Getting to know your angels - Lisa Beachy

Getting to Know Your Angels

Dear friend, our journey here is not one we take alone. Angels walk with us, though we may not always see their steps. I know at times you feel lost in darkness, unable to find your way. But I assure you, you have never lost your angels. Their light burns brightly, guiding you even when the path grows dim. Listen closely for their whispers in the silence. Watch for signs, as angels speak in winks and nudges. Smell the sweet scent of roses they send to say “we are near.”

When warmth wraps around you like loving wings, your angels hold you close. Angels rejoice each time you take a step forward on your soul’s journey. Get to know them, and feel hope lift your every burden. I promise, angels already know and love you. Now, open your heart to know and love them back. This is my wish for you, dear one, as your angels cheer you on.

What are angels and why should I care about connecting with them?

Are you getting to know your angels?  I can help. Angels are divine spiritual beings that act as messengers and helpers from God/the divine. They are said to guide and protect us, while also delivering messages and insights to help us on our spiritual journeys. Connecting with angels can provide comfort, love, and support during challenging times. Angels can remind us we are never alone, restore hope, and reveal our life purpose and soul truths. By inviting angelic connection, we open ourselves to divine inspiration, wisdom and healing. The more we tune into their subtle presence and guidance with openness and gratitude, the more angels can assist us.

Angels want to help us, but will never interfere with our free will. So we have to intentionally ask for their assistance and be willing to listen. Some simple ways to start connecting are by praying, meditating, reflecting on dreams, observing natural signs and synchronicities, and being mindful of angel number sequences you notice. Journaling, creative expression like art/music, and time in nature can also help elevate your awareness of the angelic realms. As you build a relationship with your angels, continue asking for their guidance with humility and trust.

How can I know my guardian angel’s name?

Discovering your guardian angel’s name takes patience, trust and quiet introspection. Here are some methods to try:

  • Meditate and visualize meeting your angel, noticing their appearance and energy. Listen for any name that comes through intuitively.
  • Before sleeping, ask your angel to reveal their name in a dream. Keep a dream journal and reflect on messages received.
  • Sit quietly and invite your angel to communicate their name through numbers, songs, symbols or other signs that have meaning for you.
  • During prayer or meditation, simply ask your angel for their name and hold space for the answer. It may come as a sudden thought or feeling.
  • Try automatic writing. Silently request your angel’s name, then write freely without thinking or judging. The name may flow through this process.
  • Ask God/Universe to send you clear signs and synchronicities to reveal the name. Take note of recurring themes.
  • Research names of angels associated with your birth date, star sign, numerology or other personal details that resonate.
  • Trust your intuition. The name that feels most aligned with your angel’s energy is likely the right one, even if unconventional.

Be patient, persistent and receptive. When your angel’s name is finally revealed, take time to appreciate this sacred gift and connection.

What is the best way to communicate with my guardian angel?

There are many ways to communicate with your guardian angel. Here are some of the most effective methods:

  • Meditation: Quiet your mind through breathing exercises. Visualize your angel before you and imagine communicating. Listen for any messages.
  • Prayer: Have an honest conversation with your angel, speaking aloud or silently. Ask for guidance and support. Pay attention to intuitive nudges.
  • Journaling: Write letters to your angel expressing your thoughts and feelings. Leave space for them to “reply”.
  • Automatic Writing: With pen to paper, allow your hand to move freely without thinking. Your angel may share messages this way.
  • Nature: Take quiet walks outdoors. Your angel’s guidance may come through signs, like a meaningful songbird or pattern of leaves.
  • Dreams: Before sleeping, ask your angel to contact you in dreams. Record dreams immediately upon waking. Reflect on symbolism or direct messages.
  • Creative Expression: Through art, music, dance or other creative acts, invite your angel’s participation and communication.
  • Affirmations: Repeat reassuring phrases like “My angel guides me with love and wisdom.” Affirm connection.
  • Signs and Symbols: Request signs from your angel and be observant. Seeing the same numbers or words? Your angel may be reaching out.

The most important things are having an open heart, trusting your intuition, and cultivating consistency in communication. Be receptive to subtle guidance.

How do I know if an angel is actually communicating with me?

Discerning real angelic communication from your imagination takes practice. Here are some ways to tell:

  • The messages have a loving, positive tone that feels uplifting. Angels will never convey anything fear-based.
  • You receive intuitive nudges and aha moments that provide helpful new insights or perspectives.
  • The messages align with inner truth – they resonate on a soul level.
  • Communication often comes as repetitive signs, symbols or patterns with specific meaning for you.
  • You experience chills, goosebumps or tingling sensations associated with the messages.
  • What is conveyed deepens your spiritual understanding and sense of connection with the Divine.
  • Messages inspire you to positively impact others, engage your gifts, or rediscover hope.
  • Communication increases during meditation, prayer or moments of inner stillness and listening.
  • Messages are confirmed in remarkable, meaningful ways through synchronicities.
  • Words or concepts flow effortlessly through intuition, dreams or creative expression.
  • You have an overwhelming sense of your angel’s presence before, during or after communication.

