Prayer Archangel Raphael

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Hello, my lovely friend!  Thank you for taking the time to read and learn about the prayer for Archangel Raphael can use to help us in life daily!

Prayer Archangel Raphael should be thought of as prayer for the Creator to have Archangel Raphael help us.  We do not pray to angels, But, I love the fact that Archangel Raphael can be called on to not only helps us help in the mind body or soul, but also find us resources needed for healing whether it is a dentist, doctor or resource like a book or video.

Discover the power of prayer with Archangel Raphael and experience his healing presence in your life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prayer Archangel Raphael invokes the intercession of St. Raphael, the healer and one of the seven Archangels who stands before the throne of God.
  • Raphael’s name means ‘God’s Healing’, and he is invoked for healing of both body and soul.
  • Prayers to St. Raphael also seek his guidance, protection, and deliverance.
  • St. Raphael’s intercession can be found in the Book of Tobias, which describes his role as a healer and guide.
  • Raphael is also known as the Angel of Science and Knowledge, and he is considered the most sociable of the archangels.

Who is Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael is one of the seven Archangels who stands before the throne of God, known for his powerful healing abilities and divine interventions. His name, which means ‘God’s Healing’, reflects his role as a healer and guide. In various religious texts, such as the Book of Tobias, Raphael is depicted as a benevolent angel who assists those in need of healing, protection, guidance, and deliverance.

Raphael is also recognized as the Angel of Science and Knowledge, adding another layer to his multifaceted character. He is believed to possess a deep understanding of the mysteries of the universe and is often associated with intellectual pursuits and the pursuit of truth. Despite his significant responsibilities, Raphael is known for his sociable nature, sense of humor, and cheerful disposition.

Praying to Archangel Raphael involves seeking his intercession for healing, both physical and emotional, as well as for guidance and protection. Many prayers directed towards him are derived from the Book of Tobias, emphasizing the connection between Raphael and healing. People often invoke his name when seeking comfort during times of illness, travel, and when longing for a safe return home.

The Healing Power of Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is widely revered for his ability to bring profound healing to those who seek his intercession, addressing both physical ailments and emotional distress. As the healer and guide, Raphael’s name, which means ‘God’s Healing,’ holds great significance. Through prayer, individuals can connect with Raphael’s healing energy and experience inner peace and solace.

When we seek Raphael’s intercession, we tap into his divine power to heal not only our physical bodies but also our souls. Whether we are dealing with an illness, injury, or emotional pain, calling upon Archangel Raphael can provide comfort and help restore our well-being. His guidance, protection, and deliverance are also sought after by those navigating difficult moments in their lives.

In the Book of Tobias, Raphael’s role as a healer and guide is beautifully described. He accompanies Tobias on a journey and plays a significant part in healing both physical and spiritual wounds. This story serves as a powerful testament to Raphael’s compassion and the efficacy of invoking his intercession through prayer.

Prayers to St. Raphael

  • Request for physical and emotional healing.
  • Seeking guidance and protection in challenging situations.
  • Invocation for safe travel and a happy return.

Archangel Raphael’s healing presence is not only limited to physical ailments but extends to all areas of our lives. By opening our hearts and minds to his energy, we invite profound transformation and healing into our relationships, work, and personal growth. Through the power of prayer, we can experience the loving embrace of Archangel Raphael, finding solace and strength in his divine presence.

Archangel Raphael’s Attributes and Symbols

Archangel Raphael is often depicted with specific symbols and attributes that represent his healing qualities and divine presence. These symbols serve as reminders of his power and the miracles he can bring into our lives:

  • The Caduceus: This symbol, often associated with the medical profession, consists of a staff with two intertwining serpents. It represents healing and restoration, highlighting Raphael’s role as a mighty healer.
  • The Green Ray: Raphael is often portrayed surrounded by a vibrant green light or wearing robes in shades of green. Green is the color of nature, growth, and renewal, symbolizing Raphael’s ability to bring forth healing and transformation.
  • The Traveler’s Staff: In some depictions, Raphael is shown holding a staff, which represents guidance and protection. It signifies his role as a trusted companion who guides and supports us on our life’s journey.

