Essential Oils for Archangel Gabriel - Lisa Beachy

Essential Oils for Archangel Gabriel

Hey friend! Lately I’ve been super fascinated with the idea of using essential oils and aromatherapy to connect with angels and the spiritual realm. I know it sounds kinda out there, but I’ve read some pretty cool stuff about how certain scents can put you in the right headspace and vibration to be more open to sensing energies and beings from higher dimensions. It makes sense when you think about it – scent is so tied to memory, emotion, and states of consciousness.

I’m curious if you’ve ever tried using fragrances in your spiritual practice or explorations? I want to experiment with oils like frankincense, sandalwood, lavender and rose and see if they help deepen my meditation or intuition. The aroma of something like lavender is already so relaxing and calming to begin with! And people have associated scents like frankincense and myrrh with sacred rituals for ages. There must be something to it! Anyway, let me know if you ever want to try incorporating some essential oils next time we do dream interpretation or Tarot. Who knows, maybe we’ll start picking up on angelic guides coming through to help up interpret things in new ways. At the very least, it’ll make my apartment smell amazing!

What are the best essential oils to use when calling on Archangel Gabriel?

Some of the top essential oils associated with Archangel Gabriel include:

  • Lavender – This calming oil resonates with Gabriel’s energy of harmony, wisdom, and communication. Lavender promotes peace, purification, and higher consciousness.
  • Peppermint – Peppermint oil stimulates the mind and aids clear communication. Gabriel can use peppermint to transmit divine messages and inspiration.
  • Frankincense – Considered a holy anointing oil, frankincense aligns with Gabriel’s divine purpose. It invokes spiritual protection and drives away negativity.
  • Clary sage – This herbaceous, sweet oil boosts intuition, inner vision, and prophetic dreams. It helps tap into Gabriel’s guidance and heightens psychic awareness.
  • Angelica – As its name suggests, angelica oil attracts angelic energy. For Gabriel, it enhances communion and alignment with the angelic realm.
  • Myrrh – Just as Gabriel used myrrh to annoint baby Jesus, myrrh oil calls in Gabriel’s holy presence. It activates healing and uplifts consciousness.
  • Cedarwood – With its stabilizing, grounding scent, cedarwood amplifies communication with Gabriel. It also dispels fearful or stagnant energies.
  • Rose – Rose oil, representing love and higher wisdom, conjures Gabriel’s loving, compassionate energy. It opens heart-centered perception and devotion.
  • Neroli – Neroli stimulates optimism, lightheartedness, and childlike joy. Its innocence resonates with Gabriel’s purity and light. It invokes psychic intuition.
  • Bergamot – Uplifting bergamot drives away negative thoughts and feelings. It stimulates clear thinking, effective expression, and spiritual awareness – all attributes of Gabriel.

How do I prepare myself and my space to connect with Archangel Gabriel?

To best connect with Gabriel’s energy, make sure to clear and cleanse both your space and your mind/body:

Prepare your space

  • Cleanse the area with incense or sage
  • Light white or purple candles to represent Gabriel’s vibrancy
  • Display images, statues, or Gabriel’s sigil/seal
  • Have fresh flowers and living plants to raise the vibration

Prepare yourself

  • Take a purifying bath or shower
  • Wear light, comfortable clothing
  • Remove distractions like electronics or clutter
  • Burn palo santo or sage around your aura
  • Center your mind through prayer, mantras, or meditation
  • Wear or carry a Gabriel associated crystal like amethyst or moonstone

Creating a high vibration space of tranquility, positivity, and sacredness will make Gabriel’s presence readily available. Set the intention to be open to Gabriel’s guidance and support.

What is the best way to request Archangel Gabriel’s aid? How will I know if Gabriel hears me?