The more you build a relationship with your angel over time, the easier it becomes to recognize their unique energy and verify it’s truly them communicating guidance just for you.

What are some signs that angels are trying to get my attention?

Angels use a variety of subtle signs and synchronicities to grab our attention when they want to convey guidance and support. Here are some common signals from angels to be aware of:

  • Recurring number sequences like 111, 444, 777 appearing throughout your day, on clocks or in other ways. These are known as “angel numbers”.
  • Finding feathers in random places, especially white ones. Viewed as calling cards from angels.
  • Catching glimpses or visions of fluttering wings, orbs of light, or flashes of color out of the corner of your eye.
  • Hearing your name called out despite nobody being there. Or hearing an urgent inner voice/feeling directing you.
  • Frequently hearing songs with angelic, heaven, or flying themes. Certain songs played just for you.
  • Smelling flowers or nature scents like roses, rain, pine, or lavender unexpectedly. Scent messages.
  • An influx of butterflies around you. Seeing the same butterfly repeatedly. Signs of transformation.
  • Rainbow sightings after praying or asking your angel for a sign. Rainbows signify hope.
  • Tingling or warm sensations in your hands, crown chakra or back between the shoulders. Physical indicators.
  • Immediately looking at the clock at significant times like 11:11, 12:12, 4:44, etc. in response to a question.
  • Crossing paths with strangers who deliver specific messages or advice you needed to hear. Angel messengers.

Pay attention to repetitive signs and your intuition. Angels want you to tune into their guidance and presence!

What are angel numbers and what do they mean?

Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers like 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. that carry meaning and serve as coded messages from angels and the divine realm. Here are some common angel numbers and possible meanings:

  • 111 – New beginnings, fresh starts, progress, alignment
  • 222 – Balance, harmony, unity, partnerships, relationships
  • 333 – Ascended masters, trinity, growth, encouragement
  • 444 – Angels with you, support, protection, foundations
  • 555 – Positive change, major life shifts, freedom, adventure
  • 666 – Avoiding traps/temptations, breaking negative patterns
  • 777 – Luck, miracles, blessings, intuition, inner-wisdom
  • 888 – Alignment, manifesting desires through positive focus
  • 999 – End of a life phase, completion, conclusions

Angel numbers often show up during times of uncertainty, transition, or when you have questions or intent focused on specific life areas. Pay attention to areas of your life associated with seeing certain numbers. By tuning into numerology messages from angels, we gain their heavenly guidance, reassurance and confirmation.

How do I call on angels for protection?

Angels can provide powerful protection for you in times of fear or danger. Here are some effective ways to call on heavenly protection:

  • Pray aloud or silently asking your guardian angel and archangel Michael specifically for protection. Be as detailed as possible about your concerns and circumstances.
  • Visualize yourself surrounded in wings of bright healing light or encased in a protective sphere of light. Affirm you are safe.
  • Hold a protective talisman or amulet like an angel figurine, celestial stone, or angel imagery. Request it amplifies your angelic connection.
  • Invoke the four archangels Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel by name to guard your four corners.
  • Picture protective angels stationed around your home, workplace, vehicle or other space needing security.
  • Ask your angel to give you signs and warnings of impending danger or negative influences. Pay attention!
  • Meditate and call on angels to dissolve fear-based thoughts and energies around you into light.
  • Wear or carry sacred angelic symbols like wings, halos or angelic script.
  • Diffuse calming essential oils like lavender, chamomile or frankincense. Thank angels for bringing peace.
  • Recite uplifting affirmations like “I am divinely protected.” or psalms invoking angels.

Your angels are ready to grant protection when sincerely asked. Remember – heavenly help is always available!

How do angels guide us in finding life purpose?

Discovering and fulfilling your life purpose is one of the most important quests in life. Angels provide guidance in many impactful ways:

  • Send intuitive nudges, epiphanies and aha moments that reveal your gifts, interests and inner truths. Pay attention!
  • Communicate through dreams to unlock hidden passions and your soul’s intentions.
  • Orchestrate divinely-timed encounters with people who inspire, teach or connect you to your purpose.
  • Place discernment in your heart about true soul calling versus ego, fear or worldy distractions.
  • Infuse creativity, courage, joy and motivation to prod you towards purposeful action steps.
  • Open doors of opportunity miraculously when aligned with your purpose. Remove obstacles and barriers.
  • Send signs, synchronicities and symbols to confirm you’re on the right path.
  • Ignite intense passions and ideas that point you towards your life mission.
  • Provide wisdom and perspective during challenging times to rediscover meaning.
  • Deliver divine inspiration and revelation through prayer, meditation and inner stillness.
  • Surround you with like-minded community and encouraging supporters.

As long as you listen, pay attention and take action – angels will make sure you don’t lose sight of the special purpose you came to fulfill. Trust in their guidance.

How can angels help heal emotional pain?

