Empower Yourself: “I Am” Affirmations

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Empower Yourself I Am Affirmations - Lisa Beachy

Hello, lovely friends! I’m so excited to share this inspirational article about using “I am” affirmations to empower yourself. Affirmations are such a simple yet powerful tool we can use daily to shift our mindset and manifest the reality we desire.

When we focus on “I am” statements, we’re planting seeds in our subconscious mind. Regularly watering those seeds (repeating the affirmations) helps them grow into our new beliefs about ourselves and what’s possible for our lives.

Affirmations help us move past self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk so we can align our thoughts with our heart’s true desires. Who wouldn’t want that?!

Let’s explore some of the top questions around affirmations so you can start using this transformational practice daily. I hope these empowering words inspire you to recognize your inner magnificence! You are amazing just as you are.

What are some examples of “I am” affirmations?

Here are some positive examples of “I am” affirmations:

  • I am confident
  • I am worthy of love
  • I am patient and kind
  • I am healthy and vibrant
  • I am grateful
  • I am creative and passionate
  • I am financially abundant
  • I am supported and guided

When creating your own affirmations, choose words that feel aligned with your soul. Focus on the emotions you want to feel and areas of life you want to improve.

Some tips:

  • Use positive, present tense phrases
  • Keep them short and easy to repeat
  • Make them unique to you
  • Include feeling words when possible

How do you use affirmations to manifest?

Using affirmations is an important part of the manifestation process. Here are some tips for using affirmative statements to manifest your desires:

  • Get clear on your intention
  • Create affirmations that align with your goals
  • Write them down or repeat them aloud
  • Visualize your desires as already manifested
  • Feel the emotions associated with having your desire
  • Repeat daily, with focus and conviction
  • Let go of attachment to the outcome
  • Have patience and trust in the process

When paired with visualization and emotional embodiment, repeating affirmative mantras helps shift your energy to align with your intentions. As you change your energy, you begin attracting your desires into physical form.

When should you say affirmations?

Consistency is key when working with affirmations. The best times to repeat your affirmative statements are:

  • First thing in the morning
  • Throughout the day
  • While getting ready in the morning
  • During meditation or mindfulness practices
  • While falling asleep at night

You can also repeat affirmations anytime you need a confidence boost or reminder of your worth. Some other highly effective times include:

  • During exercise or activities
  • When faced with challenges or adversity
  • Before tackling a new opportunity or goal
  • When doubts, fears or limiting beliefs arise

Integrating affirmations into your daily routine maximizes their positive impact. Even 5-10 minutes a day can make a difference!

How long does it take for affirmations to work?

The time it takes for affirmations to shift your beliefs and energy varies by individual. Consistency over time is the most important factor.

Generally, you may notice small changes in your thinking and experiences within a few weeks of daily repetition. However, it can take 90 to 180 days of daily affirmations for new beliefs and thought patterns to solidify.

Remain patient and persistent. Even if you don’t “feel” like your affirmations are working at first, they are subtly reprogramming your unconscious mind. With continued focus, your outer world will start to reflect your new affirmations.

What makes an affirmation powerful?

Here are some tips for creating powerful affirmations that get results:

  • Use positive, present tense language (“I am” rather than “I will be”)
  • Make them personal and unique to you
  • Focus on emotions, states of being, qualities you want to embody
  • Keep them concise and easy to memorize
  • Make sure they align with your inner truth
  • Infuse meaning and energy into them through meditation and visualization
  • Repeat with genuine conviction and feeling
  • Write them down or record for frequent repetition

Craft your affirmations thoughtfully and let them reflect your soul’s true desires – not just surface level goals. The more personalized and aligned they are, the more potency they will carry.

How can affirmations improve your relationships?

Using relationship-focused affirmations can positively transform your connections with romantic partners, friends and family members. Possible benefits include:

  • Increased feelings of self-love and worthiness, which enhances all relationships
  • Less judgement of others
  • More compassion, empathy and understanding for loved ones
  • Attracting kind, like-minded people into your life
  • Feeling more appreciated by existing relationships
  • Communicating in healthier ways
  • Feeling confident setting boundaries
  • Releasing past relationship hurts or traumas

Some examples of relationship affirmations:

  • I am ready for healthy, loving relationships
  • I forgive those who have caused me pain
  • I communicate my needs kindly and confidently
  • I am loved, supported and understood

Focus on raising your self-love and vibrational alignment. Your outer relationships will shift and improve accordingly.

How can I get the most out of my daily affirmations?

