Best Essential Oils for Archangel Sandalphon - Lisa Beachy

Best Essential Oils for Archangel Sandalphon

Lovely friends, this is Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive and Reiki Master. I’m so glad you’re here exploring the wisdom of working with Archangel Sandalphon and essential oils. These powerful allies offer so much grace, healing, and divine light to uplift our lives. It’s my honor to share this guide on blending Sandalphon’s treasured fragrances like frankincense, cedarwood, and sage. Used with mindfulness, these sacred scents open intuition, spark creativity, inspire prayerful connections, and ground us firmly in Spirit. My prayer is that this resource illuminates your unique spiritual path with joy, clarity and sacred inspiration. May your heart delight in the beauty of blending essential oils, crystals and prayer to invoke Sandalphon’s stabilizing light. With infinite love and angelic blessings, Lisa Beachy

What are the main essential oils associated with Archangel Sandalphon?

Some of the main essential oils associated with Archangel Sandalphon include frankincense, myrrh, sage, cedarwood, and cypress. Sandalphon is known as the archangel of music, poetry, and prayer, so these woody, earthy oils resonate with his soothing energy. Here is a complete list

  • Frankincense – Connects Sandalphon to higher spiritual realms and opens psychic abilities
  • Myrrh – Also connects Sandalphon to spiritual realms and psychic intuition
  • Cedarwood – Evokes stability and protection, reflecting Sandalphon’s grounded nature
  • Sage – Provides cleansing and purification when calling on Sandalphon
  • Cypress – Cleanses and purifies energy when invoking Sandalphon’s presence
  • Patchouli – Dense, earthy aroma that helps stabilize the aura
  • Vetiver – Anchors the body and calms a restless mind
  • Oakmoss – Connects with earth goddess energies for embodiment
  • Pine – Cleanses environmental negativity around aura
  • Spikenard – Centers the spirit and slows energetic fluctuations
  • Clove – Protective and fortifying, drives away negativity
  • Ginger – Stimulates circulation and energy flow, harmonizes emotions
  • Angelica – Purifying, aids spiritual grounding between realms

Frankincense and myrrh specifically connect Sandalphon to higher spiritual realms. Their scent can help open psychic abilities during meditation. Cedarwood evokes stability and protection, reflective of Sandalphon’s solid, grounded nature. Cypress and sage oils provide cleansing and purification when calling on this archangel.

When working with Sandalphon, essential oils can amplify prayers and intentions. Anointing candles, diffusing the scents during rituals, or applying to the body mindfully can deepen communication and alignment with the archangel. Ultimately, the earthy fragrances amplify Sandalphon’s connection to spiritual growth through prayer and music.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Essential Oil Recommendations for Archangel Sandalphon

What essential oil blend recipes work well for invoking Archangel Sandalphon?

Some effective essential oil blends for invoking Archangel Sandalphon are:

  • Meditation blend – 2 drops frankincense, 2 drops cedarwood, 1 drop sage
  • Prayer blend – 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops myrrh, 1 drop cypress
  • Altar blend – 2 drops myrrh, 2 drops cypress, 1 drop cedarwood
  • Music blend – 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops sage, 2 drops myrrh
  • Grounding blend – 2 drops cedarwood, 2 drops cypress, 1 drop frankincense

The meditation and prayer blends help promote focus, wisdom, and communication with the spiritual realm. The music blend stimulates creativity, expression, and imagination. The altar and grounding recipes foster stability, protection, and connection to the earth.

When mixing oils for Sandalphon, blend woodsy, resinous fragrances like frankincense, myrrh, cedarwood, cypress, and sage. Allow the scent to permeate the space and aura before meditating, praying, or singing. Diffusing the oil during rituals also upgrades the experience. Apply diluted oils topically to pulse points too if desired. Start with 1-2% dilution with a carrier oil.

What crystals pair well with Sandalphon essential oil blends?

Some crystals that pair nicely with essential oils for working with Archangel Sandalphon include:

  • Clear quartz – amplifies intentions
  • Amethyst – aids intuition and psychic abilities
  • Lapis lazuli – stimulates wisdom and truth
  • Turquoise – aligns communication between physical and spiritual realms
  • Tiger’s eye – brings grounding energy
  • Citrine – carries vibes of optimism and spiritual connection

When combining essential oils and crystals, first anoint the stones by placing a drop of the blend on the surface. Clear quartz in particular can magnify the vibration of oils. Hold crystals during meditation, prayer, or music sessions enhanced by Sandalphon essential oil recipes. Place them on the altar as well.

