What is the third eye chakra - Lisa Beachy

What is the Third Eye Chakra?

I’m so glad you’re here exploring the beautiful and mystical world of the third eye chakra! My name is Lisa Beachy, and as a Reiki Master I’m passionate about helping others awaken their inner wisdom, intuition, and conscious perception through balancing the chakras.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into understanding what the third eye represents energetically, how to tell if yours is opening or blocked, signs it’s balanced, and simple practices like meditation with crystals to align this energy center. I’ll also share my insights as a Reiki practitioner for over 20 years – this is knowledge I’ve accumulated through direct experience supporting clients’ spiritual growth and energetic healing.

My intention is to inform and inspire you on the journey of self discovery! The third eye is so central to living a life of greater meaning, creativity, and connection to universal consciousness. When we courageously explore its gifts, anything is possible. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below.

Now let’s begin unraveling the beautiful mystery of your inner vision – the light of your third eye awaits!

What does the third eye chakra represent?

The third eye chakra, also known as ajna or brow chakra, represents intuition, imagination, wisdom, and the ability to think and make decisions. It is associated with the pituitary gland, which produces hormones and regulates growth, sleep, temperature, and metabolism. When the third eye is open and balanced, you have clarity of vision, insight, and good intellectual discrimination. An imbalance can manifest as poor concentration, headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, or neurological issues.

Physically, the third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. Energetically, it is linked to the pineal gland, which regulates sleep cycles and the production of melatonin. The third eye is associated with the color indigo and issues relating to sight, both physical and spiritual. A balanced third eye leads to clarity, focus, and connection to one’s inner wisdom.

How do you know if your third eye is open?

There are several signs that your third eye may be opening or activating:

  • Increased intuition and psychic abilities – you may have vivid dreams or visions, hear messages, or simply know things without understanding how.
  • Sensations in the forehead – tingling, pressure, vibrations, etc. This is energy moving through the third eye region.
  • Improved concentration and focus – an open third eye brings mental clarity. Tasks seem easier and you can enter a state of flow.
  • Heightened imagination and visualization – you may have vivid images or a strong connection to your inner world. Creative inspiration flows more easily.
  • Sensitivity to light – your eyes may be more sensitive as new energy flows into areas related to sight.
  • Headaches or migraines – as with any chakra opening, the third eye can create discomfort as blocked energy is released.
  • Change in sleep patterns – you may need more or less sleep as melatonin production changes. Vivid dreams are common.
  • Philosophical thinking and interest in metaphysics – an urge to understand deeper truths, contemplate consciousness, and perceive beyond the physical.
  • Sense of connection – openness in the third eye can lead to feeling more connected to all of life. Oneness and empathy may increase.

How do you activate and open your third eye?

Some ways to open, awaken, and bring balance to the third eye include:

  • Meditation – especially focused on the third eye or ajna center. Visualization, breathing exercises, and gazing meditations help open this chakra.
  • Using third eye chakra crystals like amethyst, lapis lazuli, quartz, and sodalite. Place them on the forehead or wear as jewelry.
  • Essential oils – pine, lavender, sandalwood, and frankincense all stimulate the third eye. Apply between eyebrows.
  • Adjusting your diet – eat foods that vibrate on a higher, more subtle energy level. Raw, organic fruits and vegetables are best. Reduce meat consumption.
  • Chanting – the bija (seed) mantra for the third eye is SHAM. Chant this aloud or silently focus on it.
  • Yoga asanas – poses like down dog, child’s pose, and upward facing dog move energy to the third eye point.
  • Studying spiritual or consciousness-expanding subjects to activate higher wisdom.
  • Avoid fluoride – fluoride is thought to calcify the pineal gland and disrupt third eye energy. Filter water, use non-fluoride toothpaste, etc.
  • Practice visualization – imagine a bright indigo light at the third eye, expanding with each breath. Nurture your imagination.

What are the symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra?

A variety of physical and emotional issues can arise from a blocked or imbalanced third eye chakra. Some common symptoms include:

  • Frequent headaches, migraines
  • Difficulty concentrating, lack of focus
  • Forgetting details, confusion, mental fogginess
  • Depression, anxiety, feelings of isolation
  • Nightmares or disturbing dreams
  • Limited imagination and visual thinking
  • Lack of purpose, loss of direction, apathy
  • Difficulty learning new information, poor memory recall
  • Vision problems, sensitivity to light
  • Sleep disturbances, insomnia, tiredness
  • Lack of insight and intuitive skills
  • Feeling disconnected from inner wisdom
  • Difficulty making decisions or poor judgment
  • Rigid thinking and difficulty problem solving
  • Learning disabilities like dyslexia
  • Trouble recognizing patterns or perspectives

Overall, a blocked third eye chakra leads to imbalanced thinking and difficulty accessing intuition. Clearing this chakra through meditation, energy healing, or other methods can help restore inner vision and wisdom.

What are some simple ways to balance the third eye chakra?

Here are some simple yet effective ways to bring the third eye chakra into balance:

  • Meditate for at least 5-10 minutes per day. Focus on your breath and the area between your eyebrows. Visualize indigo light filling your third eye.
  • Use third eye chakra aromatherapy oils like sandalwood, lavender, or frankincense. Inhale directly or apply to the forehead.
  • Press your thumb gently on your “third eye” space between eyebrows. Breathe deeply for several minutes while focusing there.
  • Chant the bija mantra “SHAM” out loud or silently to energize the third eye.
  • Add blueberries, indigo veggies, dark grapes, and chocolate to your diet. Their vibration resonates with this chakra.
  • Practice yoga poses like child’s pose, rabbit pose, or downward dog to move energy upward.
  • Draw an indigo dot on your forehead between eyes to remind you to stay conscious and centered.
  • Imagine you are sending and receiving psychic energy through your third eye during the day.
  • Get out in nature and allow your third eye to perceive beauty, detail, and the hidden connections in the natural world.
  • Journal regularly to tap into inner wisdom. Ask a question and allow intuitive answers to flow.
  • Eliminate fluoride by filtering water, using non-fluoride toothpaste, and avoiding chemical exposure.

