Angels and Your Energy Healing Practice - Lisa Beachy

Angels and Your Energy Healing Practice

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy you’re here exploring the magical world of angels! There is so much love, light and gracious guidance that angels want to bring into your life. Connecting with these divine messengers opens up an abundance of blessings, healing and spiritual support.

In this article, we’ll dive into the most common questions people have about Angels and Your Energy Healing Practice so you can gain a deeper understanding of how to connect with them and receive their assistance. My goal is to help demystify angels and make their presence more tangible for you. With an open mind and heart, you’ll discover just how real angels are and the incredible ways they communicate with humanity. The angels are ready to guide you – all you need to do is invite them into your daily experience!

I’m thrilled to share this angelic knowledge with you. I hope it empowers you to foster a strong and enriching relationship with your angels. Their divine friendship brings such comfort, purpose and joy. Let’s get started connecting with these celestial beings of light!

What are angels and how can they help me?

Angels are divine spiritual beings that act as messengers and helpers from God/Source. They are beings of pure light and love that exist on higher spiritual planes. Angels can provide guidance, protection, healing, and fulfillment of prayers. Some ways angels can help:

  • Provide intuitive guidance and answers to questions
  • Bring inspiration, creativity and new ideas
  • Heal emotional, mental and physical pain
  • Release fear and anxiety, bringing peace of mind
  • Protect you from harm or danger
  • Help manifest goals and desires through divine support
  • Strengthen your spiritual connection to the divine
  • Deliver signs, symbols and validations that you are on the right path
  • Bring a sense of meaning and purpose to your life

Angels are always near, desiring to connect with you more. You simply need to ask for their help and be open to receiving their guidance through feelings, visions, inner voice, signs and synchronicities.

How can I connect with my guardian angel?

Your guardian angel is a special angel assigned to you at birth to provide guidance, protection and support through your life journey. Here are some ways to connect with your guardian angel:

  • Ask your angel for a sign of their presence (a feeling, sound, scent, vision, etc)
  • Sit quietly and invite your angel to communicate with you
  • Ask for their name and any messages they may have for you
  • Listen for answers through your intuition and inner voice
  • Pay attention to angel numbers like 111, 222, 333 etc.
  • Notice any recurring sights, sounds or sensations as signs
  • Request their presence before bed and notice any dreams
  • Pray and set the intention to become more aware of them
  • Meditate visualized meeting your angel surrounded by divine light
  • Express gratitude for any signs, guidance or assistance you notice

Being open and believing in the guidance from your angel is key. The more you acknowledge and appreciate them, the stronger your bond will become.

What is angel card reading and how does it work?

Angel card reading is a divination tool that involves drawing cards with messages from angels. Each angel card deck is themed around the wisdom that angels wish to impart to humanity.

To do an angel card reading:

  • Relax and ground yourself through a few deep breaths
  • Invoke angelic presence and state your intention for insight
  • Gently shuffle the cards while holding your intention
  • Cut the deck into 3 piles from left to right
  • Choose the middle pile and draw cards, usually 1 to 3
  • Reveal the cards drawn and read the meanings provided
  • Reflect on how the messages relate to your situation
  • Listen to any intuitive insights beyond the card meanings
  • Keep an open, positive attitude to recognize the guidance
  • Express gratitude to conclude the reading

Angel cards tap into angelic energy fields which can provide concise messages that offer perspective on your life path and awakening. The cards reflect areas to focus on and shifts to make for spiritual growth and fulfillment.

What is the role of Archangels and how can I receive their assistance?

Archangels are exalted angels that oversee large areas of responsibility and service. They act as heavenly managers that administer guidance and healing to entire groups of people and regions. The main Archangels are:

  • Michael – Protection, courage, strength
  • Raphael – Healing of body, mind and spirit
  • Gabriel – Messenger of hope, clarity, truth
  • Uriel – Wisdom, insights, problem-solving
  • Chamuel – Relationships, finding lost items
  • Metatron – Divine inspiration, knowledge

You can call upon Archangels in these ways:

  • Pray and request their divine intervention
  • Use visualization while invoking their presence
  • Chant or sing their name as a mantra
  • Include them in your spiritual rituals
  • Ask for signs and guidance from them
  • Research how each Archangel can specifically help
  • Practice gratitude when you notice their assistance
  • Dedicate an altar or crystal to connect with their energy

Since Archangels oversees large groups, their energy is powerful and effective. You simply need to sincerely ask for their help and be receptive to signs that your request is answered. Their divine guidance and miracles can greatly accelerate your spiritual path.

How can I do an angel card reading for someone else?

When doing an angel card reading for someone else:

  • Explain how angel cards work and set intentions
  • Have them shuffle/cut deck to infuse their energy
  • Ask them to hold a question or intention for insight
  • Draw cards and reveal them one at a time
  • Allow time for them to reflect on each card meaning
  • Encourage them to share how the messages relate to them
  • Listen closely to discern additional guidance from angels
  • Deliver any intuitive impressions you receive appropriately
  • Remind them that angels know their heart and will guide them
  • Suggest reflecting on the reading over the next few days
  • Let them know they can seek further guidance by doing their own readings
  • Express gratitude at the end to conclude and seal the messages

Doing readings for others is an honor and responsibility. Hold space for them without attachment, allowing the angels to deliver what that person needs in the moment on their path. Your role is simply to relay the messages clearly with compassion. The angels will do the rest.

What are signs I am receiving angelic guidance or a sign from my angels?

Angels commonly communicate guidance and validation through various signs. Here are some examples of angel signs to watch for:

  • Repeating numbers like 111, 444, 555 (angel numbers)
  • Flashes of light or sparkles in your peripheral vision
  • Feathers appearing in your path
  • A gentle touch or brush against your skin
  • Sweet scents like flowers or cinnamon suddenly wafting by
  • Hearing chimes, musical tones or your name called out
  • Vivid dreams with messages or visitors
  • Meaningful objects or coins appearing unexpectedly
  • Animals approaching you with no fear
  • Perfectly timed songs, show references or words
  • Sudden epiphanies or ideas that inspire you
  • Feelings of peace, comfort, or unconditional love washing over you

When you notice any sign, sincerely thank the angels for reaching out to you. Then reflect on what area of your life needs attention or is aligned. Accepting angelic guidance brings you into greater flow.

How do I know if an angel is really communicating with me?

Discerning true guidance from angels versus your own thoughts takes practice. But these tips can help confirm angelic communication:

  • Messages are centered on love, kindness, healing, growth and unity
  • Information is profoundly helpful but not ego-stroking
  • Insights awaken you to deeper truth about yourself/situations
  • Guidance aligns with your core values and intuition
  • Communication inspires positive change, not fear/anxiety
  • Interactions leave you feeling uplifted, hopeful and grateful
  • Messages are clear despite being simple or concise
  • Information validates your path and brings clarity/motivation
  • Guidance arrives perfectly when you need it most

While angelic messages often require reflection to interpret, they carry a divine sense of wisdom, love and service. The more you listen, the easier it becomes to recognize your angels!

How can I ask for signs from angels and increase communication?

You can encourage more frequent angelic communication by:

  • Praying sincerely each day to connect with your angels
  • Expressing gratitude when signs or guidance come through
  • Asking specific questions and paying attention to answers
  • Requesting signs such as feathers, coins, music etc
  • Voicing your openness and desire to receive guidance
  • Noticing intuitive thoughts, sensations and inner nudges
  • Keeping a journal to record messages and signs noticed
  • Doing angel card readings or other channeling practices
  • Meditating to invite angelic visions or telepathic messages
  • Seeing angel numbers and signs as loving reminders of their presence
  • Speaking to your angels regularly like close friends

Set the intention to be more aware of your angels’ loving presence. The more you acknowledge the signs, the stronger your bond with the angels will become. Allow them to help you on your path.

How do angels actually help heal emotional pain and trauma?

Angels are incredibly powerful healers that can provide deep restorative energy to release emotional pain or trauma. Here are some key ways angels help with healing:

  • Send cleansing, soothing energy to lift pain or distress
  • Fill you with a strong feeling of inner peace and lightness
  • Release lower vibrational energies of fear, anger or tension
  • Restore your natural state of joy, enthusiasm and inner freedom
  • Reestablish a feeling of safety and protection
  • Shift perspective to see the opportunities for growth
  • Infuse you with greater compassion and forgiveness
  • Awaken your resilience and inner wisdom/strengths
  • Release limiting beliefs keeping you stuck in negativity
  • Inspire creative expression or action to process the pain
  • Elevate your vibration to attract more positive experiences
  • Provide intuitive guidance to support your healing process

Through divine light, love, grace and power, angels can transmute emotional wounds and suffering into peace, hope and spiritual expansion. Simply be open and ask the angels to begin healing you now.

How do I know if someone in my life is my guardian angel or has been sent to guide me?

Determining if someone was divinely placed in your life as a guardian can take self-reflection. Ask yourself:

  • Does this person offer me guidance, upliftment or protection frequently?
  • Do I notice them appearing in my life precisely when I need intervention or comfort?
  • Am I learning, growing and feeling more supported in their presence?
  • Do their words, actions and insights inspire me spiritually?
  • Do I feel divinely protected, guided and even transformed by their influence?
  • Does their advice align with my soul truths and spiritual principles?
  • Do I feel more connected to the divine and my life purpose because of them?
  • Have they shared any spiritual gifts, wisdom or experiences with me?
  • Do I notice myself becoming wiser, stronger and more conscious through their mentoring?
  • Do I feel our meeting and bond was fated or meant to be?

Carefully reflect if they demonstrate selfless guidance, spiritual elevation and divine timing. While not literal angels, these individuals act as guardians furthering your soul growth. Express gratitude for their presence and be receptive to their help.


In summary, angels are available and eager to connect with you in many ways. Learning to recognize their subtle signs and guidance is a skill that improves with practice over time. The more you welcome the angels into your daily life and interactions, the stronger your bonds with them will become. Working closely with these divine messengers and healers can greatly assist your spiritual development as well as bring comfort, protection and divine support. Stay open to the presence of angels all around you.

Here is a summary table of the key information in the article:

Topic Key Points
What are angels? Divine spiritual beings of light and love that provide guidance, healing, and fulfillment of prayers
Connecting with your guardian angel Ask for signs, listen through intuition, request presence before bed, express gratitude for any help
Angel card readings Relax, invoke angels, shuffle/cut cards, draw cards, reflect on meanings and messages
Archangels Powerful angelic beings overseeing large areas of service (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, etc); call upon them for help
Signs from angels Repeating numbers, lights, feathers, music, sensation of touch, guidance through dreams/ideas
Angelic communication Set intention, ask questions, request signs, express gratitude, journal interactions
Healing from angels Send cleansing energy, infuse peace, release trauma/pain, restore inner freedom and joy, shift perspective, inspire forgiveness
Guardian angels in your life Provide guidance and growth, appear when needed, align with soul truth, share spiritual gifts and experiences

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started working with angels?

Begin by sincerely asking your angels to connect with you and help guide your life path and spiritual growth. Set the intention to be more aware of signs and guidance from them. Request their presence each day through prayer or gratitude. Pay attention to repetitive numbers, songs, sights or inner nudges. Journal angelic messages noticed through dreams, intuitions or epiphanies. Doing these things builds your relationship with angels.

What’s the best way to receive clear messages from angels?

Get quiet, centered and open through meditation or reflective prayer. Verbally ask the angels a question you need guidance on. Listen through your mind and heart for words, phrases or sensations. Feel the energy as you receive divine wisdom. Write down any messages or signs that come through. Clear messages often arrive when you are calm, receptive and truly desiring spiritual insights.

Do angels look like humans with wings as depicted in art?

While angels are sometimes depicted as human-like in paintings, they are actually beings of light without a fixed physical form. Their energetic essence can be experienced by people in visions or dreams as glowing human-like figures with wings. But angels are formless divine consciousnesses serving the Creator. They can also appear in any form imaginable to convey needed guidance, and are not limited to a singular appearance.

How do angels have time to help so many people at once?

Angels exist outside of time as we know it on the spirit planes. Therefore they can simultaneously assist an unlimited number of people and in an infinite number of ways. They project their energies through the power and realm of Divine Spirit which transcends any earthly constraints. Prayers to angels are always heard and assistance flows according to divine timing and will.

Do angels look exactly as they are depicted in ancient texts and scriptures?

Descriptions of angels in religious texts were limited by the terminology and cultural frameworks available at those times. While these portrayals capture aspects of angels’ abilities and purposes, they may not encompass the fullness of angelic qualities. Angels as divine cosmic beings are beyond any singular depiction or form. They are best understood through spiritual connection and experiential relationship.

Do angels intervene and change challenging life situations?

Angels work within the bounds of divine will and honoring soul growth lessons. They cannot intervene to control outcomes but provide guidance and energetic support to help you navigate life lessons. Challenges are often opportunities to evolve spiritually. Angels will deliver strength, hope and wisdom so you can enact changes aligned with your highest good. Have faith in their loving presence.

How does angelic energy healing work?

Angelic energy healing involves invoking high-frequency energies from Source/God that angels can channel through their essence. This pure divine light saturates cells with light and love, dissolving blocks, transmuting negativity and restoring wholeness through divine order. Angels overlight energy healers to conduct the optimal healing frequencies to the person. Simply calling upon angels activates their healing light.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

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