Archangel Raphael’s wings

As with other archangels, Raphael is often depicted with magnificent wings. His wings represent his divine nature and his ability to move swiftly to bring healing and assistance wherever it is needed.

These symbols and attributes not only evoke the power and presence of Archangel Raphael but also serve as reminders of the healing potential that lies within each of us. By connecting with Raphael’s energy, we can tap into our own innate healing abilities and invite his intercession into our lives.

Whether we seek physical healing, emotional well-being, or guidance in making important decisions, Archangel Raphael is ready to lend a helping hand. Through prayer and meditation, we can invite his healing energy into our lives and experience the transformative power of his presence.

Raphael’s Role as the Angel of Science and Knowledge

Archangel Raphael is not only known for his healing powers but also for his role as the Angel of Science and Knowledge, providing wisdom and insight to those who seek understanding and intellectual growth. His divine presence extends beyond physical healing, offering guidance and assistance in matters of the mind and spirit.

As the Angel of Science and Knowledge, Archangel Raphael embodies wisdom and understanding. He is a source of inspiration for scholars, scientists, and seekers of truth. By connecting with Raphael’s energy, individuals can tap into a wellspring of knowledge, gaining clarity and insights into their studies, work, and personal development.

One way to invoke Archangel Raphael’s assistance in matters of knowledge and learning is through prayer. By offering sincere prayers to him, one can open a channel of communication and receive guidance and inspiration for intellectual pursuits. Whether it is for exams, research projects, or simply seeking wisdom, Archangel Raphael can provide the support and guidance needed to excel.

The Power of Prayer to Archangel Raphael

  • Pray for clarity and understanding in your studies or work.
  • Seek guidance and inspiration for research projects or intellectual pursuits.
  • Ask for wisdom and insight in decision-making processes.
  • Request assistance in finding the right resources or mentors to further your knowledge.
  • Express gratitude for the knowledge and understanding you have gained.

Through prayer, one can create a sacred connection with Archangel Raphael, accessing his infinite wisdom and guidance. As the Angel of Science and Knowledge, his presence can illuminate the path of intellectual growth and support individuals in their quest for knowledge and understanding.

Invoking Archangel Raphael

Praying for Archangel Raphael can be a powerful way to invoke his healing presence and seek his guidance in various aspects of life, including health, protection, and safe travel. When we turn to Archangel Raphael in prayer, we open ourselves up to receiving his divine assistance and support.

One way to pray to Archangel Raphael is by using traditional prayers that have been passed down through generations. These prayers often include specific petitions for healing, protection, and guidance. By reciting these prayers with intention and faith, we invite the healing energy of Archangel Raphael into our lives.

Another powerful way to pray to Archangel Raphael is by speaking directly from the heart. In your own words, express your heartfelt desires for healing, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Open up a dialogue with Archangel Raphael and share your fears, hopes, and dreams. Trust that he is listening and will guide you on the path to wellness and wholeness.

Remember, prayer is a personal and intimate connection with the divine. As you pray to Archangel Raphael, cultivate a quiet and peaceful environment where you can focus your thoughts and intentions. Allow yourself to be open and receptive to the healing presence of Archangel Raphael, knowing that his divine love and support are always available to you.

7 Healing Intentions with Archangel Raphael

In moments of vulnerability, we often seek strength and healing. St. Raphael, known for his healing prowess, can be our guide. Let’s focus our intentions with these modern prayers.

Recovery with Archangel Raphael

Raphael, renowned healer, guide us with wisdom as we journey towards recovery. Illuminate our path, reminding us that every setback offers growth and understanding. Stay with us, offering guidance, insight, and support during these times. May we find resilience and hope.

Physical Well-being with Archangel Raphael

Archangel  Raphael, with your renowned healing touch, be our anchor during times of physical adversity. With your guidance, may we discover the strength and resources to heal. Here’s to progress, recovery, and returning to our best selves.