When seeking Gabriel’s divine intervention, here are some effective practices:

  • Pray – Have an honest, open conversation speaking from the heart. Ask for help or healing. Gabriel will hear sincere prayers.
  • Use an affirmation – Affirmations focus intent and amplify prayers. Example “Archangel Gabriel, please guide me to express myself wisely and with compassion.”
  • Chant Gabriel’s name – Chanting creates a vibration for Gabriel to tune into. Chant aloud or silently.
  • Visualize – Picture Gabriel vividly. Imagine Gabriel filling you with light or touching your situation. Visualization actualizes Gabriel’s presence.
  • Use aromatherapy – Light incense, diffuse oils, or anoint candles or yourself with scents connected to Gabriel. Aromas are transportive.
  • Meditate – Quiet, receptive meditation invites Gabriel’s voice and messages. Listen for thoughts or feelings that come through.
  • Do automatic writing – Using meditation to clear your mind, allow Gabriel to write through you. This taps your psychic senses.
  • Notice signs – Watch for Gabriel’s signs he heard you like quick insights, rainbows, changes in weather, increased intuition or synchronicities. Gabriel may send actual auditory messages.

With an open heart, mind and senses, Gabriel’s response will be apparent. You will feel more positive, lifted, guided, or reassured – sensations Gabriel evokes.

What crystals should I use to strengthen my connection with Archangel Gabriel?

Some excellent crystals to use when working with Archangel Gabriel include:

Amethyst – Its high spiritual vibration aids intuition, psychic senses, inner peace, and conscious awareness. Amethyst promotes clear communication as well.

Moonstone – Known for enhancing Divine Feminine energy, moonstone stimulates intuition, emotional healing, psychic protection and prophetic dreams.

Lepidolite – Alleviates stress, depression and anxiety which improves receptivity to Gabriel’s subtle messages and guidance. Lepidolite emanates calming energy.

Angelite – Creates a direct link to the angelic realm which Gabriel inhabits. Raises consciousness and spiritual perspective.

Aquamarine – Has a soothing, cool energy that promotes inner serenity, mental clarity, improved self-expression and enhanced psychic abilities.

Clear quartz – Amplifies energies of other crystals and intention. Clear quartz accelerates spiritual development across all chakras and auric fields.

Lapis lazuli – Stimulates wisdom, honesty, and spiritual awareness. Enhances attunement, intuition and communication which aligns with Gabriel’s virtues.

Labradorite – Protects the aura, expands consciousness, dispels illusions, and bridges the physical and spiritual. Heightens psychic abilities and magic.

Ametrine – Combining amethyst and citrine, ametrine harminizes spiritual and physical worlds. It stimulates intellect, creativity, and expression.

Fluorite – Improves concentration, focus, and comprehension. Fluorite increases trust in one’s intuition which helps perceive Gabriel’s guidance.

What are some signs that Archangel Gabriel is with me or trying to send me a message?

Archangel Gabriel uses subtle signs and synchronicities to indicate his presence and relay Divine messages or answers to prayers. Some signals to look for include:

  • A sense of inner peace, comfort, or calm washing over you
  • Seeing quick flashes of bright light
  • Hearing high-pitched ringing or buzzing in your ears
  • Noticing number sequences like 1111, 333, 777, etc.
  • Rainbows suddenly appearing, especially after praying
  • A dove or other white bird crossing your path
  • Gentle breezes swirling around you
  • Tingling or energy in your crown chakra at the top of your head
  • Ideas or solutions popping into your mind suddenly
  • Improved intuition and inner knowing
  • Vivid dreams with insight or glimpses of future
  • Smelling Gabriel’s floral or herbaceous scents like roses or lilies
  • A baby’s laugh or cooing that triggers a sense of innocence/delight
  • Increased inspiration and motivation for creative pursuits
  • Feeling called to express yourself or share a Divine message
  • More fluid self-expression and eloquent communication
  • Reassurance, positivity, and synchronicity during challenging times

Stay open to signs from Gabriel. He uses your senses, environment, and inner glad tidings to indicate guidance is coming through.

What is the best way to show gratitude to Archangel Gabriel?

Archangel Gabriel works selflessly to serve the highest good, but there are some meaningful ways to express appreciation:

Prayer of Thanks – A sincere prayer of gratitude from the heart is powerful. Thank Gabriel for exactly how he helped or blessed your life.

Write a Letter – Writing a letter to Gabriel allows you to articulate details and solidify the experience. Express your appreciation in a journal or sacred space.

Give Donations – Donate time or money to causes related to Gabriel’s areas of influence like communications, arts, children, messenger work or counseling.

Spread Inspiration – Share a Divine message you receive, pass on an inspired idea, or create something uplifting using your talents. Let Gabriel’s light shine through you.

Angel Altar – Create a respectful sacred space with Gabriel’s image, candles, crystals, incense and offerings as constant appreciation.

Chant Gabriel’s Name – Through chanting or singing, you create a vibration of gratitude that Gabriel can feel. Chanting elevates consciousness.

Angelic Salutation – Recite prayers associated with Gabriel like the Angelic Salutation “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.” Blessed art thou, among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.”

Nature Walks – Spending time communing with nature allows you to appreciate Gabriel’s hand in creating a beautiful planet that sustains life.

Positive Thoughts – Constantly directing positive thoughts and feelings to Gabriel builds an energy of love and thankfulness.

Angelic Symbols – Draw Gabriel’s sigil or angelic symbols to express ongoing reverence. These can become meditative manifestations of gratitude.

How can working with Archangel Gabriel improve my communication skills and self-expression?

Archangel Gabriel governs communication and the throat chakra, so connecting with Gabriel can significantly help elevate self-expression:

  • Gabriel assists you in speaking your truth from the heart with courage, clarity, and conviction. This amplifies your voice.
  • Gabriel’s energy gives your writing, speaking, and creative expression more eloquence, wisdom, and divine inspiration. Your messages become imbued with truth and integrity.
  • Gabriel helps remove blocks, fears, or doubts that restrict your self-expression and replaces them with confidence and calm.
  • Gabriel strengthens your intuition and inner guidance so your expression aligns with your soul’s purpose and greatest good.
  • Gabriel enhances your ability to listen deeply and with compassion so your communication embodies higher understanding.
  • Gabriel aids you in discerning when to speak up versus when silence is best. You learn to use words strategically and thoughtfully.
  • Gabriel helps you interpret signs, visions, and dreams which provides you with rich inspiration to share profound insights.
  • Gabriel shows you how to wield your authentic voice and share your gifts as a way to spread light. Expression becomes an offering.
  • Gabriel teaches you how to speak with sincerity, positivity, and grace so your self-expression uplifts others.
  • Gabriel models clear communication from the heavens so interacting with Gabriel exercises your spiritual communication channels.
  • Gabriel infuses your being with angelic light which raises your vibration and enhances the clarity and integrity of your self-expression on all levels.

The more you invite Gabriel’s presence, the more your communication will align with truth, wisdom, and Divine inspiration. Gabriel wants to help you spread your light.

What is Archangel Gabriel’s role in spirituality and in my spiritual development?

Archangel Gabriel plays an integral role in spiritual growth and development:

  • Gabriel oversees messengers between realms, bringing Divine guidance to humanity and conveying prayers to the heavens. This messaging enlightens.
  • Gabriel inspires spiritual writers, teachers, counselors, and leaders to share Divine truth and sacred texts. This knowledge uplifts consciousness.
  • Gabriel boosts intuition, inner vision, prophetic dreams, and psychic abilities. This allows you to tune into Divine guidance.
  • Gabriel stimulates clarity, focus, honesty, integrity and higher reasoning. This fosters wise spiritual discernment.
  • Gabriel draws you into the present moment, the realm of the timeless soul. This promotes spiritual awareness.
  • Gabriel cleanses dense energetic blocks and creates space for light to enter. This catalyzes spiritual transformation.
  • Gabriel anchors higher frequencies making it easier to commune with the Divine and access mystical states. This accelerates spiritual growth.
  • Gabriel activates your throat and crown chakras, aligning your voice and will with Divine will. This gives your spiritual gifts wings.
  • Gabriel awakens your sense of childlike innocence, wonder, joy and imagination. This allows mystical experiences.
  • Gabriel helps release ego attachments and move from fear to faith. This liberates your spirit.