Angels are powerful healers of emotional wounds from loss, trauma, grief and personal struggles. Here are some key ways angels provide healing:

  • Send soothing energy waves that instill a sense of inner peace, calm and hope.
  • Through signs and inner guidance, reassure you that you are divinely loved and supported.
  • Release old baggage, pain or memories anchored in the body through healing touch.
  • Restore feelings of joy, enthusiasm, optimism and inner light.
  • Dissolve constrictive fears, insecurities and negative thought patterns.
  • Infuse the mind with uplifting truths about your inherent value and limitless potential.
  • Guide you to greater self-understanding, forgiveness and compassion through life challenges.
  • Open your heart and capacity to give and receive love again.
  • Provide emotional protection and space for deep healing to occur.
  • Send people and situations that catalyze growth and empowerment.
  • Motivate realignment with your truest self and purest soul essence.
  • Enlighten you to spiritual lessons and soul growth happening through pain.

Call on angels in times of emotional need for their restorative empathy and grace. Let their divine light uplift you to greater inner peace and joy. With angelic assistance, emotional wounds cannot help but heal.

How can I tell if an angel is by my side?

Angels are always with us, but their presence may be more obvious at certain times. Signs an angel is right by your side:

  • Seeing flashes or beams of light, sparkles, colors or glimpses of wings out of the corner of your eye. Angels making themselves visible.
  • Noticing sudden smells of flowers, candles, incense or nature. Scent messages.
  • Feeling a gentle brush against your hand, caress of your cheek or hug-like warmth around you. Physical contact.
  • Hearing your name called aloud, ringing in your ears or instructions/encouragement whispered. Auditory communication.
  • Noticing feathers, coins or crystals in random places. Calling cards angels leave behind.
  • Electronics glitching, lights flickering or unexplained temperature changes. Angels affecting energy.
  • Goosebumps or tingling on your skin, head or back of neck. Common angelic presence indicators.
  • Thoughts racing with new ideas or clarity about a question or concern. Angel insights.
  • A deep sense of peace, comfort, confidence and safety washing over you suddenly. Feeling in their light.
  • Perfectly timed signs like repeating numbers, songs or words that answer a request. Confirmation angels are listening.
  • Visions or dreams involving angels. Inner spiritual experiences.

Trust intuitive senses. When it feels like an angel is very close and you’re fully in their guidance – they most likely are right there!


Connecting with angels provides powerful benefits as their divine guidance helps us find purpose, heal pain, feel protected and align with our highest truth. By learning to recognize the many signs of angelic assistance and developing a relationship with our guardian angel through constant communication, we open ourselves up to receive their gifts of wisdom, inspiration and grace. Though angels work in subtle ways, when we are vigilant to their messages and presence, a beautiful partnership unfolds.

Here is a summary table of the key information in the article:

Topic Key Points
What are angels? Divine spiritual beings who guide, protect and deliver messages
Knowing your angel’s name Meditate, pray, reflect on dreams/signs, use intuition
Communicating with angels Meditation, prayer, journaling, nature walks, creative expression
Verifying angel messages Loving tone, meaningful insights, soul resonance, physical signs
Angel signs getting attention Number sequences, feathers, flickers/flashes, songs, scents
Angel numbers Repeating numbers like 111, 444, 777 with spiritual meanings
Asking for angel protection Pray, visualize light, use talismans, invoke archangels
Angels guiding life purpose Send intuitions/epiphanies, orchestrate encounters, provide signs
Angels healing emotional pain Send peaceful energy, release baggage, restore inner light
Signs an angel is nearby Flickers, scents, chills, whispers, signs, clarity

Frequently Asked Questions About Connecting With Angels

What’s the best way to start communicating with my angels?

The simplest way to start communicating with angels is by having a conversation with them through prayer. Speak to them as you would a dear friend! Tell them your concerns, ask for help or guidance, and express gratitude for their presence. Then listen and watch for signs.

Do angels look like humans with wings?

While angels are sometimes depicted as humans with wings in art, they are divine spiritual beings without a fixed physical form. Their appearance varies based on cultural interpretations. What remains consistent is their loving, nurturing energy and the sense of wings representing their celestial light.

Can anyone connect with angels or do you have to be psychic?

Anyone can learn to communicate with angels! You don’t need to be psychic. All it takes is an open heart, willingness to listen, and some practice recognizing the subtle signs of angelic connection. Angel communication develops with consistency.

Do angels intervene to prevent bad things from happening?

Angels do not intervene to prevent all bad things from happening, as that would interfere with human free will and soul growth that occurs through difficulties. But angels do intervene at key moments and help guide the overall trajectory towards good.

Do angels look over us all the time?

Yes, your guardian angel watches over you all the time! Angels don’t need to sleep or take breaks. Their loving presence caring for you is constant.

Can angels heal emotional or physical pain?

Absolutely! Angels are incredible healers and can ease all forms of pain when called upon – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Their light dissolves blocks, restores balance and vitality when you ask for their help.

Are angels and spirits the same thing?

No. Angels have never lived human lives. They are divine beings created by God. Spirits are human souls who have lived past lives on earth before crossing over to the spiritual realms after death.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Here is a meditation from YouTube I made to help you connect with your angel:

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