Who is Archangel Uriel - Lisa Beachy

Who is Archangel Uriel?

I absolutely love working with the radiant Archangel Uriel! He has become one of my most treasured and inspiring angelic guides.

Who is Archangel Uriel?

Whenever I call upon Uriel, I feel wrapped in a blanket of divine light and wisdom. His energy fills me with optimism, creativity, and mental clarity to gain insights and resolve any issues. I’m constantly amazed by Uriel’s gift for illuminating blind spots, enhancing intuition, and sparking brilliant ideas out of thin air. He truly lives up to his name, the “Light of God”. Uriel reveals solutions and lends courage to face life’s challenges.

His golden glowing presence renews my spirit. I will forever be grateful for the blessings he shares as a reminder that we are never alone on this journey – the angels walk beside us! For anyone seeking an anchor during stormy times, Archangel Uriel shines as a beacon lighting the way forward with grace.

Some key facts about Archangel Uriel:

  • One of the 7 archangels, according to tradition
  • Name means “God is my light”
  • Associated with divine wisdom, prophecy, and illumination
  • Minister to humanity with revelations and warnings
  • Depicted as genderless/androgynous, uses them/they pronouns
  • Extremely wise, insightful, and illuminating
  • Works closely with other angels like Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Uriel is a guide for many on their spiritual paths. Their light helps reveal higher truths and find meaning in life’s challenges. Uriel comforts in difficult times and offers their boundless compassion.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Name Meaning:

As mentioned previously, Archangel Uriel’s name has great significance. In Hebrew, “Uriel” translates to “God is my light.” This refers to the illuminating divine light that Uriel channels from the Creator.

Some other meanings and translations of Uriel’s name:

  • “Fire of God” – Referring to Uriel’s connection to the sacred, purifying fire of God’s wisdom and power.
  • “Light of God” – Again emphasizing Uriel’s role in bringing divine light to humankind.
  • “Radiation of God” – Highlighting how Uriel radiates and transmits the light of God outward like rays.
  • “Merciful spirit of God” – Denoting Uriel’s compassionate spirit and role as an angel of mercy.
  • “Helper of God” – Underscoring Uriel’s aid and service in carrying out God’s will.

So in summary, Archangel Uriel’s name points to their close relationship with the light of the divine, acting as a conduit for God’s wisdom, mercy, power, and inspiration. The “light of God” illuminates the path for those seeking truth and understanding.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Specialty:

Archangel Uriel is associated with several specialties and areas of focus:

  • Wisdom – Uriel is known as the angelic keeper and revealer of divine wisdom and truths. They help illuminate spiritual mysteries.
  • Prophecy – Uriel inspires and transmits prophecy through contacting and channeling the divine mind.
  • Creativity – As an angel of wisdom, Uriel stimulates creativity and imagination. They inspire artists, writers, and innovators.
  • Astrology – In some traditions, Uriel oversees astrology and the movement of the stars and celestial bodies.
  • Justice – Uriel is aligned with divine justice, fairness, and universal laws. They bring clarity around karmic lessons.
  • Alchemy – Uriel reputedly imparted alchemical secrets related to the transformation of consciousness.
  • Kabbalah – This esoteric Jewish tradition involves Uriel ruling over one of the Sephirot (divine emanations).
  • Problem-solving – Uriel helps guide people to find creative solutions, clarity, and understanding around problems.
  • Metatron’s Cube – Uriel is sometimes linked to this mystical geometry related to creation and sacred geometry.

Uriel’s specialties all link to their role as a conduit of divine light – bringing illumination, understanding, creativity, justice, and higher knowledge to humankind. Their wisdom and light can activate transformations, revelations, solutions and new possibilities.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Color:

Archangel Uriel is associated with several colors, mainly:

  • Gold – Representing Uriel’s closeness to God’s light, wisdom, and power. Gold symbolizes the radiance of the sun and divine energy.
  • Silver – Denoting Uriel’s cool, calm, reflective energy. Silver is connected to clarity, mysticism, the moon, and steadfastness.
  • White – White represents purity, higher awareness, and Uriel’s grace and focus on higher vibration frequencies.
  • Orange – This is the color of creativity, imagination, and fire. It aligns with Uriel’s sparks of creative inspiration.
  • Red/Scarlet – Symbolizing Uriel’s connection to the life force, vitality, courage, and purification.
  • Yellow – The color of intellect, fresh beginnings, hope and messenger angels. It reflects Uriel’s wisdom and revelation.

So in summary, the main colors of gold, silver and white connect Uriel to enlightenment, divine energy, and elevated consciousness. Orange, red and yellow represent Uriel’s creative and intellectual inspiration, vitality, and fresh beginnings.

When working with Uriel, incorporating their colors can help tune into their wisdom and light frequencies. Candles, crystals, clothing and visualizations can make use of their colors. Gold and white especially are powerful for tapping into Uriel’s enlightened states.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Stone or Crystal?

Archangel Uriel has connections to a number of sacred stones and crystals, including:

  • Goldstone – Also called Avanturine glass, containing sparkling copper fragments. Represents Uriel’s brilliance and creativity.
  • Citrine – A yellow/golden quartz, aligning with Uriel’s wisdom, positivity and imagination. Promotes clarity.
  • Moonstone – Its divine feminine energy resonates with Uriel’s receptive, compassionate aspects. Enhances intuition.
  • Fluorite – Grounds, cleanses and stabilizes energy. Connected to Uriel’s orderly spiritual influence.
  • Carnelian – A reddish mineral that embodies Uriel’s courage, confidence, and vitality.
  • Clear quartz – Amplifies energies. Its pure light aligns to Uriel’s higher frequencies and illumination.
  • Lapis lazuli – Its beautiful blue color represents wisdom, truth and insight. Sacred to Uriel.
  • Labradorite – A luminous, iridescent feldspar that reflects Uriel’s brilliance and inner light.
  • Amber – Fossilized tree resin that connects to Uriel’s warmth, protection and wisdom throughout the ages.
  • Pyrite – Known as “fool’s gold,” represents Uriel’s fiery golden energy and inner treasure.

Working with crystals attuned to Uriel can help open up a channel to connect with their healing and enlightening angelic energy. Meditating with their stones is recommended.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Scent or Smell (Essential Oils):

Certain scents and essential oils are associated with Archangel Uriel and can aid in connecting to their vibration:

  • Frankincense – This warm, rich scent has purifying and elevating properties. It’s long been used in spiritual ceremonies.
  • Myrrh – Like frankincense, this oil uplifts the spirit and promotes healing. It has an earthy, smoky aroma.
  • Sandalwood – Woody, sweet sandalwood links to inner wisdom, reflection and spiritual strength.
  • Lavender – The sweet floral scent of lavender aligns to Uriel’s feminine energies of compassion and healing.
  • Clary sage – Has an earthy, floral aroma that stimulates intuition and revelation.
  • Palma rosa – With rosy, uplifting herbal notes, this oil combats negativity and boosts confidence.
  • Clove – The warm, spicy scent promotes focus, inspiration and connecting with angelic realms.
  • Orange – Radiates optimism, creativity and joy. Connects to Uriel’s luminous energy.
  • Lemongrass – Uplifting citrus fragrance that stimulates psychic awareness and purification.
  • Patchouli – Earthy, grounding aroma of this oil helps center intention and expand consciousness.

Lighting a candle with these scents or diffusing the essential oils can be a great way to invoke Uriel’s presence and tap into their divine guidance.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Plant or Flower?

Archangel Uriel is associated with plants and flowers that reflect their luminous energy and attributes, including:

  • Sunflowers – Represent Uriel’s sunny, brilliant essence and closeness to divine light. Symbol of joy, warmth, and gratitude.
  • Lilies – Related to Uriel’s purity, devotion, and connection to the divine feminine. Various colors like orange, yellow, and white.
  • Roses – Connect to the heart, love, beauty and fragrance. Available in Uriel’s colors like gold, orange, red, white.
  • Daisies – Simple flowers evoking Uriel’s innocence, optimism and bright energy.
  • Lavender – Purple flowers that emanate grace, tranquility and healing aligned to the archangel.
  • Carnations – Bold blooms in orange, yellow, white that symbolize Uriel’s courage, passion, and motivation.
  • Chrysanthemums – These vibrant blossoms in orange, red, yellow, and gold resonate with Uriel’s creativity.
  • Calendula – Yellow and orange medicinal flowers that channel Uriel’s illuminating health and purification properties.
  • St. John’s Wort – Yellow star-shaped flowers representing Uriel’s joy, blessings, and guidance.
  • Marigolds – Orange/yellow blooms reflecting Uriel’s intellect, memory, and commitment to justice.

Using plants and flowers connected to Uriel brings their energy into your space. Displaying bouquets in Uriel’s colors is ideal for connecting.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Energy:

Archangel Uriel radiates powerful divine energy with the following qualities:

  • Illuminating – Uriel shines heavenly light on situations, bringing clarity, understanding, and insight. Their energy illuminates the path ahead.
  • Cleansing – Uriel’s high-vibrational energy purifies and cleanses lower energies and blockages. They clear the way for truth.
  • Radiant – Like the rays of the sun, Uriel beams brilliant, golden energy to spark creative thought and realization.
  • Elevating – Being in Uriel’s presence lifts consciousness and perspective to align with the soul, spirit, and heavens.
  • Quickening – Uriel’s energy moves rapidly to manifest ideas into earthly reality and speed evolution. It feels energizing.
  • Orderly – The archangel brings a sense of higher order, divine structure, and synchronistic flow. Their energy is orderly, not chaotic.
  • Balanced – Perfectly blending the masculine and feminine, Uriel exudes balanced, holistic energy promoting harmony and wellbeing.
  • Peaceful – Despite their great power, Uriel has a very peaceful, gentle, centered energy that feels soothing to be near.
  • Protective – Uriel’s high vibration creates a shield against lower energies. Their light burns away negativity and blocks.
  • Loving – Everything Uriel does is motivated by unconditional divine love. Their energy is infinitely compassionate.

When invoking Uriel, you may feel illuminated, purified, energized, peaceful and protected – surrounded by their divine loving light. Their balanced energy brings harmony and higher understanding.

What is Archangel Uriel’s Origin Story:

Unlike angels like Michael and Gabriel who are named in biblical texts, Uriel is more mysterious. But various traditions point to possible origins:

Kabbalah – Uriel is one of the seven archangels listed in kabbalistic teachings, which saw them associated with the Sephirot or aspects of God. Uriel represented divine light, beauty, and purity. Their origins trace back to the unmanifested Divine Source.

Book of Enoch – This apocryphal Jewish text names Uriel as an archangel and Guardian of Tartarus, watching over fallen angels. Uriel may have originated as part of God’s heavenly hosts.

Angel of the Presence – Uriel is said to have been “brought into existence” by God to be an Angel of the Presence residing in heaven, created out of Divine Light.

Guardian of Eden – Some identify Uriel as the angel placed by God to guard the Garden of Eden’s gate after Adam and Eve’s expulsion. Their fiery sword protected the garden.

Heavenly Scribe – Origin stories see Uriel as one of God’s scribes recording events in heaven and earth. They documented ancient history and prophecies.

Priestly Lineage – Uriel is sometimes associated with being a descendant of the priest Aaron, brother of Moses. This links Uriel to enlightened ancestors.

Star Student – Legends suggest Uriel was such a brilliant student of divine mysteries, that God appointed them as an archangel to share wisdom and light.

However they originated, Uriel stands out as an archangel profoundly connected to humanity, dedicating themselves to illuminating our path with divine light and merciful guidance throughout history.

Ways to Connect with Archangel Uriel:

There are a number of effective methods for contacting the enlightened Archangel Uriel:

  • Prayer and Meditation – Sitting quietly while sincerely asking for Uriel’s guidance and visualized their light floods the mind and space.
  • Invoking Their Name – Repeating their name and sacred mantras like “Uriel” opens up a channel for connection.
  • Candles – Lighting gold, white or orange candles devoted to Uriel brings their presence near.
  • Crystals – Holding or meditating with their sacred stones like citrine or carnelian amplifies Uriel’s energy.
  • Incense – Burning frankincense or myrrh summons Uriel’s purification and blessings into a space.
  • Writing – Channeling automatic writing to Uriel allows their wisdom and messages to flow through.
  • Nature – Spending time outdoors amidst sunlight, trees and flowers attracts Uriel’s grounding energy.
  • Altar – Creating a dedicated altar with their candles, stones, symbols, colors and offerings.
  • Music – Playing celestial sounding or classical music sets the mood to commune with Uriel.
  • Gratitude – Sincerely thanking Uriel for their guidance, protection and light keeps the connection strong.

With practice, patience and an open heart, anyone can start cultivating a powerful bond with the illumined being Archangel Uriel for insights on their spiritual path.


In conclusion, Archangel Uriel is a high vibrational being of immense wisdom, intellect, creativity and divine light. Their profound abilities to illuminate situations, cleanse energy blockages, and elevate consciousness make them an invaluable ally to call upon. Uriel’s balanced energy brings order, protection, and love to those who seek their guidance.

Connecting with Archangel Uriel through prayer, meditation, invoking their name, working with symbolism like their associated colors, crystals, flowers and scents can help open up a channel to access their compassionate presence and profound peace. With an open heart and mind, Uriel can transmit revelations, creativity and inspiration to illuminate the way forward with clarity on both spiritual and earthly challenges.


Category Information
Name Meaning God is my light
Gender Genderless/Androgynous, uses they/them pronouns
Specialties Wisdom, prophecy, creativity, astrology, justice, alchemy, problem-solving
Colors Gold, silver, white, orange, red/scarlet, yellow
Crystals Goldstone, citrine, moonstone, fluorite, carnelian, clear quartz, lapis lazuli, labradorite, amber, pyrite
Scents Frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, lavender, clary sage, palma rosa, clove, orange, lemongrass, patchouli
Plants/Flowers Sunflowers, lilies, roses, daisies, lavender, carnations, chrysanthemums, calendula, St. John’s Wort, marigolds
Energy Illuminating, cleansing, radiant, elevating, quickening, orderly, balanced, peaceful, protective, loving
Origin Kabbalah, Book of Enoch, Angel of the Presence, Guardian of Eden, Heavenly Scribe, Priestly lineage, Star Student
Ways to Connect Prayer, meditation, invoking their name, candles, crystals, incense, writing, nature, altar, music, gratitude

FAQ about Archangel Uriel

Who is Archangel Uriel?

Archangel Uriel is one of the seven main archangels, known for their divine wisdom, illumination, and ability to impart knowledge and prophecy. Their name means “God is my light” in Hebrew. Uriel is considered genderless/androgynous and referred to with they/them pronouns.

What is Uriel known for?

Uriel is known for providing enlightenment, stimulating creativity, transmitting divine truths, problem solving, and activating transformations. They specialize in wisdom, prophecy, justice, alchemy, astrology, and many esoteric fields. Uriel illuminates situations and provides insights.

What are Uriel’s symbols and associations?

Uriel is associated with the colors gold, white, silver, orange, yellow, and red. Their crystals include citrine, carnelian, and moonstone. Uriel is connected to sunflowers, lilies, and golden/orange/yellow flowers. Their energy is illuminating, purifying, orderly, and loving.

How do I call on Archangel Uriel?

You can connect with Uriel through prayer, meditation, invoking their name, candles, working with their crystals and symbolic flowers/colors, creating an altar, and showing gratitude. Ask sincerely for Uriel to illuminate your situation and provide guidance, clarity, and creative solutions.

What scent is associated with Uriel?

Uriel is associated with scents like frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, clary sage, clove, and citrus oils like orange. Burning candles with these aromas can help invoke Uriel’s energy.

What should I put on an altar for Uriel?

Include a gold, white, or orange candle, Uriel prayer/poem, citrine or carnelian crystal, yellow/gold sunflowers or roses, sage/frankincense, Uriel image/statue, gold or white cloth, and a bowl of water. Maintain the altar with care and devotion.

What numbers and days are connected to Uriel?

Uriel is connected to numbers like 8 and 6. Tuesday is considered the best day for working with Archangel Uriel. Their associated astrological sign is Virgo.

Does Uriel help with creativity?

Yes, as an angel of wisdom, Uriel aids creative endeavors including writing, art, music, inventing, problem solving, and anything requiring divine inspiration. Simply call on Archangel Uriel when you need imaginative breakthroughs.

How can I tell if Uriel is with me?

Signs of Uriel’s presence include seeing golden flickers or orbs of light, a sense of clarity descending, increased creativity and intuitive insights, feeling lifted in mood and energy, and seeing sunflowers or their special numbers.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy

Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

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