Best Essential Oils for Archangel Ariel

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Best Essential Oils for Archangel Ariel - Lisa Beachy

Connecting with Archangel Ariel through Essential Oils and Nature Magic

Hello friends! I’m Lisa Beachy, your Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master. Today, I’m excited to share this guide on connecting with the magnificent Archangel Ariel through essential oils and nature magic. Archangel Ariel is a powerful and nurturing ally! Working with her has brought me immense spiritual growth, environmental awareness, and heart-centered healing. I hope these tips help you deepen your bond with the Lioness of God. When you invoke her luminous presence, it can uplift your life too. Let’s walk gently together on this sacred Earth, communing with all living beings. Ariel guides us to express unconditional love that heals ourselves, others and our planetary home. Blessings!

Essential Oils Associated with Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel is known as the “lioness of God” and is associated with nature, animals, and the environment. Therefore, some essential oils that resonate with Ariel’s energy and invoke her assistance include:

  • Lavender – Promotes healing, peace, and emotional balance. Additionally, Ariel can help restore peace and emotional equilibrium.
  • Cedarwood – Associated with strength, protection, and grounding. Furthermore, Ariel provides strength and protection for animals and nature.
  • Cypress – Supports transitions, change, and letting go. Moreover, Ariel aids major life changes and transitions.
  • Fir – Uplifting, purifying, helps clear negative energy. Furthermore, Ariel clears negativity to allow space for growth.
  • Frankincense – Spiritually grounding, protects against negative influences. Also, Ariel protects animals and nature from harm.
  • Myrrh – Spiritual oil, promotes meditation and inner stillness. Additionally, Ariel encourages tuning into the needs of animals and nature.
  • Patchouli – Calming, relieves anxiety and stress. Moreover, Ariel brings peace and restoration.
  • Rosemary – Improves mental clarity and insight. Additionally, Ariel heightens spiritual intuition.
  • Sandalwood – Calming, promotes healing and openness, Ariel heals and connects us to animals/nature.
  • Ylang Ylang – Uplifts mood and provides comfort. Also, Ariel brings joy and emotional nourishment.

See my Amazon Storefront for Therapeutic, Organic Essential Oil Recommendations

How to Choose an Essential Oil to Connect with Archangel Ariel

When selecting an essential oil to connect with Archangel Ariel, first consider your specific intention. For instance:

  • If you need strength and courage to protect animals/environment, choose fir or cedarwood.
  • To release grief over environmental damage, pick cypress for transition.
  • For clarity on animal communication or nature instincts, rosemary boosts spiritual insight.
  • To relieve anxiety about climate change, patchouli and lavender promote calm.
  • For healing animals or ecosystems, select sandalwood or frankincense.
  • To uplift your mood about the state of nature, ylang ylang provides comfort.

You can also combine oils for a blended effect. For example, for devotion when praying for nature’s wellbeing, pair frankincense with lavender. Additionally, to energize environmental action, mix fir with rosemary. Let your intention guide you to the appropriate essential oil ally.

Using Essential Oils to Connect with Archangel Ariel

Here are effective ways to use essential oils to connect with Archangel Ariel’s healing light and guidance:

  • Diffuse the oil during meditation to open psychic awareness. Additionally, breathe deeply and invite Ariel’s presence.
  • Add a drop of oil to candle flame when focusing on animal/nature protection. Moreover, offer prayers to Ariel.
  • Apply oil to temples, wrists, and heart chakra when doing visualizations. Also, call on Ariel for healing animals, people, or nature.
  • Mix oils with a carrier and anoint yourself when dedicating actions to environmental causes. Furthermore, ask Ariel for strength.
  • Place a drop of oil on a crystal, hold it while communing with Ariel, and request insight and direction.
  • Mist your space with aromatherapy sprays or rollers of oil blends. Additionally, invite Ariel’s energies during rituals.
  • Add oils to baths. Moreover, imagine the scented water washing away stress as Ariel’s light restores you.

The key is choosing aligned oils and actively engaging Ariel through focused intention.

Check out my Essential oil diffuser and oils supplies recommendations on Amazon

Beyond Essential Oils: Connecting with Archangel Ariel

In addition to using essential oils, you can also:

  • Spend time in nature, which allows you to commune with Ariel.
  • Volunteer for environmental or animal causes that align with her dedication.
  • Donate to conservation groups, supporting Ariel’s mission.
  • Garden using organic methods that show care for the earth.
  • Use reusable and eco-friendly products that make Ariel happy.
  • Adopt a plant-based diet, showing compassion for all creatures.
  • Do energy healing visualizations, imagining Ariel infusing light.
  • Telepathically communicate with animals as Ariel can help you understand their messages.
  • Take up nature photography to appreciate beauty as Ariel sees it.
  • Keep a dream journal, as Ariel sends guidance in dreams about nature.

Dedicate your actions to healing the planet, and you’ll feel Ariel’s vibrant presence. She works through all who desire to heal the earth.

