Who is Archangel Nathaniel?

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Who is Archangel Nathaniel - Lisa Beachy

Lovely friends, I’m so happy to share this guide to the magnificent Archangel Nathaniel with you today. As a Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master, I work closely with the angelic realm, and Nathaniel is one of the most nurturing, wise beings of light I’ve encountered. His emerald green energy fills me with hope and creative inspiration every time I call upon him. It is my honor to introduce you to Nathaniel’s gifts of supporting human creativity, imagination, and expression. May this article help you connect more deeply with your own creative talents blessed by the Divine. When we create from our souls, we spread light and beauty in the world. Please enjoy learning about Nathaniel, and know that he is always available to gently guide your creative journey.

Who is Archangel Nathaniel?

Archangel Nathaniel is one of the lesser known archangels, but he has an important role in helping humanity. Nathaniel’s name means “Gift of God” and he is often associated with the gifts, talents, and abilities that God has given each person.

As an angel of creativity, Nathaniel helps inspire human ingenuity and imagination. He guides those who create art, music, literature, and anything that expresses beauty. Nathaniel is there to give encouragement when creative blocks happen and he assists in turning creative dreams into reality.

Archangel Nathaniel is said to be extremely kind, patient, and wise. He has a gentle energy and is often depicted carrying a flowering staff. Nathaniel brings hope and reassurance to those struggling with self-confidence related to expressing their creativity.

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Name Meaning:

The meaning behind Archangel Nathaniel’s name provides insight into his divine gifts and role. Nathaniel means “Gift of God” or “Given from God.”

This signifies that Nathaniel oversees the natural talents, abilities, and unique strengths that God has bestowed upon each person. He helps nurture and cultivate these divine gifts within human beings.

The name also reflects how Nathaniel himself is a gift from God to humanity. God gifted Nathaniel to us as a guiding angel who passionately wants to see us thrive, especially in expressing our creativity and spirituality.

Calling upon Archangel Nathaniel connects us to the power of God’s gifts in our lives. His name reflects the blessing of having our talents acknowledged, valued, and enhanced.

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Specialty:

Archangel Nathaniel specializes in inspiring and supporting creativity. He oversees human imagination, ingenuity, and any pursuit or expression related to artistry or beauty.

Specifically, Nathaniel is the guiding force behind:

  • Visual arts – painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, filmmaking
  • Performing arts – music, dance, theater, singing
  • Writing – poetry, fiction stories, nonfiction literature
  • Crafts – sewing, knitting, woodwork, pottery, gardening
  • Design – graphic design, architecture, interior decorating, clothing design

Nathaniel aids those who have creative vocations as well as anyone engaging their creative spark in hobby pursuits. He gives encouragement, stirs inspiration, and helps transform imaginative thinking into tangible creations.

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Color:

Deep emerald green is the color most associated with Archangel Nathaniel. The vibrant green represents life, nature, and growth – reflecting how Nathaniel helps creative gifts blossom in people’s lives.

Green symbolizes Nathaniel’s healing energy bringing renewal and fresh inspiration whenever creative ruts or discouragement sets in. It also depicts the natural beauty Nathaniel reveals through arts and creative expression.

Other secondary colors also help depict Nathaniel’s guidance:

  • Yellow – for imagination, new ideas, mental creativity
  • Red – for passion guiding creative work and pursuits
  • Purple – for inspiration coming from spiritual sources
  • Pink – for Nathaniel’s gentle, compassionate nature

Surrounding yourself with emerald green can evoke Nathaniel’s aid with creative projects or when seeking healing through artistic expression.

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Stone or Crystal?

Emerald is the crystalline stone most associated with Archangel Nathaniel. As a stone also colored vibrant green, emerald connects to Nathaniel’s energy of inspiration and creative expression.

In crystal healing, emerald is known for activating the heart chakra – the energy center connected to spirituality, compassion, and all matters of the heart. This reflects Nathaniel’s compassionate heart and passion for spiritually-inspired creativity.

