Who is Archangel Zadkiel? - Lisa Beachy

Who is Archangel Zadkiel?

Hi there! I’m so glad you’re interested in learning more about the wonderful Archangel Zadkiel. I have such a special place in my heart for Zadkiel and feel so blessed any time I connect with this angel of mercy.

For me personally, working with Zadkiel brings the greatest sense of lightness, tranquility, and freedom. Whenever I call on Zadkiel, either through prayer, meditation, or simply holding the intention in my heart, I feel wrapped up in the most soothing, violet embrace. It’s like Zadkiel just lifts away the heaviness of resentment, bitterness, or pain I may have been carrying and replaces it with calm and optimism.

I often struggle with holding onto hurt or judging myself and others harshly. But Zadkiel has taught me the incredible power of compassion. This beloved archangel radiates unconditional love and helps me remember to extend mercy not only to others, but crucially, to myself as well. For any fellow empaths or highly sensitive souls out there, working with Zadkiel is such a gift – it gives you the courage to fully forgive and let go.

Who is Archangel Zadkiel?

Archangel Zadkiel is considered an angel of mercy, benevolence, and compassion. In the new age and spiritual communities, Zadkiel is associated with the violet flame of transmutation and spiritual alchemy.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Name Meaning?

The name Zadkiel comes from the Hebrew meaning “Righteousness of God.” He is sometimes also called Sachiel, Zedekiel, Zadakiel, Tzadkiel, and Zedekul.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Specialty?

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the “Angel of Mercy” and is considered to be an archangel of compassion, benevolence, and forgiveness. Zadkiel is said to promote divine justice through mercy, transmutation, and freedom from karmic bonds.

Some of Zadkiel’s key specialties include:

  • Forgiveness and releasing grudges
  • Transforming negative energy and transmuting lower vibrations
  • Healing emotional wounds and trauma
  • Supporting those who offer compassionate service to others
  • Facilitating life changes and new opportunities
  • Inspiring people to seek spiritual truth and wisdom

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Color?

Violet is the color most commonly associated with Archangel Zadkiel. The violet flame represents spiritual alchemy and transmutation. Zadkiel is said to work with the violet flame to transform negative energy into positive, loving energy.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Stone or Crystal?

Archangel Zadkiel resonates most strongly with crystals and gemstones that relate to spiritual purification, clearing negativity, and raising your vibration. Some of the top crystals associated with Archangel Zadkiel include:

  • Amethyst – A powerful purple stone known for its spiritual protective qualities and ability to clear negative energy. Amethyst promotes inner peace, contentment, and connection to the higher realms.
  • Clear quartz – Considered the “master healer” crystal, clear quartz amplifies energies and intentions. It is an excellent stone for clearing blockages, cleansing auras, and raising your vibration in meditation. Clear quartz boosts focus and clarity.
  • Smoky quartz – Smoky quartz is linked to removing negative energy and transforming dense vibrations into higher frequencies. It is grounding and stabilizing, helping to dissolve pessimism and other low-vibe thought patterns.
  • Selenite – The high-vibration white energies of selenite powerfully cleanse auras and remove energy blockages. It promotes inner clarity, angelic connection, peaceful calm, and heightened intuition.
  • Angelite – True to its name, angelite facilitates clear angelic communication, specifically with Archangel Zadkiel. It dispels fears and negative thoughts, opening you to spiritual wisdom and guidance.
  • Celestite – The “celestial” and airy vibes of blue celestite connect you with the angelic realms. It invokes divine truth, higher awareness, and soul evolution. Celestite dissolves stress.
  • Herkimer Diamond – These high-frequency quartz crystals illuminate the path ahead. They attune you to spiritual purpose and unfold intuitive abilities. Herkimer “diamonds” banish fears and worries.

Check out My Amazon Store List for a complete list of Archangel Zadkiel’s Crystals and Gemstones

Archangel Zadkiel is the divine messenger of mercy, forgiveness, and transformation. Therefore, deep violet and indigo crystals that inspire compassion and enhance spiritual insight are most aligned to invoke Zadkiel’s transformative presence.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Scent or Smell (Essential Oils)?

The essential oils and fragrances associated with Zadkiel include:

  • Lavender – calming, balances emotions, enhances intuition
  • Jasmine – uplifting, encourages compassion, eases stress
  • Clary sage – inspires inner wisdom, clarity, and forgiveness
  • Neroli – promotes optimism, eases anxiety and fear
  • Juniper – purifying, helps release negative emotions and energy

These essential oils align with Zadkiel’s healing and transformative qualities. Diffusing them is said to aid in connecting with Zadkiel’s energy.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Plant or Flower?

Some of the plants and flowers connected to Zadkiel include:

  • Violets – faithfulness, humility, tranquility
  • Hyacinth – sincerity, peace of mind, meditation
  • Lavender – grace, calmness, tenderness
  • Queen Anne’s Lace – cleansing, releasing attachments
  • Iris – hope, wisdom, valor

Violets in particular are associated with Zadkiel due to their purple color and resilient nature.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Energy?

Zadkiel radiates gentle but powerful vibrational energies that invoke spiritual transformation, mercy, and forgiveness. Those who connect with Zadkiel may sense energies such as:

  • Cool, calming, soothing
  • Light, bright, uplifting
  • Peaceful, tranquil, serene
  • Purifying, cleansing, renewing
  • Forgiving, merciful, blessing
  • Healing, mending, transformative

Zadkiel’s energy feels both gentle and strong, facilitating emotional and spiritual releasing and renewal.