Lapis lazuli with frankincense is ideal for opening psychic awareness. Amethyst with sage promotes purification. Tiger’s eye and cedarwood offer stable, earthy energy. Citrine infused with cypress oil evokes uplifting spiritual alignment. Allow the crystals to resonate together with the essential oils. This amplifies Sandalphon’s presence and spiritual support.

What are some ways to use essential oils to connect with Archangel Sandalphon?

Here are some effective ways to use essential oils for connecting with Archangel Sandalphon:

  • Diffuse an oil blend in the space during meditation or prayer to Sandalphon. The aroma creates an uplifting environment.
  • Anoint prayer beads, candles or sacred images with a Sandalphon essential oil recipe. This dedicates the items to the archangel.
  • Apply a diluted blend to the Third Eye or Crown chakra during meditation. Imagine opening to communication with Sandalphon.
  • Create an aromatic misting spray with the oils and water. Mist your space, altar, or body to invoke the energies.
  • Add a drop of a Sandalphon oil blend to bathwater. Soak and visualize your connection with the archangel deepening.
  • Dab diluted oils on the throat chakra, wrists, and heart center to strengthen communication, writing, and creativity guided by Sandalphon.
  • Place a drop of oil on the corners of written prayers, petitions, or lyrics then burn them to amplify the intentions.
  • Spend time in nature with a Sandalphon blend. The earthy oils magnify communication with the spirit realm.

Always use essential oils safely and mindfully. When in doubt, consult your doctor before use, especially if pregnant or with medical concerns.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Essential Oil Recommendations for Archangel Sandalphon

What prayers work well with Sandalphon oil blends during meditation?

Some meaningful prayers to combine with Sandalphon essential oil blends during meditation include:

Dear Archangel Sandalphon, I call upon you and ask for your divine guidance, wisdom and connection to the highest spiritual realms. Surround me now as I meditate with this sacred scent, and grant me clarity, focus and spiritual truth.”

“Wise Archangel Sandalphon, fill my heart and mind with uplifting energies and inspiration to walk my spiritual path with courage and commitment. Guide my meditation with the beautiful aroma of these oils, that I may hear your message and insights.

“Archangel Sandalphon, please purify and open my chakras, light body and aura to the divine light. Cleanse any negative energy and densite vibration with your healing and loving energy. Bring me into alignment as I connect through this sacred scent.”

“Heavenly Archangel Sandalphon, bless me with your presence as I meditate. Send your comforting and grounding energies through this beautiful aroma. Heal any pain or fears, and restore balance, harmony and grace.”

Powerful Archangel Sandalphon, bless my meditation with visions, intuitive insights, imagination and creative inspiration guided by the divine. Uplift my consciousness and spiritual gifts to be of service to the world.”

Singing, chanting, or praying aloud also magnifies Sandalphon’s connection to music and poetry during meditation. Allow the essential oils to elevate focus and act as an aromatic conduit to the archangel’s healing presence.

What music is associated with Archangel Sandalphon?

As the archangel associated with music and singing, Archangel Sandalphon resonates deeply with sacred music and uplifting sounds. Some specific musical frequencies connected to Sandalphon include:

  • Solfeggio tones like 528Hz, known as the miracles tone, and 999Hz which elevates spiritual consciousness
  • Gregorian chants and monks singing, which align with Sandalphon’s origins with Christianity
  • Sanskrit mantras or kirtans that invoke divine vibrations through chanting
  • Nature sounds like crystal singing bowls or wind chimes that channel earthy, elemental frequencies
  • Classical music or piano compositions that have an uplifting yet grounded quality
  • Angelic choirs singing ethereal notes or toning that opens higher chakras
  • Acoustic guitars or soothing instrumental music that calms and centers the aura
  • Drumming or earthy sounds that provide a grounding, heart-beat like rhythm

When working with Sandalphon, allow the music to move energy and expand awareness. Singing or vocal toning also aligns with this musical archangel. Set intentions for healing, wisdom and spiritual growth as you listen. Essential oils can enhance the experience when diffused aromatically. Overall, pick music that feels uplifting, purifying and emotionally soothing.

