What are the 7 chakras - Lisa Beachy

What are the 7 Chakras?

I’m so glad you’re interested in learning about the 7 chakras! As a Reiki Master, I use knowledge of the chakras daily in my energy healing practice. These spinning wheels of energy along the spine play a huge role in our health and awareness. When balanced, they allow vital life force to flow freely, nourishing us on all levels. Imbalances can create disharmony manifesting as physical, emotional or spiritual issues.

The good news is there are so many wonderful ways we can balance our own chakras! I wanted to share this helpful guide covering how chakras work and outlining simple things we can all do to keep our energy centers open and aligned. self-care is so important, now more than ever. I hope you find this information empowering on your personal journey toward wholeness and inner peace. If you have any other chakra questions, feel free to reach out! Be well!

What are chakras and what is their purpose?

Chakras are energy centers in the body that correspond to specific physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being. According to Hindu and Buddhist traditions, there are 7 main chakras aligned along the spine that regulate all parts of our energetic system. The word “chakra” means wheel or disk in Sanskrit. Each chakra spins at its own frequency and processes subtle energy from the universe and your surroundings.

When the chakras are balanced and open, this energy flows freely through the body and spirit, leading to health, harmony, and a sense of well-being. Imbalanced or blocked chakras can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual discord in your life. The purpose of the chakras is to vitalize the physical body and regulate physiological and psychological processes to keep you functioning optimally. Through meditation, yoga, chanting, and other spiritual practices, you can balance your chakras and achieve alignment of body, mind and spirit.

What are the 7 chakras and what does each one represent?

Here are the 7 chakras and what they represent:

  1. Root chakra (Muladhara) – Located at the base of the spine, it grounds us and represents security, survival, and feeling grounded.
  2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) – Located below the navel, it represents creativity, sexuality, emotions, and relationships.
  3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura) – Located at the upper abdomen, it represents personal power, self-esteem, and motivation.
  4. Heart chakra (Anahata) – Located at the center of the chest, it represents love, compassion, peace, and acceptance.
  5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha) – Located at the throat, it represents communication, self-expression, decision making.
  6. Third eye chakra (Ajna) – Located between the eyebrows, it represents intuition, wisdom, imagination, and insight.
  7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara) – Located at the top of the head, it represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, and oneness with the Divine.

Where are the 7 chakras located in the body?

Here is where the 7 main chakras are located in the body from lowest to highest:

The chakras run vertically along the central channel of the spine up to the crown of the head. Each has a front and back aspect. When open and aligned, they form a harmonious energy system.

What does a balanced chakra feel like?

When a chakra is balanced, you feel:

A balanced chakra state is one of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness and positivity. You feel aligned in body, mind and spirit when your chakras are all open and energized. Daily practices like meditation, breathwork, yoga, and chanting can help balance your chakras.

What are the signs of blocked or imbalanced chakras?

Imbalanced or blocked chakras can manifest in physical, emotional or spiritual symptoms related to each energy center. Signs of imbalance include:

  • Root chakra – Anxiety, fear, financial issues, low energy
  • Sacral chakra – Sexual problems, intimacy issues, creativity block
  • Solar Plexus chakra – Low confidence, digestive issues, difficulty making decisions
  • Heart chakra – Grief, heartbreak, lack of compassion, holding grudges
  • Throat chakra – Communication issues, throat soreness, shy or quiet
  • Third eye chakra – Confusion, lack of intuition and insight, poor concentration
  • Crown chakra – Feeling disconnected, lack of purpose, difficulty meditating

Fixing chakra blockages and bringing them into balance can relieve these issues and restore wellbeing on all levels. Energy healing like reiki can help, along with daily spiritual practices.

How can I balance and heal my chakras?

There are many ways to balance, unblock and heal your chakras. Here are some effective approaches:

  • Meditation – Focus on each chakra, visualize color and spin
  • Yoga – Practice poses that target specific chakras
  • Breathwork – Inhale and exhale to move energy
  • Chanting – Use seed mantras for each chakra
  • Energy healing – Try reiki, acupuncture, crystal therapy
  • Lifestyle – Healthy diet, exercise, nature, relationships
  • Personal growth – Release past traumas, limiting beliefs

Consistency is key – daily spiritual practices positively impact chakra health over time. A holistic approach works best, combining various methods tailored to your needs. Keeping chakras balanced improves all areas of life.

Chakras play a central role in our overall health and wellbeing. Here’s how balanced chakras lead to healing:

  • They circulate vital life force energy to nourish the body’s systems
  • They regulate physiological functions and mental/emotional states
  • They allow us to process energies from our environment
  • They unify the body, mind and spirit at optimal vibrational frequencies
  • They connect our inner self to higher states of consciousness
  • They enable the alignment of all aspects of self – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

When the chakras become imbalanced, it creates disharmony in these areas. Healing and balancing the chakras restores the energy system to a state of wholeness and wellbeing. This is why chakras are fundamental to practices like yoga, reiki, meditation, breathwork, and energy medicine.

