Who is Archangel Chamuel - Lisa Beachy

Who is Archangel Chamuel?

Hello, my lovely friends! I am excited to discuss the powerful Archangel Chamuel with you today. Known as the angel of peaceful relationships, Chamuel radiates soothing energies of love, compassion and harmony. When we invoke Chamuel’s presence, we open our hearts to give and receive more love. Let’s explore this magnificent being of light!

Who is Archangel Chamuel?

Archangel Chamuel is one of the seven archangels of divine light. Their name means “he who sees God” or “he who seeks God.” As a loving angel of peaceful relationships, Chamuel assists us in finding inner peace, letting go of anger or resentment, and increasing our capacity to give and receive love. Chamuel also helps us find lost objects, strengthens our connection to God/Source, and lifts our vibrations into the higher realms.

This remarkable archangel emanates divine frequencies of pink, green and gold light. When we invite Chamuel into our lives, we begin to see the beauty and divinity in ourselves, others and all of life. Chamuel teaches us to replace judgment with compassion, so we can build stronger, heart-centered relationships.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Name Meaning?

As mentioned above, Archangel Chamuel’s name has two beautiful meanings:

  • “He who sees God” – This signifies Chamuel’s ability to see and feel the presence of the Divine in all things, including ourselves and others. Chamuel helps us recognize the God essence within everyone.
  • “He who seeks God” – This represents humanity’s soulful quest to reconnect with the Divine. Chamuel guides us on our spiritual path to seek God/Source and our highest truth.

Both meanings capture Chamuel’s loving presence to illuminate our lives with divinity, oneness, and grace.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Specialty?

Archangel Chamuel is the angel of peaceful relationships and harmonious interconnections. Some of Chamuel’s specialties include:

  • Helping us let go of anger, resentment, and grudges
  • Dissolving painful relationship patterns
  • Restoring trust, cooperation, and mutual understanding
  • Strengthening the heart chakra and our capacity to give/receive love
  • Finding lost objects or misplaced information
  • Uplifting our vibrations with pink, green and gold rays of light

Chamuel is like a divine relationship therapist! This angel restores love and peace within us, allowing our soul’s light to shine brighter.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Color?

Archangel Chamuel is associated with radiant pink light, which represents love, compassion and tenderness. Chamuel also emanates rays of emerald green for healing and restoration, as well as golden light to activate higher consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Pink invites self-love and gentle heart openings, while green brings renewal and forgiveness. Golden light stimulates wisdom, clarity and inner peace. Together, these beautiful colors reflect the energies Chamuel transmits to uplift relationships and awaken divinity within.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Stone or Crystal?

Some crystals and gemstones associated with Archangel Chamuel include:

  • Rose Quartz – This pink stone catalyzes unconditional love, tenderness, and emotional healing. It has a gentle, nourishing vibration like Chamuel’s presence.
  • Green Aventurine – This crystal reinforces the heart chakra. It vibrates with Chamuel’s energies of compassion, empathy, and emotional equilibrium.
  • Citrine – This golden gemstone amplifies optimism, inner light, and a joyful state of mind. It resonates with Chamuel’s ability to restore hope and inner peace.
  • Rhodonite – This pink and black stone helps us release old wounds or patterns for positive transformation. It aligns with Chamuel’s specialty of dissolving relationship conflicts.

Working with these crystals during meditation amplifies our connections with Chamuel. Wearing them over the heart chakra also helps us embody loving and peaceful ways of being.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Scent or Smell (Essential Oils)?

Archangel Chamuel’s presence carries a sweet, floral scent, similar to rose or jasmine. Chamuel is also associated with the following essential oils:

  • Rose – The scent of rose invokes self-love, emotional healing, tenderness, and opening of the heart chakra.
  • Jasmine – This sensual floral oil elicits feelings of passion, romance, and affection. It aligns with Chamuel’s energies of relationships.
  • Lavender – With its calming and stress-relieving aroma, lavender promotes inner peace, restful sleep, and relaxation.
  • Ylang Ylang – This exotic, floral oil resonates with Chamuel’s ability to restore harmony, balance, and loving vibrations.

Adding these oils to your space, diffuser, or even your skin connects you with Chamuel’s tranquil and loving frequencies.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Plant or Flower?

Like the angel’s scent, Archangel Chamuel has strong associations with flowers, particularly roses. Other plants/flowers connected to Chamuel include:

  • Pink Roses – These roses uplift the heart chakra and open us to give/receive more love. Their color and fragrance invoke Chamuel’s energies.
  • Jasmine – This sensually scented bloom resonates with passions of the heart and relationships.
  • Lotus – Representing purity, rebirth and divinity within each soul. Aligns with Chamuel’s ability to reveal inner godliness.
  • Lavender – This soothing purple flower promotes peace, emotional balance and spiritual healing.
  • Fern – Symbolizes emotional resilience, tranquility, and overcoming challenges. Connects to Chamuel’s support during transitions.

Growing or gifting these plants/flowers makes a wonderful offering to Chamuel. Displaying them in your environment infuses this angel’s presence.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Energy?