Commit to sincerely connecting with Gabriel, and allow him to guide your spiritual path. With Gabriel’s blessing, your purpose and highest potentials will be fulfilled.


Archangel Gabriel is one of the most important guides for spiritual development and effective communication. By learning Gabriel’s attributes and establishing a relationship with this illumined messenger, you gain access to immense Divine guidance, inspiration, wisdom and spiritual light. Use prayer, meditation, crystals, essential oils and signs to connect.

Then have faith in listening to and sharing the truths Gabriel reveals through your spiritual senses, intuition and inner voice. Allow Gabriel to dissolve blocks around your self-expression. Speaking your truth aligns you with your soul purpose.

Thank Gabriel for blessing you, and consistently devote yourself to your continued spiritual growth through Gabriel’s grace. You have an invaluable ally supporting your awakening.

Here is a summary table of the key information covered in the article:

Topic Key Points
Best Oils for Gabriel Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Angelica, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Rose, Neroli, Bergamot
Preparing to Connect Cleanse space, candles, imagery, plants, purify yourself, remove distractions
Requesting Gabriel’s Aid Pray, affirmations, chanting, visualizing, aromatherapy, meditating, automatic writing, noticing signs
Crystals for Connection Amethyst, Moonstone, Lepidolite, Angelite, Aquamarine, Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Ametrine, Fluorite
Signs from Gabriel Peace, light flashes, ringing ears, number sequences, breezes, tingling, dreams, inspiration
Gratitude for Gabriel Prayer, writing, donations, sharing inspiration, altar, chanting, salutations, nature walks, positive thoughts, angelic symbols
Communication Help Speaking truthfully, eloquence, confidence, strategic silence, interpreting signs, uplifting others
Gabriel’s Spiritual Role Divine messenger, inspires leaders, enhances intuition, fosters discernment, draws you inward, accelerates growth

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Archangel Gabriel’s main attributes?

Archangel Gabriel is known as the angel of revelation, communication, purity, innocence, joy, astrology, the moon, messenger work, creativity, child conception/pregnancy, and strength. Gabriel serves as a primary messenger between humanity and the Divine.

What is Archangel Gabriel’s angelic hierarchy?

In Christian angelic hierarchy, Gabriel is one of the three angels of high rank, along with Michael and Raphael. Gabriel is an archangel, said to be seventh of nine in God’s council of angels. Gabriel is associated with the moon, stars, and purity.

What is Archangel Gabriel’s numeric vibration?

In numerology, the primary number associated with Archangel Gabriel is 7, which represents inner wisdom, sacred knowledge, spiritual awakening, mysticism, and discernment. The number 4 also connects to Gabriel as it represents stability, foundations, calmness, and commitment.

What is Archangel Gabriel’s personality like?

Gabriel emanates energetic qualities of compassion, nurturing, tenderness, safety, focus, strength, tranquility, receptivity, and openness. Gabriel provides gentle yet powerful guidance to aid spiritual development and Divine expression.

What color should I visualize when connecting with Archangel Gabriel?

The main colors connected to Gabriel are vibrant shades of violet or purple, silvery white, light blue, and sometimes pale pink or peach. Visualizing Gabriel in these luminous colors invokes the energy.

What are the best crystals and stones to use for invoking Archangel Gabriel?

Top crystals are amethyst, lepidolite, moonstone, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, clear quartz, angelite, fluorite, and labradorite. These stones amplify psychic gifts, cleanse blocks, and elevate spiritual awareness.

What are Archangel Gabriel’s traditional symbolic representations?

Gabriel is often depicted carrying a divine lily or scroll as a messenger, surrounded by moon beams or stars, near water, wearing silver and violet, playing a horn, or with wings outstretched as if in flight.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

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