Best Essential Oils for Archangel Nathaniel

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Essential Oils for Archangel Nathaniel

Hello, lovely friends! I hope this message finds you wrapped in warmth and positivity. As we journey together through the pages of this blog, I’m thrilled to share insights, stories, and little nuggets of wisdom that I hope will sprinkle some joy and understanding into your day. Let’s dive in and explore the wonders that await!

Why are essential oils associated with Archangel Nathaniel?

Essential oils have been used for centuries in various cultures for their therapeutic and spiritual properties. Archangel Nathaniel, known as the angel of harmony and unity, resonates with certain oils that embody peace, understanding, and cooperation. These oils, when used with intention, can help individuals connect more deeply with Nathaniel’s energy, fostering a sense of unity and balance in their lives. Just as each archangel has specific energies and attributes, certain essential oils can amplify and resonate with these divine frequencies.

Which essential oils best resonate with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy?

When we talk about Archangel Nathaniel, we often associate him with harmony, unity, and understanding. The essential oils that best resonate with his energy include:

  • Lavender: Known for its calming properties, it promotes peace and understanding.
  • Bergamot: Uplifting and joyful, it encourages positivity and reduces animosity.
  • Chamomile: A gentle soother, it aids in calming tensions and enhancing understanding.
  • Frankincense: Grounding and spiritual, it enhances meditation and divine connection.
  • Ylang Ylang: Harmonizing and balancing, it reduces conflicts and promotes unity.
  • Sandalwood: Spiritual and grounding, it enhances understanding and aligns with the higher self.

Using these oils in your daily or spiritual practices can help you align more closely with Nathaniel’s harmonizing energy.

Check out my Amazon Recommendations Storefront for a list of Archangel Nathaniel Essential Oils

How can I use these essential oils in my daily routine?

Incorporating Archangel Nathaniel’s essential oils into your daily routine can be both refreshing and spiritually uplifting. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Diffusing: Start your day by diffusing a blend of lavender and bergamot in your living space. This sets a peaceful and positive tone for the day.
  2. Topical Application: Mix a few drops of chamomile with a carrier oil and apply it to your wrists or behind your ears. This can help calm any tensions or stress.
  3. Bath Rituals: Add a few drops of ylang ylang and frankincense to your bath. This not only relaxes you but also connects you spiritually.
  4. Meditation: Before meditating, apply some sandalwood oil to your third eye. This enhances your spiritual connection and understanding.
  5. Bedtime Routine: Diffuse some lavender oil in your bedroom before sleep. It ensures a peaceful night’s rest and promotes harmonious dreams.

Remember, always do a patch test before applying any essential oil directly to your skin.

Check out my Essential oil diffuser and oils supplies recommendations on Amazon

Can these essential oils help in meditation and spiritual practices?

Absolutely! Essential oils have been used in spiritual practices for centuries. When it comes to Archangel Nathaniel, the oils associated with him can significantly enhance meditation and other spiritual rituals. Here’s how:

  • Deep Meditation: Diffuse frankincense during your meditation session. Its grounding properties can help you connect deeper and receive divine messages.
  • Chakra Balancing: Apply lavender oil to your heart chakra and sandalwood to your throat chakra. This balances these energy centers, promoting love and clear communication.
  • Guided Visualization: While visualizing Archangel Nathaniel, diffuse bergamot. Its uplifting scent can make your visualization more vivid and joyful.
  • Prayer Sessions: Before starting your prayer, apply some chamomile oil. It calms the mind, making your prayer session more focused and serene.

Using these oils in your spiritual practices can help you connect more deeply with Archangel Nathaniel and his harmonizing energies.

Are there any precautions to take when using these essential oils?

Yes, while essential oils are natural, they are potent. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Dilution: Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them to the skin.
  • Patch Test: Before using any oil extensively, do a patch test to ensure you’re not allergic.
  • Internal Consumption: Never consume essential oils unless under the guidance of a professional.
  • Pregnancy: If you’re pregnant, consult with a healthcare professional before using any essential oils.
  • Storage: Store your oils in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight.

Being mindful of these precautions ensures a safe and beneficial experience with your essential oils.

How can I charge these essential oils with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy?

Charging your essential oils with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy amplifies their properties. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Moonlight: Place your essential oil bottle under the moonlight, especially during a full moon. This charges the oil with serene energies.
  2. Crystal Charging: Place the essential oil bottle near crystals associated with Nathaniel, like rose quartz. This amplifies the oil’s harmonizing properties.
  3. Prayer: Hold the oil, offer a sincere prayer or invocation to Nathaniel, and visualize his radiant light enveloping the oil.
  4. Meditation: Meditate with the oil, focusing on Nathaniel’s qualities. This imprints the oil with your intentions and Nathaniel’s energy.