Archangel Chamuel emanates soft, gentle and loving energies, like a tender embrace from Mother Earth. Specifically, Chamuel transmits:

  • Pink rays of gentle, compassionate love
  • Emerald green light for emotional/spiritual healing
  • Peach golden frequencies to awaken inner divinity and higher consciousness
  • Soothing vibrations of tranquility, comfort, and inner peace

Chamuel’s energy feels like a calming breeze across a mountain meadow or the warmth of candlelight radiating through a darkened room. This angel’s presence is never forceful, always patient, kind and peaceful. Inviting Chamuel into your heart and mind uplifts you with sacred light and loving frequencies.

What is Archangel Chamuel’s Origin Story?

Like other archangels, Archangel Chamuel emerged directly from the Source/God’s divine consciousness. There are two predominant origin stories:

Version 1: When humanity fell into lower vibrations of fear, pain, and suffering, Source created Chamuel to illuminate the way back to love, peace, and harmonious relationships.

Version 2: Chamuel originated as humanity’s collective consciousness evolved to prioritize love, compassion and peaceful co-existence. This angel rose from our soulful desires for harmonious relationships and inner/outer peace.

While the origins vary, Chamuel’s purpose remains – to open our hearts, expand our capacity for compassion, and restore peace within ourselves and relationships through unconditional divine love. This magnificent angel of peaceful connections guides us to create heaven on Earth.

Ways to Connect with Archangel Chamuel

There are many simple, uplifting ways we can connect and work with Archangel Chamuel:

  • Call upon Chamuel when needing help with relationships, emotional healing or inner peace. This angel will respond!
  • Meditate with pink, green or gold light and ask Chamuel to fill your heart with love.
  • Chant or speak Chamuel’s name aloud to invoke their presence anywhere, anytime.
  • Spend time in nature, seeing the presence of Divinity in all living things. This aligns with Chamuel’s energies.
  • Wear or carry heart-shaped roses, pink gems, and essential oils linked to Chamuel to strengthen your bond.
  • Express gratitude and appreciation for the love, compassion and kindness you receive. Chamuel will amplify these gifts.
  • Forgive yourself and others to dissolve conflicts. This allows Chamuel’s soothing presence to enter.

Archangel Chamuel is always near, ready to guide each soul back into the light of divine love. Are you ready to open your heart? Simply whisper Chamuel’s name… and this angel will be there.


In summary, Archangel Chamuel is a powerful angelic being who specializes in peaceful relationships, emotional/spiritual healing and divine love. Chamuel teaches us to replace fear or resentment with empathy, compassion and grace. This magnificent angel radiates soft pink, green and gold rays of light to uplift weary souls into higher states of inner peace, unconditional love and sacred harmony. By inviting Chamuel into our lives, we gain an angelic ally to help us find hope, recover lost inner treasures, strengthen our heart connections, and anchor heaven on Earth by cultivating divine love. Chamuel’s comforting presence will surround you when you lovingly call this angel’s name. Open your heart and soul to receive the blessings of Archangel Chamuel today.

Here is a summary table of the key information about Archangel Chamuel from the article:

Topic Information
Name Meaning “He who sees God” or “He who seeks God”
Specialties Peaceful relationships, releasing resentment/anger, emotional healing, finding lost objects, raising vibrations with pink/green/gold light
Color Pink, green, gold
Crystals Rose quartz, green aventurine, citrine, rhodonite
Scent Rose, jasmine, lavender, ylang ylang
Flowers Pink roses, jasmine, lotus, lavender, fern
Energy Gentle, loving, peaceful
Origin Emerged from Divine Source to illuminate the way back to love and peace

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Archangel Chamuel’s name mean?

Archangel Chamuel’s name has two beautiful meanings: “He who sees God” and “He who seeks God.” These meanings signify Chamuel’s connection to the Divine and humanity’s spiritual quest.

What is Archangel Chamuel known for?

Archangel Chamuel is known as the angel of peaceful relationships. Chamuel specializes in helping us let go of resentment, heal emotional wounds, enhance our capacity for compassion, find inner peace, and restore love in relationships or with ourselves.

What colors are associated with Archangel Chamuel?

Archangel Chamuel is associated with radiant pink light representing love and tenderness. Chamuel also emanates rays of emerald green for healing and restoration, as well as golden light to activate higher states of consciousness.

What crystals can I use to connect with Archangel Chamuel?

Some crystals associated with Chamuel include rose quartz, green aventurine, citrine and rhodonite. Working with these during meditation or wearing them over your heart strengthens your bond with Chamuel.

What essential oil aligns with Archangel Chamuel’s energy?

Some essential oils connected to Archangel Chamuel are rose, jasmine, lavender and ylang ylang. Diffusing these oils evokes Chamuel’s peaceful and loving presence.

How can I call upon Archangel Chamuel for help or guidance?

You can call upon Archangel Chamuel anytime by speaking this angel’s name aloud. You can also meditate with pink/green/gold light and ask Chamuel to fill your heart with compassion and inner peace.

What is the best way to connect with Archangel Chamuel regularly?

Some simple ways to connect with Archangel Chamuel include displaying roses or heart shapes, wearing pink or green gems, spending time in nature, and cultivating forgiveness and gratitude in your relationships.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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