What crystals are good for balancing the third eye chakra?

Some excellent crystals to use for balancing and activating the third eye include:

  • Amethyst – This is the primary crystal for the third eye chakra. It stimulates wisdom, intuition, psychic vision, and connection to one’s spirit guides. Amethyst calms the mind and emotions.
  • Lapis Lazuli – This deep blue stone enhances truth, mental clarity, and consciousness expansion related to the third eye. It’s helpful for activating psychic abilities.
  • Sodalite – This stone stimulates rational thought, logic, and intellectual analysis. It brings harmony between intuition and mental processes.
  • Clear quartz – All quartz stimulates energy flow. Clear quartz specifically amplifies third eye energy and focus. It’s like a power boost for this chakra.
  • Azurite – This stone opens psychic vision and the third eye gently, allowing insight and inner wisdom to unfold naturally. It also stimulates the intellect.
  • Iolite – Sometimes known as the “Viking stone,” iolite helps open the third eye and enhances psychic gifts, mystical vision, and shamanic journeying.
  • Fluorite – This crystalline structure balances and integrates all the chakras. For the third eye, it brings clarity, unbiased reasoning, and intellectual coordination.
  • Lavender Quartz – This stone cleanses the third eye gently and is ideal for those new to these energies. It calms stress while increasing psychic skills.
  • Hematite – This grounding root chakra stone is also excellent for the third eye. It helps integrate spiritual energies with intellectual understanding.

How do you know when your third eye chakra is balanced?

When your third eye chakra (ajna) is open and balanced, you experience:

  • Clarity of thought, focused concentration
  • Mindful awareness of the present moment
  • Ability to visualize clearly and strong intuition
  • Feeling connected to inner wisdom and guidance
  • Making decisions easily and trusting your judgment
  • Deeper understanding and perceptiveness
  • Control over thoughts and calm mental energy
  • Ability to see various perspectives when problem solving
  • Comfort socializing or being alone
  • Feeling creatively inspired and imaginative
  • Interest in spiritual development and consciousness
  • Insight into the deeper meaning of situations
  • Increased psychic senses if you are inclined in that direction
  • Balanced reasoning and intelligence
  • Comfortable sleep patterns and pleasant dreams -Ability to learn quickly and retain information

A balanced third eye generally feels relaxed. You have good mental energy and focus, without becoming overly intellectual or analytical. Your intuition and intellect work together harmoniously.


In summary, the third eye chakra represents intuition, wisdom, imagination, and the ability to synthesize information and understand deeper truths. Signs of an opening third eye include increased intuition, sensations in the forehead, improved focus, vivid dreams, and greater self-awareness. To open the third eye, activities like meditation, using crystals and essential oils, chanting, yoga, and healthy eating are recommended. Symptoms of a blocked third eye can include headaches, difficulty concentrating, and lack of purpose. Simple methods to unblock this chakra are meditating, chanting, using blue/indigo stones, and spending time in nature. When the third eye is balanced, you feel a sense of calm wisdom, integration of mind and spirit, and trust in your inner guidance system. Working to awaken and align this chakra center brings greater insight, intuition, and conscious perception of the world.


Topic Summary
What the third eye chakra represents Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions
Signs it’s opening Increased intuition, forehead sensations, better focus, vivid dreams, sensitivity to light
Ways to open it Meditation, crystals, essential oils, chanting, yoga, healthy diet
Symptoms when blocked Headaches, poor concentration and memory, depression, disturbed sleep, lack of purpose
Balancing the third eye Meditating, aromatherapy, chanting, blue/indigo foods, yoga poses, being in nature
Good crystals Amethyst, lapis lazuli, quartz, sodalite, azurite, iolite, fluorite
Signs it’s balanced Clarity, mindfulness, visualization, connects to inner wisdom and guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the third eye?

The third eye is your 6th chakra located between your eyebrows. It governs intuition, imagination, insight, and the ability to visualize. When open and balanced, it allows for clarity of thought, spiritual connection, and perceptiveness.

What are the benefits of opening your third eye?

Benefits include increased intuition, mental focus, creative inspiration, psychic abilities for some people, connection to inner guidance, ability to see different perspectives, faster learning and information retention, and greater wisdom.

How can you tell your third eye is opening?

Signs of third eye opening include tingling/pressure in the forehead, lucid dreaming, heightened imagination, sensitivity to light, philosophical interests, feeling more connected, and moments of inner knowing or premonition.

Is it dangerous to open your third eye?

Opening the third eye is generally safe when done gradually using practices like meditation. Take care to ground yourself and go at your own pace. It may stir up repressed issues and energies which can be uncomfortable at first but ultimately healing.

What are the best crystals to balance the third eye?

Some great third eye crystals are amethyst, lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite, quartz, iolite, fluorite, and lavender quartz. Place them on your forehead during meditation or wear as jewelry over the third eye.

What foods are good for the third eye chakra?

Blue/indigo colored foods like blueberries, black grapes, eggplant, purple cabbage, dark chocolate, blue-green algae, and foods high in antioxidants.

How can I tell if my third eye is imbalanced?

Symptoms of third eye imbalance include: headaches, difficulty concentrating and learning, depression, nightmares, apathy, rigid thinking, poor memory, and lack of intuition or inner wisdom.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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