Signs from Your Angels How to Interpret and Act - Lisa Beachy

Signs from Your Angels: How to Interpret and Act

Have you ever felt like someone was watching over you or trying to send you a message? Many believe that angels are spiritual beings that provide guidance, protection and comfort to those on earth. Angels want to help us on our life path, but since they exist on a higher spiritual plane, their messages can be subtle and easy to miss. Learning to recognize the signs from your angels and interpret their meaning takes practice, but it can bring great insight into your life purpose. Here are some of the main ways angels send us messages and how to understand them.

Seeing Numbers or Colors

One of the most common angel signs is seeing repeating number sequences like 111, 222, 333 and so on. These are called angel numbers and each one has a specific meaning. For example, 111 means new beginnings or progress, while 444 is a sign that angels are close by. Seeing a certain number over and over, especially right after thinking of something or someone, is a clear indicator an angel is sending you a message.

Colors can also be symbolic. Gold and white often represent guidance from angels, while blue may signal clarity or peace. Pay attention to colors that stand out or seem illuminated. Ask the angels to help you understand the meaning behind the numbers or colors you notice.

Hearing Whispers, Music or Bell Sounds

Angels sometimes send auditory messages by whispering in your ear, making instrumental sounds or ringing bells. This may sound like faint music with no obvious source, whispers of your name when you’re alone, or soft chiming bells. The angelic whispers are often in your own voice and easy to mistake as your inner monologue at first. Listen closely and you may pick up on the loving, reassuring tone or words of validation. These auditory messages are designed to comfort and encourage you.

Seeing Flashes of Light or Orbs

Seeing unexplained flashes of bright white or colored light is a common sign from angels. It may appear briefly in your peripheral vision or right in front of your eyes. These flashes are thought to be bursts of angelic energy penetrating our physical world. Angels may also appear visually as opaque or transparent orbs or spheres of pulsating light. The orbs come in an array of colors and can move through the air or hover near you. Seeing orbs or flashes typically means an angelic presence is with you, guiding and protecting you.

Sensing a Presence

Have you ever felt like someone was standing right next to you or behind you, only to turn and find no one there? This sensation of an unseen presence is one way angels make themselves known. It’s usually felt as a heaviness or tingling on one side or behind you, signaling an angel is there. They are invisible to the human eye, but you may physically feel their nearness or suddenly just “know” you are not alone. When this happens, relax and silently ask the angel for guidance or support. Listen intuitively for any message they bring.

Signs in Nature

Angels often deliver signs through nature, like cloud formations, rainbows after a storm or seeing the exact same animal over and over. Pay attention to natural phenomena that feel meaningful or bring a sense of calm, joy or synchronicity. Divine timing is another angelic sign…hearing a song lyric or encounter that perfectly fits your circumstances is likely an angel nudging you to reflect. Nature signs are highly personal, so ask your angels to help you understand their meaning. Write down any insights you receive.

Receiving Unexpected Gifts or Money

Has a gift, piece of jewelry, flowers or some needed cash ever shown up just at the right time in your life? Angels can materialize physical gifts from the spirit realm or prompt others to deliver blessings your way. These angelic gifts are always aligned with your highest good and are a sign you are loved and supported from above. Even if the gift seems odd at first, stay open to the blessing behind it. Express gratitude for the gift and for the angels’ assistance.

Electronic Malfunctions

Strange issues with technology like phones, computers, lights or appliances can signal an angelic presence, as they vibrate at a high frequency that can impact electronics. Flickering lights, appliances turning on by themselves or devices malfunctioning for no reason are some examples. Electronics acting up repetitively when asking for angelic guidance or after receiving a likely “sign” can be confirmation from the angels that they are around and listening.

Meaningful Dreams or Ahas

Angels often reach out through vivid dreams and sleep state visions. Pay attention to any dreams where you receive clear guidance, healing, premonitions or visitations from celestial beings. Intuitive downloads or random epiphanies after asking for angelic assistance are also signs they are whispering in your ear. That “aha” you woke up with or sudden memory related to your question is likely divine inspiration from your angels! Write it down immediately so you can act on the messages.