What is the spiritual significance of chakras?

In spiritual traditions, chakras represent our journey to enlightenment. Here’s their spiritual significance:

  • They allow us to connect to universal energy and higher realms of consciousness.
  • They hold our karmic history, spiritual wounds, gifts and strengths.
  • Balance throughout the chakras represents spiritual alignment and awakening.
  • As you heal each one, you shed limiting patterns and blocks to realize your true divine nature.
  • Fully opening the heart, third eye and crown chakras leads to transcendence, oneness and bliss.
  • They offer a path to transform human consciousness to its highest state.
  • Chakras chart the progression from earthly consciousness to universal oneness.
  • Mastering the chakras enables living as an embodiment of spirit in the world.

For advanced spiritual seekers, awakening the chakras is a crucial step on the path to enlightenment and self-realization.

In summary, what should I know about chakras?

In summary, key things to know about chakras:

  • They are 7 energy centers aligned along the spine that regulate vital functions.
  • Each chakra corresponds to specific physical, emotional and spiritual aspects.
  • Open, balanced chakras are key to overall health and wellbeing.
  • Imbalanced chakras manifest disharmony on many levels.
  • There are many holistic practices to balance and heal the chakras.
  • Healing the chakras is central to achieving wholeness and harmony.
  • Chakras represent the spiritual journey from basic consciousness to awakening.
  • Understanding your chakras provides a map for self-healing and realization.

The chakras offer a powerful framework for unpacking our human experience and achieving alignment of body, mind and spirit. Learning to keep these energy centers balanced unlocks the door to health, happiness and spiritual growth.

In Conclusion

The 7 chakras are an integral part of our energy system and have a profound influence on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Keeping them open, aligned and balanced is essential for overall health and a sense of wholeness in all aspects of our lives. Each chakra governs specific elements of our human experience, and cleansing or healing them can help overcome challenges related to those aspects. Beyond physical health, balanced chakras allow for the alignment of body, mind and spirit, enabling harmony and connection to the Divine. The chakras provide a holistic framework for maintenance of our energetic system through practices like yoga, meditation, breathwork, chanting, energy healing and lifestyle changes. Understanding how to balance your chakras empowers you on your journey toward self-realization and living at your highest potential.


Chakra Location Represents Balanced State Imbalanced State
Root chakra Base of spine Security, survival, grounding Stable, secure, grounded Anxious, fearful, lack of energy
Sacral chakra Below navel Creativity, sexuality, emotions Joyful, creative, connected Sexual problems, intimacy issues, blocked creativity
Solar Plexus chakra Upper abdomen Power, confidence, motivation Confident, capable, in control Low confidence, indecision, digestive issues
Heart chakra Center of chest Love, peace, compassion Loving, peaceful, compassionate Grief, heartbreak, holding grudges
Throat chakra Throat Communication, expression Communicative, truthful, authoritative Communication issues, shy, throat problems
Third eye chakra Between eyebrows Intuition, imagination, wisdom Intuitive, insightful, clear thinking Confusion, poor concentration, lack of insight
Crown chakra Top of head Spiritual connection, oneness Enlightened, blissful, connected Disconnected, lack of purpose, difficulty meditating

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes chakra imbalances?

Chakras can become imbalanced due to things like trauma, unhealthy lifestyle, blocked emotions, limiting beliefs and stress. Common causes include poor diet, lack of exercise or spiritual connection, negative thinking, and unresolved inner conflicts.

How do I know if I have blocked chakras?

Signs of blocked chakras include ongoing physical problems in areas related to each chakra, as well as emotional difficulties, mental confusion and spiritual disconnection. You may benefit from chakra healing if you have multiple issues in related areas.

Which chakra is most important to balance?

The root chakra is most foundational, as feeling grounded provides stability to balance the upper chakras. However, it’s ideal to keep all chakras balanced. The heart chakra is central for cultivating love and connection.

How often should I balance my chakras?

Aim to balance your chakras daily through spiritual practices. Morning meditation, yoga, or breathwork are great ways to reset your energy centers. You can also balance chakras throughout the day as needed.

Can blocked chakras lead to disease?

Blocked chakras can manifest as disease over time. Imbalanced chakras disrupt energy flow, potentially causing organ dysfunction and disharmony that disease can take hold in. Keeping chakras open strengthens your energy systems to resist disease.

Do crystals really help balance chakras?

Yes, crystals have healing properties that resonate with each chakra and can help bring them into balance. Place corresponding crystals on chakras during meditation or healing sessions for optimal effects.

Is it necessary to see a healer for chakra balancing?

No, there are many self-care methods to keep your chakras balanced. However, consulting a chakra healing practitioner can provide guidance and accelerate the process through targeted energy work.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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