Emerald crystals can also enhance mental clarity, eloquence in communication, and imagination. Holding or wearing emerald is perfect for channeling Nathaniel’s guidance with writing, artistic works, or other innovative pursuits.

Other crystals and stones that relate to Nathaniel’s energy include:

  • Malachite – boosts creativity, reduces artist’s block
  • Aventurine – stimulates perception and ingenuity
  • Carnelian – gives courage to pursue creative passions

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Scent or Smell (Essential Oils):

Archangel Nathaniel’s comforting, inspiring scent is most associated with essential oils such as eucalyptus and peppermint.

Eucalyptus has an energizing scent that promotes mental clarity and alertness. This can aid in creative problem solving or getting re-inspired when motivation lags. Peppermint likewise stimulates the mind while having Nathaniel’s cooling, gentle energy.

Other essential oils to invoke Archangel Nathaniel include:

  • Pine – for mental focus and relaxation of creative anxieties
  • Lavender – calming, therapeutic scent that eases tensions when pursuing creativity
  • Lemongrass – uplifting, fresh aroma to spark creative confidence
  • Rosemary – improves mental performance, memory retention, inspiration

Diffusing these essential oils in your workspace, wearing them as perfume, or anointing crystals with them calls upon Nathaniel’s aid with your creative needs and goals.

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Plant or Flower?

Lavender is the flower most commonly associated with Archangel Nathaniel. This purple flower represents the gentle, healing nature that Nathaniel is known for.

Lavender also has a relaxing, soothing aroma that evokes Nathaniel’s calming energy – perfect for when creative work gets stressful or you feel anxious sharing your gifts with others.

Roses are another flower representing Nathaniel’s loving presence. All colors of roses convey the open hearted support Nathaniel provides, along with the beauty he inspires.

Other plants/flowers that connect to this archangel include:

  • Carnations – inspire creative passion and motivation
  • Lilies – symbolize creative gifts coming from the soul’s divine origins
  • Daisies – simplicity, innocence and play surrounding creative expression
  • Ferns – Nathaniel’s connection to nature spirits and life energy

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Energy?

Archangel Nathaniel radiates gentle, wise, and sympathetic energy. His presence is soothing, patient, and open hearted.

Nathaniel’s energy feels cool and calming, like a fresh breeze or crisp mountain air. There is a flow to his energy – not forceful but perceptibly guiding you forward with inspirational winds in your sails.

Being near Nathaniel invokes feelings of childlike wonder, awe, and joy. His energy awakens your inner spirit of creativity, curiosity, and lightheartedness.

You sense Nathaniel’s energy enveloping your mind, coaxing out ideas and stoking imaginative fires within. This sparks inspiration, problem solving, and new creative possibilities.

Above all, Nathaniel’s energy feels reassuring and supportive. It instills creative confidence and courage to express yourself through your natural gifts and talents.

What is Archangel Nathaniel’s Origin Story:

Unlike the major archangels, Nathaniel does not appear directly in any religious scriptures or ancient texts. However, his existence is inferred based on angelic hierarchies and theological teachings.

The Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish text, describes groups of angels who oversee various earthly and heavenly elements. Nathaniel is said to belong to the order of Principalities – angels who preside over the creative realm of Earth.

By governing creativity in humanity, Nathaniel shepherds growth, artistry, and the collective human imagination. Many believe Nathaniel himself inspires divine ideas into the minds of inventors, philosophers, artists, and visionaries.

In Rabbinic lore, Nathaniel is associated with the elemental realm of water. This connects him to the fluid, flowing nature of imagination and inspiration. Nathaniel’s guidance helps transport creative impulses from the mental realm into tangible expression.

While his exact origin is a mystery, many believe Nathaniel’s role has always been to gift human beings with creative fire from the divine source. His is a spark meant to illuminate humanity and make the world more beautiful.