Helping with Prayer

Sincere prayers are always heard by angels, who do everything in their (albeit limited) power to answer them. Pay attention to prayers that are answered in unexpected ways, desires granted despite improbable odds or divine timing that can only be explained as angelic intervention. When you specifically ask the angels for guidance or help, then receive surprising solutions, people or opportunities that feels guided, it’s a clear sign your prayers have been heard and the angels are assisting you. Make sure to thank them for their divine support.

Inner Knowing or Pull

An “inner knowing” or strong gut feeling about someone, a situation or decision is one way angels pass along guidance. This shows up as a deep sense of certainty or righteousness, even if there is no rational reason. Similarly, an inexplicable pull or tugging in your spirit to take some action, learn something new or engage with a person can be divine intuition from the angels prodding you forward. When you receive these intense feelings and urges related to your growth or purpose, pay attention and take aligned action.

Signs of Reassurance

After suffering a loss or disappointment, angels frequently send signs that they are near to reassure us of their presence and continuity of love. Finding feathers, hearing meaningful songs, seeing rainbows, running into old friends, noticing symbols of comfort like hearts and many other “coincidences” are ways angels reach out when you need them most. Interpreting these as messages of hope and cherishing the tender reminders of your angels’ nearness can help ease pain and fear during difficult times.

The key to interpreting angel signs is being open and aware. Try talking to your angels, asking for their guidance and expressing gratitude when you notice any potential signs. Keep a journal to record what you experience. Over time, you will learn to recognize their special forms of communication and confirmation. Most importantly, pay attention to the intuitive nudges you receive after seeing angelic signs. The angels want to help guide you to places, people and actions aligned with your soul’s purpose. By tuning in to their subtle messages, you can gain amazing insight into your life path. With an open heart and mind, the angels’ presence will become unmistakable, bringing comfort, clarity and divine blessings into your everyday life.

FAQs on Angel Signs

What are some of the most common signs angels use to communicate with us?

Angels frequently use numbers and colors, music or bell sounds, flashes of light or orbs, sensing a presence, signs in nature, unexpected gifts, electronic malfunctions, meaningful dreams/epiphanies, inner knowing, and signs of reassurance.

If I ask my angels for help or guidance, how will I know if they heard me?

If you sincerely ask your angels for help, watch for surprising solutions, timely insights, or changes in circumstances that feel guided. These types of unlikely positive developments are signs your prayers have been heard.

How can I tell the difference between an angel whisper and my own thoughts?

Angel whispers often have a loving, gentle tone and provide validation, comfort or answers to prayers. They are frequently in your own voice but seem to come from outside of you. With practice, you can discern the peaceful angelic guidance.

What does it mean if appliances malfunction when I talk to my angels?

Angels emit high vibrational frequencies that can cause flickering lights or issues with electronics. This angelic interference is a confirmation they are present and interacting energetically.

Do angels only appear to certain people?

Angels are always near, but some are more adept at perceiving their subtle signs and messages. Anyone can connect with angels by speaking to them and paying attention for their guidance.

Can angels help me make decisions?

Yes, ask your angels for clarity on decisions and notice any intuitive pulls, gut feelings or epiphanies. These are angelic ways of guiding you to the best choice.

How do I know if a dream is really from my angels?

Dreams with clear guidance, vivid angels, or answers to prayers are likely angelic messages. Pay close attention to these dreams immediately upon waking.

If I find feathers, does it mean angels are communicating with me?

Feathers showing up in unusual places or times after asking for angelic assistance are likely signs of their presence. Seeing the same feather repeatedly is especially meaningful.

Why don’t I notice the signs my angels send?

Signs are subtle. Relax, speak to your angels frequently, and maintain awareness. In time, you will recognize their communication style.

How can I thank my angels for their help and signs?

Express sincere gratitude out loud or silently. Honoring angelic assistance when you notice it strengthens your connection with the angels.

If you have any questions or would like to book an angel reading with me, please feel free to reach out. I’m always here to help you strengthen your Divine connection.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

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