Healing a Wounded Spirit with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, Raphael, healer of the soul, guide us as we navigate emotional and spiritual wounds. Help us find peace, understanding, and a renewed sense of purpose. As we heal, may we find a deeper connection with ourselves and the universe.

Mending Failed Relationships with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, guide of relationships, help us find understanding and forgiveness in the aftermath of heartbreak. Teach us to let go, learn, and grow from our experiences. May we find the strength to move forward with grace and wisdom.

Emotional Healing with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael, counselor of the heart, be with us during times of emotional turmoil. Help us find clarity, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose. Guide us as we navigate our emotions and find balance in our lives.

Patience in Healing with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael,  beacon of patience, remind us that healing is a journey, not a destination. Help us understand the value of time and patience in our recovery. Guide us as we find strength and resilience in the process.

Mercy and Healing with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael,  symbol of divine mercy, remind us of the universe’s boundless grace and compassion. Help us heal, both physically and spiritually, and guide us as we journey towards complete recovery.

Archangel Raphael Heals

Archangel Raphael, the healing angel, offers us his loving presence and guidance through prayer, bringing us comfort, healing, and inner peace. As one of the seven Archangels who stands before the throne of God, Raphael is known as the healer, and his name itself means ‘God’s Healing’.

Through the power of prayer, we can connect with Raphael’s divine energy and experience his profound healing abilities. Whether we seek healing for our physical ailments or solace for our emotional wounds, Archangel Raphael is there to intercede on our behalf. His role as a healer extends not only to our bodies but also to our souls, offering us a holistic approach to well-being.

Not only does Archangel Raphael provide healing, but he is also known for his guidance, protection, and deliverance. His presence in our lives brings a sense of security and comfort, knowing that we are supported by his loving energy. By invoking his intercession, we can navigate through life’s challenges with grace and find the guidance we need to make wise decisions.

Furthermore, Archangel Raphael is recognized as the Angel of Science and Knowledge. This aspect of his identity deepens his connection to healing, as it highlights the importance of understanding and acquiring knowledge in our quest to attain well-being. Through prayer, we can tap into Raphael’s wisdom and seek enlightenment in various areas of our lives.


In conclusion, Archangel Raphael’s healing presence and the power of prayer go hand in hand. By turning to him in prayer, we open ourselves to his loving energy. Allow him to work miracles in our lives. Whether we are in need of physical healing, emotional support, or guidance, Archangel Raphael is there to offer his assistance. Let us embrace the power of prayer and invite Raphael into our hearts, knowing that with his intercession, we can find comfort, healing, and inner peace.


What is the Prayer Archangel Raphael?

The Prayer Archangel Raphael is a form of prayer that invokes the intercession of St. Raphael, one of the seven Archangels who stands before the throne of God. It is a prayer for healing of both body and soul, as well as for guidance, protection, and deliverance.

Who is Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael is known as the healer, and his name means ‘God’s Healing’. He is one of the seven Archangels and is invoked for healing, guidance, protection, and deliverance. He is also referred to as the Angel of Science and Knowledge and is known for his happy disposition and sense of humor.

What can Archangel Raphael heal?

Archangel Raphael can bring healing to both the body and soul. People seek his intercession for physical ailments, emotional well-being, guidance in making important decisions, and protection during travel.

What are the symbols associated with Archangel Raphael?

Archangel Raphael is associated with various symbols, including the caduceus (a staff with entwined serpents), a fish, a green robe, and a healing spring. These symbols represent his healing energy and his ability to bring forth miracles.

What is Archangel Raphael’s role as the Angel of Science and Knowledge?

Archangel Raphael’s role as the Angel of Science and Knowledge signifies his connection to intellectual pursuits and the acquisition of wisdom. It relates to his healing abilities as he brings forth knowledge and understanding to aid in the healing process.

How can I pray to Archangel Raphael?

Praying to Archangel Raphael involves invoking his intercession through specific prayers and invocations. You can pray for healing, protection, safe travel, and a happy return. Some prayers for his intercession come from the Book of Tobias, which tells of his role as a healer and guide.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Learn more about Archangel Raphael