What are the best ways to invoke Archangel Sandalphon’s guidance with writing?

Archangel Sandalphon offers wonderful guidance with writing and creative expression through the written word. Here are some ways to invoke his assistance:

  • Begin with a prayer asking Sandalphon to guide your writing and fill you with inspiration. Light a candle and diffuse uplifting essential oils.
  • Keep a Sandalphon prayer card or image of the archangel near your writing space for continuous support.
  • Meditate before writing while holding crystals like lapis lazuli or citrine to align with the archangel.
  • Use a Sandalphon essential oil blend anointed on your third eye or throat chakra tostimulate creativity.
  • Chant Sandalphon’s name or sing prior to writing to invoke his muses.
  • Write about spiritual topics and matters of the soul to align with the archangel’s higher perspectives.
  • Let writing flow freely without self-judgment to allow divine wisdom through Sandalphon to emerge.
  • Practice automatic writing to let the archangel guide the pen unhindered.
  • Keep an intention to serve others and come from love when writing for optimal alignment.
  • Close your writing sessions with gratitude to Archangel Sandalphon for assisting and inspiring you.

With practice over time, Sandalphon’s guidance grows stronger. Remain open and detached from outcomes to allow the archangel to work through you in miraculous ways.

How does Archangel Sandalphon provide grounding and stabilization?

Archangel Sandalphon is incredibly powerful at providing grounding and stabilization due to his strong connection to the Earth element. Some key ways Sandalphon brings steadiness include:

  • Anchoring light through the bottoms of the feet to keep aura and chakras grounded.
  • Shielding against negativity and entropy to maintain inner peace and focus.
  • Clearing density and heaviness from the energetic field.
  • Instilling sense of trust, safety and security within body, mind and spirit.
  • Activating gravity to flow earth energy upwards through the legs, spine and body.
  • Establishing energetic boundaries to prevent taking on other’s lower vibrations.
  • Encouraging present moment awareness and embodiment rather than mental chatter.
  • Evoking feelings of strength, patience and inner resilience.
  • Inspiring commitment to spiritual growth and devotion.
  • Providing reliability and courage to face life’s challenges from a centered state.
  • Stimulating the root chakra, earth star chakra below the feet, and all matters of grounding.

For highly sensitive souls, tapping into Sandalphon’s grounding powers brings much needed release. His steady, stabilizing energies restore harmony and inner balance. Stay centered through trying times with this archangel’sEarth element protection.

What essential oils work well with Sandalphon for grounding?

Some essential oils that work excellently with Archangel Sandalphon for grounding include:

  • Cedarwood – Establishes protective boundaries and purifies heavy energies
  • Cypress – Supports transition and helps process grief or loss
  • Patchouli – Provides dense, earthy vibration to stabilize the aura
  • Vetiver – Anchors the body and calms a restless mind
  • Oakmoss – Connects with earth goddess energies for embodiment
  • Pine – Cleanses environmental negativity and energizes the aura
  • Spikenard – Slows rapid fluctuations between extremes and centers the spirit
  • Clove – Protective, fortifying vibe drives away negative energy attacks
  • Ginger – Stimulates circulation and energy flow while harmonizing emotions
  • Angelica – Purifying and aids spiritual grounding between realms

Pair these oils with crystals like hematite, smoky quartz, obsidian or tiger’s eye. Diffuse during meditation, apply diluted to the lower chakras, or inhale directly when needing stabilization. Sandalphon’s grounding paired with earthy essential oils provides a Shield of spiritual protection.

What are some affirmations to stabilize energy with Archangel Sandalphon?

Working with Archangel Sandalphon, here are some positive affirmations for stabilizing energy:

  • “I am grounded, centered and at peace.”
  • “I am anchored securely in my spiritual power.”
  • “Divine light flows through me, stabilizing my body and mind.”
  • “I am resilient through life’s challenges and changes.”
  • “I stand tall, aligned with Heaven and Earth.”
  • “I am protected from negative energy.”
  • My aura, chakras and energy field are strong and balanced.
  • “I move through the world with grace and commitment.”
  • “I am open to receive Heaven’s love, healing and guidance.”
  • “I breathe deeply to connect with my inner stillness.”
  • “I am grounded in safety, security and inner harmony.”
  • “I trust in the divine timing and path before me.”

