What are Best Crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Raphael?

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Best crystals and Gemstones for Archangel Raphael - Lisa Beachy

Hello, lovely friends! We are blessed to have the magnificent Archangel Raphael in our lives. Known as the angel of healing, Raphael is devoted to restoring well-being and wholeness on every level. His divine light shines powerfully, ready to uplift us all through times of hardship and suffering. What crystals does Archangel Raphael resonate with? Archangel Raphael resonates most strongly with crystals and gemstones that relate to healing, protection, and communication.

Which Crystals Resonate with Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael resonates most profoundly with crystals and gemstones that have a deep connection to healing, protection, and communication. Here are some of the most potent crystals to connect with Raphael’s vibrant energy:

  • Malachite: A potent heart chakra stone that diligently absorbs negative energies and stimulates emotional healing.
  • Green Aventurine: Often referred to as the “stone of opportunity,” it enhances leadership qualities and fosters compassion and empathy.
  • Chrysocolla: This crystal is known to inspire communication and expression.
  • Green Calcite: A gentle energy stone that opens channels for spiritual guidance.
  • Bloodstone: Renowned as the “stone of courage,” it provides grounding energy and fortifies one’s root chakra.
  • Clear Quartz: A master healer stone that amplifies intentions and energy.

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What are Archangel Raphael’s Healing Properties?

As the archangel of profound healing, Archangel Raphael is renowned for his unparalleled ability to heal bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. Some of his most potent healing properties encompass:

  • Soothing emotional trauma and painful memories
  • Alleviating worry, anxiety, and depression
  • Healing rifts in relationships and restoring communication
  • Cleansing and optimizing the function of the chakras
  • Protecting from psychic attack and imparting spiritual knowledge
  • Inspiring solutions for challenging situations and conflicts
  • Motivating positive life changes that serve the highest good
  • Facilitating recovery from illness, injury, or addiction
  • Guiding healers, doctors, therapists, and counselors with divine wisdom

Raphael’s healing touch allows us to release what no longer serves our highest purpose, restoring balance on all fronts. His presence is gentle, warm, and deeply comforting.

Chakras Associated with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael has a profound connection with the heart chakra, also known as Anahata. This chakra embodies love, compassion, and acceptance. Raphael’s healing green energy resonates deeply with the heart chakra, aiding in healing emotional wounds, easing heartache, and fostering forgiveness and compassion.

How Can You Work with Archangel Raphael?

Healing with Archangel Raphael A Journey to Inner PeaceThere are myriad ways to invoke Archangel Raphael’s profound power for healing:

  • Wear or carry healing stones like malachite, green calcite, or green aventurine
  • Use green candles in rituals and meditations
  • Recite prayers, chants, or healing affirmations associated with Raphael
  • Get a tattoo of Raphael’s sigil to invoke his constant presence
  • Ask for signs and notice intuitions or sensations when Raphael is near
  • Cleanse your space with incense or sage before and after healing work
  • Designate a corner with Raphael images, plants, and stones to create a dedicated altar
  • Practice envisioning Raphael’s emerald green light surrounding you
  • Directly invite Raphael’s guidance through questions and requests
  • Keep a dream journal to notice any messages he provides while dreaming

Essential Oils Resonating with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael’s cleansing and healing energy resonates most profoundly with essential oils that align with improved well-being. Some of the most potent oils associated with Raphael include:

  • Lavender: Promotes peaceful relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Frankincense: Purifying scent that promotes spiritual awareness.
  • Peppermint: Stimulating and refreshing.
  • Rosemary: An energizing scent that improves concentration.
  • Myrrh: Spiritually uplifting aroma that facilitates connection with the divine.
  • Eucalyptus: Opens airways and promotes deep breathing.
  • Tea Tree: Potent antibacterial and antimicrobial effects support immune health.
  • Clary Sage: An emotionally balancing scent that uplifts mood and eases stress.
  • Lemongrass: A cleansing, detoxifying scent that purifies energy.
  • Juniper: A grounding forest aroma that soothes a racing mind.

