5 Simple Steps for Meditating with Angels - Lisa Beachy

5 Simple Steps for Meditating with Angels

Hello, my wonderful friends!  I am about to help you with one of my very favorite things to do, meditating with angels.  So much so that I have created hundreds of meditations on YouTube to help you do so! So, let’s dive in and learn for yourself how to do this wonderful practice of communing daily with the angels!

Meditating with Angels

Meditating  with angels. Connecting with angels through meditation can be a profoundly enlightening and uplifting experience. Here are 5 simple steps to get started with meditating with angels:

  1. Set your intention – State your purpose for connecting with angels during your meditation. This focuses your energy.
  2. Create a sacred space – Set up your meditation area to be serene and free of distractions. Use candles, music, incense or other tools to raise the vibration.
  3. Invite the angels – Call upon specific angels like Archangel Michael or your guardian angel by name. Visualize them joining you.
  4. Open your heart – Express your readiness and sincerely ask to receive angelic guidance, healing or inspiration.
  5. Listen and feel – Remain receptive through the meditation to any sensations, messages, ideas or visions you receive from the angels.

Following these steps will help facilitate a powerful angel meditation practice. Over time you will strengthen your connection with the angelic realm.

What is meditating with angels?

Meditating with angels is the practice of consciously connecting with angels during meditation. Angels are divine spiritual beings that can provide guidance, healing, and support. Meditating with angels allows you to open up and access the wisdom and energy of the angelic realm. It is a powerful way to amplify your meditation practice.

When meditating with angels, you can ask for their guidance with any issue you are facing. The angels will respond by sending you intuitive insights, answers, or energy healing. Meditating with angels on a regular basis helps to strengthen your connection with the angelic realm so you can continually access angelic guidance and support.

What are the benefits of meditating with angels?

There are many benefits to meditating with angels including:

  • Receiving clear guidance and inner wisdom
  • Feeling more relaxed, at peace and centered
  • Increased spiritual connection and intuition
  • Release of negative energy and healing
  • Greater access to creative ideas and inspiration
  • Protection, comfort and reassurance
  • Personal development and spiritual growth

Connecting with angels during meditation facilitates healing and personal transformation on many levels. The unconditional love and high vibration energy of angels can elevate your own energy, consciousness and awareness.

How do you invite angels into your meditation?

Here are some simple steps for inviting angels into your meditation:

  1. Set your intention to connect with angels.
  2. Call upon specific angels like Archangel Michael or your guardian angels.
  3. Visualize a circle of angels surrounding you.
  4. Ask the angels for any healing, guidance or inspiration.
  5. Imagine their light pouring into your energy field.
  6. Stay open and receptive to any messages or sensations.
  7. Express gratitude to conclude your meditation.

You can use an affirmation like “Archangel Michael, please join me now and share your wisdom” to call in angelic beings. Having a specific intention will help strengthen your angel connection.

What is the best environment for meditating with angels?

Creating a sacred space helps facilitate a stronger angel connection during meditation. Consider the following to set up your environment:

  • Find a quiet, serene spot where you won’t be disturbed
  • Dim the lights and burn candles to create a peaceful ambiance
  • Use crystals, essential oils or incense to raise the vibration
  • Play soothing instrumental music without lyrics
  • Display angel-themed artwork or statuary
  • Face east to connect with the angelic realm
  • Comfortably sit or lie down in a relaxed position

Eliminating distractions and surrounding yourself with angelic symbols or imagery will help you be more open and receptive.

What is the best time of day to meditate with angels?

Early morning and dusk are thought to be optimal times to connect with angels during meditation.

The energy shifts taking place around sunset and sunrise help open psychic doorways to the angelic realm. Meditating during these tranquil times allows you to more easily tap into angelic guidance.

Other favorable times include:

  • At night before bed – angels can protect your sleep
  • Upon waking – angels can inspire your day
  • Mid-day – angels bring an energy boost
  • During a full moon – angelic energy is stronger

Ultimately any time you feel inclined to meditate with angels is a good time, as the angels will come when sincerely called. Establishing a consistent daily meditation practice will help strengthen the bond over time.

How can you tell if angels join your meditation?

When angels join your meditation, often you can sense their presence in subtle ways. Notice any of the following signs:

  • Feeling peaceful, calm and relaxed
  • Seeing flashes of light or color with eyes closed
  • Hearing high-pitched ringing in ears
  • A warm, tingling sensation around your head or crown chakra
  • Gentle sensations of touch, nudges or whispered guidance
  • Uplifting emotions and sensations of love and joy
  • Ideas, inspiration or answers to questions arise
  • Increased energy flowing through your body

The more you meditate with angels over time, the stronger your connection will become. Eventually you may be able to see, hear or feel angels more clearly and directly.