See my Amazon Storefront for Therapeutic, Organic Essential Oil Recommendations

How Working with Archangel Ariel Advances Spiritual Growth

Working with Archangel Ariel powerfully advances spiritual evolution. For example:

  • Heightens intuition – Ariel helps tune into nature’s subtle messages and guidance. This expands spiritual perception.
  • Deepens connection to all life – Ariel teaches oneness, raising awareness that harming nature also hurts us. This cultivates empathy.
  • Inspires environmental action – Ariel motivates harmonious living, serving, and creating with nature. This engenders purpose.
  • Facilitates letting go – Ariel assists with surrendering attachments. This allows growth.
  • Elevates consciousness – Ariel cleanses dense energy and opens you to higher wisdom and vibration. This aids enlightenment.
  • Enhances healing abilities – Ariel boosts gifts to help animals, people, and the planet.
  • Strengthens self-care and renewal – Ariel encourages spending restorative time in nature for nourishment.
  • Deepens trust in divine timing – Ariel teaches natural cycles and seasons, bringing patience.

Archangel Ariel’s Guidance and Signs

Archangel Ariel communicates guidance through many natural signs and symbols. For instance:

  • Feathers – Finding feathers signifies Ariel’s peaceful presence.
  • Rainbows – Rainbows after asking for a sign indicate Ariel bringing hope, light, and transformation.
  • Butterflies and Dragonflies – Seeing these creatures represent Ariel sending change and new beginnings.
  • Flowers – Fragrances or visions of flowers signify Ariel’s gifts of joy, beauty, and growth.
  • Sparkling Lights – Twinkling lights or orbs imply Ariel guiding you forward.
  • Wind Chimes – Chimes ring as Ariel whispers guidance into your ear.
  • Found Pennies – Pennies found on your path signal Ariel wants you to trust in provision and abundance.
  • Rabbits – Rabbits crossing your path herald luck and opportunities arriving soon.
  • Hawks Circling – Hawks overhead indicate it’s time for higher perspective.
  • Deer – Seeing deer represents Ariel advising gentleness with yourself and others.

Stay open to Ariel’s natural messengers all around you. She’s always ready to illuminate your path with angelic assistance. Simply ask for her guidance.

In summary, working with Archangel Ariel significantly advances your spiritual path. If you wish to deepen your bond with all living beings and walk lightly on the earth, call on Ariel. Her gentle wisdom helps you unlock profound awareness, making positive impact. Allow Ariel’s loving light to uplift you to greater harmony and flow.

Let me know if the addition of transition words and simplification of some words helps improve the readability and flow of the article. I’m happy to refine it further based on your feedback.


Topic Key Points
Associated Oils Lavender, cedarwood, cypress, fir, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, ylang ylang
Choosing Oils Match to intention (calm, protect, heal, etc.)
Using Oils Diffuse, candle, apply topically, create sprays, add to bath
Favorite Scents Pine, cedar, sage, lavender, rose, bergamot, fir, cypress, sandalwood, juniper
Beyond Oils Spend time in nature, volunteer, donate, garden organically, use eco-friendly products, adopt plant-based diet, energy healing, communicate with animals, nature photography, journaling
Spiritual Growth Heightens intuition, deepens empathy, inspires purpose, facilitates letting go, elevates consciousness, enhances healing gifts, encourages self-care and renewal, teaches patience
Guidance and Signs Feathers, rainbows, butterflies, dragonflies, flowers, sparkling lights, wind chimes, pennies, rabbits, hawks, deer

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Ariel

What is Archangel Ariel known for?

Archangel Ariel is known as the ‘Lioness of God’ and is associated with protecting nature, animals, and the environment. Ariel oversees healing and transformation in these realms.

What color is Archangel Ariel?

Archangel Ariel is often depicted as surrounded by pale pink or rose gold light. These soft feminine colors reflect her energies of gentle nurturing and tenderness.

How do I invoke Archangel Ariel?

To invoke Archangel Ariel, call upon her by name and ask for her presence, guidance, healing, and protection. Use affirmations, pray, chant her name, or repeat a mantra appealing for her aid.

What is Archangel Ariel’s sigil?

Archangel Ariel’s sigil or angelic symbol resembles an ‘A’ shape surrounded by two crescent moons and three small circles. The sigil can be drawn or visualized to invoke Ariel’s energy.

Can Archangel Ariel help with abundance?

Yes, Archangel Ariel can help with manifesting abundance as she oversees nature’s cycles of growth and rebirth. Ask Ariel for support in experiencing renewed prosperity and fertility.

How do I know if Archangel Ariel is with me?

Signs of Archangel Ariel’s presence include seeing or smelling flowers unexpectedly, butterflies appearing, rainbows after praying to her, sparkling lights, chimes sounding, feathers, and visions or physical sensations related to nature.

How is Archangel Ariel depicted?

Archangel Ariel is often depicted as a beautiful angel with long flowing hair, surrounded by animals and nature. She may hold a blossoming tree branch, flower bouquet, or crystal wand

See my Amazon Storefront for Therapeutic, Organic Essential Oil Recommendations

Who is Archangel Ariel?

Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Ariel

If you have any questions or would like to book an angel reading with me, please feel free to reach out. I’m always here to help you strengthen your Divine connection.
In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy


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