Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Nathaniel

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Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Nathaniel - Lisa Beachy

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so delighted to be sharing with you today about the solar crystals and gemstones that connect us to the radiant energies of Archangel Nathaniel. Working with crystals is such a beautiful way to strengthen our bond with the archangels and anchor their gifts more tangibly into our lives.

In this article, we’ll explore how fiery stones like carnelian, sunstone, and red jasper can attune us to Nathaniel’s passionate essence. We’ll look at how these solar gems ignite confidence, drive, and commitment to sacred purpose within us. You’ll also find tips on using Nathaniel’s crystals to activate and empower your solar plexus chakra.

My hope is that this provides a helpful guide for those seeking to blaze their divine soul paths with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. The pure life force emanating from Nathaniel’s crystals is so uplifting and motivating! Let these solar allies rekindle your inner flames so you can vigorously pursue your dreams.

So come, take my hand as we venture into the fiery, empowering world of Nathaniel’s sun-kissed crystals! Their radiance will help illuminate your highest calling. Thanks for joining me on this blazing journey – I’m so happy to share Nathaniel’s passion and strength with you!

What crystals should you use to connect with Archangel Nathaniel?

Archangel Nathaniel ignites passion and drive to fulfill one’s divine purpose. Crystals that align with his fiery essence:

  • Red Jasper – The “Stone of Endurance” provides strength and stamina to stay focused on purposeful action.
  • Carnelian – This vibrant stone boosts confidence, motivation and vigor to pursue divine work.
  • Sunstone – Radiating bright solar energy, it promotes joy, empowerment and leadership on one’s path.
  • Ruby – Igniting passion and nobility, it aligns with pursuing one’s mission enthusiastically.
  • Fire Agate – Grounding yet transformative, it ignites inner flames of desire and purposeful change.
  • Garnet – Energizing and regenerative, it aligns with commitment and seeing divine work through.

Working with these fiery, solar crystals attunes you to Nathaniel’s guidance to take purposeful action with enthusiasm and endurance.

Check out my Amazon Storefront for a list of the Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Nathaniel

What are the properties of Archangel Nathaniel crystals?

Key properties of Nathaniel crystals are:

  • Igniting inner passion, drive and vitality
  • Building confidence, courage and motivation
  • Promoting focused, purposeful action
  • Aligning with divine will and soul-inspired work
  • Anchoring rebirth and transformation of purpose
  • Inspiring strong commitment and perseverance
  • Energizing the solar plexus chakra of empowerment
  • Protecting and grounding fiery enthusiasm

Nathaniel crystals empower you to pursue divine work with passion, joy and unwavering dedication.

What chakra do Archangel Nathaniel crystals resonate with?

The fiery solar crystals attuned to Archangel Nathaniel primarily resonate with the solar plexus chakra. This important energy center governs our motivation, vitality, self-esteem, and sense of purpose. When our solar plexus is balanced and aligned, we feel empowered from our core to pursue our soul’s divine work with passion and enthusiasm.

However, when blocked or stagnant, this chakra can cause feelings of apathy, lack of drive, or low self-confidence. Working with Nathaniel’s solar-charged crystals helps activate and bring light to the solar plexus, igniting our inner flames of purpose once again.

As we meditate or practice solar plexus healing rituals with carnelian, sunstone, or red jasper, we feel Nathaniel’s fiery light clearing away any stuck or sluggish energies. The radiant frequencies emitted by these crystals strengthen and expand our solar center, helping it spin with renewed vigor.

An energized solar plexus anchored by Nathaniel’s crystals allows us to take courageous, purposeful action from a place of self-belief and personal power. We regain our natural spark of vitality and zest for manifesting our soul’s sacred goals. With more pranic energy flowing through this core chakra, we begin radiating the uplifting fire of our divine work out into the world.

By working closely with our solar plexus and using Nathaniel’s solar gems to activate it, we grow into shining beacons of inner strength, confidence, and commitment to our soul’s true purpose. Aligning this chakra with the archangel’s blazing guidance empowers our ability to pursue our divine work with tireless passion and enthusiasm.

How do you charge crystals with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy?

Effective ways to charge crystals with Nathaniel’s fiery energy:

  • Prayer asking Nathaniel to ignite the crystal with passion for purpose. Visualize ruby red light.
  • Place in sunlight to energize with codes of vitality and divine empowerment.
  • Meditate focused on Nathaniel’s qualities of drive, confidence and strength.
  • Keep near other solar-charged crystals to amplify energizing effects.