Ways to Connect with Archangel Nathaniel directly:

There are many ways to invoke Archangel Nathaniel’s guidance and presence in your creative life:

  • Pray to him directly, asking for inspiration, clarity, courage or overcoming creative blocks
  • Meditate while visualizing his emerald green light and sensing his tranquil energy
  • Chant Nathaniel’s name aloud or internally to summon his aid
  • Keep an image or statue of Nathaniel in your workspace for continuous support
  • Wear or carry Nathaniel’s crystals (emerald, aventurine) when doing creative work
  • Burn incense or diffuse essential oils connected to Nathaniel (peppermint, eucalyptus)
  • Bring lavender or roses into your environment to evoke Nathaniel’s energy
  • Engage in creative activities to activate a flow state and invite Nathaniel’s presence.

The more you show up consistently for your creative practice, the stronger your bond with Archangel Nathaniel will become. Stay open through prayer, meditation, or art itself for signs of Nathaniel’s subtle guidance.


In summary, Archangel Nathaniel is the angelic muse who inspires creativity and imagination within human beings. He aids those devoted to artistic, inventive, and innovative pursuits by providing divine guidance, support, and encouragement. Although not as famous as angels like Michael or Gabriel, Nathaniel’s role is deeply impactful. By calling on his wisdom, we can unlock greater creative potential. Staying committed to expressing our creative gifts allows us to fully embrace Nathaniel’s blessing in our lives.


Category Information
Name Meaning Gift of God, Given from God
Specialty Inspiring and supporting creativity
Color Emerald Green
Crystal/Stone Emerald
Scent/Oil Eucalyptus, Peppermint
Flower Lavender, Roses
Energy Gentle, wise, sympathetic
Origin Angelic order of Principalities, Associated with elemental water

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Nathaniel

What are Archangel Nathaniel’s symbols?

Archangel Nathaniel is symbolized by the color emerald green, crystals like emerald and malachite, flowers such as lavender and roses, and scents like eucalyptus essential oil. He may also be depicted in images holding a flowering staff.

What should I ask Archangel Nathaniel for help with?

Ask Archangel Nathaniel for help with any creative endeavor including developing skills or ideas, overcoming creative blocks, pursuing creative passion, expressing your gifts, problem solving, and receiving encouragement.

How do I pray to Archangel Nathaniel?

You can pray to Archangel Nathaniel by simply speaking to him out loud or internally. Ask him for what you need help with and express gratitude for his support. You can start “Dear Archangel Nathaniel” or “Archangel Nathaniel, please…”

How do I know Archangel Nathaniel hears my prayers?

Signs Archangel Nathaniel hears you include seeing or smelling his associated symbols like green, lavender, or eucalyptus unexpectedly, having creative inspirations or ideas, feeling encouraged after asking for help, seeing improvements in creative skills.

Can Archangel Nathaniel help me manifest my creative dreams?

Yes, Archangel Nathaniel can help you manifest your creative dreams by providing divine inspiration, clearing creative blocks, motivating you, bringing supportive people/resources and boosting your imagination and self-belief. Stay open to his signs guiding you.

Is Archangel Nathaniel associated with any chakras?

Archangel Nathaniel is most associated with the heart chakra, the energy center connected to matters of creativity, passion, and spirituality. His emerald green energy stimulates and heals this chakra.

What is emerald stone good for in crystal healing?

Emerald activates the heart chakra, enhances imagination and mental clarity, reduces anxiety, and provides inspiration. It connects you to Archangel Nathaniel’s energy.

How do I connect with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy?

Ways to connect with Archangel Nathaniel’s energy include meditating while visualizing emerald green light, praying to him, wearing or carrying emerald, using eucalyptus oil, and engaging in creative activities.

Where is Archangel Nathaniel mentioned in religious texts?

Archangel Nathaniel does not appear directly in religious scripts but is named in angelic hierarchies like the Book of Enoch as an angel governing creativity and human expression.

How does Archangel Nathaniel help writers?

Archangel Nathaniel helps writers by stimulating creative flow, inspiring divine ideas, easing writing anxiety, boosting eloquence and imagination, and guiding your passion for writing.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy


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