Repeat these affirmations aloud or silently during meditation with Sandalphon. Writing them also reinforces the stabilizing intentions. Use affirmations whenever you need to reconnect with your spiritual center and restore inner balance through earthy, anchoring angelic light.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Essential Oil Recommendations for Archangel Sandalphon

How can I ask Archangel Sandalphon for help?

Here are some simple and meaningful ways to ask Archangel Sandalphon for his divine assistance and guidance:

  • Light a candle and call upon Sandalphon specifically for help with a situation. Share details sincerely.
  • Address prayers to “Dear Archangel Sandalphon” and speak aloud or write requests and gratitude for his support.
  • Spend time meditating on connecting with Sandalphon’s presence. Imagine his light filling and surrounding you as you ask for help.
  • Create an altar or sacred space with Sandalphon’s image or symbolism and request his aid sincerely here.
  • Speak prayers of invitation asking Sandalphon directly to assist, guide, heal or inspire you as needed.
  • Call on Sandalphon earnestly in moments of need through spoken prayer or inner dialogue.
  • Chant or tone Sandalphon’s name with intention to manifest his help.
  • Ask for signs, guidance and answers to prayers through Sandalphon’s wisdom. Then watch with gratitude for his subtle assistance.
  • Infuse requests into dreamwork, candle rituals, or essential oils anointed and dedicated to the archangel.
  • Maintain faith and surrender outcomes to the Divine knowing Sandalphon’s help is already on the way.

Remember Sandalphon’s assistance is always given with infinite grace, love and wisdom for your highest good. Stay open and receptive to signs of his healing intervention through intuition, visions, nature and repeating number sequences.


Working with Archangel Sandalphon through prayer, meditation and essential oils allows deep connection to the angelic realms. Sandalphon embodies uplifting qualities of music, poetry, wisdom and spiritual devotion. His soothing energy anchors Heaven and Earth, stabilizing mind, body and spirit. Call upon this archangel for grounding and guidance. With practice over time, Sandalphon’s beautiful light awakens creativity, clarity and inner peace on the sacred journey.


Topic Key Points
Main Oils Frankincense, myrrh, sage, cedarwood, cypress
Oil Blends Meditation, prayer, music, altar, grounding
Crystals Clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, tiger’s eye, citrine
Uses Diffusing, anointing, misting sprays, baths, topical application
Prayers Invocations asking for guidance, wisdom, healing
Music Solfeggio tones, chanting, classical, angelic choirs
Writing Ask for inspiration, keep prayer card nearby, meditate first
Grounding Root chakra activation, earth star anchoring, embodiment
Affirmations “I am grounded, centered and at peace”
Asking for Help Call aloud, write requests, meditate and visualize

Frequently Asked Questions

What essential oils work with Archangel Sandalphon?

The main essential oils associated with Archangel Sandalphon are frankincense, myrrh, cedarwood, sage, and cypress. These earthy, woodsy scents resonate with Sandalphon’s grounding, stabilizing energies.

How do I make an essential oil blend for Sandalphon?

Create blends of 2-3 oils like frankincense, cedarwood, and sage. Good recipes include a meditation blend, prayer blend, music blend, or grounding blend. Add 1-2 drops of each oil together.

What are the best crystals to pair with Sandalphon oils?

Crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, tiger’s eye, and citrine complement Sandalphon essential oils. They amplify intentions and deepen spiritual alignment.

What are some ways to use the oils for connecting with Sandalphon?

Top ways are diffusing during meditation or prayer, anointing sacred objects, misting your space or body, adding to baths, and applying diluted to chakras.

How do I pray with Sandalphon oil blends during meditation?

Light the oils during meditation. Chant Sandalphon’s name and recite prayers inviting his guidance, purification, healing, creativity and spiritual gifts.

What music aligns with Archangel Sandalphon?

Gregorian chants, solfeggio tones, singing bowls, angelic choirs, mantras, classical, and acoustic instruments evoke Sandalphon’s musical essence.

How does Sandalphon help with writing and creativity?

Reach out to Sandalphon for a dash of inspiration before you write. Take a moment to meditate with your favorite crystals in hand. Then, just let the words spill out onto the page, free and easy.

Visit My Amazon Storefront for Essential Oil Recommendations for Archangel Sandalphon

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
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Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
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