Regularly charging your oils ensures they remain potent and connected to Nathaniel’s harmonizing energies.

Can children use these essential oils?

Children can benefit from the harmonizing properties of these essential oils. However, there are some precautions:

  • Dilution: Essential oils should be highly diluted for children. A general guideline is 1-2 drops of essential oil in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.
  • Avoid Sensitive Areas: Never apply essential oils near a child’s eyes or mouth.
  • Consultation: Always consult with a pediatrician before introducing any essential oil to a child’s routine.
  • Diffusion: Instead of topical application, consider diffusing the oil in the child’s room for a milder effect.

With proper care and guidance, children can safely experience the benefits of these essential oils.

Can I blend these essential oils for a synergistic effect?

Yes, blending essential oils can create a powerful synergistic effect. Here are some blends that resonate with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy:

  • Peace Blend: Lavender + Bergamot
  • Spiritual Connection Blend: Frankincense + Sandalwood
  • Harmony Blend: Ylang Ylang + Chamomile

When blending, always start with a 1:1 ratio, adjusting based on your preference. Blending not only amplifies the oils’ properties but also creates a unique aroma that can be therapeutic.

Check out my Amazon Recommendations Storefront for a list of Archangel Nathaniel Essential Oils

How do these essential oils compare to crystals associated with Archangel Nathaniel?

Both essential oils and crystals carry vibrational energies that resonate with Archangel Nathaniel.

Here’s a comparison:

Aspect Essential Oils Crystals
Usage Topical, Diffusion Worn, Placed in spaces
Energy Subtle, Aromatic Stable, Grounding
Maintenance Regular replenishment Occasional cleansing
Connection Quick, through aroma Gradual, through touch and proximity

While both have their unique benefits, using them together can provide a holistic experience. For instance, wearing a rose quartz pendant while diffusing lavender oil can amplify the harmonizing energies of both.

How long does it take to feel the effects of these essential oils?

The effects of essential oils can be felt almost immediately, especially when inhaled. Upon diffusion or topical application, you might experience:

  • A sense of calm within minutes.
  • Enhanced clarity and understanding after 10-15 minutes.
  • A deeper spiritual connection during meditation or prayer sessions.

However, the duration can vary based on individual sensitivity, the quality of the oil, and the method of application. Consistent use over time can lead to more profound and lasting effects.


Archangel Nathaniel’s harmonizing and unifying energies can be beautifully complemented by the right essential oils. Whether you’re looking to deepen your spiritual connection, foster understanding in your relationships, or simply bring about a sense of peace in your daily life, these oils can be potent allies. Remember to use them with intention, respect their potency, and enjoy the serene, harmonizing journey they offer.

Check out my Amazon Recommendations Storefront for a list of Archangel Nathaniel Essential Oils


Topic Details
Associated Energy Harmony, Unity, Understanding
Top Essential Oils Lavender, Bergamot, Chamomile, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood
Daily Usage Diffusing, Topical Application, Bath Rituals, Meditation, Bedtime Routine
Spiritual Practices Deep Meditation, Chakra Balancing, Guided Visualization, Prayer Sessions
Precautions Dilution, Patch Test, No Internal Consumption, Consultation during Pregnancy, Proper Storage
Charging Methods Moonlight, Crystal Charging, Prayer, Meditation
For Children High Dilution, Avoid Sensitive Areas, Consultation, Diffusion Preferred
Blending Oils Peace Blend, Spiritual Connection Blend, Harmony Blend
Oils vs. Crystals Oils are for topical and diffusion, quick connection; Crystals are worn or placed, gradual connection
Effect Duration Immediate to 15 minutes, varies by individual and usage method


1. How do I choose the best essential oil for my needs?

When selecting an essential oil, consider your intention. If you seek peace, opt for Lavender. For spiritual connection, Frankincense is ideal. Always ensure the oil is pure and of high quality.

2. Can I mix multiple essential oils together?

Yes, blending essential oils can create a synergistic effect. However, always test the blend on a small skin patch first to ensure there’s no adverse reaction.

3. How often should I recharge my essential oils with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy?

It’s recommended to recharge regularly or as needed, especially if you feel the oil’s energy waning.

4. Are there any side effects to using these essential oils?

While essential oils are natural, they’re potent. Always follow precautions, dilute before use, and consult a professional if unsure.

5. Can I use these essential oils in cooking or ingestion?

No, these essential oils are meant for topical and aromatic purposes only. Never ingest unless under professional guidance.

6. How do essential oils compare to other spiritual tools like crystals or incense?

Each spiritual tool has its unique vibration and method of connection. Essential oils offer a quick aromatic connection, while crystals provide a stable, grounding energy.

7. What’s the best method to store my essential oils?

Store your essential oils in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight to maintain their potency.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy


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