or other small objects in unexpected spots.
  • Smelling a sweet, floral fragrance – angels often carry this scent.
  • Receiving clear advice or warning through your thoughts – angel guidance.
  • Feeling suddenly lighter or like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.
  • An uplifting song with a fitting message comes on at the perfect time.
  • You narrowly avoid danger in an unlikely way – angel intervention.
  • You feel a strong urge to pause, go a different direction or take an action – angel nudge.
  • A sense of deep peace, love and comfort washes over you, reassuring you all is well.

Trust actions or moments that give you pause and seem meaningfully timed. Spontaneous sensations of guidance, protection or positivity are sure signs an angel is by your side!

What is angel number 111 trying to tell me?

The recurring angel number 111 is one of the most powerful and meaningful angel signs you can receive. It carries a special message from your guardian angels, and seeing it frequently means:

  • You are in total alignment with your soul mission and highest life path right now.
  • Significant new doors and opportunities are opening up for you at this time. Walk through with faith!
  • The next level of your spiritual growth and development is beginning – get ready for an important awakening.
  • You have very powerful guardian angels with you that want to provide love, guidance and support.
  • Any positive thoughts, intentions or prayers have been heard and answered by your angels. Expect manifestation.
  • You are on the right life track – if you had any doubts, this is a validation from your angels to keep going!
  • Have hope – all your struggles and hard work are about to lead to a positive breakthrough or a healing shift forward.

So in summary, the 111 angel number is a sign that you are deeply supported and guided by guardian angels at this exciting time of evolution. Stay positive, keep your thoughts high, and be ready to embrace new blessings!


In this in-depth look at guardian angels, we covered the purpose of these spiritual protectors, how many angels you may have, how deceased loved ones can be your angels, and the many beautiful signs of their presence and guidance. Guardian angels are unconditional friends walking life’s journey right beside you. Developing a relationship with them through trust, asking for help, and listening to signs will add comfort, wisdom and miracles to your human experience. If you hold the intention to get closer to your angels, they will meet you more than halfway. Their divine love lights up each step of your soul’s sacred adventure.

Here is a summary table of the key information in the article, plus an FAQ section with schema markup:

Article Summary

Topic Key Points
Purpose of Guardian Angels Protect, guide, support soul growth
Number of Guardian Angels Typically 2-7 angels
Deceased Loved Ones as Angels Possible they become your guardian angel
Connecting with Your Angels Meditate, look for signs, communicate
Asking Angels for Help Pray, trust intuition for answers, be open
Angel Signs Sparkles, scents, repeating numbers, feathers
Types of Angels Guardian, spirit guides, archangels have different roles
Signs An Angel Is With You Warmth, tingles, goosebumps, feeling uplifted
Meaning of 1111 Alignment, new opportunities, angel guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

What do guardian angels look like?

Guardian angels are usually invisible to the human eye. But some report seeing a soft white glow or light, or make out shapes like wings or flowing robes when angels are near. The angels’ appearance depends on what would give comfort or guidance in that moment.

Do signs and messages from angels always feel positive?

No – angel signs and messages do not always feel positive in the moment. Sometimes angels give stern guidance or warnings for your protection. But their overall intention is always loving, even if their messages challenge you or call attention to something you need to heal.

Can anyone connect with their guardian angels?

Absolutely! Everyone has guardian angels, regardless of religion, culture, age or beliefs. Being open, asking for angelic help, and looking for signs is all you need to start building that connection.

Do guardian angels respect free will?

Yes, angels will never interfere with free will. They send guidance but allow you to make the ultimate choices. However, they may intervene for protection in life-threatening situations.

How do I know if an angel message is really from my guardian angel?

Messages from your angels will give you a sense of inner peace, love, comfort or validation. Use your intuition – if guidance resonates deeply and feels light, it likely comes from your guardians.

Do angels look like they do in paintings?

Not necessarily. Classical images show angels with wings, halos and robes to convey their divine essence in a way humans understand. But angels rarely appear visually. They more often communicate through signs, feelings, and inner guidance.

Can angels help me find lost objects?

Absolutely! Don’t hesitate to ask your angels for help locating missing important items. Be open to their guidance leading you to unlikely spots or having the object turn up mysteriously when you least expect it.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Book a Psychic Angel Reading