Who is Archangel Ariel - Lisa Beachy

Who is Archangel Ariel?

Lovely friends, I’m so happy you’re here exploring the magical energies of Archangel Ariel! As a Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master, I’ve been blessed to connect deeply with many archangels, including the wonderful Ariel. Their nurturing essence has brought incredible healing and nature wisdom into my life. I hope this article provides you with a comprehensive understanding of Ariel so you can invite their guidance on your spiritual path. There is so much love and support the archangels offer us – we just have to open our hearts to receive their gifts! It is my honor to share this knowledge from my own journey with Ariel. May your connection with them blossom into a lasting friendship as it has for me. Angel blessings!

Who is Archangel Ariel?

Archangel Ariel is known as the “lioness of God” and is associated with lions. She is one of the 7 main archangels and is considered a female angel. Her name means “lion or lioness of God”.

Some key facts about Archangel Ariel:

  • Represents femininity, female energies and empowerment
  • Associated with nature, animals, and the environment
  • Patron angel of animals and healers
  • Helps heal and nurture animals as well as humans
  • Oversees protection and care of nature and wildlife
  • Associated with the element of earth
  • Helps with grounding energies
  • Connected to the sacral and root chakras

As a female angel, Ariel brings soft, nurturing energy and helps empower both women and men to embrace their feminine power and intuition. She assists with healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Ariel promotes compassion, joy and harmony with all living beings including animals and nature.

The main roles and aspects Archangel Ariel oversees:

  • Protecting animals and pets
  • Healing and caring for all creatures great and small
  • Maintaining harmony between humans and nature
  • Bringing joy, laughter and lightness of spirit
  • Inspiring creativity and imagination
  • Encouraging sustainability and earth consciousness
  • Cleansing and purifying energies
  • Lifting moods and relieving depression or anxiety
  • Promoting feminine energies like nurturing, intuition, receptivity

Ariel is a powerful ally for all those who love animals, nature, and the earth. Her gentle strength and healing touch extends to all living beings.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Name Meaning:

The name Ariel has several potential meanings:

  • In Hebrew, Ariel translates to “Lion or lioness of God”. This highlights Ariel’s courageous spirit and fierce protective instincts.
  • It also translates to “altar hearth of God” – representing Ariel’s connection to the element of fire and ability to ignite passion, creativity and spiritual transformation.
  • The name may also reference the city of Jerusalem, meaning “lion of God” in association with Jerusalem as the “hearth of God”.
  • Some describe Ariel’s name meaning “angel of nature” based on the association with lions and animal energies.
  • Other interpretations suggest the name relates to the divine light or spirit of God.

So in summary, the name Ariel evokes themes of:

  • Lion, lioness or animal symbolism
  • Altar and divine fire/light
  • Jerusalem city of God
  • Nature and elemental energies
  • Light and spirit of the divine

Ariel’s name perfectly matches her role as a bold guardian and protector, connected to nature and animals, and able to enflame spiritual energies like creativity and healing. It captures her essence as both a powerful and nurturing angelic being of the divine.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Specialty:

Archangel Ariel has a number of specialties and areas of focus in her role assisting humanity:

Nature and Animals

  • Protecting all aspects of nature – plants, animals, oceans, forests etc.
  • Healing and caring for animals, pets and wildlife
  • Facilitating communication between humans and animals
  • Promoting biodiversity, conservation and sustainability

Environment and Element of Earth

  • Working with earth energies and promoting grounding/stability
  • Cleansing and purifying the environment
  • Encouraging recycling and earth restoration efforts
  • Developing nature awareness and connection

Healing and Wholeness

  • Physical and emotional healing for people as well as animals
  • Restoring health and wellbeing on all levels
  • Assisting healers, therapists, nurses, vets etc.
  • Releasing stress and anxiety to create inner peace

Feminine Energies

  • Boosting self-confidence and feminine empowerment
  • Reawakening intuition, creativity and inner wisdom
  • Balancing male/female energies within each person
  • Promoting qualities like compassion, patience, tolerance

Childhood Joy and Imagination

  • Maintaining a childlike sense of joy and lightness
  • Stimulating imagination, inspiration and creativity
  • Encouraging playfulness and fun

Ariel’s versatility supports all facets of existence – nature, animals, humans, feminine essence, emotions, creativity, play – with healing and wholeness.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Color:

Archangel Ariel is associated primarily with the color pink. Pink represents her gentle feminine energies as well as qualities of sweetness, nurturing and compassion.

Specific shades of pink connected to Ariel include:

  • Soft pink – This delicate and romantic hue reflects Ariel’s energy as a loving, feminine archangel. Soft pink also represents innocence, hope and joy.
  • Light pink – This bright, vibrant shade symbolizes Ariel’s playful, youthful spirit as well as purification and renewal. Light pink also evokes delicate flowers and femininity.
  • Rose pink – The warm, floral tone of rose pink relates to Ariel’s unconditional love, generosity and ability to open the heart chakra. It also represents friendship.
  • Pale pink – The calming, peaceful quality of pale pink aligns with Ariel’s serenity and ability to relieve stress. It provides an overall sense of gentle reassurance.

In essence, shades of pink reflect the compassion, tenderness, innocence and inner beauty embodied by Archangel Ariel. Pink is the foremost color associated with her divine feminine presence as an archangel.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Stone or Crystal?

Archangel Ariel has connections to a number of crystals and stones that align with her energies and attributes:

  • Rose quartz – This is the primary stone for Ariel. It represents unconditional love, compassion, emotional healing and calming of fears and anxiety. Rose quartz enhances all feminine energies.
  • Emerald – This stone symbolizes Ariel’s deep love and protection of nature. It promotes spiritual growth, healing, prosperity and abundance. Emerald enhances compassion and unity with all living things.
  • Jade – Jade stone represents Ariel’s life-giving and nurturing essence. It signifies wisdom, balance and peaceful harmony with the physical, emotional and spiritual.
  • Moonstone – This stone amplifies intuition, insight and feminine receptivity – aligning with Ariel’s intuitive nature. It also enhances creativity and emotional balance.
  • Pink opal – The soft pink color resonates with Ariel’s feminine qualities. It radiates love and sensuality. Pink opal is soothing, comforting and protects tender-hearted energies.
  • Rhodonite – With its pink hue, rhodonite connects to Ariel’s unconditional love. It promotes self-love, forgiveness and emotional healing.
  • Rhodochrosite – This pink stone embodies tender love and compassion. It helps heal inner child wounds, dissolve stress and cultivate joy.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Crystal Recommendations for Archangel Ariel

These crystals complement Ariel’s nurturing energies and ability to open the heart to greater love, intuition, creativity and wellbeing. They amplify her divine feminine qualities.

Archangel Ariel is linked to sweet, floral and earthy essential oils that align with her feminine, emotional healing and nature-based energies:

  • Rose – The scent of rose is soft, romantic and deeply healing – reflecting Ariel’s energy. It opens the heart chakra, relieves stress and evokes femininity.
  • Jasmine – This sensual, uplifting scent amplifies intuition and grace. Jasmine inspires creativity and self-confidence – conduits for Ariel’s support.
  • Ylang ylang – With an exotic floral aroma, ylang ylang oil balances male/female energies. It also soothes anxiety and evokes spiritual awareness.
  • Sandalwood – The earthy, grounding fragrance promotes inner peace, calm and connection with the earth and nature realms.
  • Lavender – This versatile oil has a relaxing, balancing effect. It eases tension, anxiety and depression – aligning with Ariel’s stress relief.
  • Neroli – Neroli’s citrusy, floral notes enliven the senses and uplift the mood. It encourages lightness, optimism and childlike joy.
  • Bergamot – This fresh, sweet-citrus scent stimulates feelings of joy, confidence and energy – complementing Ariel’s restorative powers.

These essential oils complement Ariel’s healing, intuitive, emotional and nature-based realms of influence. Their aromas align with her divine essence.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Plant or Flower?

There are several plants and flowers associated with Archangel Ariel:

  • Roses – These beautiful blooms represent love in all its forms and Ariel’s ability to open, heal and gently uplift the heart. Roses convey femininity, emotional restoration and grace.
  • Lilies – Representing purity and renewal, the regal yet delicate lily perfectly represents Ariel’s energies. Lilies also symbolize innocence, new beginnings and rebirth.
  • Lavender – This calming purple flower is connected to Ariel’s healing, relaxation and stress-reduction attributes. Lavender promotes serenity, clarity and inner peace.
  • Fern – As an ancient plant, the fern represents Ariel’s primordial connection to the earth and nature realms. Ferns symbolize magic, growth and the life-giving elements.
  • Daisy – The cheerful daisy captures Ariel’s happy, optimistic spirit and ability to boost emotional outlooks. Daisies bring childlike joy and playfulness.
  • Carnation – Symbolizing fascination and maternal love, carnations reflect Ariel’s energies of affection, feminine nurturing and unconditional acceptance.
  • Chrysanthemum – Representing perfection and optimism, the vibrant chrysanthemum aligns with Ariel’s role of encouragement and faith.

These plants and flowers reflect Ariel’s healing essence and magical connection to the beauty, joy and restorative power of nature. Their energies are complementary to her divine presence.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Energy:

Archangel Ariel radiates gentle, feminine, heart-centered energy that is both strong and delicate. Her energy signature contains the following qualities:

  • Nurturing – Ariel emits a deeply caring, warm, motherly energy that provides comfort, reassurance and emotional healing. She wraps those she connects with in gentle yet protective light.
  • Graceful – There is an elegant, lyrical quality to Ariel’s energy – flowing and dancing like rhythmic ocean waves or a butterfly in flight.
  • Playful – A sense of joy and light-hearted playfulness ripples through Ariel’s energies. She maintains a childlike curiosity and wonder.
  • Intuitive – Ariel’s energy aligns with inner wisdom, mystical insight and heightened sensory perception. She awakens psychic talents and imagination.
  • Soothing – The soothing hum of Ariel’s energy vibrations help reduce anxiety, depression, anger and stress. Her presence brings deep inner peace.
  • Hopeful– Ariel’s optimistic energy lifts spirits and provides encouragement to overcome life’s challenges with grace and understanding.
  • Healing – On all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – Ariel’s energy flows healing light to places of pain, imbalance or blockages.
  • Nature’s Rhythm – Ariel’s energy flows in sync with the earth’s natural rhythms and elemental energies. She connects intimately to all aspects of nature and its magic.

Ariel’s multifaceted energy is a reminder of the beauty of existence and power of feminine essence. It restores faith, uplifts hearts, and inspires one back towards harmony, joy and purpose.

What is Archangel Ariel’s Origin Story:

Unlike archangels Michael and Gabriel who are directly referenced in Jewish, Christian and Islamic texts, Archangel Ariel does not have a clear origin story that can be traced back definitively.

However, there are some beliefs around how Ariel came to be and her significance as an archangel:

  • In mystical Jewish tradition, Ariel is sometimes equated with the angel of nature and guardian of the earth. In this view, God created Ariel to oversee the natural world, animals and elements.
  • Some texts link Ariel to the angel Jeremiel who is described as helping newly deceased souls adjust to the afterlife. Ariel may act as a guide for those entering new realms of existence.
  • In Christian lore, Ariel is associated with being an angel of wrath and punishment tasked with punishing those who transgress against God. This diverges from modern views of her as a nurturing healer.
  • New Age philosophy describes Ariel as stepping forward during these times to bring heightened feminine, nature and animal-based energies to counterbalance excessive masculine dominance on earth.
  • As a relatively newer archangel name and role, some believe Ariel originated to personify the re-emergence of ancient earth-based goddess traditions linked to nature worship and feminine spirituality.

While her exact origins remain shrouded in mystery, Ariel is embraced as representing the loving, magical, and powerful essence of the Divine Feminine in the angelic realms and on earth. Her unconditional care extends to all creation.

Ways to Connect with Archangel Ariel directly:

There are a number of effective methods for invoking Archangel Ariel’s presence and accessing her guidance directly:

  • Meditation and visualization – Sit quietly, close your eyes, and visualize Ariel before you. Imagine her features, colors, symbols and energy. Send requests or speak to her.
  • Prayers and affirmations – Pray to call upon Ariel and speak affirmations like “Archangel Ariel, please surround me in your healing light. Help me open my heart.”
  • Nature immersion – Spend time in nature to feel Ariel’s presence. Interact with animals, plants, water and breathe deeply in communion with her.
  • Crystals and aromatherapy – Hold Ariel’s crystals like rose quartz or diffuse her essential oils like lavender to open up to her presence.
  • Altars and imagery – Create a beautiful altar with Ariel’s flowers, colors, crystals and symbols. Display images and statues of her for manifestation.
  • Write a letter – Write a heartfelt letter to Ariel about your challenges, hopes and dreams. Burn it to release it to her care.
  • Gratitude and offerings – Offer sincere thanks and leave gifts of flowers, seeds, crystals or donations to environmental causes to honor Ariel.
  • Songs, chants and dance – Sing, chant Ariel’s name or do flowing, rhythmic dance to connect with her joyful healing vibrations.

With an open heart and mind, Ariel’s radiant presence and guidance is available to all those who lovingly seek communion with her divine feminine angelic essence.


Archangel Ariel is a powerful and nurturing angelic being who brings great comfort, healing, and assistance to all who call upon her. With her gentle feminine presence, she watches over the realms of nature, animals and the environment. Ariel restores hope, stirs imagination, and awakens people to the magic of existence. Her unconditional love extends to all of creation – humans, plants, animals, and the earth alike. By developing a close connection with Ariel through prayer, meditation, time in nature, or working with her associated crystals, scents and symbols, her ancient wisdom and guidance can be accessed. Ariel teaches us about the interwoven nature of all life and shows us how to live in greater harmony with each other and the natural world. By inviting her into our lives, she helps us unlock greater self-empowerment, compassion and intuitive understanding.

Summary of Archangel Ariel

Category Information
Name meaning Lion or lioness of God, altar hearth of God, angel of nature
Gender Female
Associated with Nature, animals, environment, femininity, healing
Color Pink
Crystal Rose quartz
Scent Rose, jasmine, lavender
Flower Roses, lilies, ferns
Energy Nurturing, graceful, playful, intuitive, soothing
Origin Connected to earth and nature angels, goddess traditions

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Ariel

What is Archangel Ariel known for?

Archangel Ariel is known as the “Lioness of God” and is associated with nurturing feminine energies, healing, protecting animals and nature, supporting children and creativity, and promoting joy and lightness of spirit.

How can I connect with Archangel Ariel?

You can connect with Archangel Ariel through meditation, prayer, affirmations, spending time in nature, using rose quartz crystals, diffusing rose or lavender essential oil, creating an altar with images and flowers, singing, or writing a letter.

What color is Archangel Ariel associated with?

Archangel Ariel is associated with the color pink, especially soft or pale pink hues, which represents her gentle feminine energies and qualities of nurturing, sweetness and compassion.

What plants and flowers symbolize Archangel Ariel?

Roses, lilies, lavender, ferns, daisies, carnations, and chrysanthemums are associated with Archangel Ariel due to their connections to love, nurturing, healing, joy, innocence and feminine energies.

What oils align with Archangel Ariel?

Rose, jasmine, lavender, ylang ylang, sandalwood, neroli and bergamot essential oils complement Archangel Ariel due to their sweet, floral, heart-opening and healing aromas.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Essential Recommendations for Archangel Ariel

What crystals are linked to Archangel Ariel?

Rose quartz, emerald, jade, moonstone, pink opal, rhodonite, and rhodochrosite resonate with Archangel Ariel’s unconditional love, heart-healing, nurturing, and soothing feminine essence.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Crystal Recommendations for Archangel Ariel

What is Archangel Ariel’s role?

Archangel Ariel oversees protection of nature and animals, emotional and physical healing, enhancing feminine energies, supporting children and childlike joy, and promoting creativity, inspiration and harmony.

Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Ariel

Best Essential Oils and Scents for Archangel Ariel

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Here is a Meditation to help you connect with Archangel Ariel:

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