Find the Essential Oils for purchase through my Amazon affiliate store – Click Here

Rituals to Connect with Archangel Raphael

Some deeply meaningful rituals and practices to deepen your bond with Archangel Raphael include:

  • Creating an altar with green candles, healing gemstones, angel figurines, wings, or other symbols of Raphael
  • Practicing meditation focused on emerald green light filling your heart and body
  • Chanting the mantra Om Ham Haum Jah Shaum Urah Shananaya to invoke Raphael’s presence
  • Keeping a dream journal to record messages he provides in dreams
  • Engaging in breathwork and visualization to activate and balance the heart chakra
  • Using a green Ribbon to bookmark pages in healing books or tie around healing tools
  • Taking saltwater cleansing baths with essential oils to purify energy
  • Practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation to sync your heartbeat with Raphael’s emerald rhythm
  • Going for nature walks to find feathers as signs that Raphael is near
  • Donating time or resources to a cause that aids in healing others
  • Journaling regularly to process emotions and track spiritual growth

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What are the main colors associated with Archangel Raphael?

The main colors associated with Archangel Raphael are emerald green and gold.


Green connects Raphael to nature, balance, harmony, growth, and the heart chakra. Emerald green is specifically tied to healing and wholeness. It represents the potent restorative energy Raphael channels from the divine.


Gold symbolizes Raphael’s divine wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and connection to God. As an archangel residing close to God’s light, Raphael emanates the golden glow of Divine knowledge. Gold also represents the purity of Raphael’s healing energy.

In many depictions, Raphael appears with vibrant emerald green and shimmering golden wings and aura. He may also wield a golden staff. Candles, stones, clothing, and other items used in working with Raphael are often colored emerald green and gold to align with his frequency. Seeing these colors can signal Raphael’s presence.

Green and gold remind us of Raphael’s mastership of healing on every level – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When we visualize these colors surrounding us, we invite Raphael’s powerful, divine healing into our lives.


In conclusion, Archangel Raphael offers profoundly transformative healing on multidimensional levels for those who seek it. By working with Raphael’s potent crystals, essential oils, rituals, and practices, we can restore well-being of body, mind, and spirit under his compassionate green light. Sincere prayers and willingness to listen to his subtle guidance opens channels for Raphael’s miracles. Whether through a tool as simple as a green candle or as grand as a healing temple dedicated to his service, calling upon Archangel Raphael activates his unconditional healing gifts in powerful ways. Consistent spiritual work with this angelic healer deepens the soul’s journey of enlightenment and ascension.

Topic Summary
Archangel Raphael’s Crystals Malachite, green aventurine, chrysocolla, green calcite, bloodstone, clear quartz
Raphael’s Healing Properties Emotional healing, anxiety relief, relationship healing, chakra clearing, spiritual protection, guiding healers
Raphael’s Chakra Heart chakra
Working with Raphael Healing stones, candles, sigils, prayers, meditation
Raphael’s Oils Lavender, frankincense, peppermint, rosemary, myrrh
Raphael Rituals Altars, chanting, dreaming, meditation, spiritual self-care
Raphael Healing Visualization, prayers, incantations, dedicating healing work to him
Raphael Symbols Green, gold, healing staff, fish

Frequently Asked Questions about Archangel Raphael

What are archangels?

Archangels are powerful angelic beings believed to be chief angels and leaders within the angelic realm. Many faiths refer to them as angels of high rank and the most potent divine intermediaries between God and humanity.

How can you contact Archangel Raphael?

Some ways to contact Raphael include prayer, meditation focused on him, chanting his name, using his sigil, working with associated crystals and oils, creating an altar, and simply speaking to him internally or out loud. He hears all sincere requests.

What signs indicate Archangel Raphael is near?

Signs of Raphael’s presence include seeing emerald green or gold light, his symbols like fish or staff, sensing warmth or tingling, increased intuition and inspiration, coincidences related to healing, and improved mood, health or relationships.

Does Archangel Raphael help with depression?

Yes, Raphael is devoted to emotional healing and mental health. He gently helps lift depressed moods, ease anxiety, soothe grief, and inspire positive life changes that serve the highest good.

Can Raphael cure diseases?

Raphael has divine power to facilitate miraculous physical healings. Moreover, while he may not cure every condition if it’s not in alignment with the life plan, he can support medical treatment and remission and guide healers to provide relief. Additionally, he can help you find the doctors or healers you need to help.

What is Raphael the patron saint of?

Raphael is the patron saint of healing, health care workers, doctors, nurses, medical students, the sick, the blind, happy meetings, and travelers. He oversees and supports these areas.

How is Raphael depicted in art?

Raphael is often shown as a young man dressed in white or green robes with golden wings. He may hold a healing staff, jug of medicine, fish, or traveler’s hat. He is surrounded by emerald and gold light.

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In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Find out more about Archangel Raphael

Best Essential Oils for Archangel Raphael

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