What is the crown chakra - Lisa Beachy

What is the Crown Chakra?

Lovely friends, I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Lisa Beachy, and I’m a Reiki Master and spiritual teacher. I love sharing wisdom about energy, consciousness, and our innate healing abilities.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the crown chakra together – the gateway to higher consciousness located at the top of the head. We’ll look at what this vital energy center governs in mind, body and spirit. You’ll also learn how to recognize if your crown chakra is imbalanced, as well as techniques to bring alignment back to this area.

I find chakra work deeply powerful for cultivating states of inner peace, spiritual connection and self-realization. Our energy centers hold so much insight for how to live in greater harmony. By the end, you’ll understand how to awaken your highest potential through restoring flow to the crown chakra. I hope this overview provides a healing balm and awakens you to your own infinite nature!

What is the crown chakra responsible for?

The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is the seventh primary chakra located at the top of the head. It is responsible for connecting us to universal consciousness and spiritual awareness. Some key aspects the crown chakra governs:

  • Higher consciousness
  • Wisdom
  • Enlightenment
  • Self-realization
  • Deep understanding
  • Transcendence

When this chakra is balanced and open, you may experience a greater sense of connection to all beings, feel alignment with your higher purpose, and gain clarity around the big picture rather than getting caught up in minute details. An open crown can bring feelings of profound spiritual ecstasy, wholeness, serenity and bliss.

What are the signs of an imbalanced crown chakra?

Some signs that your crown chakra may be blocked or imbalanced include:

  • Feeling disconnected from your spiritual self
  • Lack of purpose or direction in life
  • Inability to understand larger meanings or connect dots
  • Feeling isolated and separate from others
  • Depression or emotional numbness
  • Lethargy and boredom
  • Rigidity in beliefs
  • Close-mindedness
  • Learning difficulties

Physical signs can manifest as neurological issues, chronic headaches or migraines, light sensitivity, and disorders impacting the brain, pineal gland or nervous system.

Overall, crown chakra imbalances can impair your ability to access higher states of consciousness, trust your own intuition, or feel aligned with your soul’s purpose. Re-balancing is required to realign with your spiritual truth.

What are some ways to balance the crown chakra?

Some effective ways to open, unblock and bring balance to the crown include:

  • Meditation – especially guided meditations focused on spiritual awareness.
  • Energy healing techniques like reiki or crystal healing.
  • Crown chakra yoga poses such as Sirsasana (headstand) or Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose).
  • Affirmations – repeating positive phrases related to universal connection, wisdom and spiritual alignment.
  • Breathing exercises like kapalabhati or alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana).
  • Connecting with nature and elements like earth, water and fresh air.
  • Chanting mantras associated with the crown chakra like OM.
  • Visualization – picturing a stream of energy moving through the crown.
  • Aromatherapy using oils like frankincense, lavender or sandalwood.
  • Crystals corresponding to the crown chakra including amethyst, selenite and clear quartz.

Consistency is key when working to bring alignment and balance to your chakras. Engaging in crown-focused spiritual practices regularly can help awaken this energy center.

What happens when the crown chakra is balanced?

When your crown chakra is open and energized, you may experience:

  • Feeling connected to all of humankind and creation
  • Expanded consciousness and awareness beyond the self
  • Greater alignment with your soul purpose or spiritual calling
  • Increased intuition, wisdom and understanding
  • A sense of wholeness, completeness and oneness
  • Ability to detach from conflict and drama
  • Clarity around life’s big questions
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Powerful spiritual experiences or transcendent states
  • Limitlessness and boundless joy

A balanced crown chakra essentially helps you feel vibrantly alive and meaningfully connected on a cosmic level. You have a sense of the sacredness of all life. With this spiritual grounding, you are able to move through the world with grace, purpose and understanding.

As the highest chakra, the crown is very much linked to elevated or mystical states of being. When it is open and energized, you may access higher states of consciousness associated with spiritual enlightenment.

Some transcendent crown chakra states include:

Samadhi – Total absorption into oneness with the absolute / source energy of the universe. There is no separate self, only union.

Satori – Glimpses into truth or moments of awakening associated with kensho. Seeing into one’s true nature.

Moksha – Liberation from the cycle of karma and rebirth. Reached after transcending the ego-self.

Kaivalya – Pure consciousness without constructs. The stage before final liberation or moksha.

Nirvana – Extinguishing of all craving, reaching a divine dimension beyond the cycles of rebirth.

Christ Consciousness – Unconditional love, unity, compassion. Transcending the ego.

Cosmic Consciousness – Awareness of the life force and one’s unity with all beings in creation.

When the crown is balanced, you get glimpses of these higher planes of being and states of awareness. You feel connected to something far greater than the individual self.

What is the relationship between the crown chakra and the third eye?

The crown chakra and third eye chakra are closely related. The third eye, located between the brows, governs intuition and inner wisdom. It provides glimpses that lead to the profound states of awareness associated with the fully blossomed crown chakra.

Some key ways they work together:

  • The third eye receives intuitive impressions and subtle energies from beyond our ordinary perception. The crown processes and integrates this higher vision.
  • When the third eye awakens, we get previews or hints of the expansive consciousness and enlightenment associated with the crown.
  • Both chakras cultivate non-verbal, mystical ways of knowing that transcend rational thought.
  • The third eye allows us to perceive inner planes of reality and energetic patterns. The crown connects this to the absolute highest reality beyond all constructs.
  • Opening the third eye brings intuition, insight and visualization. When the crown is also open, we understand the deeper spiritual meanings behind what we perceive.
  • A balanced crown chakra helps take the intuition accessed via the third eye and translate it into wisdom, truth and transcendent awareness.

So in summary, the third eye provides the initial glimpse outward, while the crown chakra draws the energy upward facilitating full enlightenment. They work together to access transpersonal states of awareness.

The crown chakra represents the pinnacle of spiritual awakening, where a sense of unity and connection to all beings is realized, transcending the individual self. So this chakra relates to both experiencing our uniqueness as individuals and our universality as part of the greater whole.

Some key relationships:

  • The lower chakras foster development of the individual self. As energy rises to the crown, the personal self gives way to universality.
  • When overactive, the crown can lead to feelings of no personal identity or purpose. Grounding through the lower chakras helps maintain a healthy individuality.
  • A balanced crown integrates both by allowing us to channel our unique gifts for service to the broader universe.
  • It allows us to detach from the ego and narrow identity, while still expressing the distinctive skills and soul purpose we carry.
  • This chakra teaches that separating self vs. other is ultimately an illusion – fostering compassion.
  • Through the crown, we retain our distinct essence while feeling part of the shared human experience.
  • While the lower chakras foster self-development and ego, the crown connects us to something infinite and eternal beyond the individual.
  • When energy is flowing between the chakras, we experience the full spectrum from uniqueness to universality.

The crown chakra enables us to transcend superficial divisions and realize our shared essence as spiritual beings in human form. Here we find reconciliation between self and other.


The crown chakra represents the pinnacle of spiritual development in the human energy system. When open and balanced, it enables profound states of enlightenment, transcendent awareness and connection to the source energy of all creation. While supporting higher consciousness, a balanced crown remains grounded through the lower chakras to express our unique individuality. This chakra essentially enables us to access the full spectrum of human experience, from our distinctive personal self to our shared universal oneness. Staying aligned with the divine wisdom and purpose available through the crown center allows us to live richly and authentically as embodied awakened beings.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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