What if you don’t feel a connection at first?

Don’t get discouraged if you do not feel a strong angel connection when first starting out. Meditating with angels is a skill that for many takes practice. The more regularly you meditate with angels, the easier it becomes to recognize their subtle presence.

If you feel no connection, call on the angels again for help making their presence known. Sincerely ask them to clearly show you they are there. Relax, stay open and let go of expectations. Any feelings of warmth, light or tingling can signal angelic presence. Also pay attention to thoughts, ideas and guidance that arise after meditating.

Even if you do not sense anything profound, know the angels hear your call and will work behind the scenes in ways you cannot yet perceive. Have patience and keep practicing.

How can you cultivate a stronger bond with angels over time?

Some tips for cultivating a strong, lasting bond with the angels include:

  • Commit to a consistent daily meditation practice with them
  • Express gratitude and say thank you after each session
  • Request angels join you in everyday activities and interactions
  • Pay attention to signs from angels in your daily life
  • Study angel messages such as through books or podcasts
  • Practice following the guidance and insights received
  • Ask the angels each day how you can serve their divine work

The more you invite angelic presence into your life, meditate with them regularly, and act on the messages received – the stronger your connection will grow. This allows you to continually expand your channel of angelic communication over time.

Should your angel meditation practice be structured?

Having a structured approach can help provide greater focus and depth when first starting a practice of meditating with angels. Over time as you become more comfortable connecting, you may prefer a more relaxed open style.

For a structured session consider following these steps:

  1. Purify your space and relax your body to prepare
  2. Set a clear intention for the practice
  3. Call specific angels or angelic realms by name
  4. Ask angels to join and guide the meditation
  5. Listen, visualize or sense the angelic presence
  6. Remain open to any messages you receive
  7. Conclude by thanking the angels

Keeping a notebook handy after your meditation can help document any guidance or inspirations you receive from the angels. Recording their messages will reinforce and strengthen your bond over time.


Meditating with angels is a simple yet powerful practice that opens you to profound healing, wisdom and transformation. By learning to attune to angels during meditation, they become invaluable guides. Connecting regularly helps dissolve blocks and bring you into alignment with your highest divine truths. With an open heart and quiet mind, angels can inspire and uplift you in unimaginable ways.

Here is a summary table of the information in the article on meditating with angels, followed by an FAQ with schema markup:

Summary of Key Points on Meditating with Angels

Topic Summary
What is it? Consciously connecting with angels during meditation to receive their guidance, healing, and support.
Benefits Guidance, wisdom, peace, healing, inspiration, protection, spiritual growth.
How to Invite Angels Set intention, call on them by name, visualize their presence, ask for help.
Best Environment Quiet sacred space with candles, music, incense to raise vibration. Face east.
Best Time Sunrise, sunset, before bed, upon waking, full moons. Any sincere time.
Signs of Connection Peace, tingling, light, whispers, ideas, loving energy.
Developing Bond Consistent practice, express gratitude, follow guidance, study angels.
Approach Can be structured or open, focus helps at first. Document messages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are angels?

Angels are spiritual beings believed to act as messengers and intermediaries between God and humans. They are considered divine and heavenly. Different religions describe classes or hierarchies of angels such as archangels, seraphim, and cherubim.

Can anyone connect with angels?

Yes, anyone can learn to connect with angels through practices like meditation. You don’t need to be psychic or specially gifted. All it takes is an open heart, belief, focus, and practice cultivating your sense of them.

Do angels look like humans with wings?

Some scriptures or art depict angels anthropomorphically with human form and wings. But angels are actually thought to be energetic spiritual beings without a fixed physical form. People may perceive angels differently based on cultural interpretations.

What signs indicate angels are near?

Subtle sensory signs can signal angels are near, like seeing flashes of light, hearing gentle ringing in the ears, or feeling tingles, touches, or temperature changes. Angels may also convey guidance through thoughts or feelings that arise. Symbolic numbers and feathers appearing can be a sign.

Can angels help solve problems or offer guidance?

Yes, inviting angels into meditation or prayer is believed to help provide divine guidance, wisdom, and inspiration. Angels can offer solutions, reassurance, and healing energy. But they will not interfere with free will or make choices for you.

How do you know if an angel is really communicating?

Use discernment with any intuitive communications. Guidance from angels will never contradict your morals. Be skeptical of any messages pushing you to act in harmful ways. An angel’s guidance will resonate in your heart with love. Pay attention to repetitive signs confirming messages you receive.

What are guardian angels?

Guardian angels are said to be angelic beings assigned to protect and guide each person through life. They act as a caretaker watching over you, keeping you safe from harm, and nudging you on your life path. You may call on your guardian angels anytime for help and reassurance.

In love and light,
Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly: Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy

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