Here are some tips for making your daily affirmation practice as empowering as possible:

  • Set the intention to open your heart and mind to positive change.
  • Focus and be present when reciting your affirmations. Avoid multitasking.
  • Visualize and feel the emotions of your desires coming true.
  • Repeat with conviction – say your affirmations aloud with energy and authority.
  • Write them down and place reminders around your home/office.
  • Be consistent – make affirmations part of your daily routine.
  • Trust the process – relax and know your soul hears your messages.
  • Have patience – allow time for your subconscious mind to integrate the positive beliefs.

Dedicate 5-10 focused minutes each morning to your affirmation practice. Or recite throughout the day. This simple ritual has the power to uplift and empower you in remarkable ways!


Friends, I hope this overview inspires you to start integrating positive “I am” affirmations into your daily life. Remember that you are the creator of your reality, and your thoughts and beliefs shape your experiences. By regularly “watering the seeds” of empowering affirmations, you can grow into your highest and happiest self.

Whenever doubts arise, return to these positive truths. With consistent practice, they will bloom beautifully to shift your self-concept and energy flow in wondrous ways.

You are worthy, capable, and deserving of all good things! Allow these affirmations to guide you to recognizing your inherent worth and potential.

I’m sending you all much love and light on your journey. You’ve got this!

Key Takeaways

  • Affirmations are positive “I am” statements that reprogram our unconscious beliefs.
  • When paired with visualization and repetition, affirmations help shift energy to attract desires.
  • Consistency is key – integrate affirmations into your daily routine.
  • Craft meaningful, personal affirmations aligned with your true being.
  • Focus on emotions, states of being and self-concept rather than surface desires.
  • Allow time, patience and trust in the process for affirmations to work.
  • Use affirmations to raise your vibration and improve all areas of life and relationships.
Topic Summary
What are “I am” affirmations? Positive statements phrased in the present tense using “I am” to reprogram beliefs.
Manifesting with Affirmations Get clear on intentions, create aligned affirmations, repeat them, visualize, embody emotions, let go of attachments.
When to Use Affirmations Morning, evening, during activities, when needing confidence or facing challenges. Aim for consistency.
Timeframe to Work Can notice changes in weeks, but take 90-180 days to fully integrate new beliefs.
Powerful Affirmations Present tense, personal, concise, focused on emotions and states of being, aligned with inner truth. Repeat with conviction.
Benefits Improve self-love, relationships, communication, boundaries, attract desired experiences.
Getting the Most Out of Affirmations Set intentions, focus, visualize, write them down, repeat with energy, be patient and consistent.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most important things to remember when creating affirmations?

Some key tips are to use positive, present-tense phrases focused on your desires and qualities you want to embody. Keep them short, personal and easy to memorize. Make sure they resonate with your inner truth.

How many times per day should I repeat my affirmations?

Aim for at least 5-10 focused minutes daily, such as morning and evening. You can integrate short repetitions throughout the day as well. Consistency over time is what matters most.

What should I do when I start feeling doubtful about my affirmations?

Doubts are normal. Gently acknowledge them, then renew your focus on the affirmations. Visualize your desires manifesting. Repeat with more conviction. Affirm your power to create your reality.

When will I start to see tangible results from my affirmation practice?

Results vary, but subtle shifts in thinking and feeling can happen within a few weeks. More concrete changes related to your goals often take 2-3 months of consistent practice. Trust the process.

Can I write my affirmations in a journal or vision board rather than repeating them aloud?

Absolutely! Writing them reinforces the intentions just as speaking them aloud does. Vision boards are also great visual representations of desires. Use a mix of techniques.

Is it ok to have multiple different affirmations on various topics?

Yes, you can have affirmations on all different life areas and desires. Follow your intuition on which to focus on at a given time. Rotating topics helps keep the practice fresh.

What should I do if I start feeling skeptical or like the affirmations aren’t true for me?

This can happen as old beliefs surface. Honor where you’re at, but keep an open mind. Consistently repeat the new beliefs over time. Ask your soul/spirit to reveal inner truths.

Can kids or teenagers use affirmations too for empowerment?

Absolutely! Adjust language as needed for their age. Focus on self-esteem, confidence, following intuition and passions. Monitor for obsessive attachment to outcomes.

How long should my affirmation statements be?

Aim for concise phrases of 3-5 words up to complete sentences of 5-15 words maximum. Avoid long, complex statements. Simple and short maximizes effectiveness.

When is the best time to introduce positive affirmations to my daily routine?

Anytime you feel motivated to make a positive change is perfect! Set an intention and begin. The Universe responds to commitment, not timing.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy