angels 101 - Lisa BEachy

Angels 101 Discover the Basics of these Heavenly Beings

Hello there, and welcome to this beginner’s guide to understanding the angelic realms! This section will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of angels, including guardian angels and the angelic realms.

Have you ever wondered what role angels play in our lives? What is their purpose, and how do they communicate with us? In the following sections, we will explore these questions and more. By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of the angelic presence in our world and how it can benefit us on our spiritual journey.

So, let’s dive in and discover the fascinating world of angels!

Exploring the Angelic Realms and Guardian Angels

Welcome back, fellow angel enthusiasts! Now, let’s dive deeper into the concept of angelic realms and the role of guardian angels.

The Angelic Realms

Angelic realms are spiritual dimensions where angels reside. There are many different angelic realms, each with their own unique energies and purposes. Some of these realms include the Heaven realm, the Archangel realm, and the Guardian Angel realm. Each realm is hierarchically organized, and angels have specific duties and responsibilities according to their rank.

Guardian Angels

Guardian angels are celestial beings that are assigned to each person at birth. Their primary role is to protect and guide us throughout our lives. They offer comfort in times of distress, provide inspiration when we need it most, and help us manifest our deepest desires. Guardian angels are always with us, even when we are not aware of their presence.

Have you ever had a feeling of being watched or a voice in your head that you couldn’t explain? It could be your guardian angel communicating with you. They often send signs and symbols, such as feathers or repeated number sequences, to let us know they are near.

It’s important to note that guardian angels will not interfere with our free will. They respect our choices and will only intervene if it’s absolutely necessary for our well-being.

Now that we’ve explored the angelic realms and the role of guardian angels, let’s move on to the fascinating topic of angel messages and communication in the next section!

Unveiling Angel Messages and Communication

As I continue to learn more about angels, I am fascinated by the ways in which they communicate with us. Through subtle signs and messages, angels offer a guiding hand on our spiritual journey.

Angel Messages

Angel messages can come in many forms – a feeling, a sudden thought, or a repeated sequence of numbers. These messages are often unique to the individual and can hold deeply personal significance.

One way to tune into these messages is through meditation or prayer. When we quiet our minds and open our hearts, we create a space for the angels to communicate with us.

Angelic Communication

Angelic communication can also take the form of physical sensations, such as a feather or a white feather dropping unexpectedly at our feet.

It’s important to trust our intuition and pay attention to the signs around us. Angels are always communicating with us and it’s up to us to be receptive to their messages.

By opening ourselves up to angelic communication, we invite their guidance and support into our lives.

Connecting with Angels for Guidance

When I first began exploring the world of angels, I was fascinated by the idea of connecting with them for guidance and support. Over time, I’ve discovered that there are many ways to establish a closer relationship with these celestial beings.

One of the most effective ways of connecting with angels is through meditation. By quieting our minds and focusing on their presence, we open ourselves up to their guidance and wisdom. I like to visualize a white light surrounding me and inviting the angels to join me in my meditation.

Another way to connect with angels is through prayer. Whether it’s a simple request for guidance or a heartfelt expression of gratitude, prayers can be a powerful way to connect with the angelic realm. I like to say a prayer before bed and ask my angels to watch over me while I sleep.

It’s also helpful to pay attention to the signs and signals that angels send us. These can come in the form of repetitive numbers, feathers, or other symbols that have personal significance. By recognizing and acknowledging these signs, we can strengthen our connection to the angelic realm.

Finally, it’s important to trust our intuition and inner guidance when it comes to connecting with angels. They often communicate with us through our thoughts and feelings, so it’s important to pay attention to these subtle messages.

By making a conscious effort to connect with angels, we can tap into their infinite wisdom and guidance. Whether we’re facing challenges or seeking guidance on our spiritual journey, the angelic realm is always there to support us.

Exploring the Angelic Presence in Our Lives

Angels are always around us, offering their guidance and wisdom. Whether we realize it or not, their presence is a comforting reminder that we are never alone, and that we have a divine source of support.

Angel signs and symbols are all around us if we know where to look. They may appear in the form of feathers, coins, or even through the words of a friend or stranger. These signs serve as a reminder of the angelic presence in our lives and their willingness to communicate with us.

When we open ourselves up to the angelic realm, we invite their divine energy into our lives. This energy can bring us peace, love, and healing, and can help us to navigate through challenging times. By paying attention to the messages and signs that the angels send us, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own path and purpose.

Recognizing the Angelic Presence

There are many ways to recognize the angelic presence in our lives. Whether it’s through a feeling of love and peace, or a physical sign like a feather or a coin, these signs are often subtle but powerful.

One way to invite the angelic presence into our lives is through prayer or meditation. By quieting our minds and opening our hearts, we create a space for the angels to communicate with us. We may receive guidance through a vision, a message, or even a feeling of peace and comfort.

Embracing the Angelic Presence

Embracing the angelic presence in our lives can bring us a sense of comfort and hope. By acknowledging their presence and staying open to their guidance, we can feel more grounded and supported in our spiritual journey.

The angels are always available to us, and we can call on them whenever we need their support. Whether it’s in times of stress, uncertainty, or even in moments of joy and celebration, the angels are there to guide us and bring us closer to our divine purpose.

By embracing the angelic presence in our lives, we can cultivate a deeper sense of peace, love, and connection to the divine. So let’s open our hearts and minds to the angels, and allow their presence to bring us closer to our true selves.

Unraveling Angelic Teachings and Symbolism

Angelic teachings and symbolism are rich in wisdom and meaning. As we explore these concepts, we gain deeper insights into the nature of these celestial beings and their divine purpose.

Angelic Teachings

Angelic teachings are rooted in the principles of love, compassion, and service. These celestial beings embody these qualities and bring them into our lives as a source of inspiration and guidance.

One of the key teachings of angels is the importance of having faith and trust in the divine. They remind us that we are never alone and that there is always a higher power guiding us on our journey.

Another teaching of angels is the power of forgiveness. They encourage us to release anger and resentment and to embrace forgiveness as a path to healing and inner peace.

Angelic Symbolism

Angelic symbolism often appears in the form of signs and symbols that are meant to convey a deeper message or meaning. These symbols can take many forms, such as feathers, rainbows, or numbers.

Feathers are a common symbol of angels and represent their presence and protection. Finding a feather is often seen as a sign that our guardian angel is watching over us.

Rainbows are also associated with angels and are seen as a symbol of hope and promise. They remind us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light and hope.

Numbers are another important symbol in angelic teachings. Each number holds a specific meaning and can provide insight into our lives and the guidance we are receiving from the angels.

As we delve deeper into the teachings and symbolism of angels, we gain a deeper understanding of their wisdom and guidance. By recognizing their presence and embracing their teachings, we can tap into a source of divine inspiration and support on our spiritual journey.


As I wrap up this guide on angels 101, I hope that you have gained a better understanding of the fascinating world of celestial beings. From guardian angels to the angelic realms, we have explored the fundamentals of their existence and purpose.

By connecting with angels, we open ourselves to their divine wisdom and support. Their presence in our lives can bring comfort, guidance, and inspiration. It is important to recognize their signs and symbols to fully embrace their teachings and messages.

Remember, angels are always with us, and we can call on them whenever we need guidance. By establishing a closer relationship with them, we can enhance our spiritual journey and lead a more fulfilling life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery. I hope you continue to explore the wondrous world of angels and embrace their presence in your life.


What are angels?

Angels are celestial beings that are believed to be messengers of God or divine entities in various religions and spiritual traditions. They are often portrayed as benevolent beings who provide guidance, protection, and support to individuals.

What is an angelic realm?

The angelic realm refers to the dimension or plane of existence where angels reside. It is believed to be a higher spiritual realm where angels carry out their duties and interact with other celestial beings.

What is the role of guardian angels?

Guardian angels are assigned to individuals to provide guidance, protection, and support throughout their lives. They are believed to watch over us, help us make decisions, and offer comfort during challenging times.

How do angels communicate with us?

Angels communicate with us through various means, such as signs, symbols, dreams, and intuitive feelings. They can send messages through repetitive numbers, feathers, or synchronicities that catch our attention.

How can I connect with angels?

Connecting with angels can be done through prayer, meditation, and sincere intention. Creating a sacred space, asking for their presence, and being open to receiving their guidance can help establish a strong connection with these celestial beings.

How can I recognize angelic signs and symbols?

Angelic signs and symbols can vary for each individual and situation. They can manifest as feathers, coins, butterflies, or even specific scents. Paying attention to your intuition and being aware of recurring symbols can help you identify angelic presence.

What teachings and symbolism are associated with angels?

Angels are often associated with virtues such as love, compassion, and wisdom. They are seen as messengers of divine guidance and carry symbolic meanings that can vary depending on the context. For example, white feathers may symbolize purity, while rainbows can represent hope and divine connection.

Why are angels important in our spiritual journey?

Angels play an important role in our spiritual journey by guiding us, providing protection, and offering support. Embracing their presence can bring comfort, inspiration, and a deeper connection to our spiritual path.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session:
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Lisa Beachy - Angel Psychic Readings

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