What are some crystal combinations that work well with Archangel Nathaniel?

Powerful combinations include:

  • Carnelian + Sunstone – For motivation and leadership
  • Red Jasper + Garnet – For endurance, regeneration and staying power
  • Fire Agate + Ruby – To ignite inner soul fire and purpose

Mixing amplifies the energizing, regenerative frequencies that allow you to vigorously pursue your soul’s divine work.

Check out my Amazon Storefront for a list of the Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Nathaniel

How do you use Archangel Nathaniel crystals and gemstones in spiritual healing?

Nathaniel crystals have potent spiritual healing uses:

  • Wear or carry to feel more empowered, focused and passionate about your path.
  • Place by bed or in workspace to energize those areas with Nathaniel’s vitality.
  • Use in solar plexus chakra healing layouts and grids.
  • Hold during meditation and visualization of fulfilling your divine purpose.
  • Wear as jewelry over the solar plexus to keep Nathaniel’s empowering frequencies close.

Using Nathaniel’s solar-charged crystals this way anchors his energies of drive, commitment and enthusiasm for sacred work.


Archangel Nathaniel is an incredibly empowering guide who ignites our passion and drive to fulfill our divine soul purposes. His essence embodies the vibrant, unstoppable energies of the sun and fire elements. When we attune to Nathaniel’s presence through the use of solar-charged crystals, we gain access to his inspirational gifts.

Crystals such as carnelian, sunstone, and red jasper radiate strong solar frequencies that align with Nathaniel’s fiery, motivating qualities. By working with these crystals in our spiritual practices, we can anchor the archangel’s emanations of courage, confidence, and enthusiasm within our lives. Holding or wearing these energizing gems builds our inner strength, helping us stay committed to our paths and persevere through any challenges.

Nathaniel’s solar crystals recharge our vital life force, reminding us of the joy and fulfillment that comes from enacting our sacred soul missions. They protect us from burnout or discouragement, reigniting our passion when it starts to wane. Their grounding, regenerative properties also prevent us from becoming reckless in our fiery pursuit of purpose.

Ultimately, the greatest gift offered by Nathaniel’s crystals is the inspiration to live each day with purpose, meaning, and an unstoppable inner fire guiding us forward. When we open ourselves to receiving the archangel’s solar blessings, we become empowered embodiments of passion and dedication to our divine callings. With Nathaniel as our ally, our soul’s work is illuminated and we are motivated to vigorously chase our dreams, knowing the fulfillment of our sacred goals is assured.

Check out my Amazon Storefront for a list of the Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Nathaniel


Topic Summary
Recommended Crystals Red jasper, carnelian, sunstone, ruby, fire agate, garnet
Crystal Properties Ignite passion and drive, build confidence and courage, promote focused action, align with divine purpose, anchor transformation
Associated Chakra Solar plexus chakra
Charging Methods Prayer, sunlight, meditation focused on Nathaniel’s fiery qualities
Crystal Combinations Carnelian and sunstone, red jasper and garnet, etc
Spiritual Healing Uses Wear/carry for empowerment, place in spaces to energize, solar plexus chakra healing, hold during meditations

FAQ: Crystals for Archangel Nathaniel

What kind of energy does Archangel Nathaniel have?

Nathaniel embodies fiery, solar energy that ignites passion, drive and purpose.

What are some fiery crystals associated with Nathaniel?

Fiery crystals like carnelian, sunstone, red jasper and fire agate attune to Nathaniel’s solar energies.

What is the main chakra that Nathaniel’s crystals align with?

Nathaniel’s crystals mainly align with and activate the solar plexus chakra.

How can you use Nathaniel crystals for empowerment?

Wearing or carrying Nathaniel crystals instills a sense of strength, courage and vitality for pursuing divine work.

How do you charge crystals with Nathaniel’s solar energy?

Expose crystals to sunlight and focus on Nathaniel’s fiery qualities during charging prayers or meditations.

What areas can you energize with Nathaniel crystals?

Place Nathaniel crystals in spaces like your workspace or bedroom to energize those areas with solar purpose.

How do Nathaniel’s crystals inspire spiritual healing?

By igniting inner passion and drive, they motivate people to vigorously pursue sacred soul purposes.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy