Archangels, Angels, and Ascended Masters - Lisa Beachy

Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so happy to connect with you all today on the topic of angels, archangels, and ascended masters. These divine beings of light are always ready to assist us, but many don’t know how to call upon their guidance. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most frequently asked questions about working with these celestial helpers, so you can deepen your connection with their loving energy. Let’s dive in!

What is the difference between angels, archangels, and ascended masters?

The main difference lies in their “rank” in the spiritual hierarchy. Angels are the most numerous, working as messengers and intermediaries between us and the divine realm. They can help with everyday concerns and challenges. Archangels are the “chiefs” of the angels, overseeing and guiding the angelic realm. There are traditionally seven archangels, who aid with larger causes like protection, healing, and enlightenment. Finally, ascended masters are highly evolved spiritual teachers who once lived physical lives on earth. They now teach from the higher realms to help humanity awaken.

Who are the main archangels, and what are their roles?

The most well-known archangels are:

  • Michael – Leader of the angelic host. Protects from fear and negativity.
  • Raphael – Oversees healing on all levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual.
  • Gabriel – Helps with communication, creativity, and intuition. Messenger for divine news.
  • Uriel – Known as the “light of God.” Illuminates our minds with insights and epiphanies.
  • Chamuel – Helps find inner peace and renew relationships with love.
  • Jophiel – Aids in developing wisdom, judgment, and understanding.
  • Zadkiel – Invoked for forgiveness, freedom from guilt, and spiritual development.

What are some signs that angels are trying to reach out to us?

Angels are always near, but you may notice their presence through:

  • Feathers appearing in unexpected places
  • Flickering lights or electronic malfunctions
  • Warm tingling sensations, chills, or goosebumps
  • Hearing your name called when nobody is present
  • Smelling flowers or pleasant, unexplained scents
  • Clairvoyant visions of figures bathed in light
  • Ideas or solutions that come to you suddenly
  • An inner pull to help someone in need

Pay attention to signs like these from the angelic realm!

How do I call upon angels or archangels for assistance?

Calling your angels is easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Get centered. Sit quietly and focus your intention. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Invoke them. Say their name aloud or in your mind. You can include “Archangel” before their name.
  3. Make your request. Clearly state your need or desire for angelic intervention.
  4. Thank them. Express gratitude in advance for their help.
  5. Release. Let go of any worries or doubts, trusting their loving presence.

Repeat daily until you feel their guidance and support. You can call angels like you would a dear friend!

What are the best ways to receive communication from angels?

Angels communicate in many ways, including:

  • Thoughts – Telepathic messages that pop into your mind
  • Feelings – Physical sensations of energy, emotion, or peace
  • Signs – Repeating numbers, overheard words, songs, sights
  • Dreams – Vivid dreams with symbols or direct messages
  • Visions – Clairvoyant sights while awake or meditating
  • Intuition – Inner knowing without logical explanation

Pay close attention to the ways you naturally receive intuitive guidance. Then set the intention to recognize your angel’s messages through that channel. Know that they are always reaching out in love!

How can I invite the presence of ascended masters like Jesus or Buddha?

Ascended masters are powerful spiritual allies. To invite their presence:

  • Call them by name – State your desire for their guidance aloud or silently.
  • Invoke their light – Imagine them surrounded by divine light.
  • Request their teachings – Ask to understand their wisdom and apply it.
  • Open your heart – Feel gratitude, humility, and a willingness to learn.
  • Receive their energy – Notice their presence filling and surrounding you.
  • Thank them – Express appreciation for connecting with you.

With practice, you can sense ascended masters like intimate spiritual mentors lighting your path.

Are angels and ascended masters only associated with Christianity?

Absolutely not! Angels and ascended masters are universal beings of light who aid humanity as a whole. They appear worldwide under different names like:

  • Devas, Gandharvas (Hinduism)
  • Fravashis, Amesha Spentas (Zoroastrianism)
  • Bodhisattvas (Buddhism)
  • Shining Ones (Celtic/Druid traditions)
  • Orixás (Afro-Brazilian religions)
  • Kachinas (Hopi native tradition)

Divine spiritual guides are found in many faiths and cultures, providing wisdom from beyond our physical realm. We can all open to their grace!

What is the best way to show gratitude and give back to our angelic helpers?

Some wonderful ways to express gratitude include:

  • Saying Thank You – Offer sincere appreciation, either aloud or silently.
  • Writing – Journal or write letters expressing how they’ve helped you.
  • Singing – Angels love joyful songs of praise and worship!
  • Altars – Create a meditation space with their images, candles, flowers.
  • Donations – Give to charities in their name, serving their causes.
  • Helping Others – Acts of service in the world, fulfilling their purpose.
  • Spreading Love – Radiate love everywhere to magnify their light.

Giving thanks fills you both with more light. Your angels are so thankful for your recognition and devotion!

Key Takeaways:

  • Angels, archangels, and ascended masters have different roles as spiritual guides.
  • Archangels like Michael and Gabriel oversee specific areas of support.
  • Pay attention to signs from angels trying to reach you.
  • You can call angels directly by name and make requests for aid.
  • Angels communicate through thoughts, sensations, signs, dreams, and intuition.
  • Ascended masters like Buddha and Jesus offer their wisdom when invoked.
  • Divine beings exist in many spiritual traditions, not just Christianity.
  • Express daily gratitude to angels through prayer, song, service, and love.