What is Archangel Zadkiel’s Origin Story?

There are a few origin stories for Archangel Zadkiel:

  • In Jewish tradition, Zadkiel is identified as one of the seven archangels said to stand before the throne of God. He is linked to righteousness, mercy, and transmutation.
  • In Christian tradition, Zadkiel is sometimes equated with Zachariel and considered an angel of memory who facilitated Jesus’ remembrance of his life’s mission.
  • In Gnostic texts, Zadkiel is named as an angelic ally who assists prophets and visionaries in accessing spiritual wisdom.
  • In the New Age, Zadkiel is believed to have been St. Germain the alchemist in a past life. This association links him to the violet flame and alchemical transformation.

Across these traditions, Zadkiel is consistently seen as a benevolent angelic force who inspires compassion, mercy, and positive spiritual change.

Ways to Connect with Archangel Zadkiel

There are a variety of methods to directly connect with Archangel Zadkiel:

  • Meditate while visualizing Zadkiel’s violet flame surrounding you. Focus on forgiveness.
  • Chant Zadkiel’s name out loud or internally to invoke his presence.
  • Light a violet candle and pray or make an intention related to Zadkiel’s qualities like mercy and transmutation.
  • Choose stones like amethyst or fragrances like lavender to open your energy to connecting.
  • Write a prayer or letter to Zadkiel to request guidance or support.
  • Practice gratitude, forgiveness, and letting go of negative attachments to align your vibration with Zadkiel.
  • Offer compassion and mercy for others and yourself. This aligns with Zadkiel’s mission.

With an open heart and mind, anyone can reach out and request Zadkiel’s angelic aid. This archangel’s loving presence can be felt by all seeking spiritual growth through mercy and wisdom.


Archangel Zadkiel offers a powerful angelic presence for all who seek spiritual transformation and enlightenment through qualities of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. By working with Zadkiel’s violet flame energies and connecting through meditation, rituals, prayer, and everyday practices of forgiveness, we may move closer to inner peace, alchemy, and unconditional love. Zadkiel reminds us that through small acts of kindness, blessing, and letting go we may ascend to higher states of being. Welcoming the “Angel of Mercy” into our lives allows us to become our highest and best selves.

Who is Archangel Zadkiel?

Here is a summary of the key information about Archangel Zadkiel:

Category Description
Name Meaning Righteousness of God
Specialties Forgiveness, transmutation, healing, compassion
Color Violet
Crystals Amethyst, sugilite, lepidolite, fluorite, tanzanite
Scents Lavender, jasmine, clary sage, neroli, juniper
Plants/Flowers Violets, hyacinth, lavender, Queen Anne’s lace, iris
Energy Cool, calming, light, peaceful, purifying
Origin Story Named in Jewish, Christian and Gnostic texts as an archangel of mercy and spiritual alchemy
Ways to Connect Meditation, chanting, candles, crystals, prayer, practicing forgiveness


What are Archangel Zadkiel’s roles and responsibilities?

As an archangel of mercy, Archangel Zadkiel is devoted to forgiveness, compassion, healing, and transforming negative energy into positive vibrations. Zadkiel helps people let go of grudges, resentments, and bitterness in order to find inner peace.

What is Zadkiel’s violet flame and how can it help me?

The violet flame represents Zadkiel’s transformative energy. It is said to dissolve negativity and enhance positive qualities like forgiveness, humility, and spiritual wisdom within a person. Working with the violet flame through meditation and visualization can transmute negative thoughts/emotions and bring healing.

How do I call on Archangel Zadkiel for help?

You can call on Zadkiel anytime simply by speaking his name and asking for his guidance, healing, or support. You can also light a violet candle, hold an amethyst crystal, and visualize Zadkiel’s violet light surrounding you as you speak your prayer or intention.

What signs let you know Archangel Zadkiel is with you?

When Zadkiel is present, you may notice cool breezes, the scent of lavender, or see violet light or orbs. You may experience calmness, clarity, inspiration to show mercy/forgive, or a lifting of heavy emotions. Pay attention to your intuition.

Can I work with Archangel Zadkiel daily?

Yes, asking for Zadkiel’s support and guidance can become a daily spiritual practice. When you wake up or before bed, call on Zadkiel to be with you. Also show mercy/forgiveness throughout your day to align with his vibration.

How is Archangel Zadkiel different from Archangel Michael?

While Michael focuses on courage and protection, Zadkiel specializes in forgiveness, transformation, and healing emotional wounds. However, archangels work together, so you can certainly call on Michael and Zadkiel simultaneously.

Is working with Zadkiel suitable for people of all faiths?

Yes, Zadkiel’s qualities of compassion, cleansing, and healing transcend any one faith. He will work with anyone sincerely seeking spiritual growth and inner peace through practices of mercy, forgiveness, and love.

In love and light,

Lisa Beachy, Spiritual Intuitive
Book a personal session: www.lisabeachy.com
Remember I have many meditations on my YouTube channel to help you connect with your angels directly:
Guided Meditations with Lisa Beachy
or I have my YouTube Readings Channel : Intuitive Aries, Lisa Beachy

Book a Psychic Angel Reading

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