In Summary:

I hope this overview on connecting with angels, archangels, and ascended masters gives you a great starting point! Remember their unconditional love surrounds you always. By asking for their guidance and paying attention, you can receive so much divine support for your life path and spiritual growth. Stay open through daily prayer, meditation, and gratitude – the more you invite their presence, the more you will feel their blissful energy lifting you every day!

Here is a summary table of the key information in the article:

Topic Summary
Difference between Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters Angels – Numerous divine messengers
Archangels – Chief angels overseeing realms
Ascended Masters – Highly evolved spiritual teachers
Main Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Zadkiel
Signs of Angels Reaching Out Feathers, lights flickering, chills, goosebumps, hearing your name, pleasant scents, visions of figures in light
Calling on Angels Get centered, invoke them by name, make request, thank them, release worries
Angel Communication Methods Thoughts, feelings, signs, dreams, visions, intuition
Inviting Ascended Masters Call them by name, invoke their light, request teachings, open your heart, receive their energy, thank them
Non-Christian Divine Beings Devas, Bodhisattvas, Orixás, Kachinas, many more!
Expressing Gratitude to Angels Say thank you, write to them, sing praise, make altars, donations in their name, help others, spread love

Frequently Asked Questions about Connecting with Angels

What are the different types of angels?

There are three main hierarchies or types of angels:

  • Archangels – The chief angels in charge of overseeing all the other angels below them. There are seven well-known archangels.
  • Guardian Angels – These are angels assigned to specific people, to watch over and protect them throughout life.
  • Messenger Angels – These are the most common type of angel, who act as intermediaries between heaven and earth. They deliver guidance from the divine.

Within these groups there are also angels with specialized purposes like healing angels, protection angels, angels of abundance, etc.

How do I know if I have a guardian angel?

Everyone is assigned a guardian angel, so you most certainly have one! Your guardian angel has been with you since birth, protecting and guiding you through life’s journey. While they remain in the background, you can ask your guardian angel to send you signs or make their presence known more tangibly. Then pay attention to repetitive number sequences, feathers, or other intuitive nudges as confirmation from your angel.

What do angel numbers mean?

Seeing repeating number sequences like 111, 444, 777 is a common sign from angels. Here is what some common angel numbers signify:

  • 111 – Manifestation, new beginnings, alignment
  • 222 – Balance, harmony, unity, keeping the faith
  • 333 – Ascended masters, trinity, encouragement
  • 444 – Angels are near, prayers answered, protection
  • 555 – Positive change and major life shifts ahead
  • 666 – Balance material and spiritual, transition
  • 777 – Luck, miracles and blessings are coming your way!
  • 888 – Infinity, abundance, new financial opportunities
  • 999 – Completion of a life chapter, preparing for new
  • 000 – Divine support and guidance is with you

What is the best way to communicate with angels?

Angels can communicate with you in many ways including mental or emotional impressions, physical sensations, visions, dreams, signs like numbers or feathers, and direct inner guidance. The best approach is to start a daily spiritual practice like prayer, meditation or journaling. During this quiet time, set the intention to receive messages from your angels. Pay attention to thoughts, feelings, ideas or visions that come through.

Is there a ritual or prayer for inviting angels into my home?

Yes! Here is a simple “Angels in My Home” prayer you can use to invite their presence and protection:

“Beloved angels, I now invite your divine light and loving energies into my home. Please cleanse this space with your healing light, creating an atmosphere of peace, health and harmony for all who dwell here. Thank you for blessing this home with your protective presence.”

You can recite this aloud or silently, and repeat regularly to maintain a high vibration in your space.

What materials can I use to make an angel altar?

Some suggested items for an angel altar include:

  • Statues or images representing angels
  • Candles – white, gold, or pastel colored
  • Crystals like rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz
  • Feathers
  • Fresh flowers
  • Essential oils like lavender, frankincense, pine
  • Angel oracle or tarot cards
  • Sacred texts on angels
  • A bowl of water or crystal grid

Place your items on a small table or shelf, arranging them in a visually pleasing way. Sit there to meditate on connecting with angels!

What are the 7 major chakras, and how are they linked to angels?

The main chakras, or energy centers in the body, are:

Archangel Gabriel governs the throat chakra, Raphael rules the third eye chakra, and Michael presides over the root chakra. All angels help clear blockages from the chakras to improve energy flow.

What is the best way to show gratitude and give back to angels?

Some great ways to express daily gratitude to angels include prayer, singing, caring for others, donating to charity, creating art or writing in their honor, building an altar, repeating affirmations, and simply sending heartfelt thanks for their presence in your life. Even small acts of appreciation mean so much to our angelic helpers!

Do angels have wings and halos as depicted in art?

Angels are pure divine energy, so their true form is without physical attributes. However, artistic representations of angels aim to convey divine qualities rather than literal appearances. Wings express their ability to swiftly traverse between realms. Halos signify the light pouring from their heart and mind unobstructed, like the sun or moon. Seeing angels depicted in art can help open our minds to their loving presence.

How can I get an angel card reading or oracle reading?

Angel card readings work by drawing cards from a deck designed with messages and images specifically related to angels. Each card offers guidance from the angels about your situation. You can acquire an angel card deck and read for yourself. Or visit an intuitive reader who can give you an angel card or oracle reading in person or remotely. This allows the angels to share uplifting and revealing messages just for you through the cards!

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy


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